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i - - - - - - - ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES I HIALEAH PARK " MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 0f" Percentage of Winning Favorites in 1931 .34 "g Starts from Waite Stall Gate Weather conditions as forecast by United States Weather Bureau and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLE All; TRACK FAST Racing starts at 2:15 p. ra. Chicago time, 1:15 p. m. - IstHialeah Purse ,000. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Colts, Horses and Geldings. Claiming. Scotch Gold, Jan. 29, Mlle - 19321:2323108.. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 11 pounds below scale. Non-winners since January 13 allowed 2 pounds; since December, 1, 5 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. TrackAYt. Tii-e. AgeToday Price - 68160 lHamilton .Was 113 1:29 5 116X 2500 68116 6 Fort Dearborn.. 681862 3 Please- Hia 114 1:24 6 121X 2500 ........Was 110 1:32 5 116X 2500 S SSfVSiSiio-am iiuxiS 4h .... wa 67818 2Lord Concord.; 67891 7 Bounding Deep. - 6 116X 2500 Trp 108 1:27 5 114. . 2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start- figures 3 or . 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. Scratches are shown in Past Performances, but in all cases only the latest withdrawal being indicated. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous" year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Hamilton X 1 1 Ch. g, 5, by Tryster Mandy Hamilton, by John o Gaunt. Work Jan 30 5-8 l-06ft -L--vJ Trainer, J. T. Taylor. Owner, Mrs. . L. Swikard. Jaa25-32Hia 3 1:12 ft- 13 111 2 3 2" 11 TurnerC1 2500 8 PnellBndlll,Cal.Kayii6,B.Watch 111 Jan.l9-323Hia f 1:13 sy 6-5 110 1 2 2J 2l LewisM5 2500 5 P.Bndlll.Whileaway lll.Bdsman 103 Jan.l2-324Trp 1:11 ft 24 112 1 6 5" 68i TurnerC8 2500 7 GayBdl09,SgIeStarl07,CelticPrce 112 Jan. 9-324Trp 3 1:12 ft 25 110 1 5 5r 41 TurnerC8 2750 6 JazAgellO,Tombereaull2,Si,gleStar 109 Oct29-312Lat 1:15 si 21-10 113 7 2 2l 3i TurnerC1 2500 12 CzyCootl04,SisAgn,sl03,Broomshot 109 0ct24-31JLat 3 1:14 m 21-5 113 1 1 VI l" TurnerC8 3000 10 B.Loonyll2,U.Henrylil,S.OSweep 109 0ctl6-315Lat 3 1:15 m 29-10 107 1 1 Is VI TurnerC11 2500 12 CrazyCootl04,BillLneyl07,ParpatQ 104 OctlO-31Lat 31:14 si 1 115 1 1 1 lJMeyerC 2500 8 FdaGoldllO,Tamerlanel06,Uforme 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .18 4 3 3 $ 4,325 1932 record. . 4 1 1 0" 992 Please X 1 91 B. e, 6, by Donnacona Squeczeus, by Zeus. Work: Jan. 30 lm. . .1:46ft -l--1- Trainer, J. W. May. Owner, J. W. May. Jaa26-32Hia . 1 1:24 ft 31-10 114 1 2 2J 20k RobtsonA7 2500 8 Clean Play 112,Tarnish lll.Athol 109 JaaigHia 3 1:12 sy 7-10 111 3 3 25 2s RobtsonA3 2500 5 P.Gaffneyl03,Mordrom 106,DsShip 108 JanieHia 3 1:11 ft 2 114 3 2 2J 21 RobtsnA4 2500 7 PtHarlemlOe.TntalizgllGlnside 111 JanI3-324Trp 3 1:12 ft 5 112 5 1 1" Tl AHenCE3 1500 7 MikeCreyll2,An.Plumel07,WgGoIdl09 JaallTrp 5f 1:05 ft 3-2 111 2 3 23 l1 AHenCE 1500 8 Dunellen lll.Mortime 106,Orkin 111 Jan. 8-322Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 3-10 112 5 4 21 2i CallahanH3 1500 6 Priory 112, Talky 112, Sir Barley 112 Jan. 6-322Trp 3 1:12 ft 1-2 113 3 3 3Ji 4J1 CalhanH5 1500 10 H.Gumbsl08,Drfieldl08,B.Stocks 111 JuL27-3FA.P 141:51 ft 19-5 106 4 2 4 5" PeggC8 2500 8 PauIaL.107,TrekllO,FlyingCherokee 104 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 7 0 3 0 $ 700 1932 record. . 7 2 4 0 ,170 Bobs Play 1 1 Q Ch" B 4 ty My Play Bolly Hisb Time. Work- Jan 23 lm. 1:43" --? Trainer. W. E. Caskey, Jr. Owner, W. E. Hupp. Jaa28-323Hia 1 1:38 ft 3-2 109 3 2 l1 1" RobtsonAJ 2000 8 Athol 111, Tantalizing 109, Muff 104 Jaa25-323Hia 3 1:11 ft 28 112 8 5 31 31 RobtsonA 2500 10 Tombereull6,Glensidell6,S.Presto 111 Jan.l5-32lHia 3 1:11 ft 49 112 8 6 67i Tl RenickJ3 2500 9 D.Heartll4,J.Campbeil 114,W.Saintll4 Oct20-31JLrl l 1:46 ft 27-10 11210 3 Fell. RoussellV3 2500 12 Bubola 106,Trice 103, AH Columbia 111 Oca3-31-Lrl 1 1:47 ft 3i 107 5 1 1 l1 RoussellV 2000 9 Tntalizin.F.WardllO.P.Basket 113 Oct l-316HdG 1 1:47 ft 10 108 9 5 51! 51! SteffenE" 2500 12 Fervid 109,StarLassie 114,P.Basket 102 Sep22-31THdG lj 1:48 ft - 2 112 8 5 31 21 RoussellV6 2000 12 Redivius 113,Ainvay 114, Jorico 110 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .15 3 1 2 $ 2,863 1932 record. .31 0 1 $ 850 San Presto X T "I A. Br s Santorb Hey Presto, by Hainault. Work Jan 20 3-4 l17sl J-J-t Trainer, F. F. Brant. Owner, E. P. Brant. Jao26-327Hia 1and 1:52 ft31-10 112 8 2 23 5 HanfordB11 2000 15 Martinelli 112,Vacatn 114,Silvery 104 JaiL25-323Hia 3 1:11 ft 98 lil 10 8 710 4 HanfordB1 2500 10 Tomberull6.Glensidell6,BobsPlay 112 Jaal3-324Hav 3 1:13 ft 10 115 8 6 43 3 RallsC1 2000 10 FairJack 117,Quorum 109,Brooksie 112 Dei-SHav 3 1:12 "ft 12 110 1 8 68i 69 RallsC 2500 8 OutBondl07,BessCloil08,JkCoHins 107 Dec20-314Hav 5. f 1:07 ft 10 112 6 6 63i 631 RallsC1 2500 10 MyShincll2,Quorumll2,MarysToy 112 Nov24-31Bow 1 1:54 ft 27-10 107 3 6" 6i 67i LewisM 2000 12 Baritonelll,NlonKay 113,Meander 108 Nov.l6-31Bow li 1:54 ft 23-5 106 4 2 21 21 LewisM1 2000 14 Kadiakll5,AnchorLightl08,Faylin 101A . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .43 7 8 5 $ 8,527 1932 record. 3 0 0 1 $ 50 Lord Concord 1 1 A Ch 5 y Hoclt Heather May Maulsby, by Stalwart, Work- Jan 10 3-8 -40ft J-J-t Trainer, A. Harned. Owner, A. Harned. Janll-324Trp 3 1:12 "ft 21 109 5 7 79 7s! MontgyR1 1500 7 Chatvrl08,Tanzgll4,HlGmbrts 109 Jan. 8-32Trp 1 1:27 ft 3 103 3 2 l1 li ArthurV3 1500 9 T. Crackerll3,Orkinl06,NealonKay 113 Jan. 4-327Trp 1 1:48 ft 23 107 3 2 4s 43 MontgyR3 1500 6 Chcellorll2,T.Hattie 107,NlonKay 112 Jan. 2-327Trp 1A 1:47 gd 25 110 4 6 711 7s3 ClellandO1 1500 8 Fair Bill 112, Muff 105, Tack 110 Dec31-31eTrp 1and 1:48 ft 21 112 5 2 2s 2 CorbettC9 1500 9 Sc.Brigdell2,Yargeel07,FrsSt.L. 104 Dec 7-31M.P ru 1:52 si 143 10811 10 91 9" Ellsworth J" 1250 12 Rubneckll3,Herendnll3,G.Hndle 108 Nov27-316J.P 1A 1:50 gd 28 106 5 2 7 8"1 TinkerH5 1500 8 Shonnall2.DickPorterll2,BroadAxe 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .13 1 2 1 $ 815 1932 record.. 4 1 0 0 $ 775 Fort Dearborn X 1 1 K Ch e 5 y Golden Guinea Blume, by Broomstick. Work Jan 223-4 1-17t Trainer. G. "W. Ogle. Owner, G. W. Ogle. Jao23-327Hia l 1:53 ft" 31 109 5 4 51! 63 LewisM3 2000 11 Fair Bill 111, Sun Mask 114,Oaten 109 Nov28-314J.P 1 1:40 ft 16 108 4 7 691 54 ElstonG4 2750 8 Pr.andPoetryll6,TyJoelll,S.Fidr 105 Oct27.31eHaw 12:05 hy 19-10 1101 1 21 4i LewisM8 2500 6 Griffinl08,SPanflow 113,Searington 110 Oct23-315Haw 1A 1:46 ft 9-5 111 2 3 2s l1 LewisM3 2000 12 GoldMint 112,St.Agnes 103,Tarnish 108 OctlO-318Haw U 1:56 sy 21 111 4 2 11 la LewisM 2000 10 Chas.ClkelOe.InherrlOSi.Tig.Flrs 114 Oct2-317Haw li 1:54 ft 21-10 112 2 11 l1! HanfordB8 1500 8 Delmonicol07,WinnieJo 109,OurPal 112 Ausl4-317Haw 14 1:52 ft 18 105 4 7 810 813 McLlinEM 2250 9 P.oPIay llVmicuUtelOT.Jodhpur 112 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 8rd. Won.- , Starts. lt. 2nd. 8rd, Won.- 1931 record. .12 4 1 0 3,925 1932 record.. 1 Ilaramzada X 11? B h 6 y -ttessenser comixa, by Colin. Work: Jan. 30-3-4.1:13ft J--1-" Trainer, J. Howard. Owner. J. Howard. JarL25-32,Hia 3 1:12 ft 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 2500 8 Hamiltonlll.Par.Bnd lll.Cal.Kay 116 Jua27-317Lat 1 1:46 ft 27-10 110 5 5 51 51 CorbettC8 2000 12 A.Gdsmithl07,BansetlOO,Squabler 110 Jun20 317Was 1 2:00 ft 4 11010 9 710 610 CorbettC7 2000 11 Harpoon 107,Dodgsonll2,L.Bienvillel05 Jun. 9-317Was l 1:59 si 81 110 3 2 41 6" CorbettC 2000 10 SwDownl05,"Rejation HO.MissMd 110 Sep22-30L.F 1 1:44 ft 11-5 11012 9 b7i 6 CorbettC 2500 12 BattrgOnl07,Gov.Seth 109,Racketerl07 Sep.l2-30L.F 15 1:45 ft 3-4 112 3 1 l" l3 MorsonR3 2000 6 BehaveCashl04,Bolodora 99,Sunstrel01 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 3 Booildinf? Deep X . lift Ch. , e, by Boniface-Storm Bound, by Marta Santa. Jl JlV Owner, B. B. Stable. Work- Jan 3012 -50ft Trainer. D. H. McDamel. Janl4-327Hia 1 1:53 "ft 42 120 14 13 14,s 1417 WattersE13 2000 14 Outburstll3,Vacationl20,BattlgOn 120 No50-317Bov lj 2:04 hy 51 114 1 4 481 49 WattersE3 1500 11 Faylin 103, Ruano 114, Stretcher 114 Novl8-317Bow U 1-54 ft 16-5 113 5 16 711 WattersE 2000 12 Scot Free 111, Coady 111, Egad 104 Nov 6-317Pim 14 1:53 ft 5 117 9 3 11 21 WattersE 2000 11 M.Believell7,Ttalizingl08,Msheet 109 Oct23-314Emp lj 1:49 ft 8 117 8 6 32 22 WattersE8 1500 10 LtIeTootsllO,Verdill7,KingChkeo 110 Octl9-312Emp l70 1:47 ft 12 111 7 1 l1 l1 WattersE10 1000 11 JnPatl04,Airs adGcsl04,Cey.Pncel06 Oct 8-313Jam li 2K6 ft 15 107 4 8 81 828 StudleyW8 2000 8 HyGrovell7,Extemporel05,Gadarg 10Z , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .25 5 4 2 $ 4,515 1932 record. . 