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RIVERSIDE PARK KANSAS CITY Mo Tuesday Juno 3 1930 Riverside Park 12 mile Fifth day Riverside Park Jockey Club Summer meeting of 33 days Weather clear clearPresiding Presiding Steward L J Rose Judges E C Kncbclkamp and B Held Starter A McKnight Racing Secretary E C Knebslkamp KnebslkampRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 P m mfloorer floorer FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs TCOOOO Purso 500 3yearolds and andTunc330111 Tunc330111 upward Claiming Net value to winner 325 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 25Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight47281Espinoza 47281Espinoza 109 1J H R Riley 30100 48180 The Engineer 103 21 S Lipiec 1330100 133010048181Bonnie 48181Bonnie Beau 111 3 W Mills 4340100 4 8182 Sport 106 4 J Sandoz 3040100 304010038659Silver 38659Silver Tips 102 5 C Stranski 2940100 48181 Sharp Swede 11G 61 C Btimore 5S60100 48120 Canny Lady 107 7 C Grnwood 2210100 47900 Kenning 110 8 P Van Pelt 17G40100 47902 Patricia Clare 111 FellR Cochran 680100 42580 Randals RoyalllO BdnF Wstock 3010100 Time 110 Track fast 2 donations paid Espinoza 2CO straight 240 place 240 show The Engineer 720 place 2CO show Bonnie Beau GCO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Espinoza 30 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 20 to 100 show The Engineer 2CO to 100 place 30 to 100 show Bonnie Beau 230 to 100 show showWinner Winner Mrs B Johnsons b g 4 by Black Servant Clintonville by Transvaal trained by B Johnson bred by Mr S K Nuekols Winner en ¬ tered to be claimed for 700 700Went Went to post 231 At post 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 42832Brier Hill 110 47818 = Pride of Texas 101 48238 Dell Evans 109 47908 Guinea Gold 107 47724 General Campbell 107 43272 Northern Spy 103 dQOerO SECOND R A C E Riverside 41OOOO Course 210 feet more than 34 34JuiieSSOHl JuiieSSOHl mile Purse 400 3year 3yearolds olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 280 second 80 third 40 40Eq Eq Odds OddsInl Inl Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight4G12GShrew 4G12GShrew 103 I C Stranski 790100 790100181812Lady 181812Lady Le BandlOo 2 H R Riley 200100 17900 Kaintuck 107 34 G McCormk 1330100 473G5Kilby 105 4h L Toamino 8780100 I 8780100I 37981 Post Dispatch 113 5nk J Wise 4300100 4823CIncubite 34 61 R Mtgomery 3350100 335010039879Sonny 39879Sonny 105 71 S Lipiec 9870100 47091 Ormopan 105 Snk R Ashley 3830100 383010047901Buck 47901Buck Brush 108 91 W Mills 3310100 331010048180War 48180War Court 11010 A Yerrat 100100 Time l20 i Track fast 2 donations paid Shrew 1780 straight 720 place 320 show Lady Le Band 300 place 240 show Kaintuck 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Shrew 790 to 100 straight 2GO to 100 place CO to 100 show Lady Le Band 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Kaintuck 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner W D Lewis b f 4 by Headstrong Gold Brick by Broomstick trained by Ws D Lewis bred by Mr II P Whitney Winner entered to be claimed for 300 300Went Went to post 258 At post 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 18240JBlack Prince 113 4823CJua I rez 110 48230John D 110 482G3 Littlewood 102 I 47731 Gilmore 105 4790G Yellow Pine 110 110Overweights Overweights Post Dispatch 3 pounds Buck Brush 1 IQQCCT THIRD RACE 78 Mile Purso TlOOO a 500 3yearolds and upward Tnnc330HF Claiming Net value to winner 325 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 25Eq Eq Odes OdesInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight482Gl 482Gl Tis Seth 107 1 P Dyer 920100 48180 San Antonio 110 21 C Stranski 330100 48259 Tkle SpanklelOS 3 W Mills 1620100 162010048242J 48242J Success 106 4 J M Jones 1320100 48240 Runall 112 5J H R Riley 330100 33010048129Rosabella 48129Rosabella 107 d R Mtgomery S730100 47804 = Carl oman 1137 J OMalley 210100 47817 Lilliputian 112 81 