Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1932-01-16

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I W ORKOUTS -rSi?ttftJsf itandt at left of horses name Is last workout of horse. Letters following time -indicate: !Date b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; u, eased up. V - . .V i.. - - - : FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 JEFFEKSON PARK. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 1-6 Come On.... :44 b 1-2 Sporting Mie :43 b 1-3 Dixie Dan... :44 b 1-11 Trotwood ... :43 b 1-11 Ellen D..... :40 h 12-21 Updike :44 b 1-11 Mobile Boy. . :42 b 1-11 Urnate Vote :42 b One-Half Mile. 1-6 Buzzy Boo.. :54 h 1-11 Mr Toots. . . :54 b 1-1 Irish :53 h 1-14 Zahn :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-10 Ethel Gliscrl:07h 12-30 Purple Robe. 1:07 h 12-13 Louisville ..1:14 b 1-7 Thomas Pckl:09 b Three-Quarters Mile. 1-7 Pessimistic ,150d Seven-Eighths Mile. l-14lmelda l:35d One Mile. 12-9 Agnes Sorel.l:56 h 1-11 Sthland Ladl:51h 1-14 Camp Dougsl:47d 1-11 Wood River.l:51h 1-13 Ken Kling. .l:55h Nothing worthy of comment. FAIR GROUNDS. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 1-14 Catalans Idol :42 b 1-8 Madfinis . . . :40 b 1-2 Dn Princess :39 h 1-1 Petabit :37h 1-12 Juxtaposition :41 h 1-12 Qre Bras II. :38 h 1-5 Lillian T.... :39h 1-12 Tex. Knight :38 h One-Hall Mile. 1-13 All Upset... :52h l-12Trudgeon ... :52h 1-11 Stimulator .. :50 h 1-11 W. He You-;50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-11 Blot 1:07 h 1-11 L. Mssen3erl:ll b l-12Chey Sveepl:04h 1-11 Loop l.-04h l-12Ccus ParadelK7 h 1-12 Makanda ...1:08 b 1-9 Dick Morris.l:06h 1-11 Malaita ....1:07 h M4 Fruit Juice.. l:07d 1-11 Pollywog ...1:07 h 1-7 Florismart ..l:06h 1-7 Tiedemann .1K7 h 1-11 Hy Schneiderl:ll b Three-Quarters Mile. 1-7 Black Lula.. 1-23 h 1-12 Little Toots. l:19h 1-10 Chu Chu. . . .l:18h 1-12 L. Merymanl:20h 1-12 Claret ....,.l:22b Ml Mter McGeel:24 h l-12Essare 1:22 h Ml Open Hearthl:21h M2Englewood .l:19h 1-12 Paldomar ...1:26 b 1-10 Elkhart ....16 b 1-9 Polyp 1:20 h 1-12 French Lad.l:24h M4 Roycrofter ..ia8d 1-3 Hurry Avay.l-26 . b M2 Stidd l:19h 1-11 Justinian . . .l:23b 1-14 Skidmore .. .l:21h 1-3 Jimmy Sutrol:22b 1-9 Violet Crownl:22 h 1-llLura Negleyl:17h Seven Eighths Mile. M2Jimy Moranl:35 h Ml Surf Board. .1:33 b 1-12 Sun Thorn.. 1:35 h ! One Mile. MOBertjohn ...l:47h 1-13 Playtime ...l:46h M2 Charlie Bills.l:49h Ml Respond ...1:49 h 1-12 Little Pan...l:46d 12-9 Vilgc Vampl:53 h 1-10 My Baronessl:53 h 1-9 Wayfarer ...l:53h One and One-Quarter Miles. 1-12 Hold Hard..2:18h TROPICAL PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. - Golden Hue. :39 h 1-12 Jimmie C... :38h 1-14 Go Between. :39h 1-10 Ykers Flash :39h- . 1-2 Ignite :38 h One-Half Mile. 1-13 Fqurs Pride :53 h 1-8 Tom Ormont :54 h 1-9 Sun Parched :38h 1-10 Wthy Polly . :53h- Five-Eighths Mile. 12-31 Deemster ..1:05 l Ml Light Nun..l:04h- Three-Quarters Mile. 1-3 Sir Barley. .l:19h Ml Yaller Gal. .1:21 h 1-14 Stelvio 1:22 h HIALEAH PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Ewhths Mile. 1-9 Caerleon . . . :37 b 1-7 Single Star.. :35h M3LitninS Bolt :36 b 1-9 Sobieha :36h " Lillian Z.... :36h Tuscan Red. :36h 1-8 Mae Sweep.. :37h One-Half Mile 1-5 Ben Blair... :51h 1-9 Martis :47 h 1-13 Bill Tell :49 h 1-12 0:1 Queen... :48h. 1-12 Dear Duff... :48h 1-9 Pearl Grace. 50h Guerenda ... :52 h 1-7 Traitor 50 h 1-12 Helianthus . :48 h 1-5 Weatherproof :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 1-13 Arras 1:08 b Ml Red Face. . ..1:05- h 1-12 Brilliant Budl:04 h Ml Repentance .1:08 "b 1-llCIareniont ..l:01h 1-10 Wave Top..l:05h 1-11 Hm Scaruml:10 b Three-Quarters Mile. 1-9 Amcan Qunl:16 h M2Morden ....1:18H " 1-13 Burnish ....1:17 h M4 My Dandy. .l:16b 12-20 Banker Sam.l:18h 12-31 Oaten l:19b 1-14 Bo Ballot... 