untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-01-16


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I offer genuine track Information devoid of camouflage and deception. I never misrepresent. There is never any delay. The horses advertised are given promptly. No excuses or alibis. "I ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH" Daily Two-Horse Parlay Daily YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED; Dianamede 0.20, Won Bogan 0.00, Won The above horses were released to all my clients rith the advice to go the absolute limit to win. TODAY 50-1 LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY W DO NOT MISS TODAYS WIN f w parlay -m Play horses intelligently. Subscribe and receive real race track information. Subscribe by the week and be a big winner. Out-of-town subscribers, rush your by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive todays limit Win parlay by return telegram. Same as advertised. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO COL. C. JAMES WHITE 153 WEST 42ND ST. Suite 612 NEW YORK CITY Office Open 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. SUPREME FLASH Todays Free Code: JEFFERSON Sept.-4-5-3-20. TODAYS PARLAY: JEFFERSON Stick-37-31. JEFFERSON Air-50-46. T. M. Ferguson RELEASING BONA FIDE, LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION Strictly Two Horses a Day-Prompt and Courteous Service to All Out-of-Town Subscribers No Waiting JP DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY1H The two horses you receive are the horses advertised. Everybody receives the same two horses. YESTERDAYS. STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Kay Francis, 1.60, Won Cockrill, Lost WIN OR LOSE, PRICES BIG OR SMALL, MY TWO HORSES ARE ADVERTISED EVERY. DAY. Everybody positively receives the same two horses the very same day they subscribe. No waiting. No delay. MTBIG 0 TO WIN PARLAY GOES TODAYK jj iWT SUBSCRIBE TODAY RECEIVE THESE TWO GOOD THINGS SUBSCRIBE! SUBSCRIBE! We have a special department to handle western subscribers exclusively, securing prompt attention. Out-of-town subscribers receive the advertised two horses the very same day their money is received. Subscribe today. Dont wait for tomorrow. The day you miss is the day you lose. atT. SUBSCRIBE FOR TODAYS BIG PARLAY 0 to -?H SHT Dont Let Stop You from Winning a Big Bet Today Out-of-town clients, remit by Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive the advertised parlay within an hour. No waiting. " T. M. FERGUSON, 1452 Broadway, New York. N. Y, NOT BEST BECAUSE THE BIGGEST, BUT BIGGEST BECAUSE THE BEST BELIEVE IT OR NOT A Two-Dollar Play on S. R. Kings 21 Consecutive Winners Would Have Paid 3,072,201,333,240,484,557.26 APPEARING IN 257 NEWSPAPERS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE WORLD ON MAY 30 AND JUNE 2, 1930 S.R. KING YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: BLACKMOCK .4.80, WON KAY FRANCES. ........... , .1.60, WON In view of the fact. that, all my releases are LONG SHOTS, I strictly advise a separate play on each horse, In addition to the PARLAY play. You will find this method very profitable. DAILY I am certain that I can prove conclusively the true value of my service over a period of time. Anybody can pick a winner now and then but the real bona fide test is a profit after six consecutive days. LET ME CONVINCE YOU. All those desiring to get in on the smartest information available to the racing public may wire money via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. - EPF-TELEPHONE BRYANT 9-7952 8078-5PE S. R. KING, 1474 Broadway, New York City C C CURTIS FOUR 4 CONSECUTIVE WIN PARLAYS YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: BOGAN. .0.00, WON STOP GAP . . .$ 6.80, WON THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: MAGNA MATER 8.40, WON SMOLDERING 6.80, WON Wednesdays Two Horses: Tuesdays Two Horses: OLD BILL...... .40, WON BEIGE 6.20, WON PIECEMEAL .20, WON TROLL 0.60, WON BIG LIMIT WIN PARLAY TODAY WIN 00 FOR TODAYS TWO HORSES come from the same connections and should WIN and WIN EASILY. Both horses have been carefully prepped and all set to WIN with plenty In reserve. GET YOURS $ $ $. TERMS DAILY Located Opposite Hotel Sherman CALL IN PERSON or phone DEARBORN 1489. We send messenger with parlay. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. 155 NORTH CLARK ST. SUITE 513 CHICAGO, ILL. L. Rodenfels "CHUCKLES" RELEASING TO A LIMITED CLIENTELE TWO HORSES DAILY YESTERDAYS HORSES: BOGAN ...0.00, WON STOP GAP $ 6.80, WON TERMS DAILY NO PROPOSITIONS I am well known on the Ohio circuit and I can produce winners. A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU Wire your fee with name and address. I will send todays two horses by fast wire. Address L. RODENFELS 933 FORT DEARBORN HOTEL CHICAGO, ILL. Advertise in Daily Racing Form "Old" Bob AMERICAS OLDEST CL0CKER ANOTHER WIN PARLAY GOES TODAY YESTERDAYS PARLAY: BOGAN 0.00, WON STOP GAP $ 6.80, WON Today I have the word on two horses that should never leave the result in doubt and pay the limit. You can win plenty by going the limit on todays two horses to win only. My Subscribers Made a Neat Cleanup on This Parlay: EST IN 2.20, WON BAG O GOLD 6.60, WON FOR TODAYS WIN PARLAY W CHICAGO PLAYERS, NOTICE "g CALL IN PERSON or PHONE RANDOLPH 2749. We will send todays parlay in sealed envelope with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph your . We will send parlay by fast wire. 64 W. RANDOLPH SUITE 919 CHICAGO, ILL. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form The New York Press 145 WEST 45th STREET BRYANT 2761 NEW YORK CITY WINNERS! "WINNERS! WINNERS! New illustrated 12-page edition coming winners all stands today. Go to nearest stand and buy U now PRICE, 15 CENTS ALL OVER THE WORLD RACING EDITOR J. HAYNES SPECIALS TERMS DAILY BY TELEGRAPH THE NEW YORK PRESS RACING EDITORS SPECIALS are the last word in RELIABLE TURF IN FORMATION. THEY CONSIST OF STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY, at the very nominal cost of PER DAY, 5W 40 TO 1 PARLAY TODAY This is expected .to prove to be the biggest parlay ever released by -Mr. Haynes. Dont miss today of all days. Rush your subscription by telegraph. Today is the day. . YESTERDAYS J. HAYNES SPECIALS: . BACCIOCCO;:.:..,. ... .90, WON LULLABY II.. . . ..50, .40, 3RD YESTERDAYS FREE CODE HORSE: BROADWAY LIGHTS . . . . . .80, .90, 2ND ALL BUSINESS IN THE TURF DEPARTMENT STRICTLY CONDUCTED BY TELEGRAPH. Telegraph your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Address: J. HAYNES, RACING EDITOR, THE NEW YORK PRESS 145 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. kWeekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by America Greatest Expert CARMACS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: HIALEAH PARK Six-33-43. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: JEFFERSON PARK One-46-43. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JANUARY 16 FRIDAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL WON 61 Out of the Last 108 Have Won ANOTHER SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL SOON WATCH FOR rr WEEKLY RACING GUIDE- Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL i NOTICE! Chance or a iltetime. it you w I piay the races I will put you next to a iittle secret that will place you above want as long as you live. DataiU Fre. T. SECOR Box B Aurora, Hlinou CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 16 Cents SATURDAYS FREE CODES: JEFFERSON PARK Sam-23-19-23. HIALEAH PAR K Art-23-1 9-24. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COUBT CHICAGO, ILL. per Month by First Class Mall per Month by Air Mail THE BUGLE CALL - TODAYS FREE CODES: . HIALEAH Feature-22-24-31-22. HIALEAH Bervico-3G-40-18-26. TODAYS CONSENSUS lARLAX: HIALEAH Code-24-28-16-15. HIALEAH Value-21-12-21-5. TODAYS EDITORS CODE: JEEFERS ON Value 38 29 -67 M.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932011601/drf1932011601_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1932011601_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800