C Hart 9120100 48239 Velvet Van 110 91 E Eugster 3860100 4823G2Bye Bye BlbirdllO 10 A Yerrat 1620100 1620100Time Time 128 Track fast 2 donations paid Tis Seth 2040 straight 1000 place 420 show San Antonio 380 place 300 show Twinkle Spangle G20 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Tis Seth 920 to 100 straight 400 to 100 place 110 to 100 show San Antonio 90 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Twinkle Spangle 210 to 100 show showWinner Winner E D Slavins cli g 9 by Seth TzeLsi by Voter trained by E D Slavin bred by Mr B A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700Went Went to post 328 At post 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 18239Manipulator 110 4823S Strol ¬ ler 117 48129 Colonel Campus 110 48239 Facsimile 106 47811 Sporting Blues 117 Vee Vee San 92 fCOerO FOURTH RACE 7 12 Tur TbOO JO longs Purse 600 3 year Tune330lP yearTune330lP olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 390 second 120 third 60 fourth 30 30Eq OddsInd Eq Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 48127 = Preferred 102 1 J C Stranski 270100 47912Md o t Stm95 2nt H R Riley 1170100 48183Washton Rose 97 3i E Bernler 1100100 48242s Hesitation 102 4 J M Jones 300100 4818CWr t Wizard 109 o3 R Black 260100 48242 Nihil 110 G F Wstock 2810100 47812 Worthman 110 71 R Merrick 1310100 47835IBelascoain 103 S S Lipiec 1410100 1410100Time Time 137 Track fast 2 donations paid Preferred 740 straight 340 place 240 show Maid o the Storm 500 place 240 show Washington Rose 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Preferred 270 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Maid o the Storm 150 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Washington Rose 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner II C Rumages ch c 3 by Ladln Poiisette by Ballot trained by H C Rumage bred by Ilimyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed claimedIf or 1000 Went to post 355 At post 1 minute If Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same A Q O ET h FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Pursa BO Q 3 3u5 u5 600 3yearolds and upward upwardJuncS30ltI JuncS30ltI Claiming Net value to win ¬ ner 390 second 120 third 60 fourth 30 30Eq Eq Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 48201 Moneys Will 105 1 W Dalzell 1820100 48129 = KlfrIcda G D8 2 II R Riley 260100 48130Vcrdcvalo 107 3h R Meredith 1030100 48180Dixic Dan 102 41 L Logan 280100 48242 = Confidcntial 93 51 C Stranski 420100 48130A1 Livingston 90 6s S Lipiec 5030100 48180 Rock Abbey 112 7 O Pcrnia 1410100 48130 = Fair Catch 102 Ref E Bcrnicr 520100 520100Time Time 143 Track fast 2 donations paid Moneys Worth 3840 straight 1100 place 340 show Elfrieda G 320 place 5300 show Verdcvale 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Moneys Worth 1S20 to 100 straight 450 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Elfricda G CO to 100 place 50 to 100 show Verdevale 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner L Hectors b g 4 by Guy Fortune Kitty Carpenter by Brummel trained by L Hector bred by Ilimyar Stud Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000Went Went to post 425 At post 2 minutes minutesStart Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 4S2412Kalakaua 114 114Overweights Overweights Moneys Worth 2 pounds Dixie Dan 2 Al Livingston 1 Sixth Race Riverside Course Horse Wt Jockey St PI Sh ShBlack Black Darling 112 Dyer 10CO 340 2CO 2COAlma Alma 103 Yerratt C40 440 440Thrace Thrace 117 Pernia 300 300Time Time 121 Track fast fastOff Off 500 Also ran Breakaway Well Turned Smiling Princess Cry Baby Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsHorse Horse Wt Jockey St PI Sh ShEasy Easy Money 109 Stranski 400 280 2CO 2CONixon Nixon 107 Dyer 340 2CO 2CORoseling Roseling lOG Sandoz CGO CGOTime Time 149 149Off Off 120 Also ran May Cherry Captain Leroy Face Cream Coast Guard Alice On Flor del Mai Willies Maid