1 2nrl Hialtp-ali Hibiscus Island Purse. Purse ,000. 2-Year-Olds, V if Maidens. Colts and Geldings. Special Weights. Nol 22 Furlongs Track Record. Index Post -Best at Distance. Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance. Wt. Claini No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Prici 68237 19 Revonah ...... 117.. 9 Postponement 117... 5 Levaal ,; 117.. 68161 10 White Thorn. .. 117.,. 68237s 11 Meany 117.. 68055 12 Merriman C... 117.. 1 Vennie H 117.. 68161 13 Maechute 117.. 68055 3 Rome Vennie.. H7X 67886 14 Brookhattan .. -. 117.. 67942 22 Bad Times 117.. 68161 15 Sarsita 117.. 68237 2 Chief Daunt.... 117.. 16 Stambul 117... 68210 4 H. A. Bentham 117.. 17 Gay Attire. .... 117.. 682102 6 Strait Jacket.. 117.. 68210 18 Old Judge 117.. 7 Judge Judy.... 117.. 20 Bantu 117.. 8 Pancoast 117.. 21 Light Action... 117.. ; Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest worfe out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dis. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company -OpTOinll 1 1 T Ch. c, 2 M, by Transmute Circus Girl, by Peter Quince JLJL I Trainer, J. F. Eichardson. Owner, Mrs. J. F. Eichardson. Jaa28-322Hia :22 ft 13 113 5 91C 916 GordonI 4000 14 LucilleK.114,Meanyll3,DskyDame 110 Jaa21-322Hia :23 ft 4 113 7 21 21 RobtsonA1 3000 14 ChuckB.118,St.Jacketll3,R.Vennie. 113 Jaal6-322Hia :23 ft 16-5 113 6 661 61 RobtsnA" Alhv 14 TrySwetll3,SttJacketll3,Boottn 113 JanI4-322Hia -23 ft 29-10 118 1 52i 42i RobtsonA8 Maid 18 Chiltenny. 118,TrySwtll8,Seymour 118 : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 4 0 1 0 5 150 Tovnil 1 1 7 Br. c, 2 M, by Lee O. Cotner Eansvaal, by Transvaal. L,L,UU JLJL I Trainer, E. "W. Collins. Owner, E. W. Collins. r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-S llpinv 117 Ch. c, 2 M, by St. Henry Mae Taft, by Yankee Gun. JLJL 1 Trainer, M. Lowenstein. Owner, M. Lowenstein. Jao28-32-Hia :22 ft 5 113 2 23 23 CallahanH3 4000 14-LucleK.114,DyDamellO,DrkWar 110 Jaa23-32JHia :22 gd 204 112 3 3 45 CallahanH8 Alhv 12 WiseAnne 117,Lucill.eK. 117,Okapi 112 1 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-k 1932 record. . 2 0 1 0 $ 150 Von yeiimc 11 in Tf ji. 1 "I 7 Br. c, 2 M, by Colonel Vennie Batty H., by Dick Welles L i Trainer, A. Harned. Owner, A. Harned. n Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Pniim Vphhip V 117 Ch. c, 2 M, by Colonel Vennie Erla lee II., by All Gold. w- X. To" 00 k R .VMtt Trainer, X. Gentry. Owner, H. C. Hatch. Jaa2l322Hia -23" ft 10 113 5 41 4s RileyG13 3000 14 ChuckB.118,Revonhll3,SttJacket 113 Janl9-322Hia :23 sy23-10 117 1 31 31 RileyG3 Maid 12 M.Reynoldsll7,H.Rockll7,B.Andy 117. Jan.l4-322Hia jan.14 at z -23 ft 37 118 12 127 74J RileyG14 Maid 18 Chiltenny 118,TrySvvtll8,Seymour 118 gagt t lgt 2nd- 3rfl won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 3 0 0 1 00 Rml TiiiiP: 117 B. c, 2 M, by Buen Ojo Strange Times, by Junior. nan xiincs JLJL i Trainer, T. H. McCreery. Owner, Howe Stable. Jaal6-322Hia -23 ft 13 115 10 441 531 WkmanR7 Alhv 14 TrySwetll3,SttJacketll3,Boottn 113 r. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 Llliei Tliiof niniiT 117 B. g, 2 M, by Kai-Sang Daunt, by Xucullite. -Uaunc XX Trainer, E. A. Smith. Owner, E. A. Smith. Jaa28-322Hia -22 ft 101 11110 69 5" Mann J10 3750 14 LucilleK.114,Meanyll3,DskyDame 110 JanuiO Tm55-322Hia 04 i -22 ft 398 118 9 81 951 MannJ13 Maid 14 Helios 118,Woco 118,FIy. Dragon 118 start?. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 2 W A -Rmilinn 117 Ch. g, 2 M, by Koah Satin Slipper II., by Sweeper. U. A. uemuam J J Trainer, D, Bentham. Owner, D. Bentham. Jaa27-322Hia -23 ft 7 109 9 Wl 1OT RenickJ7 2500 12 DyRidgellOJr.StJketlOg.M.Rolds 118 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 C-,.n?f dULHet Tool-ot 1 1 U B. g, 2 M, by Wrack Jane Straith, by Dalhousie. SliaiC XX I Trainer, J. Edwards. Owner, J, Edwards. Jaa27-322Hia :23 ft 51 109 6 31 21 CatroneF11 2500 12 DyRidgell0i-,M.Rnldsll8,SkeCld 109 Jaa21-322Hia :23 ft 33-10 113 1 34 31 CatroneF5 3000 14 ChuckB.U8.Revonhll3,Ro.Vennie 113 Jaal6-322Hia :23 ft 112 113 5 23 21 CatroneF13 Alhv 14 TrySwetll3,Boottnll3,B.Leagr 113 Janl4-322Hia -23 ft 14 118 7 74i 106 CatroneF9 Maid 18 Chiltenny 118,TrySwtll8,Seymour 118 Jan. 8-32Trp a :21 ft 33-10 118 2 6 531 CatroneF1 Maid 13 ChuckB.118,T.Tovnll6..L.BcadaIe 115 . Starts. -1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 5 0 2 1 $ 400 TmW Tnflv 117 ch c 2 M by Supremus Auntie May, by Uncle. juufet tiuuj XX 1 Trainer, W. E. Caskey, Jr. Owner, J. A. Judy. 1 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-S Pnnnnnef 117 B. c, 2 M, by Noah Little Sister, by Plaudit, rantu.isu XX I .Trainer, H. Saladin. Owner, A. B. Gallaher. -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Postponement llT B 2 M by Mackenzie Notime 1,y Vulcain 01 houss Trainer, G. C. Tappan. Owner, H. C. Phipps. !Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won. i IVliitA Tlinrn 117 Gr. c, 2 M, by Espino Miss Braxted, by Bfaxted. XX I Trainer, J. .W. Healy. Owner, Mrs. J. H. Whitney. Jaa25-322Hia :22 ft 16 118 4 42 4!1 LuthcrT5 Maid 14 Helios 118,Woco 118,FIy. Dragon 118 . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 iroi-riiinti ditx-iuiwui T v. 1 1 r7 B. ,c, 2 M, by TJltmidge Tire dAile, by Fauche le Vent, XX I Trainer, J. S. Healy. Owner, Mrs. H. C. Hildreth. Jan21-32:Hia :23 ft 21 109 8 51 53 SniderA10 2500 14 ChuckB.118,Revonhll3,Stt Jacket 113 Jan.l6-322Hia :23 ft 19 113 12 771 931 SniderA Alhv 14 TrySwetll3,SttJacketll3,Boottn 113 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record. . 2 MaecllUte 117 B. c, 2 M, by Annihilator Cassie, by Panflion. X X I Trainer, A. G. Eobertson. Owner, Maemere Farm- Stable. Jan.25-32-Hia :22 ft 315 118 7 74i 84-WallsP1 Maid 14 Helios 118,Woco 118,Fly. Dragon 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . 1932 record. . 1 BrOOliliattan 117 c 2 hy Koah-Yvette, by Fritz-Grafton. XXI Trainer, H. A. Coulson. Owner, H. A. Coulson. Jaa28-32:Hia :22 ft 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 3750 14 LucilleK.114,Meanyll3,DskyDamc 110 Jan.l4-32!Hia :23 ft 49 118 9 841 18" WeUsL1 Maid 18 Chiltenny 118,TrySwtll8,Soymour 118. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 1 Sarsita 117 c c 2 y General lee Cross of Gold, by Gay Crusader XX I . Trainer, W. J. McKnight. Owner, Mrs. M. Field. Jaa25-32:Hia :22 ft 99 118 13 1081 741 LongJ10 Maid 14 Helios 118,Woco 118,FIy. Dragon 118 JarJ9-32-Hia :23 sy 35 117 4 841 9" LongJ1 Maid 12 M.Reynldsll7,H.Rockll7,R.Venie 117 Jaal4-322Hia :23y5 ft 19f 118 15 131 1171 LongJ17 Maid 18 Chiltenny 118,TrySwtll8,Seymour 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 3 Stailiblll 117 B. g, 2 M, by Easter Bells la Cereza, by Cherry Tree. XX I Trainer, S. F. Murphy. Owner, S. F. Murphy, ; , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd; Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd; Won.- rjjjy tire 117 u c 2 Bagenbaggage Oriental Dress, by Delhi. X X I Trainer, J. F. Patterson. Owner, J. F. Patterson. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Old Jutlfre 117 Ch. c, 2 M by Prince of Bourbon Eosina JX, by Bua X X I flower II. Trainer, E. Hayward. Owner, J. D. Nonis, Jr, Jan27-322Hia :23 ft 147 109 2 731 63I ChiavtaF 2500 12 DyRidgell0i-,StJketl09,M.RoIds 118 Jan.23-32JHia :22 gd 512 11211 9UO11 ChiavtaF Alhv 12 WiseAnne 117,LucilleK. il7,Okapi 11and Jan.l6-322Hia :23 ft 118 113 8 lVh 121 ChvettaF5 Alhv 14 TrySwetll3,SttJacketll3,Boottn 115 , -Starts. 1st. .2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1932 record.. 3 Bantu 117 Blk 8 ty F-y-nS Ebony Confusion, by Friar Eock, ..XXI Trainer, F. M. Bray. Owner, O. F. Woodward. r Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Light Action 117 Br. g, 2 M, by Mars Bonelida, by Son-in-law. XXI Trainer, Wt F. Mulhollnd. Owner, G. D. Widener. r. ; Startss lst 2nd, 3td. Won.