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I TRAINERS and RIDERS I J LICENSES FOR THE ILLINOIS SEASON OF 1932 j j Under the provisions of a rule enacted by the ILLINOIS TURF I ! ASSOCIATION, the fees for licenses issued to TRAINERS, JOCKEYS J and APPRENTICES are as follows: j Before April 1 After April 1 5 ! . For Trainer License ....... ..0.00 5.00 ! I For Jockey License..: 10.00 25.00 J ! For Apprentice License 1.00 10.00 f ! License application blanks may be had in the offices of the Rac- i ing Secretaries of the Fair Grounds, New Orleans; the Agua Caliente j I Jockey Club Track, the Miami Jockey Club Track, and Oriental Park, j Marianao, Cuba, or by addressing CHARLES W. BIDWILL ! I SECRETARY, ILLINOIS TURP ASSOCIATION j 31 East Congress Street Chicago, Illinois I EARLY FILING OF APPLICATIONS IS ADVISABLE