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KacincMirrotk JCookinillbr Winners FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS WW Bookmakers Are Crying for Help 0 RACING MIRROR FOLLOWERS COLLECT AGAIN WHEN YESTERDAYS TWO LATE PHu"E SPECIALS HOPEFIELD, 3.74, WON RED DIAMOND, $ 7.00, WON J5VERY day is a winning day for RACING MIRROR CLIENTS Last Weelt We Released the Following Winners: RUCKUS, 1.92, WON DRUGGIST, 2.42, WON TUFINUF, 6.52, WON LIKE CONNELL, 9.62, WON TIGER FLOWERS, $ 9.68, WON SOUTH SEAS, 0.48, WON MOZART, 1.08, WON FOOLHAI.DY, $ 9.08, WON WW Mondays Big ,000.00 Pool Special: "TC LUCKY CARTER, 2.90, WON Clients who subscribed for one weeks service received the above winner. BT ANOTHER ,000.00 POOL SPECIALW WW GOES THURSDAY -*B This good thing comes from sources who make few mistakes when their B. R. is down and they are down for plenty Thursday. Get in on this big cleanup. Wire 0 to our office listed below right now. WW TODAYS TWO LONG SHOT ~m WW PHONE SPECIALS -*H Come from connections who have been waiting for spots like todays for a long time. Money has been wired away to several large cities to be placed on their nose only. No mistakes will be made. Good odds expected. WW TODAY IS THE DAY -»B If your news dealer is sold out rush to your nearest ■telegraph office and wire for the above two winners and beat your bookmaker like thousands of Racing Mirror clients are doing every day. Western Players, Attention! Pending completion of arrangements for better distribution in the midwest, players in this section are advised to wire their remittances direct to main office in New York City. Releases will be sent to them by fast wire. WIRE FOR ONE DAY OR 0 FOR ONE WEEK TO RACING MIRROR 1465 Broadway, Suite 603 New York City S. S. Sentry "AMERICAS SUREST" YESTERDAYS AURORA PARLAY: LUCKY CARTER 2.90, WON WELL HEELED 4.32, WON LIMIT PARLAY AT AURORA TODAY W WIN 00 FOR ~M If you are sick, see a doctor. IF YOU NEED MONEY, GET MY TWO HORSES TODAY. BOTH HORSES have been ESPECIALLY PREPARED for TODAYS RACES. EVERY POST WILL be a WINNING POST. MUTUELS SHOULD BE 0 OR 5 EACH. TERMS, DAILY Located 0pp. Hotel Sherman IF YOU CANT CALL AT MY OFFICE IN PERSON before going to the track, PHONE DEARBORN 8697 and we will send messenger at once. OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, wire . IMMEDIATE SERVICE. 155 N. CLARK ST., ROOM 414 CHICAGO, ILL. 35c— AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 35c PAYS FOR 7 ISSUES— And as a Premium You Receive ABSOLUTELY FREE 3 BLUE STAR SPECIALS! If your newsdealer does not handle BLUE BOOK wire or mail for 7 issues and receive three Blue Star Specials as a premium. $ $ DAN McCANN $ $ Foremost turf commissioner, releasing one horse a day exclusively for Blue Book in code. YESTERDAYS McCANN RELEASE: ANNE L, 3.38, WON PARLAY SERVICE— DAILY YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: LOVE APPLE, 0.94, WON HURAWAY, $ 7.20, WON NO WIRES! NO EXPENSE! Services designed for the players who desire to avoid telegram expense. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: AURORA— Lou-4-19-6-63. CHURCHILL— Bob-39-52-17-90. TODAYS McCANN RELEASE: AURORA— Y-87-64-2-85. TODAYS FREE CODE: AURORA— Tilden-51-3-39-49. RACING BLUE BOOK 64 W. Randolph St. Room 712 Chicago, III. Players, Notice! Chance ot a lifetime. If you play the races I will put you next to a little secret that should place you above want as long as you live. Write for free description of my New Discovery. It will open your eyes. T. ** SECOR *»*•**** Aurora llliaai, THE BUGLE CALL TODAYS FREE CODE: AURORA— Harry-4-26-18-9. AURORA— Sam-19-26-26-4. Advertise in Daily Racing Form !