- Starts, 1st. 2nd .2x4. . .Won.ji 3rd Hialeah Purse ,000. 4-Year-OIds and Upward. Colts, Horses -7 -... and Geldings. Claiming. Scotch Gold, Jan. 29, sMlie 19321:2323108. NOTE Claiming price, ,500. Weight, 11 pounds below scale. Non-winners since January 13 allowed 2 pounds; since December 1, 5 pounds. Index Post r-Bcst at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distances Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AcoToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price i 68162 lTOMBEREAU . 5 116X 2500 67700 6 Crushed Stone 4 114X 2500 66167 4 Cock Robin... 4 114X 2500 67919 2 Scarlet Brigade 6 119X 2500 68186 3 Clean Play Hia 112 1:24 8 121.. 2500 67891 7Bozo Trp 110 1:29 6 114X 2500 67518 5Judge Direnzo. 68264 8 Valour II 6 116.. 2500 .Tip 108 1:29 5 114X 2500 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. . The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together wit! latest workout and racing record for this and previous year:- Date Ors. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Tomberean X 1 1 f B 5 ty olymelian Dustpan II., by Sweeper. Work: Jan. 29 1-2. :48t "LJLO Trainer, E. Hayward. Owner, J. D. Norris, Jr. Jao25-323Hia 3 1:11 ft 17-20 116 1111 VI ChiavtaF 2500 10 Glensidell6,BobsPlayll2,S.Presto 111 Janl5-32:Hia 3 1:10 ft 11 114 7 2 23 2 ChiavtaF5 2500 12 Baccioccoll3,Knovltonll2,Bl.Dove 112 Jan. 9-324Trp 2 1:12 ft 21-10 112 3 1 11 25 ChiavtaF 2750 6 JazAgellO.SingleStar 109,HamiIton 110 Jan. 5-32 5i f 1K35 ft 1-2 107 3 1 1 1 ChiavtaF4 2250 6 Noaioycel07,CgyKayll8,J,kHowe 107 Dec28-314Trp 3 1:13 ft 13-10 109 5 2 2 21 ChiavtaF3 2000 7 Bacciocco 113, JazAge 110, Bozo 111 Oct23-314Haw 3 1:12 ft 16 106 7 3 5 10" ChiavtaF11 Allw 12 Sup.Svvtl00,Brooksiel00,BdMdvvs 108 Octl9-315Haw 1 1:14 ft 65 107 7 1 2" 4JJ ChvettaF1 Allw 8 Sundotl07,Fiddler 112,BneySexton 104 0ctl4-314Haw 6f 1:23 m 71 113 1 1 4 5" ChiavtaF 3000 8 PortmTulll.VyWell llO.PtHarlmllS , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .13 1 4 3 $ 1.850 1932 record. .4 2 2 0 $ 1,800 Cocli KIin X 1 1 A B. c, 4, by Jackdaw Bed Xinnet II., by Bed Prince II. Work: Jan. 30 5-8.1:04ft J--L Trainer, N. Bay. Owner, B. Whitney. Not 6-31:Pim 2 3:49 ft 130 SCRATCHED. Post P. 10 Allw 12 FrolicH.148,KgsOwnl50,Htbroom 140 Octl9-31:Lrl a 2 3:56 ft 62 13410 5 510 5:J JonesC" 2500 14 NatClymnl47,Mstruckl34,CoqGris 139 Octl6-313LrI a 2 3:56 si 9Je 135 1 Ran out. DawsonJ1 Allw 8 Spar 138, Dionysos 137, Barometer 135 Aug.l-313Emp 1"1:45 ft 20 113 6 5 5,s 531 WkmanR 2500 7 Fervorll6,Doniell6,ChsChalIenger 116 JuL17-315Emp 1" 1:47 ft 10 120 9 10 1010 10" WkmanR 3000 10 CfsChgerll2,N.R,mesll3.B.Dove 113 Mayl6-31Be! 1ft 1:47 gd 30 108 6 6 6i 710 RoseG 3750 8 Alcmanll8.MakeHastell8, Cockrill 114 Mayl2-31Jam 1 1:13 gd 20 121 9 10 10" 1018 MundenF 4000 10 Glideliall3.Claremntl24,FmitJuice 116 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .17 3 0 2 ,915 Clean Play 1 Of B. g, 8, by Sweep Play Toy, by Star Shoot. Work: Jan. 12 3-4..1:15ft Trainer, W. H. Travera. Owner, lira. V. M. Duncan. Jan26-32cHia 1 1:24 ft 1 112 3 1 11 1 WallsP1 2500 8 Please 114, Tarnish 111, Athol 109 Jaa22-326Hia 1 1:24 ft 49 115 4 4 431 3i WallsP4 2750 10 JkCmpbl 115,Knltonll3,WarSnt 115 Jan.l5-32Hia 3 1:10 ft 86 114 1 6 610 7" AmbroseE11 2500 12 Bacciocoll3,Tbereaull4,KnwIton 112 Nov 4-31,Bel 1 1:39 ft 5 117 1 4 21 5" LongJ 4000 8 Recede 107, Rubio 115, Don Pedro 117 Sep. 9-316Bel 1 1:37 ft 8-5 113 3 1 1 l" WallsP3 3000 7 His Way 107, Dunstan 107, Arras 107 Au527-315Sar 1 1:39 gd 15 112 1 3 4 441 WallsP4 2000 12 Friar 104, Euclid 115, Cockrill 107 Aug. l-315Emp 51 f 1:10 ft 41 118 2 11 12" 12 WkmanR 250014 Brooksidell2,Morheartl05,PrizeDay 110 JuL28-31!Emp 53 f 1:10 ft 25 123 7 8 8s 10" WallsP0 3500 12 SgleStar 118,TheGen 116,Morshion 107 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 9 2 0 0 $ 1,475 1932 record. . 3 1 0 1 $ 850 Judge Direnzo X 1 1 A Ch s 5 ty Sir Martin Aurelia, by George Smith. Work- Jan 29 lm l-47ft -LJLfc Trainer, V. Campbell. Owner, E. A. Igleheart. Dec30-3icTrp 3 1:12 ft 16-5 1113 4 4i 4" MontgyR4 1500 5 CalgaryKayll6,Charliel06,Backfire 106 Dec26-31cTrp 1 1:29 ft 11-10 108 4 3 21 1" MillsH5 2000 7 Timour 113,BattlingOn 115,Bozo 110 Nov26-31J.P 1 1:43 gd 8 117 5 7 33 3J1 MeyerJ2 2250 12 GrdPrcelll.CurtseylOg.SdFidler 112 Oct21-316Lat 1ft 1:47 ft 6 108 7 3 2" l3 MartinR9 2000 12 Eosafabo 108,BenBlair 106,SlarPlayl08 Octl2-31F.P - 1" 1:49 m 19 103 3 4 5" 5" HerndezJ4 2500 6 Linmastl04,N.TearsllO,Port o Playll2 Oct 9-315F.P 1" 1:46 si 21-5 117 4 .3 3 3n PrgrassA 2250 5 S.Fiddlerl07,JeudeBarl05,L.Negley 104 Oct 7-316F.P 3 1:12 ft 47-10 113 6 6 5s 5 ErwinS5 2500 6 Linmastl05,B.Orangel05,Nichelson 111 Seri30-31SF.P l10 1:42 ft 31-10 112 3 2 23 2 MontgyR1 2750 6 B.DiamdU0,D.Ferndol07,Oburst 105 Sep28-31!F.P 1 1:39 ft 6 107 4 2 31 21! TremneR8 2500 8 Totem 109,S.Fiddlerl09,DorWiIson 110 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st 2nd. Srd. Won.- 1931 recoi: .22 6 3 5 $ 4,600 Crashed Stone X 11 A B c 4 by Trap Bock Moisant- to Hamburg. J. JLtc Trainer, D. Jones. Owner, H. V. Stevens. Jan. 6-325Hav 1ft 1:49 si 3 106 2 4 551 571 RoderickT8 2500 9 Athol llO.E.ofWarwick 112,Kadiak 112 Dec25-31cHav l50 1:41 ft 10 103 2 1 2nk 3i RoderickT4 2500 7 NightTears 115,Athol 113, Kadiak 113 Oct26-3rHaw lft 1:47 ft 26 107 9 9 11" 11" DickcyA10 2500 11 Wrig.Fldlll,Sh.Broomll6,Englewd 111 Octl3-31cHaw lft 1:53 m 6 105 1 1 ll Is LewisMT 1800 7 J. A. Weil 114,V.Meterl09,S.Ballotll4 Oct 7-315Haw lft 1:49 gd 14 107 6 5 4s 4s! LewisM4 2000 7 Durva 107,GreyKitty 107,BIueLaw 115 Sep.30 315F.P l10 1:42 ft 27 97 1 6 6t0 616 HerndezJ4 2250 6 B.DiamdllO,J.Dhzoll2,D.Ferndo 107 Sep.26-314F.P lft 1:49 hy 91 106 5 2 341 3T TinerJ 2250 9 J.Collins 110,JkBienerl05,S.Spinr 105 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .23 2 3 4 $ 2,300 1932 record. . 1 Scarlet Brigade X 1 1 Q B. g, 6, by light Brigade Crimson Bambler, by Pebbles. Work- Jan 265-8 1-09t Trainer, X. C. Veatch. Owner, E. B. McAtee. Jan.27-323Hia 31:12" ft 117 SCRATCHED. Post P. 7 2500 7 KnowltonllO,P.Boundll2,DeHeart 117 Janl5-327Hia U 1:52 ft 57 114 5 4 510 513 ClellandO 3500 6 GayBird 107,Garlic 109,Montanaro 112 Jan.l2-325Trp 11:39 ft 36 117 2 3 4s 5"i ClellandO 1500 7 Fair Bill 112, Tack 104, Griffin 117 Jan. 7-32Trp 1 1:39 ft 24-5 117 2 1 21 2 ClellandO4 1500 8 FairBill 112,Tantalizgl09,Marabou 110 Jan. 2-325Trp lft 1:47 gd39-10 117 1 1 l" 14 ClellandO3 1500 8 NealnKayllO,WgGoldll2.GdMint 117 Dec31-316Trp lft 1:48 ft 3-5 112 3 11" 1 ClellandO3 1500 9 LrdCncordll2,Yargeel07,FsSt.L. 104 Dec28-31lTrp 3 1:13 ft 51 1111 4 6 4s! 2s ClellandO 1500 8 Cal.Kayll0,H.Gbertsll0,JimmieL. 110 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Wn , 1931 record. .39 4 7 3 $ 4.455 1932 record. . 4 1 1 0 $ 900 BOZO X 1 1 A. Gr. g, 6, by Boyal Canopy Simmy, by Neil Gow. Work: Jan. 303-4.1:18" J--L Trainer, B. Holloway. Owner, B. F. Coppage. Jan.U-ZZmz 11:53 ft 50 11512 12 124 12s! MontgyR11 2000 14 Outburstll3,Vacationl20,BattlgOn 120 Jan. l-32cTrp li 2:07 si 1 109 5 1 l1 1" MillsH4 1500 8 NoseGayl06,FrcesSt.L.101,CabiIdo 111 Dec28-314Trp a 1:13 ft 15 111 1 6 5" 4s MontgyR 2000 7 Baccioccoll3,Tombereau 109,JazAgellO Dec26-31cTrp gl:29 ft 21-5 110 6 5 5s 44 MontgyR3 2000 7 JeDirenzol08,Timourll3,BlingOn 115 Dec. 9-31J.P 1and 2:04 hy23-10 106 111 l5 MontgyR 1500 8 H.Rileyl09,SsHourl04,Hendeen 112J Nov26-313J.P 14 1:56 gd 10 105 4 2 23 23 EllsworthJ1 1250 12 StarchllO.SignOff 110,OpenGoShut 112 Oct 6-31F.P 3 1:15 si 5 115 1 6 6i 710 GrnbergS 1000 12 JgeMurphyl07,Pferredl07,Rmaid 102 Sep. 4-3FD.P 1 1:40 gd 5 111 5 5 5 33 MontgyR3 1400 8 HpyLadU3,Abethl08,Nim theNph 110 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . -Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .23 5 4 4 $ 3,600 1932 record. . 2 1 0 0 $ 750 Valour IL 1 .1 " Br 6 to Chivalrous Miss Grits, hy Symington. V0rk Jan 21 lm 1-42t Trainer, W. Eobinson. Owner, Mrs. W. T. Anderson. 