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FAIRMOUNT PARK ENTRIES Weather clear; track fast. Racing starts 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m.. First Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: My Dandy, Sept. 7, 1928 1:11 3 106. Index Post -Best at Distance-; Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track.Wt. Time. AeeToday Price 76572 13lnfinitus ..Hav 107 1:11 5 109X 800 76193s 10 My Inver..Dev 100 1:12 4 111X - 800 76572 17 Silver Man.A.C 112 1:12 7 114X 800 76242 4The Padre.. A.C 109 1:12.5 6 109X 800 76521 8Falmouth Belle Bbg 111 1:13 4 106.. 800 76143 7 Brinkley ..Bbg 113 1:13 10 114 X 800 76470 1 Lavender Lady M...... Tdn 100 1:14 3 108X 800 70866 2Yalovian ..J.P 104 1:15 8 109X 800 76300 3 Viba 108 1:13 3 108.. 800 76135 5Busy Ven.. D.P 109 1:13 4 106.. 800 76252 6Eye White M ,F.G 102 1:14 4 109X 800 76248 9 Cherry Key M F.P 107 1:19 6 111.. 800 76469 11 Doctor Happy. Aur 108 1:16 3 111 800 75759 12Bonnie Hughes 7 106X 800 65858 14 Lemnos . . .Hia 106 1:14 9 114 800 76082 15Stampdale .Bbg 120 1:13 10 109X 800 75498" 16 My Desire. HdG 109 1:14 3 108X 800 76368 18 Master Star. . . Devl092l:14 5 114.. 800 Second Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: My Dandy, Sept. 7, 1928 1:11 3 106. 76248 12Amour ...Bbg 111 1:12 4 106X 800 76572 18Purple Robe.. Bbg 104 1:12 5 106X 800 76470 6Estin Hia 113 1:12 9 113X 1000 76374 5 Sawdust ..Bbg 104 1:12 6 111X 800 75477 4Dawn Patrol.. Hav 112, 1:13 3 106.. 800 76312 IPSnowcloud Hia 105 1:13 4 109.. 800 76143 PThelma O.Tan 106 1:16 8 106X 800 76191 2 Early American D.P 114 1:14 4 114X 800 75352 3SweetCall M ..CP 109 1:22s 4 106.. 800 76062 7Strathcona Aur 104 1:14 3 106X 800 72002 8 Talladega .... 9 114 800 76419 9Marcella Agnes F.P 111 l:18m 6 106X 800 76072 10 Murmuring Pines . .Hav 114 1:14 5 114X 800 76524 13Kelso F.G 11721:14 4 113X 1000 76369 14 Black Darling. F.P 112 1:15 6 114X 800 76476 15 Gloria Diane.. M .... D.P 1091:13 3 -108X 800 16Loose Bond .. M 3 106.. 800 76424 17Marabou .Trp 109 1:13 7 109X 800 Third Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Colts and Geldings. Track Record: My Dandy, Sept. 7, 1928 1:11 3-106. 76573 6 Poor Pan .F.P 109 1:14 110.. 1000 76474 13 Bell Cap ..Bbg 115 1:14 110X 1000 76474 11 Whizzing D.... B.B 109 1:14 110.. 1000 76474 9 Parkersburg.... Tdn 108 1:13 110X1000 76308 7 Col. Cloister. . . Tdn 109 1:13 113X 1250 76474 1 Through Omond D.P 114 1:14 113X1250 76573 2 Winged Wind M Bbg 112 1:15 106.. 1000 761953 3 Golden Sport M 106.. 1000 763083 4 Kavalry Jack M . . . .Haw 110 l:20s 106. . 1000 76308 5 Judge Urban .. 110.. 1000 76573 8 Hugue M.F.P 109 1:16 106.. 1000 10 No MistakcM 106.. 1000 76573 12 Mokan MF.P 109 1:18 106.. 1000 76420 14 Bubbabill M.. ..- F.P 115 1:23s 106.. 1000 76626 15 Loradale M.. ..-k F.P 10921:19 112.. 1500 76420 16 Jerry S. M.. Tdn 110 1:14 106.. 1000 76134 17 Ramsdell M.. .Tdn 106 1:14 106.. 1000 r Fourth Race 1 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming. Track Record: Irish Pal, Sept. 14, 1927 1:3$ 2 90, 76574 17StelIa F. ..F.P 109 1:42s 3 105X 1250 76521 2Kathryn ..D.P 100 1:41 4 108X 1000 75977 Transformation 4 108. . 