untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-01-16


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X IX IX fx fx fx BILLY KELLY IS AT YOUR SERVICE AGAIN!! Billy Kelly, "the old railbird," who had an enormous following from coast to coast a few years ago, returns to his old calling and will begin making releases SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. Billy Kelly will make his releases in code in all the leading racing publications, and the codes may be deciphered through the Kelly Kode Kard. This will eliminate the high cost of telegrams and will enable all players to obtain the releases in plenty of time before the horses go to the post. INTRODUCTORY OFFER Kelly Kode Kards will be priced at each, and every card will be good for a week. However, as an introductory offer to new clients and good will offer to old friends, Billy Kelly, will sell Kelly Kode Kards for a limited time at each. WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS WM. BURKE KELLY 423 Plymouth Court Chicago, III. Sold on All Stands, 50 Cents Weekly NEW ISSUE OUT If your newsdealer doesnt handle The Thunderbolt, wire or mail for seven issues. You will also receive absolutely free, THREE PADDOCK FLASHES; PARLAY SERVICE DAILY ANOTHER FREE CODE WINNER TODAYS FREE CODEt JEFFERSON Garner-78-44-30-35. For Editors Code, See Page 6. TODAYS EDITORS CODE PARLAY: HIALEAH White-39-55-41-57. HIALEAH Red-6-43-25-12. For Editors Code Parlay, See Page 14. CITY CLIENTS, CALL IN PERSON THE THUNDERBOLT 145 W. 41st Street 4th Floor New York City Price, 35c On Sale Everywhere Price, 35c PF" NEW ISSUE OUT NOW! GET IT! "rW TODAYS SATURDAYS FREE CODE: JEFFERSON: August-Detroit-Pittsburgh-Washington. To decipher the above code go to your newsdealer and purchase the Weekly Issue of Jan. 16. Price, 35c. OUTBURST ,150, WON was our last OCCASIONAL. This makes 4 straight winners. Terms ?2 for one. Three for 5. Code: No. 3, Book 1287. CONGRESS BANK BLDG. CHICAGO, ILL. CLOCKEBS REVIEW TODAYS STAR SPECIAL FREE CODE: JEFFERSON Orange-63-24. NEW WEEKLY OUT 35 CENTS FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS HIALEAH FREE CODE: Dunkirk-Hedge-Lagoon-Launch-Hasty. And everything is set for the probable 10-1 Shot 00 Free Code Watch this SMASHING TRICK WAKE UP today. Has had a MILLION DOLLAR PREP, and the connections are mighty confident of winning at a price. Remember Wednesdays Free Code: Pretty Penny 3.10, Won And the 00 Code comes just as strong. This one was also given as the SUPER SPECIAL in the Weekly. THURSDAYS OCCASIONAL: Prince Tokalon, .60, Won Today Under no consideration fail to get the Adv. Occasional A Smashing Colt that is ready to GO for the ENTIRE WORKS. We have received the O. K. extra strong, so ask your newsdealer for the Master Clocker s Occasional FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS HT Big Bargain Offer Both Occasional and Special, sent one week, 0 Remit to MASTER CLOCKER 440 S. DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, ILL.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932011601/drf1932011601_21_1
Local Identifier: drf1932011601_21_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800