70029-3213 3 1:11 ft 54 116 5 6 691 5ts SmithW8 2500 7 DbleHrtll6,Glensidell9,B.Watch 111 Jao23-32Hia 1and 1:53 gdl7-10 114 8 4 6S1 712 SmithW4 2000 9 Tancredll4,TeaCrker 109,Druggist 114 Jaal8-32sHia 3 1:11 ft 136 112 9 10 10" 10" SmithW1 3000 13 JazAge 113, TheGen 109, WarSaint 112 Nov. 4-31,Bel 1 1:39 ft 2 117 3 6 681 610 SmithW5 4000 8 Recede 107, Rubio 115, Don Pedro 117 Oct24-313Emp lft 1:49 ft 5-2 115 13 1" l1 SmithW3 3000 9 FlyGuy HO.KnowIton HO.Dunrock 115 Octl4-313Jam 11-3 ft 21 112 4 3 3S1 33 SmithW4 3500 6 Tote 112,Martinelli 115",Extempore 112 Octl2-313Jam l7" 1:44 ft 20 113 4 7 6i 6" SmithW5 5000 8 GlidoUal08,Po,dorusl04,P,lygamous 113 Sepl6-31cBel 11:37 ft 4 11410 4 3i ZH SmithW 3000 13 Martinellil08.SvpPicllO,SpySnub 100 Sep25-30Aqu lft 1:46 ft 4 106 3 5 4Ji 431 ChirchJ 6500 7 Charon 109, Host 112, SunShadow 115 : Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. . 5 1 0 2 $ 900 1932 record.. 3 4th Hialeah purse ,000. 4-Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. Mile Bacciocco, Jan. 15, 1932 1:10 5 113. NOTE Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,000. i-year-olds, 116 pounds; older, 118 pounds. Non-winners since January 1 allowed 2 pounds; since December 10, 5 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance Wt. Claim Index Post -Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 68264 2Double Heart. 68184 3 General A.. Hia 96 1:12 4 109 3250 Hia 116 1:11 6 113X 3500 66353 1 Jamison ...Hia 108 1:12 4 107X 3000 68031s 6Bacciocco .Hia 113 1:10 5 113X 3500 68268 5 The Heathen.. 66372s 8 Sun Memory.. Bel 106 1:11 8 113X 3500 Syr 110 1:11 5 113X 3500 68186 7 Silver Lake .. 68268 4 Ellice Hia 110 1:11 5 108X 3500 Was 112 1:12 4 107X 3000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 3 or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest work out and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Double Heart X 11 Br. h, 6, by High Time Dora W., by Honeywood. Work- Jan 251-2 -48ft J-XO Trainer, F. H. Carpenter. Owner, F. H. Carpenter. Jad-Zimz 3 1:11 ft 23-10 116 3 3 2" l3 MontgyR2 2500 7 Glensidell9,B.Watchlll,CgaryKay 113 Jaa27-323Hia 31:12 ft 21-10 117 2 2 31 SiMannJ1 2500 7KriovItonllO,ParIBouridll2,Coady 112 Jaa20-32cHia 31:12 si 51 113 5 4 4 4 Mann J3 3500 5 Pahetian 114 Bacciocco 112, Ellice 105 Jaal5-32Hia 3 1:11 ft 7-5 114 12 1" l1 FinnertyR9 2500 9 J.Campbell 114,WarSaintll4,Fervid 111 Oct31-314Haw 3 1-14 si 29-10 107 4 2 2 2i CorbettC3 Hdcp 5 F.Beafer 110,CalPrince95,Tannery 114 Oct26 313Haw 6 f 1:19 ft 4-5 121 3 3 1" 2" CorbettC5 4000 5 MyCMynel08,Sis.Mary 109,Wdeleenl05 Octl6-315Haw 6f 1-56 hy 13-10 114 3 2 ll l1 CorbettC 4000 5 Bill6range99,Fervorl09,Ptmanteau 105 Oct8-313Haw 6if ld9 ft 21-10 114 6 5 11 Is CorbettC 4000 6 Fidaierl09,LpBlackl09,SilvrLake 118 , . : Start, lit 2nd.- SrO. Won . Starts. 1st 2nd, 3rd. Won.-- I .193Ueol.Jand ... L 4 1 $.5,675 r 1932 record;.- - 2 0 1 ,600 BaCCloCCO X 1 1 Q Ch g 8 ly Hish Time Grlselda, by Wrack. Trainer. H. Boseacher. Owner, H. Boseacher. --l0 Work Jan 28 3 8 -37" ran.20-32Hia 3 1:12 "sll9-20 112 3 2 2 21 MillsH1 4000 5 Panetianll4,Ellicel05,DoubIcHeart 113 Jan.l5-323Hia 3 1:10 ft 19-20 113 3 11 l5 MillsH" 2500 12 Tombereull4,Knowlt nll2,B.Doye 112 Dec30-315Trp 3 1:12 ft 27-10 113 2 1 11 li MillsH1 3000 7 Traitorll6,Arras 122,Gracious Gift I0and Dcc28-314Trp 31:13 ft 3 1134 1 1 1 MillsH5 2000 7 Tombereau 109, Jaz Age 110, Bozo 111 Dec26-313Trp 3 1:14 ft 1-10 116 3 1 1 1 AllenCE3 1500 9 WgGoldll5,S.Bgadell6,Hpnotism 116 Nov23-313Bow 3 1:12 ft 14-5 112 4 11 31 LewisM3 2500 11 J.Campbell 117,Cal.Kay 117,GayPal 115 0ca3-313Lrl 3 102 ft 9 114 12 4 33i 431 BurkeJH 3000 12 GdPrincell4,DnsLd UOJ-Hth-n 12 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. 1931 record. .12 3 0 3 $ 2,675 1932 record. . 2 1 1 0 $ 922 j Snn Memory X 1 1 Q B 8 iy Snn Bria,-51easllnt Memories, by Tntlmus, "Hi Work: Jan. 233-4.1:16" J--1"" Trainer, J. F. Patterson. Owner, J. F. Patterson. Oct26-313Lrl 3 1:11 ft 7 112 2 3 3 31 PhillipsC 5000 7 KaiFeng U5,SeaFox 109,Gol.Pnnce 112 010-314Haw 3 1:13 sy 21-10 111 6 4 4 SMaibenJ Hdcp 6 FgBrrlOMyDndyllS.PtHrlem 104 Sep. 9-314Syr 3 1:10 ft 21 110 33i PhiUipsC Stks 4 Protractorl07,Footmkll2,ThtIeAnn 98; Sep. 3-31Sar 3 1:13 sy 41 113 5 3 31! I1! PhillipsC 6000 7 T.Hthenll3,Fr.Lassl06,Effervesce 103 JuL23-314A.P 1 1:25 ft 8-5 106 2 4 71 71 PhiUipsC Allw 7 Uluniu 108, Martis 110, Sister Zoe 105 JuL20-314A.P 3 1:12 gd 5 115 5 1 1 1 PhiUipsC1 5000 6 FhLassll3,OutBoundU3,L.Capulet 110 JuL15-314A.P 3 1:13 gd 13 105 6 3 3 3 PhiUipsC Allw 6 BestMan 105,NoMore 105,St.Prisca 100 May 6-316Pim 1 1:43 ft 61 117 4 4 4U 619 WkmanR Allw 6 Sunvir 117, Chatty 106, Essaro . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 9 2 0 4 $ 2,500 , ElliCC X 1 08 B. m, 5, by Black Servant Five Aces, by Disguise. Work Jan 27 3-8 37t J-VO Trainer, O. Johnson. Owner, J. O. Ellis. JaiL29-323Hia 1 1:24 "ft 43 105 3 2 21 4,iCarrollV 4000 7 PopGaffnyl00,JazAgell6,FullDress 107 Jaa20-32sHia 31:12 si 24 105 1 3 3 3i CarrollW 3500 5 PanetnlM.BaccicoUS.DbleHeart 113 Jaal8-32Hia 3 1:11 ft 5- 111 2 3 44 6s CarrollW 3500 13 JazAge 113, TheGen 109, WarSaint 112 JanJL5-323Hia 3 1:11 ft 15 104 4 3 431 54 CarrollW3 Allw 6 FchLassl06,RlRuffml06,LulbyH. 101 Dec31-3Frrp 5 f 1-05 ft 2-5e 114 2 3 2s 2" HanfordB1 Hdcp 6Leros 118,BayAngon 101, On Sir 106 Decl2-316J.P 3 1:14 si 14 110 4 5 5T 7" CarrollW 4500 7 W.HveYou 110,Isidesl07,Prmths 109 JuL14-313Lat 3 1:11 ft 7 106 5 1 5i 4i GriffinS 5000 7 Willa 109,SisterMary 103,FiddIer 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woh.- 1931 record. . 22 0 9 5 $ 2,305 1932 record. . 4 0 0 1 $ 115 General A. 1 HQ Br 4 7 General Thatcher Annagh, by Broomstick, Work Jan 29 3-8 37f t Trainre, C. Cafarelli. Owner, Mahopao Stable. Jao26-324Hia i 1:24 ft 102 111 7 5 5 510 DeCalasE4 Allw 7 Pr.TokalonllO.GayBird lll.Pennatelll Jan.l8-32GHia 3 1:11 ft 61 110 6 9 911 ll13 ElstonH 3000 13 JazAge 113, TheGen 109, WarSaint 112 AuglO-313Sar 31:12 gd 20 110 8 7 105! 103! CatroneF 6500 12 FolIowOnllO,Bathorsell8,BIueDay 110 JuL31-314Emp 53 f 1:10 ft 10 119 4 8 54i 63i KelsayW 5000 14 Tetrarchal 117,Okaybeel20,BlueDayll8. JuL25-31Emp 5 f 1:10 ft 50 118 -7 6 8" 9 BakerF11 6500 13 Squeaky 120, Charon 125, Smear 111 Apr 4-315Bow 1 1:26 gd 6 116 4 2 1 24 SmithF Stks 9 Mynheer 118,Barrido HO.Gigantic 114 Mar31-313Bow 5f 1:06 gd 9-5 110 2 1 l1 2 SmithF3 Allw 6 Smear 109, Gigantic 110, Levante 105 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.--, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 9 3 2 1 $ 3,850 1932 record.. 2 Jamison X "1 07 B" B bjr St James reninist, hy Voter, Work Jan 30 3-4 l-19tt I Trainer, C. H. Miller. Owner, C. H. Miller. No4-3i1Bcl 11:39 ft 113 SCRATCHED. 4000 8 Recede 107, Rubio 115, Don Pedro 111 Oct26-314Emp 1" 1:47 ft 9-5 110 6 5 4s 51" BurkeJH3 3500 6 JoZ.MillerllO,S.Donsonl05,MtinellillO Oca6-313Jam 1and 1:47 sy 11-5 112 3 2 33 31 MundenF 3300 3 Polygamous 117 Gigantic 115 Octl2-313Jam l10 1:44 ft 16-5 109 5 8 871 714 MalloyT8 5000 8 Glidelial08,Podorusl04,Plygamous 113 Oct 7-314Jam 3 1:11 ft 8 106 7 6 7 6" PichonL 6000 8 Condescend 101,SonnelIi 112,Glideliall3 Oct 5-313Jam 3 1:12 ft 12 113 7 5 54 51 PichonL Allw 7 Condescdll3,LulbyII.110,Squeaky 120 AuglO-SSar 31:12 gd 20 111 9 12 129 12i BurkeJH8 6500 12 FollowOnll0,Bathorsell8,BIueDay 110 Juol7-313Aqu 11:26 m 10 112 6 4 5 571 BurkeJH4 10000 6 Condescndl05,T.Heathenll3,Mowrisll3 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. Srd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .13 2 2 2 ,500 The Heathen X 11 B. h, 8, by Donnacona Buda, by Sweep. Work Jan 28 3-8 37and J-O Trainer, D. B. McDaniel. Owner, B. B. Stable. Jan.29-325Hia 1 1:24 ft 51 113 7 7 711 TiWattersE1 4000 7 PopGaffnylOO, jazAgell6,FullDress 101 Jan25-325Hia 3 1:11 ft 51 114 3 3 31! 3 WattersE4 5000 4 Panetnll5,FrhLass 112,CalfRoper 116 Jaa22-32!Hia 1 1:24 ft 37-10 116 11 2" 31 WattersE8 4000 7 Mer.Queen 106, John F.108, Sunfire W Jaal8-325Hia 3 111 ft 37-10 1091 2 3 34 3 WaltersE 5000 4 Uluniu 112, Pennate 110, Peto 112 Nov28-314Bow 3 1:11 si 6 109 5 4 5s 510 WattersE3 Hdcp 5 HelnthusllOi,C.Amore 121.H.Scot 109 Nov25-313Bow 3 1:11 ft 4 117 3 1 l1 li WattersE1 3500 9 Smear 115, Ironsides 117, Gay Pal 115 Novl9-313Bow 31:12sy 3-5 120 3 2 1" P WattersE3 3000 11 Pcodinell3,Teneldal09,Rn orShe 1U . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .24 7 8 5 $ 8,950 - 1932 record. . 