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2nd Long Branch Purse00 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. Corinth, Sept. 5V2 Furlongs 7, 1927-1:063/5_6-115. NOTE— Claiming price, ,500. Weight. 118 pounds. Non-winners of three races allowed 3 pounds; two races, 6 pounds; maidens, 12 pounds. No apprentice allowance. The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record for this and previous year: Date Crs. Uis Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. %Str. Fin. Jockey P.P. CI. Pee Sts. Best Company SPPBiegO X 1 0*3 B. f, 2 M, by The Turk— Combination, by Meridian. Work: June 4—3 3... :38%ft 1XJ0 Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner. Wm. Garth. Jun. 6-322Thf 11:00% ft 6 107 3 5 34 34 DghertvF* Allw 10 BrodLhtsJ.DvenptUO.Meany 113 May31-32*Thf | 1:00% ft 7-5ell3 4 2 44 44 PetzJ Maid 11 NwSunll6,Br.Lightsll3,SngHeart 113 May27 32Wdb 4if :56% m 11 111 8 8 44 9 PetzJ5 Allw 8 Pr*csDorrll8,Chatwatrll0.Slapstkll5 Ma 24 32,Wdb4i f 531tftB-H 113 5 3 34 3J PetzJ5 Allw 7 BallyBayl.PrcsDolrlM.NewSunl Maj-21-326Wdb 4f :55 ft 60 104 5 5 44 2 ArnoIdG* Allw 8 Slapstklll,PntBoxl09,Flamborgh 114 Mayl6-32*Pim 4 f :54% ft 13 112 5 5 44 44 PetzJ8 Allw 10 Bertrano 110, Peturnal HO.Nemerc 107 r- StatU. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won—. 1932 record.. 7 0 1 3 $ 500 Dark War 1 OQ Br f 2 by Traumer~ Sun Thor. by Sun Briar. Work: June 9—3 8 :36ft »"♦» Trainer. L. Gentry. Owner. H. C. Hatch. Jun. 2-32Thf | 1:01% ft 5 118 12 10 94 9n RileyG10 1800 12 DondLadl07,Stambul 110,BaldCrestl08 May23 323Wdb 4if :55% ft 9 108 4 1 lk U RileyG10 2000 10 Peeved 105,BrtPattern 105,SilIySis 109 Mar30 32StJ I :50% ft 11-10 113 5 3 24 44 FronkW1* Maid 12 Jestingll3,?ocialBeell3,H.Explosivell3 Marl32Trp g :3b% ft 9 113 1 43 2 RileyG" 2500 12 L*ySbeamll3,Wderooll6.S Phase 113 Feb24 32Hia 1 -.35% si 5i 115 4 31 64 McGinnisP* Maid 14 Beetle 115. Shavings 115, Tussle 115 Febl2 322Hia g :35 ft 13 5 114 1 34 3J McGinnisP* 2500 16 Modestoll4.DskyDamell9.Animate 11 4an28 322Hia i 22% ft 27 110 6 44 4s McGinisP11 4000 14 LucilIeK 114.MeanyT13.nskyDame 110 . StarU. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- 1932 record.. 7 1 1 1 $ 940 Skipspa 1 OQ B. f, 2, by Brig ODoon — Oharusan. by Donnacona. Work: June 8— 5 8. . .l:03%ft *■"? Trame.. L. O. Lee. Owner. Pasadena Stable. Ma 30-322Thf | 1:01% ft 8 108* 3 2 2» 2" TremneR11 2000 12 ToyTown 112,Sinner 106.JoeMacaw 105 Mayl4-325Tan | 1:02% ft 119 9 7 74 812 TremeR" CI Hep 10 Xingu 110. Segunda 119. Dupee 122 May 4 32Tan 4£ f :55% ft 111 8 6 64 4i TremneR11 3000 12 Kate A. 111. Dimock 114, Kapena 114 Apc27 32,Tan 4£ f :55% ft 114 7 2 2 li TremneR11 180011 HiddenGoldll6.Xingulll.DpBeach 111 Apc20 32Tan i :49% t 109 8 9 64 64 Fischer A» 250011 Campdore 116,RapidBeIlsll6,FstPipll3 Apcl4-32Tan £ :49% ft 112 2 6 8* 78 FischerA1 CI Allw 12 PatciaC.l.GenveM.l.ShpQun 112 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won -. / Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 10 1 2 0 $ 760 LUCJ Menifee X 11 Br f 2 by Memfee— Lu°y ChnrehUl. by Ralph. * * V Trainer. 3. Hoskins. Owner. J. Hosklns. Jun.4 32Thf | 1:01% ft 21 111 2 5 810 812 RallsC2 2000 11 SingHeartllO,DondLadl06,Deepie 109 May30 322Thf I 1.01% ft 8 108 5 6 51 67 PeakeH* 2000 12 TovTown 112. Skipsea 108. Sinner 106 Mayl9 32"Aur £ 1:01 ft 79 109 7 6 84 84 TildenR* 200012 LiliianZ.110.BnnieCapl04.J.Macaw 104 Mayl6 32Aur £ 1 K2 ft 8 107 8 2 14 1 McCoy J* 1500 12 JoeMcawlOS.AHFlornlOS.Stambl 1114 MaylO-32Aur 4J f :54% ft 9 102* 2 3 3* 54 KingC* 120012 Lerarkll8,SnySideupl02,L,yWesty 106 May 7 32Aur 4i f :57 si 11 1101 2 3 4* 44 RichardA* AUw 7 Tivertonlll.EponallOi.LkeConnell 111 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won — 1932 record . 