1000 76526 13 Sweep Past A.P 97 1:38 4 110X 1000 76307 12Pretty Penny.. Hia 101 1:39 4 107X 1250 76066 8 Princella ..A.P 110 1:40 3 110X1250 75092 3Miss Burke Bbg 104 1:42 3 97.. 1000 76471 4Wega 7 108X 1000 76574 5 Kitty O Way ....Bbg 107 1:41 3 105.. 1000 76367 6Marcelet ..Bbg 112 1:41 3 102X 1250 76523 7Providence Lass F.P 108 1:43 3 103.. 1000 76527 9Memphis Lass B.B 108 1:42 3 103X 1000 76574 10Nisia .....D.P 113 1:39 4 108X 1000 76523 11 Abstain ...F.P 11051:42 3 108X 1000 76527 14Transmit ..F.P 110 1:41 3 100X 1000 76256 15My Ideal... F.P 106 1:40 4 108.. 1000 76017 i6Lohi Bbg 102 1:42 3 100. . 1000 76622 18 Bootland Belle M 3 105.. 1000 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. , Springfield Purse. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: -Ironsides, June 21, 1930 1:41 5 106. 76576 2 Anne L....Bbg 111 l:45s 4 113X 2000 75956 1 Racketeer .Bbg 118 1:43 5 113., 2000 76247 6Wrigley Field. F.P 109 1:45 4 109X 1750 76628 4Graphite .-.Bbg 108 1:43 3 101. . 1500 76575 3 Chokoloskee . . Was 112 1:43 4 113X 2000 75792 5 Port o PlayLat 112 l:47m 6 116X 2000 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and: Upward. Claiming. Track Record: . . My Dandy, Sept. 7, 1928 1:11 3 106. 76473 3 DR. PARRISH Hialie 1:11 6 116 1500 76473 4sThe French . Rose. . . . .Tdn 106 1:12 4 108X 1500 76576 1 Justina . . .Hav 109 1:12 5 113X 1500 76576 2Making Bubbles, .Tdn 112 1:12 3 105X 1500 76576 5First Mission . ....... .Hav 100 1:15 7 106X 1500 76471 6 Albazano ..Aur 115 1:13 4 116X1500 Seventh Race 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Anaconda, Sept. 3, 1927 1:51 4 104. 765783 10 Vole Bbg 109 1:53 8 113X 800 76577 7Infanta ...Tdn 105 1:53 7 105X 800 76577 9 Shasta Rock.. .Bbg 109 1:53 8 113X 800 76578 lLHtlc Chip. Bbg 110 1:53 6 108.. 800 76572 6Elizabeth S... Bbg 108 1:53 6 105X 800 76572 5Lucky Pal. Tdn 107 1:54 4 108X 800 76373 2Judas ....Tdn 107 1:55 8 108.. 800 76520 3Blind Hills.F.P 108 1:55 6 108X 800 75673 4 Marengo ..A.C 109 1:55 9 113X 800 76220 8Golden Sweep. x .A.C 107 1:54 9 111X 800 76254 llLang 5 105X 800 76578 12 Achtoi LassB.B 110 1:57 4 110X 800 76423 13 Louisville .A.P 110 1:53 6 113X 800 76577 14Noneniccr Bbg 97 1:53 5 108X 800 75358 15 Mannite M.. B.B 110 1:56 4 105.. 800 75552 Letalone ...... 6 108X 800 76578 17Northern Water F.P 106 1:54 4 108 800 76578 18Alma .....F.P 105 1:57 7 108X 800 Eighth Race 1 1-16 Miles. Purse 00. 3-Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Helens Babe, June 16, 1928 1:44 5 111. 76475 12Trice Tdn 106 1:45 4 109X 1000 76303 14 Drury Tdn 104 1:45 3 112X 1000 76527 16Bag o Roses.. Bbg 105 1:48 3 104X 1000 76469 15 Jack Murphy. ... F.G 110 1:48 4 117X1000 76574 18 Business . .Dor 113 1:46 6 111X 1000 56569 7 Sterling Silver. Hia 115 1:46 7 112X 1000 76578 PVisionary ..Dor 104 1:46 4 107X 1000 76256 2Kid OKildare. 8 107X 1000 76476 3Shasta Charm.. 5 106X 1000 76527 4Tiempo ....Bbg 93 l:49sy 3 101X 1000 76571 5 Irish Spree ... 3 109.. 1000 76572 6Birdic-Wrack... Hia 110 1:48 5 109X 1000 76524 8Hal Dwycr F.P 110 1:49 4 112.. 1000 76314 9Ricciardo ..Lat 113 1:49 3 107.. 1000 76425 10 Olga Bbg 101 1:48 3 106X 1000 76423 llDick PorterL.B 106 1:47 5 109X 1000 76472 13 Interior . . .Tdn 101 1:47 5 111X 1000 76527 17Sweetie 3 101.. 1000