Havana, Daily Racing Form, 1932-01-16

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HAVANA HAVANA, CUBA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1932. Oriental Park 1 mile. Twenty-fifth day. Havana-American Jockey Club. Winter meeting tl 80 or more days. Starts from barrier. Weather clear. Presiding Steward, S. C. Nuckols. Associate Stewards, T. M. Murphy and Dr. F. W. Ashe. Presiding Judge, E. W. Burj. Associate Judges. S. S. Bender and P. McCann. Starter, E. Welter. Racing Secretary, T. M. Murphy. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures - in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, datej track record, age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance. f57Q9"b FIRST RACE 1"4 Mile. Mordine, Jan. 21, 1927 :22 2 118. Purse 00. 2-year-, rtnf, 0,ds- Maidens. Colts and geldings. Allowances. Not value to winner 25; second, Jan.-15-32-Hav 00; third S50; fourthj 5. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSf Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S LERACK 118 10 3 l" 1" CritchfdC O L Foster 8-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 6769CBENEDICT 118 3 7 2"k 24 RyanJ FTvler f3 3 3 1 1-2 DORSAYS 118 5 6 34 31 RoseG J H Louchheim 8 8 8 3 8-5 6769B BILLY BOB 115 8 2 " 4" 4" NcalE WFAxton 5 5 5 2 1 67G96 HOPULIKIT 115 1111 8 54 CurranW A Sabath 3 3 3 1 1-2 67696MELCHER 118 2 1 51 RallsC F Tyler 3 3 3 1 1-2 FOOLISH ONE 118 4 5 7i 7" FischerR M Hirsch 10 10 10 4 2 67695 COLUMN RIGHT - 115 1 4 6" 84 LoumanH G K Allen 8 8 8 3 8-5 67696 DRED SCOTT 115 6 10 9s 94 EnsorL Pinetree Fm Sta 15 15 15 6 3 PRINCIPALITY 118 7 9 11 10" McCrosnC Mrs J P Headley 15 15 15 6 3 67696 EDEYESS 115 9 8 10 11 ClementsH Mrs E D Springer20 20 20 8 4 Coupled as F. Tyler entry. Time, :11, :23?s. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LERACK $ 6.20 $ 3.20 $ 2.60 210100 60100 30100 F. TYLER ENTRY 2.40 2.40 20100 20100 DORSAYS 7.20 260100 Winner B. g, by Title Belle Wrack, by Wrack trained by O. L. Foster: bred by Mr. C. N. Finch. WENT TO POST 2:29. AT POST 4 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving ; second and third the same. LERACK quickly settled into his best stride and, moving up fast, responded steadily to urging and wore : V down BENEDICT at the end. The latter showed a good performance throughout and finished well. DOR-. SAYS raced green, but tired at the end. BILLY BOB showed early speed. HOPULIKIT wheeled at the start. MELCHER was away slowly. Scratched Wooly West, 118. 7Cand"1 SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Bucky Harris, Feb. 9, 19281:115109. Purse 00. 4-Ol ylJL year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; soc- Jan.-15-32-Hav . onjf 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Q H C P B 67840 BEST MAIFOU wb 4 109 12 1 l1 l1 14 14 MeadeD Miss B Watson 15 15 15 6 3 677953QUEEN TOWTON w 10 107 8 4 3,k 31 22 21 RoderickT A G Dunlap 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 67548DARKAYRESS w 4 104 10 9 7l 55 53 3 GilbertJ A Lamoureux 3 3 3 1 1-2 67795 fST. AGNES w 4 109 2 8 8" 61 4" 42 FryeJW A Sabath 15 15 15 6 3 67840 PRINCESS VIRGINIAwb 6 112 5 7 2" 2" 3l 5" PazJ Mrs G Blenz 3 3 3 1 1-2 67554 THISTLE BILLIE wb 4 109 1 3 91 T 6i 61 FischerR G Collins 8 8 8 3 8-5 67606 CHERRY MAY w 4 109 7 6 44 4h 81 7 SeaboG J Gass 20 20 10 4 2 64490 EILONA w 5 112 9 11 101 91 9" 8 LoumanH G L Travis 15 15 15 6 3 67576FREE HELEN w 5 107 3 5 51 8" 7" 92 ClemonsR B A Clous 10 10 10 4 2 67724 RANCH LASS w 8 112 11 12 llMllO1 101 LipiecS L Perez 12 12 12 5 21 67697LANG vb5107 4 2 611011 11 ReynoldsC G F Jenkins 15 15 15 6 3 67670 SHIELD . wb 4 109 610 12 12 12 12 RallsC G McMacken 10 10 10 4 2 tMutuel field. Time, :24, :48, 1:14. Track fast , 52 MUTUELS PAID-: OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , BEST MAIFOU 9.00 3.40 4.00 - 2350100 1070100 600100 QUEEN TOWTON 3.80 3.00 90-100 50100 DARKAYRESS 4.00 JQ Winner Br. f, by Best Pal Maifou, by Helmet trained by R. D. Carter; bred by Mr. D. B. Knox. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 2:57. AT POST 5J minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. BEST MAIFOU began fast from the outside and, drawing into a safe lead, was in hand at the end. QUEEN TOWTON moved up fast and finished well. DARKAYRESS showed a good performance. ST. AGNES had no mishaps. PRINCESS VIRGINIA quit under urging. THISTLE BILLIE saved ground. CHERRY MAY was in close quarters on the far turn and forced to take up. FREE HELEN quit. Scratched 674182Germaine Chauvelot, 112; 57858 Fair Atina, 107; 676703Panama, 112. HVCkW THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards. King David, Jan. 28, 19281:40496. Purse v 4 tjjblju 5800. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; sec- Jan.-15-32.Hav ono-f 5100 ; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,200. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 67730JCHIEFS TROUBADR w 3 108 2 1 31 2" 21 34 14 EnsorL Mrs D Lowe 75 7-5 7-5 1-2 1-4 67837 PANTAGRUEL wsb 4 116 7 7 54 44 4s 20k 21 LoumanH E E Watson 15 15 15 6 3 678373MEG MERRILIES w 4 106 3 3 4" 53 5 4 3 GilbertJ W Ingram 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 67837JSWARM w 5 116 1 2 l2 l2 14 11 4 GreenbgS W H Welsh 5 5 5 2 1 67783 ROUGH RIDER w 3 103 9 8 11 11 101 81 5 BoucherJ Mrs E Denemark 15 15 15 6 3 67730 GOLDEN TITLE w 3 104 6 10 8" 9" 7" 6" 61 CoxD O L Foster 15 15 15 6 3 67841 CHUMMY wb 3 108 10 4 21 31 31 52 7" McCrosnC Dixiana 3 3 3 1 1-2 67838LnTLE BILL w 3 100 8 9 102 10" 9" 95 84 PriorW Brooklyn Stable 8 8 8 3 8-5 677 534OLD WILLIAM w 3 101 11 5 7s 71 61 7" 9 RoderickT G J Winter 20 20 20 8 4 67781 LADY HAY w 6 111 4 6 64 6" 82 103 10" FryeJW A Sabath 15 15 15 6 3 67674 BLACK FINN wsb 4 116 5 11 91 81 11 11 11 LipiecS Mrs E Marrero 30 30 30 10 5 tMutuel field. Time, :25, :49, 1:14, 1:40, 1:44. Track fast. V MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS x CHIEFS TROUBADOUR $ 4.80 $ 3.20 $ 2.40 140100 60100 20100 PANTAGRUEL Field 13.60 5.60 580100 180100 MEG MERRILIES 3.00 50100 Winner B. c, by Little Chief Sing On, by Sweep On trained by J. Zoeller; bred by Mr. I. B. Humphreys. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 3:27. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. CHIEFS TROUBADOUR, close up under restraint from the start, challenged in the closing eighth, dis- posed of the leaders and drew away. PANTAGRUEL, rated along steadily, moved up fast entering the stretch, but tired at the end. MEG MERRILIES showed a e.ood performance and had no excuses. SWARM showed early speed, but tired badly at the end. ROUGH RIDER finished resolutely. CHUMMY quit badly in the stretch. LADY HAY raced well. Scratched 67897 Excellency, 116; 67838 Cabaret, 106. Overweight Chiefs Troubadour, 5 pounds; Golden Title, 1; Chummy, 5; Little Bill, 2; Old William, 3. Corrected weight Chiefs Troubadour, 103; Swarm, 116; Rough Rider, 103. fi7Q9 FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Viscose March 3, 19291:434110. Purse 00. J 6 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, Jan.-15-32-Hav 559; fourth. 5. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 5i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 678003TRUXTON w 4 114 4 1 l1 24 2 14 1J CurranW J E Smallman 6-5 6-5 6-5 1-2 1-4 67800GOLDEN PLAY w 4 104 6 5 4 44 43 2" 24 MartinR Mrs F J Vollmer 3 3 3 1 1-2 67039SNIPER wb 8 105 3 8 8 8 6- 4s 3 GilbertJ S F Gibson 6 6 6 2 1 67842DONNEZ MOI wb 8 105 7 3 14 14 11 3l 42 PriorW C G Anness 6 6 6 2 1 67611 DISAPPROVED w 5110 5 7 T 61 71 v6b 5" RallsC JHYerian 6 6 6 2 1 677952RONALD GREY wb 4 108 2 4 32 32 31 52 6" MeadeD- L B Carbone 3 3 3 1 1-2 67839 CONFIDENTIAL wb 6 105 8 6 51 VI 54 71 7" MattioliJ R Somersby 10 10 10 4 2 67758CROISSANTANIS wb 8 110 1 2 64 51 8 8 8 FischerR E Petzoldt 12 12 12 5 21 Time, :2A, :48, 1:134, 1:39, 1:46. Track fast. , 52 MUTtiELS PAID , " , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , TRUXTON ...80 .80 $ 2.40 140100 40100 20100 GOLDEN PLAY 4.00 3.20 100100 60100 SNIPER 4.20 110100 Winner B. g, by Hourless Couscous, by St. Bris trained by G. Alexandra, Jr.; bred by Mr. R. C. Caldwell. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:53. AT POST 3J minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. TRUXTON followed the pace under restraint, moved up resolutely on the far turn and, disposing of DONNEZ MOI in the stretch, had speed to spare. GOLDEN PLAY, rated along steadily, responded well when called upon entering the stretch and finished fast. SNIPER, outrun early, closed with a rush. DONNEZ MOI showed early speed, was rated along steadily and had no mishaps. RONALD GREY quit badly when put to a drive. Scratched 67628 John Greener, 110. Overweight Golden Play, 1 pound. ft7Q9zl FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Toki, March 14, 1929 1:05 3 95. Purse 00. 3-, iP?i year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Jan.-15-32-Hav Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt A Str Fin Jocteys Owners O H O P S 64606 BAND TIME w 108 10 4 14 l3 14 14 McCrosnC Dixiana 3 3 3 1 1-2 67484 NORWALK wb 110 4 9 64 42 24 2" CurranW J P White 15 15 8 3 8-5 67509RITA LEE j 111 2 1 81 64 4s 34 EnsorL I Jacobs 5 5 5 2 1 67672 LITTLE TURTLE w 116 6 8 34 3" 31 4" LipiecS Miss H Torriente 3 3 3 1 1-2 677832RAINBOW DANCE wb 105 1 7 10 10 61 51 MeadeD F F Brant 5 5 5 2 1 67484 CONSUMMATION . w 110 3 2 7" 71 51 62 PazJ J Costello 12 12 12 5 21 67784BARSTON w 102 5 6 4" 91 10 T DeOrioM J H Louchheim 30 30 30 -10 5 67484PICTOVER wb 102 9 10 94 8" 91 81 RoderickT H G Bedwell 5 5 5 2 1 677822PLAY CHOICE w 108 7 5 51 5" 8" ? GilbertJ S F Gibson 10 10 10 4 2 67347BAD AXE w 116 8 3 2s 21 71 10 RallsC H Neusteter 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 Time, :23, :48, 1:07. Track fast. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s BAND TIME .....40 .20 $ 4.40 320100 160100 120100 NORWALK 9.80 5.40 390100 170100 RITA LEE 3.40 70100 Winner Ch. c, by High Time Bandymo, by Uncle trained by C. Van Dusen; bred by Mr. C. T. Fisher. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 4:19. AT POST minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BAND TIME moved into the lead after the start, showed good speed, saved ground on the turns arid held on well at the end. NORWALK moved up fast on the outside on the far turn, challenged gamely in, the stretch, hut bore out at the end. RITA LEE responded gamely in the stretch. LITTLE TURTLE raced close up all the way and had no mishaps. RAINBOW DANCE was on the outside of the leaders throughout. CONSUMMxVTION had no mishaps. BAD AXE quit badly in the stretch. Scratched 67438 Country Tom, 110; 67672 Westys Lady, 100. 672 SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Viscose, March 3, 1929 1:43 4 110. Purse 00. 4-r rnn year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0: Jan.