18 4 0 1 $ 2,600 Farmington 10 B. f, 2 M. by Wrack— Stellarina. by Star Shoot. XUO Trainer. J. Bosley. Jr. Owner, J. Bosley, Jr. Jua8 323L.B 5i f 1:08% ft 67 103 7 6 74 6" ArthurV5 2000 8 ToyT-nlOl.SggHrtlW.ScchBlosmlOS Ma 312*Thf £ 100% ft 155 113 3 5 10" 10u McGinnisP* Maid 11 NwSunll6,Br.Lightsll3,Sn»Heart 113 Ma 27-32Wdb 4£f :56% m 44 110 7 7 8* 6T OMalleyJ Allw 8 PrcsDorrllS.ChatwtrllO.Seemegolll Ma -23-321Wdb 4i f :54% ft 62 106 4 6 64 6T ClevrleyW* 2000 10 HpvAnnell4,GaIlic 108.LsomeGloryll0 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» 1932 record.. 4 "WestjS Twinkle 10 B. f. 2 K, by Westy Hogan— Candy Star, by Sunstar. Work: June 9—12 50ft -tUO Trainer. J. I. Smith. Owner. H. T. Archibald. May30 322Thf 11:01% ft 18 106 2 5 8" 8" BattistaJ* 1750 12 ToyTown 112, Skipsea 108, Sinner 106 Apr20 32HdG 4i f :54% ft 32 112 5 5 94 10* BejshakJu 250012 G.Messagell5,Mintogee 112,Liqueur 113 April 32Bow i :49%m 14 112 1 4 6* 84 RobUnA1 2500 12 Animate 112.BrgCrimpll2.Mi ,togeell2 Feb24-32Hia i 35% 40 115 1 11* 12" WorkmanR1 Maid 14 Beetle 115, Shavings 115. Tussle 115 Febl8-32*Hia g 35% ft 94 112 8 54 54 RobtsW 250018 ModestoU7.ViaAppial 11. DkyOame 117 , Starts. UL 2nd. 3rd. Won.-» , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-* 1932 record. . 8 1 Lexer 10*3 B* *• * M * z«T—r**n*, by Lucniute. . iV/O Trainer, X. lowenstein. Owner, K. Lowenstein. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won L 11 net . "I AO B. f, 2 X, by Daimyo— lunetta, by Inks XcLuke. Work: May 25—5-8 1.03%ft *"•* Trainer. B. McDonald. Owner, W. J. Risewich. *ax 3-32*Thf |l:03%hy 35 110 811 9" 8*i LoumanH* Allw 11 Flambhll8.L.Chasell3.J.Davport 115 Ma3132*Thf |l«%ft 57 1131010 81* 8*1 LoumanH* Maid 11 NwSunllb.Br.LightsllS.SngHeart 113 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— » 1932 record.. 2 BnSJ Ike 1 0*3 Br. g, 2 X, by Cbatterton— Dolly Higgins, by Kigralna. IvO Trainer, G. W. Campbell. Owner, J. J. Farrell, Jr. Jua2 32Thf I 1:01% ft 5f 110J 5 9 74 84 BurkeJH* 1600 12 Don*dLadl07,Stambul 110,BaldCrestl08 May23-32Wdb 4i f :54% ft 75 107 3 2 2 42 RallsC* 2000 10 H,pyAnnell4.Gallic lOS.LsrmeGIoryllO Mayl6 32Pim j f :54% ft 33 113 3 6 7" 7* RenickJ* 2500 12 Nahunta 110, Nutting 107. Aleeta 107 Apdl 32Bow i :49% m 12 115 4 6 9" 94 SmithJ5 2500 12 Animate 112,BrgCrimpll2.Muitog«*112 Aprl32Bow A :50 m 28 118 3 4 7* 8* HebertS* Maid 12 Acautawll8,rndnTownll8,LghPort 118 Jaa2132»Hia i 53 ft 459 113 10 7* 74 CallahanH" 3000 14 ChuckB 118.Revonhll3.St4Jacket 113 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.— . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wnn._ 1932 record.. 6 0 0 0 $ 25 Kelt wick 1 AO Ch. g. 2 X, by Westwick— Keltoi. by Celt. Work: Mav 16—3 8.. 36ft -1""- Trainer, A. Hullcoat. Owner. H. B. Dulany, Jr. Jun.2 32,Thf | 1:01% ft 107 SCRATCHED. Post P. 3 1500 12 DondLadl07,Stambul HO.BaldCrestlOS Ma 23 32Wdb 4 f :54% ft 11 106 7 8 74 7" LoumanH* 2000 10 HpyAnnell4.Gallic 108,LsomeGIoryllO IWajll322Pim 4i f :56%hy 3 113 10 5 54 54 WallsP" 3500 12 M.Snoblig.TnSqureli.SggHrtllOi Apr28 32HdG 4 f :55 ft 3i 114 6 3 2 2 WattersE* 2000 12 StrollAIon?118,GalIicll4.LightActionll4 Apt 7 32Bow i :49 ft 7J 118 11 8 4 34 RemilrdP* Maid 12 CrtaRunll8.Postponetll8.P.Bgadell8 Apt 1 32Bow I :50 m 18 5f 118 8 8 54 4* RemilrdP8 Maid 12 AcautawllS.IndnTownllS.LghPort 118 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Stnrts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. 1932 record.. 5 0 1 1 $ 350 RQStic Lad 10 Br. g, 2 X. by Rustic— Silo, by Cornstalk. J-V/O Trainer. G. B. Foley. Owner, G. B. Foley. Jun. 432Thf g 1:01% ft 156 106 9 10 10" ll8 ObertW1 2000 11 S,in»HeartllO,Don,dI.adl06,Deepie 109 May30 32:Thf | 1:01% ft 18f 104112 12 10" 11" ObertW" 1500 12 ToyTown 112, Skipsea 108, Sinner 106 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.—, 1S32 record.. 2