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r GAIOT RACING FORM I 1- FAIR grounds""" I HEW ORLEANS, LA., FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1932 Fair Grounds 1 mile. Forty-fcond day. Louisiana Jockey Club. Winter meeting of 48 days. Bradley-Stewart Stall Gate used. Weather drizzly. Stewards, C. J. FitzGerald and J. B. Campbell. Judges, W. H. Shelley, C. J. McLennan and H. P. Conkling. Starter, W. Hamilton. Racing Secretary, J. McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM CHARTS Z a a VS 2 - Positions In Race and t.n ij "J Lengths Ahead of S o 5 t, S Next Following Horsa . . n 33 3 z w S S SIS 3 j S I 68727HICKEY wsb 4 110 5 3 24 24 2 2 U LewisM G Martin 910 100 FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. Top o th Morning, Feb. 9, 1918 1:1 16 116. Purse 00. 7 irJc? 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; Mar.-11-32-F.G fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiV. Odds Strt 1 68259 MY INVER w 4 110 5 3 24 1" 14 14 TildenR J J Dolan 1420-100 67316 UPDIKE w 9 115 111 81 65 54 2h MayT A Thomas 480-100 68876 KING HALMA w 7 115 6 5 4 45 44 3" JohnsonE B Bagley 1530-100 68962 BABBLE wb 5 115 2 8 3" 31 34 41 ThomasH R H New 460-100 67992 POLYFON wb 5 115 3 4 11 24 24 5s RobleH J S Simpson 400-100 68992 BUNTHORNE wb 8 115 4 10 11 71 6s 6" AnersonA Mrs J Keller 1070-100 69019 HIDDEN THOUGHTS wb 6 112 7 2 6" 81 7" 74 BurkeJH C W Bidwill 630-100 68991 UNLUCKY b 9 115 8 9 94 9" 9l 84 GoverW M L Short 2170-100 68379 VANITY CASE w 3 106 11 6 5 4 51 8 9" McCoyJ G W Googe 68932AGNES SOREL wb 4 110 10 1 10411 lOi 101 CooperRG Mrs R Cooper 400-100 68543 NORMAHAL wb 4 110 9 7 7" 10411 11 LandoltC C Reid t tField. Time, :23. :48. 1:14. Track good. , ?2 CERTIFICATES PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MY INVER 0.40 $ 13.80 $ 9.80 1420100 590100 390100 UPDIKE Field 4.00 3.60 100100 80100 KING HALMA 11.00 450100 Winner Br. f, by My Own Inver Maid, by Trompe la Mort trained by H. Trotsek; bred by Mr. A. Barklie. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:32. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won handily; second and third driving. MY INVER, away fast, forced the early pace under light restraint and, drawing into command in the stretch, continued well and won handily. UPDIKE, away slowly, worked his way up on the inside and continued resolutely after going to the outside in the stretch. KING HALMA held on gamely despite swerving in the stretch. BABBLE showed speed, but bore out entering the stretch. POLYFON showed speed, saved ground, but tired when slightly impeded near the end. HIDDEN THOUGHTS dropped out of it and closed a gap while racing on the extreme outside in the stretch. AGNES SOREL was outrun. Scratched 681323Noon Plav, 115; 690612Graphite, 108; 68258 Beauty Bride, 103; 67215 Royal Son, 115; 68991 Beau Wrack, 115; 68569 Broom Lady, 103; 67828 Raffler Con, 115; 69124 Pagan Laddie, 115; 69031 Fred Auerbach, 108. Overweight Hidden Thoughts, 2 pounds; Vanity Case, 3. QOCer SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. Top o th Morning, Feb. 9, 19181:1146116. Purse m rl!jrV 5600. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Fillies and mares. Special weights. Net value Mar.-11-32-F.G to wjnner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Imlex Horses EqtA WtPr St Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt 69208 PANSHALA wb 3 110 6 7 2 2J 11 l5 ElstonG C V Whitney 220-100 69210 JUDAN w3110 4 4 l1 14 24 2A RobtsnW F E Fitzgerald 1450-100 69 0 303REAL PARDNER w 4 117 3 3 31 31 32 3s JamesE Southland Stable 450-100 69093 TWEENY w 3 110 7 6 "51 4l 4s 42 FinnertyR Greentree Stable 470-100 68904 MAL MOZA wb 3 110 2 2 8" 8" 61 5" TildenR Mrs B Hernandez 5380-100 69208 MISS UNRULY wb 3 110 5 5 41 51 51 6" LandoltC C McCarthy 1410-100 69194 BOX OFFICE w 3 110 10 9 10 9! 