-15-32-Hav fourth, 5. Claiming price, 00. Index norses EatA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 67C69TLO ONEILL w 5 106 8 7 41 21 21 2" lk CoxD C N Freeman 8 8 8 3 8-5 67841 MOON PHASE w6110 7 5 3" 41 42 41 21 RallsC W D Hendley 3 3 3 1 1-2 67728FAIR AVIS wb 4 104 6 4 24 31 34 31 31 RoderickT H G Bedwell 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 67839CZARIST wb 9 105 5 3 76 71 5" 5l 4nl GilbertJ J Lowe 8 8 8 3 8-5 67609MARSALA wb 4 104 2 2 l2 14 14 lh 51 MartinR H Neusteter 8-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-5 67869 GOLDEN SWEEP w 9 110 1 6 51 51 61 1 64 MeadeD L D Grantham 10 10 10 4 2 678392SKIBO wb5116 4 8 8 8 T 64 T3 EnsorL CTroutt 4 4 3 1 1-2 67551 PRINCESS ISABEL wb 5 105 3 1 61 64 8 8 8 MattioliJ J J McCafferty 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 Time, :24, 1:1 3and 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. , 52 XMUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS FLO ONEILL 2.80 1.80 $ 5.20 1040100 490100 160100 MOON PHASE 8.60 5.20 330100 160100 FAIR AVIS 5.40 170100 Winner Ch. m, by Desperate Desmond Hermoso, by Alvescot trained by O. L. Foster; bred by Mr J. T. Smith. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:45. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FLO ONEILL, raced close up from the start, moved up resolutely when called upon, disposed of MARSALA and outlasted MOON PHASE. The latter came to the outside in the stretch and finished fast. FAIR AVIS saved ground throughout and finished resolutely. CZARIST had no excuses. MARSALA quit badly. SKIBO was knocked back at the start and tired badly in the stretch drive. Scratched 678393Southern Cloud, 103. Corrected weight Golden Sweep, 110. 67f2fi SEVENTH RACE 1 1-1? Mies. Viscose, March 3, 19291:43-4-110. Purse 00. Jan.-15-3Z-Hav jfn"l?9Hr 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth. 5. Claiming price, 00. lDdex Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 67794 PRINCE MEXICAN wb 5 116 8 5 l3 Is l5 1 1 MooreET Gorham Bros 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 67701 AMSTERDAM wb 6 110 4 1 44 3" 33 2 2 MattioliJ S Gorbet 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 67839 CHRYSLER w 7 110 6 2 2s 2s 2" 34 3i RallsC P S Pedlar 10 10 10 4 2 67728SPECTRE w 6 106 2 4 6" 5Ik 4 41 4! BrackensHH C Rumage 8 8 8 3 8-5 67841 UNION VV. w 5 110 3 3 8 7 61 51 53 DupuyM C A Marone 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 67758 ONE ALONE w 4 104 5 8 71 63 5i 6s 6l CritchfdC Mrs J W Dayton 2 2 2 4-5 2-5 67548 FUSION w 8 105 1 9 9 9 9 81 7" MeadeD C C Hastings 20 20 20 8 4 677543PICADOR w 5 105 7 7 5" 83 83 7rt 84 RoderickT E Navarro 3 3 3 1 1-2 67870 DARK MAID w 4 109 9 6 31 41 7s 9 9 PerdomoA Caimito Stable 10 10 10 4 2 Time, :24, :48. 1:14, VMfa VAWS. Track fast. MUTUELS PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . PRINCE MEXICAN 4.20 $ 6.60 $ 4.00 610100 230100 100100 AMSTERDAM 4.20 3.00 110100 50100 CHRYSLER .. 6.80 240100 Winner B. g, by Prince Pal Mexilow, by Mexican trained by J. D. Lenahan; bred by Messrs. Gorham Bros.. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:12. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. PRINCE MEXICAN outran the others to the first turn, drew away into a long lead and had speed in reserve. AMSTERDAM moved up stoutly when called on entering the stretch and finished well. CHRYSLER raced forwardly and had no mishaps. SPECTRE came again at the finish. UNION W. saved ground all the way. ONE ALONE could not keep up. DARK MAID quit. Overweight One Alone, 1 pound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932011601/drf1932011601_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1932011601_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800