4 0 0 3 $ 300 Silver Lake X 107 V Ch c 4 ty WIso Counsellor English Esther, by lord Esterj Work: Jan. 233-8. :35ft Kg. Trainer, S. W. Ward. Owner, Ward and Burton. Jan26-328Hia J 1:24 ft 10 114 6 5 813 8" FronkW 3000 8 CleanPlay 112, Please 114, Tarnish 111 Oct30-314Haw 3 1:13 ft 14-5 109 3 3 4!i 31 FronkW1 AHw 7 LpBIackl07,VyWell 103,PrincsA.O.9a Oct26-314Haw 3 1:12 ft 14 1111 5 5 7s! 7 FronkW1 Allw 8 S.Sweetl08,Tanneryll4,B.Medows 108 Oetl9-314Haw 31:14 ft 7 107 3 3 531 651 JamesE3 Allw 8 UluniullO,BroadMeadovvsl07,Listo 112 Oct 8-313Haw 6if 1:19 ft 23-5 118 2 1 21 4s! JamesE5 5000 6 DbleHeartll4,FiddIerl09,LpBIack 109 Oct l-315Haw 3 1:14 ft 2 118 2 1 1 1 FronkW 4100 6 M.ofHonorl04,Burnam 107,SrMary 114 Sep21-313L.F 3 1:13 ft 12-5 114 4 11 1 FronkW" 4000 5 SisrMaryllO.Md ofHonrl05,Fdge 108 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 20 5 3 3 $ 5,525 1932 record. . 1 5th Hialeah Coral Ree,rs Purse. Purse ,300. 3-Year-OIds and Up- . ward. Fillies and Mares. Allowances. Sobieha, 5y2 Furlongs Jan. 16, 19321 :05y5 3 112. Index Post -Best at Distance-. Wt. Claim Index Post -BestatDistance . Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Prico 68085 10 Single Star ... 8 107 67857 3 Rose Tourna- 67915 8 Lullaby H. ... 4 107.. ment MTrp 96 1:08 3 99.. 68002 2 Sobieha ...Hia 112 1:05 3 99X 68236s 4 Kitty Bruce M - 3 105.. 68031 5 Lady Fingers. . 5 107X 42883 6 Lust 5 107X 68113 9 Mabla ....Bow 104 1:07 5 118 68002 7 Mareve 3 99X - 66778 1 Jaffa Lrl 105 1-07 3 99X Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. ;;Good mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures " or . 2nd or 3rd Ia3t start; "apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered In this race, together with latest worioi out and racing record for this and previous year: -W Date Ors. DIs. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St 9iStr. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company I Single Star 1 07 B. m, 8, by Out the Way Teetotal, by Irish lad. Work Jan 27 3-8 35ft Trainer, J. E. Edwards. Owner, J. Edwards. Jan.22-324Hia 3 1:12 ft 11-20 113 4 1 l3 Tl KsingerC6 2500 8 MesDearl07,Prioressl09,H.Gberts 108 Janl6-324Hia 3 1:12 ft 7-10 106 3 1 l5 11 CatroneF1 2500 8 Chatoverll4,PrioressllO,Bragdocio 111 Janl2-324Trp 31:11 ft 17-20 107 3 1 ll 2s CatroneF5 2500 7 GayBirdl09,CticPrcell2,B.Watch 112 Jan. 9-3211? 3 1:12 ft 16-5 109 5 4 331 31 CatroneF 3000 6 JazAgellO,Tombereaull2,Hamilton 110 Oct21-313Emp 53 f 1:10 ft 13-5 119 4 3 43 4!i RichdsH3 2500 9 Claremontll5,Chtoverl22,TmyLad 122 Octl5-313Jam 31:13 ft 18-5 118 3 2 21 331 RobtsonA10 2500 10 Clmontl07,Knltonll7,BlkWatch 17 Octl0-3rJam 3 1:14 si 31 121 2 1 l1 21 RobtsonA10 2500 10 Perkins 126,Knowltonll4,Morshion 103 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .14 7 3 3 $ 5,800 1932 record. . 4 2 11 ,725 Lullaby H. 1 A -7 B. f, 4, by Ellangowan Chansonette, by Thrush. Work- Jan 30 3-4 "l15ft Trainer. T. H. McCreery. Owner. Howe Stable. JaalS-SffHia 3 1:11 ft 17-10 101 2 1 2 331 PhimPsC Allw 6 FchLassl06,RIRuffinl06,Racoon 122 Oct23-313Emp 5gf 1:10 ft 11-5 110 1 1 l" 41 AimersT3 Hdcp 5 Chatfordl09,Condescendll6,Chalice 104 Octl3-313Jam 3 1:12 ft 21 112 1 1 11 21 RobtsonA Allw 6 Milkmnl20,WrCckrlll,EdieAhn 116 Oct 5-313Jam 3 1:12 ft 3 110 3 2 21 2 McAtecL Allw 7 Condescend 113,Squeaky 120,Thais 110 Sep 4-315Sar 3 1:15 hy 41 97 3 3 331 510 PriorW5 Hdcp 5 TheBeasel 114,HarIeml01i,Ormesbyl02 Au5l7-313Sar 3 1:12 ft 13-5 115 111 11 PhiUipsC Allw 7 MeasurellU.ChicsullO.PtsieMcKimllO AuglO-313Sar 31:12 gd 6 100 3 2 2 41 PriorW 6500 12 Fol!owOnllO,Bathorsell8,BIueDay 110 St.irts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .11 2 2 1 $ 1,900 1932 record. . 1 0 0 1 $ 100 Sobieha X QQ B. f, 3, by Sir Gallahad III. Omniad, by Omar Khayyam. Work Jan 301-2 49ft Trainer, W. J. McKnight. Owner, Marshall Field. Jan.l9-323Hia 3 1:13 sy 17-10 105 3 4 3U 391 LongJ5 Allw 7 Reg.Bdunl.ByAngnlThrsdy 110 Janl6-32Hia 5 f 1:05 ft 9-20 112 3 2 21 l1 LongJ 3000 8 L.Offcringl03,Chollall2,Line ofFire 112 Nov23-314Bow 3 1:12 ft 7 112 8 6 33 21 LongJ Allw 12 Playfolell2,LyBluellO,D.dePitiers 112 .OctSl-Slmp 5f 1:08 hy 1 114 1 3 21 l3 LongJ10 2000 10 LadyBlue 112,Even 112,SkyAlight 112 OctS-SlEmp 5f 1:07 ft 7-10 106 3 5 5 5!1 LongJ1 2500 9 Fash.ShwlOO.LyBlue 104,ShtStory 102 Oca9-313Emp 5fl-07 ft 11-5 112 5 5 33i 41 LongJ Stks 5 FngDonll8,RshMmtll5,StarFire 115 Oct 8-314Jam 5 f 1:06 ft 13-5 110 3 1 l1 2 McAteeL Stks 5 UniquelllStraightlace 116,Pintail 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. Srd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 15 2 4 2 $ 2,600 1932 record . 2 1 0 1 $ 870 Lady Fingers X 107 Ch. m, 5, by Bunting Whirl, by Jack Atkin. Work Jan 303-4 146t Vf I Trainer, H. Saladin. Owner, A. B. Gallaher. JarL20-32Hia 3 1:12 si 15 104 4 5 514 514 LewisM3 4000 5 Panetian 114, Bacciocco 112, Ellice 105 Janl5-32Hia 3 1:11 " 43 103 3 6 68i 6s TurnerC1 Allw 6 FchLassl06,RlRuffinlO6,Lulbyn. 101 Oct30-313Lat 3 1:12 gd29-10 104 2 3 11 P TurnerC8 3500 7 GraisGift 107,Angry 107,GoldStep 115 Oct21-313Lat 3 1:11 ft 5 104 6 4 33 351 TurnerC4 4000 6 FrcliLasslll,GdStepll5,GousGift 111 Oct 3-313Lat 3 1:12 ft 7 112 5 3 11 3s MorsonR 4000 7 LowGear 115.Angry HO.LadyDean 108 Sep24-314L.F 3 1:12 ft 18-5 109 6 3 33 441 MorsonR3 5000 6 Sundot 109, Cheers 114, Uluniu 114 Sepll-315L.F 3 1:11 ft 24 1081 7 7 71 714 MorsonR4 Allw 7 PyWalkerl07,MaJonesl04,Jtinian 113 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 2 Mabla 5fc f 1 Q B. m, 5, by On Watch Sox, by Donnacona. Work: Jan. 28 3-4.1 :15t O . Trainer. A. G. Kobertson. Owner, Mrs. G. loft. See chart of Saturdays fifth race. Jaa23-324Hia 3 1:12 gd23-i0 107 6 2 11 Tl StevensF5 Hdcp 6 Helianthus 113,Uluniu 108,Martis 105" Jaal4-323Hia 3 1:11 ft 61 107 7 6 3 3J1 StevensP Stks 7 Fly.Heelsl26,D.Leonll3,K.Cmanderll7 Nov6-313Bow 31:11 ft 21 104 2 2 1 PI StevensF4 Hdcp 6 RobsEggl04,Van.Pool 126,FolIowOnll6 KTov21-313Bow 5f 1-05 ft 14 104 7 7 71 710 StevensF Hdcp 7 Balko 131,TheBeasei 119,FoIIowOn 109 N6vl8-31sBow 3 1:11 ft 79 104 2 I li 35 StevensF Allw 8 HelianthsllOjMisstepUe.Mask.Ball 110 Aus22-31!Sar 1 1:24 ft 5 112 4 5 6 711 HarveyW 8500 7 Hibaial05.Fort.Youthil2,GnPrince 112 1124 ft 20 122 3 1 43 410 HarveyW1 Hdcp 4 P,lyPlayll2,ConArnoreI26,BlWVi,my 112 JuL17-314Emp 53 f ld0 ft 13-5 1111 3 3.2 21! HarveyW Hdcp-8 Ladanall8,p;nan"tLas3 i26LQueen I2Q 3 e ; Starts. 1st 2nd. 8rd. Won.- . 8tart, 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 8 1 V 1 $ 1,375 1932 record.T 2 1 "0 1 S1.35Q Jaffa X QQ B. f, 3, by Bucellas Dance Spirit, hy Bock Sand. Work: Jan. 303-8. :37" " Trainer, E. W. Mitchell. Owner. A G. Weston. -Nov24-312Bow 2 1:13 ft 20 111 3 3 7s 712 SteffenE4 Alhv 11 Spgsteel 122,Daisaburoll4,LHIybct 105 Nov: 5-31!Pim 3 1:13 ft 16 111 8 8 81 10"i SteffenE3 Allw 10 TuI.ArdlC6,Boscobel lll.Pennywise 110 0126-311 1:14 ft 5 109 1 1 1 1 SteffenE8 3000 10 LilIybetlll,TuIachArdll5,O.Hearth 112 OctSl-SlLrl 5k f 1:07 ft 16 115 7 6 4el 4 SteffonE10 Maid 12 Boscobel 115,BigAmcall5,Donnella 115 Octl6-313LrI 31:14 si 11 116 2 1 23 25-SteffenE8 2500 12 Zosaral08,LkyRacketllO,ChIoedair 110 Octl3 31Lrl 3 1:13 ft 54 116 4 6 6s! 87i BejshakJ4 Maid 12 BdNestll6,BoscobeI 116,B.Americall6 Oct 5-314Lrl 5 f 1:06 ft 14 105 6 8 8i 98 CallahanH8 Alhv 12 oprsteel lll.Hagtnlll.Daisabro 111 . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .19 15 3 ,360 Hose Tonrnament QQ B. f, 3 M, by Tournament II. Ponte Eosa, by Bridge of Work: Jan. 291-2. :51 Canny. Trainer, M. J. Daly, Jr. Owner, M. J. Daly. Jara3-32,Trp 5 f 1:05 ft 152 96 2 3 35 4" StoutJ5 1500 7 Noajoycell8,T.Spaniard 118,GayPal 113 OctlO-SlL.B a 1:14 gd 33o 100 7 4 713 713 RidgayA4 Allw 7 Rubridge HO.Hobnob 118,DarkCelt 100 JuL23-31Kgs 5k f 1:09 ft 27 103 712 MitchellM 1000 10 Logwoodl07,GdenSeat 105,Deserve 115 JuU6-314Del 11:03 ft 30 109 8" RoseF 1200 8 Logwoodl08.WhiteBsktl09,Surantol06 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record. . 3 1932 record. . 1 0 0 0 $ 25 Kitty -Bruce 10 B. f, 3 M, by "Whisk Broom II. Precious Pearl, by Zeus. Work Jan 22 3-4 l-22ft -jO. Trainer, B.. W. Collins. Owner, B. W. Collins. JanHia 3 1:13 ft 21-10 110 4 1 lJ 2s PollardJ9 Allw 11 DianaD.112,SshowllO,Gal.Duchess 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1932 record.. 