1:17 h M3 Porterdi . . ..1:22 h M3 Dancg Mackld9 h 1-8 Reservation. 1:19 b . 1-12 Dyak l:17h M4 Sweepmar ..1:17 h 1-10 Elizabeth FoxM8 h 1-12 The Heathenld7 1-12 Foreign Play.l:l6 h 1-14 The Gen.... l:15h MO Genial Host.l:17 h Ml Tumblg Glsl:19 h 12-31 Gormond ...l:18h . . Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-13 Beau Jolie. ..1;32. h M2Martinelli ..1:32 h Ml Col. Crump. .1:32 h 1-12 Mareve ....1:31 h 1-13 Ds of Mborol:32 Ji Ml Quillan .....12 h , 1-10 Lanson .... .1:31 ;h 1-12 Sun Shadow.l:32 lr Onev Mile. , , Ml Angry Lass. 1:45 h. M2 Negopoli . . ..1:49 h-1-10 Donna Vivianl:45 h 1-12 Westko ....1:47. h , 1-12 Fair Blanchel:49 h AGUA CALIENTE. Weather cloudy; track good 2 Three-Eighths Mile. 1-8 Domnt Star :40 b 12-30 M. Swhmore :37h OneHali Mile -1-9 Black Prince 52 b. 12-4 Passalong .. :5g"h Continued, on twenty-second page. ,z- LATEST WORKOUTS Continued from twenty-first page. Five-Eighths Mile. 1-3 Amour 1:05 e 1-6 Inheritor ...l:02h 12-3 Bowcroft ...l:02h 12-30 Nacho l:05b 1-8 Chiclero ....l:02h 1-1 Tecolote ....1:06 b 1-8 Hot Shot.... 1:04 e Three-Quarters Mile. 1-11 Gallop Alongl:18 h 1-10 Ragtime ...1:20 b 1-9 Material ....l:20e 1-11 The Whip. . .l:17h Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-11 Athens l:32e 1-9 Owlet l:34b 10-13 Kings Own.l:34b AGUA CALEENTE. Weather rainy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 1-9 B. of Brbon :38 h My Jewel... :37h 12-22 Igor :40 b 11-9 No More.... :39b 1-8 Kathryn ... :37 h 1-11 Othello :38e 1-13 Modern Miss :37h 1-13 Spdy Charlie :38 e 12-30 Marechal ... :36h One-Half Mile. 1-8 Scotch Made :51 e Five-Eighths Mile.-12-24 Homewood ..1:05 e Ml Runanwin ..l:02h 1-12 Hapy Fellowl:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 1-13 Montferrat .l:17h 1-12 Night Patroll:21b One and One-Eighth Miles. 1-10 Gal Waldeck2:01h HAVANA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 1-10 Amsterdam... :44 12-31 Clare Bee.... :39 1-2 E. of Warwick :36 1-13 Qun Towton. :38 12-28 Golden Cloud. :37 12-26 Panama :37 12-31 Hasty Polly.. :36 12-7 Roberta L.... 38 10-3 Harry Hieover :37 1-5 Roger :37 1-12 June Bride... :36 1-6 Translucent... :43 1-lOJustina :37 1-13 Westys Lady.. :37 1-5 Little Turtle.. :37 One-Half Mile. 1-9 Bachr Prince :50 12-18 Polycron .... :48 1-8 Clearance ... :50 1-13 Pere Noel.... :49 1-12 Early Amcan :56 1-2 Thistle Pattie :51 1-8 Masr Stroker :51 1-12 Trapperman. .. :50 Five-Eighths Mile. 1-7 Bather 1:07 1-6 Listerine ....1:02 10-26 Baked Alaska.l:08 1-9 M. of Honor.l:08 1-6 Cecelia Grob..l:08 1-12 Mexican D...l:05 1-2 Damocles ...1:09 1-7 May Agnes K.l:04 1-10 Fair Folly. .. .1:02 1-6 Marys Toy. . .1:03 1-12 General Courtl:02 1-10 Precious Ann. 1:03 1-8 Gurgler 1:04 1-9 Reproduce ...1:05 1-12 Hal Dale.. ...1:03 1-10 Supme Tokenl:06 .1-7 Host 1:05 1-13 You Darling.. 1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 1-14 Alcove 1:18 12-25 Morvion ....1:17 1-9 Evening Sky.l:25 12-22 Nevermore ..1:16 12-25 Fred Dubner.. 1:21 1-8 Officer 1:22 1-12 Good Jest... .1:16 1-14 Racketeer ...1:15 1-7 Justa Sheik.. .1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 1-12 Bright Spanglel:30 1-12 John F 1:30 One Mile 1-9 Fast Life 1:49 1-12 Monkey Shinel:46 1-7 Leah Jane... 1:46 1-12 Water Port.. .1:44

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Local Identifier: drf1932011601_20_1
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