8s T MayT F Seremba 3190-100 69061 TULANE LASS wb 3 110 8 1 71 7l 7" 83 PascumaA J J Robinson 780-100 66302!FIRADE wb 3 110 9 10 9410 10 91 WeberC Colgate Stable 550-100 69210 MOTIVE w 3 112 1 8 61 61 9s 10 BurkeJH L Genard 3010-100 Time, :24A :484, 1:14. Track good. f-2 CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , PANSHALA $ 6.40 $ 5.00 $ 2.80 220100 150100 40100 JUDAN - 12.60 5.80 530100 190100 REAL PARDNER 3.00 50100 Winner B. f, by Peter Pan Forshala, by Broomstick trained by M. Goldblatt; bred by Mr. H. P. .Whitney. WENT TO POST 3:02. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. PANSHALA, much the best and quick to get going, followed the early leaders under restraint, took command with a rush and drew out fast in the closing sixteenth. JUDAN showed speed, "but bore out entering the stretch and tired after being overtaken. REAL PARDNER, under hard urging after three-eighths, held on gamely. TWEENY began well, was close up for three-eighths and failed to respond. MAL MOZA met interference early. MISS UNRULY had no mishaps. FIRADE began slowly and lacked speed. Scratched 69208 Prudy Basil, 117; 67315 Bonnie L., 117; 69031 Rugartine 110 ; 66227 Transmit, 110. Overweight Motive, 2 pounds. fiQ2Qfi THIRD RACE 3-8 Mile. Prince DAmour, March 3, 1930 :34 2 117. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Special weights. Net value to winner 25; Mar.-11-32-F.G second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 68934PAINT BOX 118 12 6 34 1" 14 BurkeJH S W Labrot 90-100 689342MEROVECH w 118 9 3 11 22 2J MorsonR P White 260-100 69032 FRIEND JOHN w 118 10 5 4" 4 3" MartinTP Mrs H Johnson 3060-100 68420 CATWALK w 118 11 . 1 21 3l 44 FinnertyR Greentree Stable 2160-100 68934 PRINCE PEBBLES w 118 5 2 5s 5l 54 AnersonA J E Hughes 8670-100 68762 MICHIGAN LAD w 118 4 12 10 7l 6" RichardA J L Pontius 460-100 68134 LITTLE LAD 118 14 6s 6 T PascumaA J J Robinson 3030-100 69032 GAY WORLD 118 7 7 81 82 81 SmithJ W C Goodloe 4380-100 69091 MAJOR GOMEZ vv 118 8 8 91 10" 91 TildenR E E Major 68934 DR. JILLSON 118 2 10 7" 91 101 BurleyF C Hanso 10140-100 SEDGEVILLE 118 3 11 11 ll4 11 SerioJ E K Bryson 8010-100 68820 CHARLIE B. w 118 6 9 12 12 12 PrimreW L Stivers Field. Time, :23K. :35. Track good. , CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , PAINT BOX S 3.80 $ 2.40 $ 5.00 90100 20100 150100 MEROVECH 4.00 4.40 100100 120100 FRIEND JOHN Field 10.60 430100 Winner B. g, by Happy Time Tint, by Lonawand trained by W. Irvine; bred by Mr. S. W. Labrot. WENT TO POST 3:32f AT POST 2 minutes. . Start good out of machine. Won easily: second and third driving. PAINT BOX, taken up slightly when he tried to cut sharply to the inside on the turn, went around the leaders in the last three-sixteenths and, drawing clear, was under restraint at the end. MEROVECH began fast and, while overmatched, was best of the others. FRIEND JOHN, a factor throughout, went to the inside in the late stages and outlasted CATWALK in the Final strides. The latter showed speed, but tired badly. MICHIGAN LAD, away slowly, was on the inside throughout and closed a gap. LITTLE LAD began fast. Scratched 69196 Sir Anthony, 118; 69032 Passing Time, 118; 68934 Baldy Tinker, 118; 69196 Claboy, 318; 69032 Upon, 118; 69091 Escorun, 118; LErable, 118; 69120 Brilliant Lad, 118. fiQ9Q7 FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Top o th Morning, Feb. 9, 19181:116116. Purse 9JdJ 4 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; Mar.-11-32-F.G third 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,500. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vi V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 69243 GETTIN EVEN wb 4 117 10 6 3" 24 14 14 LandoltC P H Krick 210-100 69211HONEYMAN w6117 8 1 4 4l 2" 2nkMayT F Seremba 300-100 69211 JOURNEYS END 4112 1 5 5" 5" 41 34 FinnertyR F A Wehle 2160-100 68968 ARRAY w 3 105 9 10 91 10 61 41 CooperRG Sheffer and Jones 3260-100 69017 KING CHEROKEE wb 5 118 7 7 61 74 54 54 HobartA F Perry 69090:MY HOBBY 6 117 3 4 21 1 31 6 JamesE Southland Stable "280-100 69121 HURAWAY w 3 112 6 11 11 92 8 71 AnersonA R H New 690173LAUGHING BOY wb 4 112 2 2 1 31 72 8s ElstonG Greentree Stable 2130-100 69197 KELSO w 4 117 11 9 74 6! 