1 0 1 0 $ 150 Xnst 1 r7 B m 6 y star Master Blight Gold, by Golden Maxim. Work Jan 283-8 -39ft Trainer, "W. E. Martin. Owner, Mrs. "W. E. Martin. Oct 8-295 1:07 ft" 20 109 6 5 55 44i McTagueJJ1 5000 13 SageEirell7,R.orShinell7,TidyMiss 114 Aug28-29,Sar g 1:13 ft 30 113 2 4 45 51 McTagueJJ4 400015 StarWhel07,G.Gull 110,PrinceToy 121 Au523-29Sar f 1:14 sy 30 102 4 9 10s! 8U McTagueJJ4 6750 14 BettyBeau 108,ImperialAirl06,Zida 108 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.,. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.- UlareTe X QQ Br Dy Messenger Comixa, by Colin. Work- Jan 30 5-8.1 -03f Trainer, J. Beckman. Owner, A. W. Wentzel. Jaa29-324Hia 31:12 ft 108 SCRATCHED. Post P. 2 3500 5 MyPchasel09,Jalayall5,S.Teatimc 109 Jaal9-32sHia 2 1:13 sy 16 109 4 3 44 51S ThurberH2 Allw 7 Reg.Bdunll2,ByAngnll2,Sobieha 105 Juir314Aqu :59ft 11-5 113 5 2 6 816 ThurberH8 7200 10 UncannyllO.Porgie 110,Renaissance 115 JuL 6-315Aqu 1 1:00 sy 3-5 110 1 1 Is l5 ThurberH4 Allw 6 Errant HO.Rcbuff 105, Flag Trick 110 JuL l-314Aqu f :59 ft 20 112 2 3 34 31 ThurberH Stks 7 Stagecraftll2,RbitSkinl07,Brocado J12 Jua24-314Aqu 9 ft 41 103 4 8 9" 9" LongJ 5200 10 Despoil 107,Renssancell5,ReglFIagll5 Junl3-31Bel vc 1:00 ft 2 115 3 1 li l2 ThurberH3 Maid 12 BnyMaureenll5,Devoutll5,Boocap 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record.. 7 2 0 1 ,700 1932 record. . 1 6th Hialeah Indian River Purse. Purse ,000.. 4-Year-Olds and Up-- ward. Claiming. Repentance, Jan. 23, 1932 1 Mile 1:3624110. NOTE Claiming price, ,000; if for less, 1 pound allowed for each 00 to ,500. Weight, 12 pounds below scale. Winners since January 1, 2 pounds extra for each race won since that date. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post r-Best at Distance- Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 68087 3 Jack Campbell.. 5 113X 3500 682122 2 Sunfire ....Hia 114 1:39 7 111X 3500 68240 8 John F. ...Hia 114 1:38 4 114.. 4000 681863 4Tarnish ...A.P 111 l:42sy 5 101X 3500 681842 5Gay Bird ..Hia 114 1:40 4 113X 4000 66868 7 Sun Shadow... 68268 6The Gen ...Bel 107 1:39 4 104X 3500 Hia 110 1:39 6 111X 3500 68268 1 Meridian Queen 682123 9 Islam L.F 112 1:38 6 116X 4000 Hia 106 1:37 6 108X 4000 Best times shown above are from Jan. 1, 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures 1 or 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Jack Campbell X 11 B. h, 5, by Guy Fortune Ethel Vale, by Watervale. Work: Jan. 303-4 ..1-19" i-J-O Trainer, F. E. Kraft. Owner, R. Spreckel. Jaa22-32Hia 1 1:24 ft 27-10 115 2 3 31 1" KelsayW10 2750 10 Knoltonll3,ClnPlayll5,WarSaint 115 JaalSHia 3 1:11 ft 7-5 114 4 4 31 21 KelsayW2 2500 9 DbleHeart 114,WarSaintll4,Fervid 111 Nov.23-312Bow 31:12 ft 21-5 117 5 3 2 1" KelsayW1 2500 11 CalgyKayll7,Baccioccoll2,GayPal 115 Sepl7-316Bel wc 1:11 ft 6 111 9 7 710 7" KelsayW8 3500 11 Pilatell4,SingleStar 115,T.Heathen 111 Sep.10 31Bel 3 wc 1:11 ft 4 114 15 12 1214 11s WkmanR8 4000 15 BrVgThrul09,Pilate 112,Aknahton 107 Aug29-314Sar 1 1:28 hy 3 110 2 4 551 61 KelsayW8 3000 10 Fantadll2,SaraBurdonl07,Dedicate 110 Aug.ll-3rSar 1 1:25 ft 7 110 10 1 1" 2 KelsayW10 4000 14 Flagstone 107, Rubio 112, Mild 105 Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record.. 6 1 2 0 $ 1,350 1932 record. . 2 1 1 0 $ 900 John F. 1 1 A e 4 ty I,adkin Pousette, by Ballot. Work: Jan. 27 3-4.1 :17ft Trainer. F. J. Kearns. Owner. J. P. White. Jaa28-323Hia 1 1:37 ft 21-5 114 2 4 31 41! KsingerC5 Allw 6 LyBrcastlll,DgMackll4,AIdshot 113 Jaa22-323Hia 1 1:24 ft 71 108 4 3 31 21 KsingerC1 4000 7 Mer.Queenl06,T.Heathnll6,Snfire ;12 Dec29-315Hav 3 1:11 ft 5 112 2 4 4!1 43 CurranW2 Allw 6 JkColIinsll2,VacilIatell2,OutBnd 112 Dec25-315Hav l50 1:41 ft 7-5 105 3 3 451 31 PriorW1 Stks 7 Bathrl08,For. Youth 115,This.Ann 109 N"ov21-318Bow lj 1:47 ft 71 103 1 3 6s 631 PriorW1 4500 9 DonPedroll3,Gigticl08,W.Crackr 107 No18-31Bov li 1:47 ft 51 109 4 3 21 ln PriorW3 3750 10 Polydorus 105,Rubio lll.SirByron 103 Nov 3-31Pim 1" 1:44 ft 5-2 117 8 4 43 351 CurranW 4000 9 InfnoLadl09,DngMackll7,TheGen 112 . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .20 4 2 3 $ 4,440 1932 record.. 2 0 1 0 $ 300 Gay Bird X 11 Br s y racJ ay Blumage, by McGee. Work Jan 30 3-4 l-19ft ---J Trainer, A. W. Abbott. Owner, A. W. Abbott. Jaa26-324Hia 1 1:24 ft 8 111 3 1 2h 2h MillsH1 Allw 7 Pr.TokalonllO.Pennate lll.Chatfd 113 Jaal5-32Hia 1 1:52 ft 13-20 107 2 1 Is lk MillsH3 3500 6 Garlic 109, Montanaro 112, Skrip 112 Jaal2 324Trp 1 1:11 ft 41-10 109 5 3 3J1 1" MillsH3 2500 7 S.Star 107,CelticPrco 112,B.Watch 112 Jan. 8-32!Trp 1 1:25 ft 12 101 2 3 461 412 PhillipsC3 4000 6 PeTokalnl03,Matdil01,Mer.Queen 108 Nov23-31Bow lj 1:48 ft 19-5 112 9 1 Tl 1" RobtsonA9 2000 11 Westkol07,An.Light 104,Justiciary 104 Novl8-316Bow l 1:47 ft 17 106 2 4 69 791 PrainA1 3750 10 JohnF. 109. Polydorus 105, Rubio 111 Nov.l2-3rPim lj 1:46 ft 17 103 4 3 l2 11 NertneyW6 2500 12 Chattyl08,StarCrestll5.EagerPlay 115 Oct27-314Lrl lfg 1:47 ft 21 113 1 3 5s 521 WkmanR1 2500 12 Arras 113, Dawdle lOO.AllColumbia 106 . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .14 5 0 0 $ 4,300 1932 record.. 4 2 10 ,780 Tlie Gd! X 1 CA. Ch. c, 4, by Dunboyne Miss Dora, by Jack Atkin. Work- Jan " 24 7-8 1-34" J-Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner, G. C. Winfrey. Jaa29-325Hia 11:24 ft 10 108 5 5 5 6s! RobtsonA1 4000 7 PopGaffnyl00,JazAgell6,FullDress 107 Jaal8 32sHia 2 1:11 ft 10 109 5 6 34 24 WinfreyW5 3500 13 JazAge 113,WarSaint 112,Tancred 114 Nov 3 SlPim 1" 1:44 ft 9-10 112 2 1 351 46 NertneyW2 4000 9 InfnoLadl09,DingMackll7,JohnF. 117 Oct24-316Lrl 1" 1:43 ft 3-2 112 2 1 l4 l2 GarnerM 3000 7 EgerPlayll3,MgaretMcl07,Kadiak 112 Octl6 316LrI 2 1:13 si 8 111 1 6 5J1 41 GarnerM10 3200 12 T.Hthenlll,HckyH.112.DinsLad 111 SeAl4-31Bel 1 1:38 ft 6 107 5 1 6s?. 68 CallahanH3 3500 11 HisWay 110, Don Pedro 111, Arras 103 Sep. 1-31Sar 11:40 ft 16-5 1053 1 l3 lit MundenF8 4000 10 NtPatrol 103,Mntanaro lll.T.Spin 105 iDisqualified. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .18 4 4 1 $ 3,900 1932 record. . 2 0 1 0 $ 150 Meridian Queen X 1 OR B. m, 6, by Meridian Queen Bashti, by Burgomaster. Work- Jan 26 lm l-43ft Trainer, G. Hamilton. Owner, C. H. Miller. Jaa29-32!Hia 1 1:24 ft" 6 111 2 6 6T 531 PhillipsC1 4000 7 PopGaffnyl00,JazAgell6,FullDress 107 Jaa22-325Hia 1 1:24 ft 6-5 106 3 2 1" 11 PhillipsC5 4000 7 John F.108,T.Heathen 116,Sunfire 112 Jaal4-324Hia 1 1:37 ft 38 106 2 1 l" 23 PhillipsC5 4500 9 PnceTokalnl08,Impish HO.Islam 114 Jan. 8-325Trp 1 1:25 ft 51 108 3 2 2 311 MadeleyF5 4000 6 PceTokalonl03,Matadil01,GayBird 101 Nov20-31cBow lg 1:49 si 61 110 3 2 631 613 PriorW0 3500 10 Syriac 107, Tarnish 107, FlyingMax 112 "Novl3-31cPim 1 2:34 ft 27-10 112 3 1- l2 121 NertneyW6 3000 8 Mad.Mrvinl08,G.Jumperl05,B.Herol00 Nov 4-31Pim 1- 1:43 ft 23-10 107 1 1 l3 l4 NertneyW5 3000 8 SweepPic 113,Kadiak 113,StaiCrest 112 Oct30-31sLrl 1 1:49 m 3-2 105 3 2 2 35 NertneyW 3000 8 FlygMax 108,Arras 113,EagerPIay 113 . Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .28 6 5 2 0,120 1932 record. . 4 111 ,500 Son fire X 111 Ch 7 Olambala Sunburst, by Banastar. Work: Jan. 261-2... :52" J-J-J. Trainer, J. T. Taylor. Owner, Mrs. E. X. Swikard. Jaa27-324Hia 1 1:51 ft 21 111 5 3 21 21! GarnerM5 4000 7 Impish 105, Islam 110, Montanaro 105 Jaa22-325Hia 1 1:24 ft 8 112 5 6 421 4J1 GarnerM4 4000 7 Mer.Queenl06,JohnF.108,T.Heathn 116 Jaal4-324Hia 1 1:37 ft 13 114 8 8 6" 510 TurnerC1 4500 9 PnceTklnlOS.Mer.QunlOImpish 110 Oct30-31cLat lj 1:46 ft 17-10 115 4 3 ? 33 MeycrC2 4000 5 Gaillardia 110, Blot 110, Plumage 103 Oct27-314Lat 1 1:46 ft 21-5 113 8 4 31 2" TurnerC10 4000 10 Prose a. Ptry 118,Bather 113,Chenel03 Oct23-31Lat 1 1:58 ft 7,10 109 5 1 l5 1!1 RileyG8 2000 8 Verculitel09,B.ofLiliesl01,S.Down 107 Oct 7-314L.B I10 1:49 m 3-4 110 3 6 41 41 RileyG2 Allw 6 LiveOnel02,SaIisbury 102,Wrackell 107 , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.. 1931 record.. 