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DAILY RACING FORM volume xxxviii. union ra "~~~ FOUNDED ■ MM Entered •■ leco-d-clas* matter, April 2, 1896, at toe MM office at Chicago, llli-oia. under Act of Marco », M7». DAILY EXCEPT STJNDAI A «TaUj reflectioD of tbe American turf by t*Je»rapb Published by HAIL! RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. Ml PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. IIS FOURTH AVEHUE, NEW IOBK CITT, N. X. M RICHMOND BTREET, EAST. TOROHTO. OHT. Mft-M? DECATUR BTREET, HE-* ORLEAHB. LA. •014 801b MIAMI COURT. H. W. MIAMI. FLA. TEUCPIiONB 7MJ8 HARKISON For ouslaeat and circulation iiurpoKpe only. Tbie telephone ha* no connection with tbe news or editorial departments and cannot be used to com-Busnt— te wttb them. For Free Pbone Results Call Wabash 7000. SCBSCRirTHN B? FIKS1 CLASS MAIL: SO PER MONTH PAYABLE IN ADVANCE BACK NUMBERS Bt MAIL. » CKNT3 EACH Address all communications, make aU remittances and send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chieago. PL To be considered and answered, all querlea to Dally Racing Form must be sent ot.i the full name and with the address of writer. Tbe names and addressee are subject to a local and foreign directory teat. 67555 is First Index of 1932