92 92 JohnsonE B Bagley 8400-100 69149 SUN THORN wb 4 117 4 3 8411 11 101 BurkeJH . Mrs G E Wilson 1210-100 69208KENNY BOY w 3 105 5 8 101 81 104 11 MartinTP Mrs H Johnson 810-100 Ficld. Time, :24, :WA, V.UY5. Track sloppy. ,-?2 CERTIFICATES PAID, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GETTIN EVEN $ 6.20 $ 4.20 $ 3.20 210100 110100 60100 HONEYMAN 6.00 4.40 200100 120100 JOURNEYS END 5.20 160100 Winner Ch. c, by Blazes Vanidoso, by Hillhampton trained by W. L. Hoag; bred by Mr. Wm. Garth. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 4:02. AT POST minutes. Continued on twelfth page.. FAIR GROUNDS Continued from third page J " ?Start good out of machine. Won handily; second and third driving. GETTIN EVEN, suited by the going and, showing good speed from the start, worked his way clear under strong urging in the stretch and, maintaining his advantage, won handily. HONEYMAN began fast, was shuffled back on the turn and held on gamely. JOURNEYS END withstood the drive gamely. ARRAY closed resolutely. KING CHEROKEE had no mishaps. MY HOBBY, under pressure from the start, showed speed, but tired badly. KENNY BOY almost fell when he stumbled shortly after the start Scratched 69211 Blimp, 112; 69089Wild Child, 107; 691973Tony Joe, 117; 692113Black Tyrone, 117: 69121 Pietro, 110; 69090 Peace Buddy, 117; 61495 Silver Dawn II., 117; 69244 Bernice Van, 112. Overweight King Cherokee, 1 pound; Huraway, 2. Corrected weight Gettin Even, 117; King Cherokee, 117; My Hobby, 117. tfandQSQfi FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Top o th Morning, Feb. 9, 1918 6116. Pearl River iinicT Purse- Purse S80- 3-year-o!ds. Allowances. Net value to winner 25: sceond, 00: Mar.-11-32-F.G tnirdt S50; fourth 5. Index Dorses EqtA WtPPSt ,4 V, Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 69121 SONG HIT wb 108 6 1 1 1 Is 1 McCoyJ J Madonia 290-100 66258PRINCESS CAMELIA w 107 5 4 3 . 3"k 3l 2s JamesE J Leiter 130-100 69020 SARIETTA w 105 3 2 21! 21 2" 3" PascumaA R A Fairbairn 670-100 63529PRINCE HOTSPUR wb 109 2 3 41 42 43 41 AnersonA J Leiter t 69064 ESPINACA wb 110 4 5 5i 5e 5 5 FinnertyR Greentree Stable 360 100 69020 BUSTED w 1071 1 6 6 6 6 6 SmithJ E R Bradley 880-100 tCoupled as J. Leiter entry. Time, :23, :47. 1:13Jand Track sloppy. CERTIFICATES PAID- , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS , SONG HIT , .80 .00 $ 2.20 290100 50100 10100. J.. LEITER ENTRY 2.40 2.10 20100 5100 SARIETTA .. 2.20 10100 Winner B. c, by Dress Parade Golden Melody, by Mont dOr II. trained by A. Gaignard; bred by Mr., C. E. Hagvard. WENT TO POST 4:32. AT POST 3 f minutes. Start good out of machine. Won driving; second and third the same. SONG HIT, racing in his best form and benefiting by lack of early contention, set the pace undef restraint for half a mile, then responded near the closing eighth and withstood PRINCESS CAMELIA. The latter, in hand for half a mile, lost ground entering the stretch and closed well without being punished. SARIETTA showed speed, saved ground and held on gamely. PRINCE HOTSPUR was not punished and. showed a good performance. ESPINACA beean slowly and raced wide throughout. BUSTED was outrun. Scratched 66576 Mexico, 112; 692133 Walter D., 108; 69212 On Sir, 110. Overweight Sarietta, 2 pounds; Busted, 2; Prince Hotspur, 1. Q9QQ SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Quatrain, Feb. 7, 1925 1:44 3 105. Purse 00. 3 -Tin year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5 Mar.-11-32-F.G Claiming price, ,250; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 50 to ,750. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt J,4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt; 69061LADY COUVIN w 112 7 2 Pi l1 l2 1 l3 McCoyJ M J Reardon 540-100 69154iORLOFF " wb 108 1 1 4" 5J 31! 3s 2nk WeberC Mrs A Luzader 190-100 69212ADSUM wb 112, 5 7 63 21 2 23 34 MartinTP Tennessee Breeders Assn 180-100 69094OUR GRIEF w 105 4 5 5" 3i 43 43 48 LauchH Warm Stable 1060-100 690945IMELDA H w 102 3 4 3" 4" 53 54 54 ChildressA J J Coughlin 2570400 68851 SKIDMORE w 113 2 6 2h 61! 6l 6" 61 RichardA Lone Star Stable 2090-100 69121 DONNELLA Vj! vl05 637 7 7 7 7 PascumaA R A Fairbairn 690-100 Time, :25, :50. 1:15. 1:424. 1:49. Track sloppy. - CERTIFICATES PAID-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS LADY COUVIN 2.80 .80 $ 2.60 540100 190100 30100 ORLOFF 6.00 2.60 200100 30100 ADSUM 2.40 20100 Winner B. f, by Hourless Lady Champ, by Ivan the Terrible trained by W. P. Reardon; bred by Mr. W. W. Darden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST 5:01. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good out of machine. Won easily; second and third driving. LADY COUVIN, taken into the lead, set the early pace under restraint, slowly increased her advantage on the stretch turn and, continuing well, won in hand. ORLOFF saved much ground in the early stages,i was taken wide on the stretch tuYn and closed fast. ADSUM lost much ground for five-eighths and tired OUR GRIEF had no mishaps. IMELDA and SKIDMORE were through after five-eighths. Scratched 68962 Worldly Lad, 109; 69239 Catalans Idol, 105; 69270 Nell Kuhlman, 107; 692393Princd Reno. 104. Corrected weight Lady Couvin, . 112. fiQQfflfl SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Quatrain, Feb. 7, 1925 1:44 3 105. Purse 00. 4-"70W year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0 J Mar.-11-32-F.G fourth,. 5. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,000, 3 pounds extra. Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 68937!SUN FRJAR - w 7 118 4 3 82 Th 3s 21 1$ FinnertyR Mrs O Curtis 180-100 69154JBLACK PATRICIA w 6 107 2 1 31 4" 44 3l 2 TildenR F Sansone 410-100 69241RAVE w 4 105 6 6 72 61 51 63 3" GoverW H A Allen 480-100 691993TIGER FLOWERS w 7 112 10 910 10 6 5h 4 MayT Rainbow Stk Fm Sta 1740-100 69150ALBAZANO w 4 118 8 10 51 21 23 1 51 RichardA B P Sparks 700-100 69151 BUN YORA wb5112 7 8 91 9s 71! 7s 61 CooperRG Miss B Hart f 69244TRAUMEL wb 4 102 9 5 22 l1 P 4h 7s MartinTP J C Haggerty 910-100 69065 APPLE CART wb 5 113 17 6b 51 9! 8 8J LandoltC Greentree Stable 69209LUCKY PAL wb 4 112 3 2 4" 81 10 92 9s McCoyJ G W Fritz 2430-100 69066SYDKA wb 4 107 5 4 P 31 8s 10 10 RobleH Mrs R P Shaffer 2190-100 TField. Time, :25, :49, 1:15. 1:42, 1:50. Track sloppy. CERTIFICATES PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS k SUN FRIAR .60 .20 $ 2.80 180100 60100 40100 BLACK PATRICIA 4.20 4.60 110100 130100 RAVE 4.20 110 100 Winner B. g, by Sun Briar Friary, by Friar Rock trained by L. A. Connor; bred by Mr. W. S.; Kilmer. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:31. OFF AT ONCE. Start good out of machine. Won .driving; second and third the same. SUN FRIAR, allowed to drop out of it and retsrained until reaching, the last three-eighths, responded well under-his impost and, after wearing down the leaders, tired, yet lasted. BLACK PATRICIA began fast saved ground on the first turn, was forced back, but went to the outside and finished fast. RAVE lost much ground, but closed fastest of all on the outside. TIGER FLOWERS closed a gap in the stretch. ALBAZANQ tired in the stretch. TRAUMEL showed speed. Scratched 69092Crowned Head, 112; 69199Stop Gap, 113; 68208 Hold Hard, 113; 69213 Na Zdarf 105; 69241 Peace Lady, 100; 691512OId Bill, 110; 69244 Bill Lutz, 107; 66740 Eager Play, 113; 692442Lilliaix T., 110; 68996 Belen, 102. Corrected weight Black Patricia, 107. OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS FAIR GROUNDS Friday 3 Races, 38.40; 5 Races, 87.30: 7 Races, 44.10