13 9 11 $ 8,399 1932 record. ..3 0 1 0 $ 172 Tamisll X 101 ch. m, 5, by Sand Mole Virginity, by Fair Play. Work- Jan 301-2 -48ft J-V-L Trainer, D. R. McDaniel. Owner, B. B. Stbale. Jaa26-32cHia 1 1:24 ft 16 111 7 7 451 34 PrainA5 3000 8 Clean Play 112,Please 114, Athol 109 Jaal8-326Hia g 1:11 ft 119 114 13 13 ll13 9" PrainA11 3500 13 JazAge 113, TheGen 109, WarSaint 112 Nov28-31:Bow 1 2:36 si 6-5 107 8 1 l4 1 LewisM9 2500 12 Our Pal 113, Martinelli 110, Skirt 105 Nov20-31Bow 1A 1:49 si 21-5 107 2 8 41 2 LewisM1 3000 10 Syriac 107,FlyingMax 112,Arras 108 Novl4.3FPim 1 19 ft 37-10 110 6 3 21 121 LewisM3 2500 7 Polydorus 114,Syriac 117,FairAvis 103 Nov 5-31Pim 1 1:59 ft 1 108 2 2 l4 l1 LewisM10 2000 12 Glernolll,TheBreakl07,ChancelIor 111 Oct28-315Haw 1 1:49 gd 18 107 8 4 33 31 NelsonC9 2250 12 Durva 102,GreyKittyl05,Englewood 109 , Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , tarts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .37 10 4 4 $ 9,540 1932 record. . 2 0 0 1 $ 100 Son SliadoW X 111 Br. g, 6, by Sun Briar Edwina, by Celt. Work- Jan. 29 lm.l:41ft Trainer. G. M. Odom." Owner,- Arden Farms. Jaa22-32cHia 1 1:24 ft 119 SCRATCHED. Post P. 3 3250 10 JkCmpbl 115,Knltonll3,ClnPIay 115 Nov28-31eBow 1and 1:55 si 8 112 5 10 109i 10" LongJ2 3500 11 B.McFarldll5,H.Grovell2,S.Lassicl09 No-24-31!Bow lj 1:47 ft 31 115 1 5 3s 41! ThurberH1 3500 9 Arras 107, FlyGuy 102, Scot Free 111 Novl7-316Bow 1A 1:47 ft 31 112 1 2 321 34 ThurberH8 3500 9 Eager Play 110,BuboIa 103, Ruane 109 Nov 4-31Bel 1 1:39 ft 5 117 6 3 541 43 ThurberH2 4000 8 Recede 107, Rubio 115, Don Pedro 117 Octl3-31sJam 1" 1:45 ft 8-5 116 6 3 21 l3 LongJ8 2500 8 LadyLegsl08,AlNeimanll9,Rkhone 102 Jua 6-31Bcl 1 1:38 ft 3e 112 7 6 7 71 ThurberH1 6000 8 Condescendl00.Aknahtonl04,B.Thrul09 Ajr20-313Jam 1 1:47 ft 9-20 107 3 2 23 221 LongJ4 5000 4 DressShip 104,Pourboirel08;,WeIlet 109 Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record.. 12 12 2 ,350 Islam X 1 1 f B. h, 6, by The Porter Dream of Allah, by Colin. Work: Jan. 30 3-4.1:13ft J--LD Trainer, J. Howard. Owner, J. Howard. Jaa27-324Hia li 1:51 ft 14-5 110 3 4 321 31! FinnertyR3 4000 7 Impish 105,Sunfire lil.Montanaro 105 Jaal8-324Hia 1 1:37 ft 12 111 4 4 44 43i FinnertyR2 Allw 6 LyBrdcstl08,Rcoonl08,DgMack 108 Jaal4 324Hia 1 1:37 ft 11 114 6 5 4 410 FinnertyR 4500 9 PnceTklnlOS.Mer.QunlOlmpish 110 Jaa 6-325Trp 1 1:38 ft 28 106 6 6 681 59 FinnrtyR5 Hdcp 6 Arras lOO.Waterway 112,CalfRoper 109 Octl2 314Haw 1 1:49 si 41 104 5 4 35 34 CorbettC3 Allw 5 Eil Weirl02,Uluniu 105,JimDandy 105 Oct 5-314Haw g 1:12 ft 22-5 106 6 5 1" l4 CorbettC Allw 8Sundot 105. Fiddler 111. Eil Weir 108 Sep23-314L.F 1 1:38 ft 11-5 112 5 3 41 21 CorbettC 5000 6 HomerL. HO.Mucker 112,BiIILney 115 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record.. 17 2 6 1 $ 3,527 1932 record. . 4 0 0 1 $ 115 7th Hialeah Purse ,000. 3-Year-Olds. Claiming. Impish, Jan. 27, Vs Miles 1932-1 :51-4-105. NOTE Claiming price, ,000. Weight, 112 pounds. Non-winners since January 1 allowed 3 pounds; since December 1, 5 pounds. Index Post -Best at Distance- Wt. Claim Index Post -BestatDistance-v Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 681832 3Don Tasker.... 102.. 2000 68209 4Darter M ... 102.. 2000 681653 5Fair Billows .. 107X 2000 68183 9Sweepmar M. 102X 2000 681833 10 Spanfair 112X 2000 68293 11 Baal M 107.. 2000 68057 6 Rubridge 107X 2000 68084 12 Prince Dale.... 107X 2000 68166 8 Deserve 107X 2000 68183 13 Ever Faithful.. 102.. 2000 68057 7 Night Edition.. 112X 2000 68209 14Manassas M 68236 lLady Ara M. 97.. 2000 . Hia 100 1:54 102 2000 68004 2 Lucky Racket.. 107X 2000 Best times shown above are from Jan. X 1931. Fair mud runner. XGood mud runner. Superior mud runner. Brackets , won last start; figures or 8 2nd or 3rd last start; apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with law-A workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Dls. Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str. Fin. Jockey P.P.Cl.Pce.Sts. Best Company Don Tasker I AO B, c, 3, by Tryster Byo Bye, by Broomstick. Work- Jan " 30 lm l-44ft Trainer, G. A. Tappen. Owner, J. J. Moran." Jaa26-323Kia 11:39" ft" 12 109 5 2 21 21 MalleyT3 2000 12 Herkimerlll,Spanfairl09,Cath.Fox 103 Jaa22-323Hia 1 1:39 ft 11-5 110 8 4 35 25 MalleyT8 2000 8 F.Billowsl07,WsFoxl05,B.Sotham 110 Jaal8 32Hia 1 1:12 ft 13 110 7 8 7i 64 MalleyT1 2500 14 Rabble HO.Fair Billows 110,SIash 105 Jaal4-326Hia 11:39 ft 7 112 5 3 33 3!1 MalleyT2 2750 12 Southcoll2,N.Editionll3,Phan.Rockll2 Oct 8-31sJam 5 1:14 sy 20 107 10 11 ll18 922 PascumaA18 2000 15 T.ThreadsllO.Dceptivel02,G.oGab 104 526-31 llKKsy 25 110 12 15 14si 15" MalleyT13 2000 16 FnShowl02,PmRockl05,WlHled 111 Sepl8-3rBel 3 wc 1:12 gd 20 114 12 12 129! landl PascumaA2 3000 16 ThrsdylM.BleDasel 103,Chatms 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. . 6 1 0 1 $ 550 1932 record. . 4 0. 2 1 $ 400 J Fair BillOWS X 1 fl7 B. gr, 3, by Eor Fair Billows, by Cunard. JLU I Trainer, A. Harned. Owner, A. Harned. Jaa25-32cHia g 1:24 ft 41 108 2 1 21 3U LewisM2 3000 7 TrbonellO,Southcoll3,BdyLights 110 Jaii22-323Hia 1 1:39 ft 9-10 107 1 1 Is l5 LewisM1 2000 8 D.TaskerllO,WysFoxl05,B.Stham 110 Jaal8-32JHia i 1:12 ft 16 110 5 2 21 21 Bog-skiW13 2500 14 Rabble HO.Slash 105,Captain Ed 115 Jaall-325Trp 1 1:40 ft 7 111 6 3 21! 21! MontgyR9 1500 12 Preparell6,Spanfair lll.MaeSweep 111 Jaa 7-324Trp 1 1:13 ft 2 110 3 2 l1! I1 BogskiW" 1500 9 S.Roy al HS.SgleKayllO.J.CoppagelOS Jaa l-324Trp 1 1:30 si 36 99 5 2 2 23 StoutJ5 1500 8 Bd 0fPreyll8,Laftarll3,Tntalizing 111 My22-315C.D 1 1:03 sy 8 111 1- 2 ll If1 NealE1 2000 7 Brbonitell6,PrceMeganll6,FIuent 113 IDisqualified. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 4 1932 record. . 6 2 3 1 ,050 Spanfair X 11? B. g, 3, by Spanish Brince U. Fair One, by Sir Barton. Work- Jan 25 1-2 -52ft - Trainer, H. Pollard. Owner, Mrs. B. Pollard. Jaa26-323Hia 11:39 "ft 9 109 2 3 35 31 MillsH2 2000 12Hkimerlll,D.Tasker 109,Cath.Fox 103 Jaa22-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 3-4 107 3 3 31! 1" MillsH4 2000 6 Discobolusll0,MkeSpdll0,FgBoy 105. Jaall-325Trp 1 1:40 ft 51 111 1 5 44 33 MillsH1 1500 12 Preparell6,F.Billowslll,MaeSweep 111 Jaa 7-323Trp 1:13 ft 13-10 105 6 2 32 1" MillsH3 1500 9 CsCamillel06,Eli.FoxllO,PeSweep 110 Jaa 5-326Trp 11:41 ft 7-20 108 4 6 661 5Ti MillsH2 1750 7 Deserve 107,SingleKay 109,JaneMc 104 Jaa 2-32sTrp f 1:14 gd 23-5 103 5 2 21! 221 AfillsH 2000 7 LyBlue 103,DancingBoy 107.Delude 94 Dec30-314Trp 1 1:12 ft 47-10 103 2 3 33 24 MillsH8 2000 6 Capt.Edlll,Felaxell8,RegalKnight 1U . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. t. and. 3rd. Won., , 1931 record. .25 0 5 4 $ 1,320 1932 record. . 6 2 12 ,825 Rllbridge X 107 B. c, 3, by Bridge of Earn Bubys Star, by Sunstar, . I Work: Jan. 30 lm. 1:42" J-U Trainer. Z. Gentry. Owner. H. C. Hatch. Jaa21-324Hia g 1:11 ft 14 110 6 4 4n 510 RileyG5 3250 6 Eveningl04,Trombone 114,OilQun 111 Jaal4-32,iHia 1 1:39 ft 11 112 8 6 6" 581 RileyG8 2750 12 Southcoll2,N.Edition 113,D.Tasker 112 Oct30-313Lat 1 1:14 gd 12 115 11 9 918 914 RileyG9 4500 12 Minton 112,FrenchHoneylll,Carideoll2 Oct27-315Lat l:o 1:45 ft 17 110 2 4 44 641 RileyG1 Allw 10 LeDate HO.UnumberedllO.CeeTeellO Oct20-31sLat i 1:13 ft 17 109 12 9 971 9i RileyG3 Allw 12 Predict 109,G.Champnll2,CineFoxl06 Octl4-313L.B a 1:16 m 3-2 110 6 3 341 2s RileyG5 Allw 8 CaryldonlOSWentthlOg.M.Jaison 100 OctlO-Sl.B S 1:14 gd 2 110 1 2 1" l2 RileyG8 Allw 7 Hobnob 118,DarkCeIt 100,Wentwh 108 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .11 2 10 $ 1,850 1932 record. . 2 Deserve X 1 H7 Br" f 3 ty Doage Besire, by Marathon. r VVork: Jan. 30 5-8. . .1:09ft Trainer. X. A. Daly. Owner, L. M. Shea. Jaa25-32Hia 1 1:39 ft 18-5 110 1 6 6s 46lEabyJ2 2000 9 ElbhFoxl00,Cirvenall0,PyPenny 113 Jaal9-32JHia 11:43 sy 18 110 2 3 35 34 PhillipsC3 2000 9 LyRcktl05,MaeSwpl05,Cath.Fox 100 Jaall-325Trp 1 1:40 ft 61 111 8 6 Tl 68 CorbettC3 1500 12 Preparell6,FairBilIows lll.Spanfair 111 Jaa 8-327Trp 1and 1:47 ft 5 107 2 3 32 33 CorbettC3 2000 6 NhtEditionl05,LdyBluel05,Felaxe 110 Jaa 5-326Trp 1 1:41 ft 10 107 3 1 l1! VI CorbettC5 1500 7 SingleKayl09,JaneMcl04,PcsItalia 107 Jaa l-324Trp 1 1:30 si 7 91 3 7 710 68i MontgyR3 1500 8 B.ofPrey 118,FairBilIows 99,Laftar 113 0ec29-313Trp 5". f 1:08 ft 5 110 1 1 1" 2 McGinnisP8 1500 8 Felaxe lll,DancingBoy lll.Volcry 107 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record.. 35 4 3 2 $ 2,275 1932 record. . 6 1 0 2 $ 925 Night Edition X 119 B. g, 3, by Bunting Mrs. Mc, by Cesarion. Work: Jan. 30 lm l-42ft i---J Trainer, A. 1. Denny. Owner, Mrs. G. Denny. Jaa28-325Hia 1 1:24 ft 108 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 3500 7 Nanscn 112, Miss Tulsa 109, Shiva 117 Jaa21-324Hia f 1:11 ft 6 107 5 6 6" 614 MillsH5 3250 6 Eveningl04,Trombone 114,OilQuh 111 Jaal4-326Hia 1 1:39 ft 8 113 6 1 21 21! MillsH3 2750 12 Southcoll2,DonTaskerll2,Ph. Rock 112 Jaa 8-32Trp 1and 1:47 ft 9-5 105. 6 2 21 l1 MillsH4 2000 6 LadyBlue 105,Deserve 107 .Felaxe 110 Dec31-314Trp 1 1:42 ft 33-10 111 5 3 33 3si MillsH4 Allw 5 CaptnEdlll.FkGrsmnlll.JneMc 105 Dec28-313Trp 1 1:29 ft 2 100 2 2 l1 1 MillsH3 Allw 9 Backfirell6,SleKayl05,TnKnight 116 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Stnrts. 1st and. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .27 1 3 2 $ 1,560 1932 record .. 3 11 0 $ 900 Lady Ara Qf7 Br. f, 3 M, by Hourless Dardenetta, by Cudgel. Work- Jan 27 7-8 l-32ft Trainer, H. Crouch. Owner. Mrs. A. Crouch. Jaa28-321Hia f. 1:13 ft 38 1121110 8C1 88iLeylandJs Allw 11 DianaD.112,KyBrucellO,Sideshow 110 Jaal8-323Hia g 1:13 ft 201 114 7 6 5s 361 LeylandJ1 Allw 8 Zegorall4,Eliz.Fox 114,Fly.Brigade 114 Oct30-3rHaw 31:15 ft 28 f 112 10 6 851 1018 BogskiW12 2500 12 PenNamell5,Darterll2,Bot.Brbon 115 Oct 5-313Haw 3 1:14 ft 91 103 8 8 813 815 BogskiW3 Allw 8 M.Tulsal05,P.Farthgl08,R.Diamd 112 Sep30-31Haw 3 1:15 ft 67f 110 4 3 610 815 ClellandO10 2500 11 DndHeadll4,Dunes HO.B.Bourbon 105 Sep22-31,L.F 3 1:15 ft 13f 115 9 6 751 1VI ClellandO9 Maid 12 Mayetta 115, Zina 115, Melodeon 113 SeplS-SlL-F 3 1:15 gd 18f 110112 10 12" 1210 LeylandJ 2500 12 RdShadwl04,Mueller 109,DnMist 110 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd- Won.- 1931 record. . 7 1932 record. . 2 0 0 1 $ 100 Lucky Racket X 107 " B f 3 ty luclty Hour Fancy Backet, by Wrack. Work- Jan 30 lm l-47f t Trainer, E. A. Smith. Owner, B. A. Smith. Jaal9-32Hia 11:43" sy 19-5 105 3 2 2" l2 RcnickS8 2000 9 MaeSwpl05,Deserve 110,Cath.Fox 100 Jaal4-32Hia 3 1:12 ft 67 103 1 6 3 4e RenickS12 3000 13 SongHitll4,Rabblell2,CathineFox 102 Nov23-314Bow 3 1:12 ft 31 105 7 5 5s 53i RenickS10 Allw 12 Playfole 112,Sobieha 112,LadyBlue 110 Novl7-3rBow 5k f 1:07 ft 13-5 115 3 5 4i 3nlt MannJ2 Maid 12 LyGenal 115,WysRosell5,LnLassll5 Octl6-313Lrl 3 1:14 si 16-5 110 4 4 481 3i MannJ9 2000 12 Zosara 108, Jaffa 116, Chloedair 110 Oct 9-31 5 k f 1:06 m 10 114 8 5 48 31 MannJ12 3500 13 Morgil 117, WildWest 122, SanKai 122 Sep29-311Aqu f 9 ft 10 10210 6 451 461 LongJ" 1500 17 Morgil 115, Johnny 105 Zevar 100 Sep24-31,Aqu f 1:00 ft 7 115 7 13 101 75 MannJ18 2000 17 Tonine 115,Seasaint:115.KathleenJ. 110 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, 1931 record. .18 0 3 4 $ 1,050 1932 record. . 2 1 0 0 $ 750 Darter 1 0 B. f, 3 M, by Dodge Azurita, by Hessian. Work- Jan. 261-2 -52ft J-"" Trainer, S. W. Ward. Owner, Ward and Burton. Jaa27-32lHia 1 1:39 ft 29 102 7 7 710 6U LongJ2 2500 15 LtAttemptl07,ElPumal07,Playbill 115 Oct30-31Haw 31:15 ft 8-5 112 9 7 31 28 FronkW8 2500 12 PenNamell5,Bot.Brbonll5,GoldTipll5 Octie-SHaw 5f 1:15 hy 31 108 4 8 6s 54 JamesE4 2000 12 CsinJudyl03,HrGirl 109,BtvSecretl08 Oct 9-3rHaw 5f 1:08 ft 7 115 4 7 41 3Ji JamesE3 Maid 12 BoobyBirdll5,JennieGal 115,Imeldall5 Sep30-312Haw 3 1:15 ft 3 111 4 9 741 53 FronkW2 3000 10 ChilhomalOS.WlyLadllO.BbyBird 108 Sep24-31JL.F 1:26 ft 13-5 112 2 3 32 48 AllenCE10 2500 12 RylRiotll2,BshDownll2,OIdDept 110 Sep 2-31Sar Si f 1K7 ft 40 11311611 8!i 64 SchaeferL19 2500 21 OilQunll3,TyWrackll2,LyRacket 112 . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .13 0 1 1 $ 400 1932 record.. 1 Sweepmar X 109 B. g, 3 M, by Sweep Mario T., by Ogdem Work: Jan. 30 3-4. . .1:19ft J-v1! Trainer, B. B. Williams. Owner, A. K. Stone. Jaa26-323Hia 11:39 ft 177 10412 6 6J1 541 MontgyR8 2000 12 Herkimerlll.D.Taskcr 109,Spanfairl09 Oct29-3rHaw 3 1:14 ft 16 115 8 7 59 451 BogskiW" Maid 12 Playdalell5,C.Dglasll5,F.Grabner 115 Ocfc26-3rHaw 3 1:14 ft 17 112 10 10 Tl 41 HanfordB3 1500 12 BlkJewell 104,Zcnkal09,LfulGablellO Oct22-314Haw 3 1:13 ft 27 107 6 6 610 6" HanfordB3 3000 7 ISayllO,SpleSingerl07,WrldlyLad 106 Octig SlHaw 3 1:16 ft 10 115 8 6 6 42 JamesE5 Maid 12 L.GmblellS.B.BbonllS.F.Grbner 115 Octl3-31Haw 6f 1:25 m lOf 114 8 6 441 21 JamesE8 1500 11 Cres.CitylOg.ByScretlll.Casimira 106 Sep26-311L.F 3 1:17 hy 13e 115 9 5 861 571 McDottL9 Maid 12 Beaverll5,HoosierPrince 115,Adsumll5 . Stnrts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won., 1931 record. .17 0 1 0 $ 400 1932 record. . 1 Baal 1 07 Ch. g, 3 M, by Olambala Grace Foster, by Superman. Work: Jan. 263-8... :37ft Trainer, J. Edwards. Owner, J. Edwards. See chart of Saturdays first race. Jaa27-321Hia 11:39 ft 107 SCRATCHED. Post P. 18 2500 15 LtAttemptl07,ElPumal07,Playbill 115 Jaall-323Trp 31:13 ft 36 110 4 4 45 581 CatroneF3 1500 12 BokieB.105,ElbethFoxl06,Delude 100 Jaa 9-323Trp 3 1:13 ft 128 108 7 8 810 810 CatroneF8 1500 8 Prcparelll,Nonanal06,BrnSupinet 111 Nov 4-31Bel 3 1:12 ft 60 106 5 9 9,s 9,B ReillyF4 3000 15 Moony 112, LadyBlue 112,St. Carl 112 Octl-SlEmp 53 f 1:11 ft 20 118 10 9 9i 914 RichdsH10 Maid 10 SwcraftU8,Spfairll8,CsTbadour 118 Octl4-31,Jam 3 1:12 ft 40 103 8 10 918 9" PichonL Allw 10 Cambal 108,Thais 115,Blackmock 103. . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v 1931 record. . 8 1932 record. .2 prince Dale X 1 07 B. gr, 3, by Prince Pal Diamond Sale, by Darley Bale. Work: Jan. 27 lm... 1:44ft -L" I Trainer, 3. Spencer. Owner, 3. Bpencer. Jaa26-323Hia 11:39 ft 111 SCRATCHED. Post P. 1 2250 12 Herkimerlll.D.Tasker 109,Spanfairl09 Jaa22-324lia 1 1:39 ft 17 112 5 5 5!1 5s StevcnsF2 2000 8 F.Billowsl07,D.TaskerllO,WysFox 105 Jan.l4-32Hia 1 1-29 ft 112 112 10 10 10" 9" StevensE 2750 12 Southcoll2,N.Edition-113,D.Tasker 112 Dct24-3rLat 1 1:51 hi 23-10 113 7 4 24 l1 AHcnCE4 Maid 12 Surely 113, Manassas 113, Polyp 113 Oct 6-31Lat 5 1:13 ft 86 115 9 6 65i 44 SchutteH 2500 11 Diggins 115, K. Russell 115, Vesee 115 Sep24-31,L.P g 1:26 ft 23f 115 11 11 11" 10" SchutteH 250012 RylRiotll2,BshDownll2,01dDept 110 JuL 2-31Lat 54. f 1:09 si 40 115 12 7 9" 8" BeechJ" 2500 12 O.Jfersonll5,GrdUnionll5,P.Rock 115 Juo30-3rLat 5fl:103l 39 115 91111" 9" BeechJ1 Maid 12 BIackWestU5,CoIdCheckll5,Scream 115 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.r . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1931 record. .5 1 0 0 $ 900 1932 record. . 2 JJrer Faitllfnl 1 09 Ch f 3 by pset Midnight, by Uncle. Work- Jan 30 1 1-8. .l56ft Trainer, J". Howard. Owner, Mrs. F. A. Carreand. Jan.26-323Hia 11:39 ft 11 1051 8 9 710 810 FinnertyR9 2000 12 Herkimerlll.D.Taskcr 109,Spanfairl09 JanJ9-327Hia 11:43 sy 13 108 9 7 6" 5" FinnertyR 2000 9 LkyRcketlOS.MaoSwpHK.Desrve 110 JanJ3-325Trp 1 1:26 ft 25 107 8 5 5 34 FinnertyR9 2500 8 Felaxel07,GaptainEd 116,LadyBIue 107 Jan. 6-32Trp 54, f 1:05 ft 83 107 8 8 8U 7" FinnrtyR 3000 8 SongHitlll,DonPabIol07,CaptnEd 112 Oct30-31Haw 3 1:14 ft 38 107 8 7 81 84CorbettC6 3000 10 Switchl05.RalRiot 107,Sp!eSinger 114 Oct26-312Haw 2 1:13 ft 17 110 3 6 81 54 CorbettC 3000 12 SleSingerllO.DurngollS.Pr.TommylOS Octl9-31sHaw 3 1:14 ft 24 111 1 8 84 8" McAffeD Alhv 9 MissMarr Ul.Bertjohn lll.DisDat 108 Oct 8-3141aw 51 f 1:08 ft 91 108 6 7 62 4 CorbettC 2500 12 B.Pepperl06,S.Teatimell3,Marlcne 111 Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. 1931 record. .11 1 0 1 $ 1.050 1932 record. . 4 0 0 1 $ 75 Manassas if: 109 Br. g, 3 M, by TJnder Fire Adore, by Trap Bock. Work- Jan 30 1m l-43ft Trainer, H. Saladin. Owner, A. B. Gallaher. 3an27-32Hia 11:39 "ft" 21 10215 11 ll18 11" SmithD" 2500 15 LtAttemptl07,EiPumal07,PlaybiU 115 Jaa23-32Hia ll:53gd 93 100 3 1 3 4s LewisM1 2000 9 Tancredll4,TcaCrker 109,Druggist 114: Janl4-326Hia 1 1:39 ft 128 112 12 8 8" 8" McDottL" 2750 12 Sohcoll2,N.Edition 113,D.Tasker 112 Janll-323Trp 31:13 ft 47-10f 116 12 12 ll19 921 McDottL1 2000 12 BokieB.105,El,bothFoxl06,Dolude 100 Oct24-3rLat l70 1:51 m 21-10 11311 7 64 31 MorsonR Maid 12 PrinceDale 113, Surely 113, Polyp 113 Oct21-31Lat 1:13 ft 15 10911119 8" MorsonR 2500 12 Suniday llO.Lonell 109,IndnDance 114 017-311Lat 21:19 hy 21 115 7 3 3s 31! MorsonR" Maid 12 Vesee 115. JodieK. 112. Pictover 115 , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1931 record. .10 0 0 3 $ 300 1932 record.. 4