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- . . . .. . , WO RKOUTS l Date at left of horses name is last workout. .Letters following time indicate: breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; or aU .put; s, sulked; "u, eased up. IiV Fastest Time at Bach Distance Shown in Black Face Type - , mmi FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28 SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather cloudy; track heavy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 10-23 Cfs Carriille :41h 10-22 Morsun . . . . :41 h 10-26 Durva ..... :42 h 7-20 More Space. :42 h 10-12 Goodyear .. :43b 10-9 Wild Child. . :44 b 10-25 Lucky Pal.. :40 h One-Half Mile. 10-25 Big Star.... :56 h 10-25 Ms Sorority :56h 10-22 Drury ...... :58 h 10-26 Trice Tag... :59 b 10-13 Frank Light :58 b 10-20 Vera C... :58 h 10-19 Jenc Wachsl:00 b Five-Eighths Mile. 10-25 Haramzada 1:12 h , HAWTHORNE. Weather cloudy; track heavy x Three-Eighths Mile. 10-20 Bag Smasher :41 h 10-24 Hm Scarum :39h 10-22 Chat Eagle. . :41b 10-9 Iskum :39h 10-22 Catwalk ... :36h 10-21 Inferno Lad :43b 10-16 Colonl Belle :37b 10-20 Lillian Tobin" :39b 10-22 Dick Bennet :385andd 10-23 Monks Bela. :39h 10-24 Fst Regmt :38 h 10-26 Volta Maid. :40 b One-Half Mile. 10-25 Captain Weir :57 b 10-20 Pigeon Hole. :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 10-26 Battling Girll:09h 10-16 Sand Boot..1:08h Three-Quarters Mile. 10-25 Beekeeper .1:22b 10-16 Scimitar ...1:27 "b 10-20 Hot Shot... l:26b Pigeon Hole was well in hand.. LAUREL PARK. Weather clear; track heavy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. . 1013 Balios ...... :39 h 8-12 Gay Party.. :40 h 10-22 Bide a -Wee. :37h 10-26 My Cnsellor :37 h 10-24 Cruising ... :37 h 10-24 Meridian Qn :37d 10-22 Cut Short... :39 h 10-27 Pomponius . :38d 10-25 Enactment . :39h 10-25 "Polly F. .... :39 h 10-27 Fair Jack... :38 h 10-15 Semaphore . :39 h 10-26 Finite :37h 10-24 Step Lively.. :38h 10-25 Fair Bill.... :38 h 10-25 Sny Queen. -:38d 8-17 General Crt :39 h One-Half Mile. 10-27 Considerate . :51 d 10-21 Late Date. . . :53 b 10-5 Chief John.. :54 b 9-5 Oslo ....... :53 h 10-20 Con Amore.. :53b 10-27 Our PalV... :53 -h 10-27 Feliciana ... :51 d .10-25 Tambour .... :52 h 10-24 Glen Burnie. :55 h FiveEighths Mile. 8- 30 Bdon Light.l.-ll h 10-20 Spey Crest.. 1:08 b 10-17 Cambetty ..l:09h 10-21 Springsteel .1:09 d 10-26 Equipoise ..1:09 h Tple Dncerl:08h 10-26 Grace Bltterl:08hJ10-27 Tred Avon.. 1-09 b Home Shore.lOl h 10-25 Tinema ...A:09h 10-26 Plcky Play.l:10 h - Three-Quarters Mile. 10-19 Barn Swalwl:22h 10-25 Kincsen ....1:23 h 9- 10 Cantenvood 1:23 h 10-24 Marse Rbertl:24 h Devert .....1:23 h 10-26 Morsel .1:22 h 10-24 Devout ....1:24 h 10-3 Magnitude .1:22 h 10-26 Fairdale . . .1:24 d 10-22 The Pelican ,134 b 10-25 Full Dress.. l:22d . One Mile. 10-22 Blondish ...1:48 d 10-24 Hygro .....l:51b 10-25 Flasng Colsl:55 h 10-25 Little Stokesl:53 h 10-24 Grand Rox. . 1:53 h 10-27 Well Built. .1:55 b LATONIA. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 10-10 Abe Furst. .. :40 b 10-15 Ridge Lady.. :39 b 10-26 Arouse ..... :40 b 10-21 Lutie Schter :37 h 10-20 Bianoz :43b 10-25 Lugano .... :39b 10-26 Boster Twist ,-37h 10-26 "Miss Sthaus :37h 10-17 Bright Jane. :38 b 8-3 Morlen ..... :38 b 10-16 El Pumar... :39b 1020 Olive Sabath :37b 10-22 Glynson . . .-. :39 b 10-26 Plumage .... :37b 10-231 Pass :37h 10-26 Star Brook.. :38 b 10-25 Justinian .. :38 b 10-22 Thistle Fyrn :4lb One-Half Mile. 10-9 Annete B.... :37 b 10-24 Heavy Sugar. :54b 10-16 Bney Sexton :59b 9-16 Kentky Mn :53b 10-26 Cousin Ethel :52b 10-12 Like :56 b 10-11 Caesars Gst .:524ib -10-22 Over C...... ;59 b 10-25 Concierge .. :52 h 10-26 The Darb... :50h 10,23 Foxey Burt. :55 b 10-26 Terry Hill..-. :52andb Five-Eighths Mile. "0-22 Bun D .l:09b 10-26 Mad Career.l:04h 10-16 Black Sambol:06h 8-31 Moms Polly.. l.-09andb 10-25 Bolinty 1:12 b 70-26 Old Judge. . .l:04h 10-27 Chesney ...l:10b 10-19 Onrush ....l:09b 10-26 Detion Ladyl:C9b 10-18 Ridge Wise.l:05 b 10-25 La Reoyu.. .l.-06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 10-22 Bottle Greenl:25b 10-25 March King.l:36 b 10-24 Charlie Pat.. l:22b 10-9 Press Donnal:26 b 10-15 Don Romiro.l:24b 10-10 Star Play... 153 b 10-23 Emmaline H.l:23b 10-25 Scarlet Brdel:26 b 10-16 Flying Silk..l:23b 10-23 Southld Ladl:21b 10-25 Justina ....l:24b 10-26 Tabby l:27b 10-24 Loyal Louie.1:21Jb One Mile. r-10-15 Border Wart1:50 h 10-19 Cedar Valley.l:53d One and Five-Eighths Miles." " 10-25 Cee Tee ... . .2:59b" . EMPIRE CITY. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 10-23 Bank Shot.. :41 b 10-24 Oreilly :40 b 10-26 Dr. Syntax.. :39b 10-23 Recede ..... :40b 10-19 Exiled ..... :40 b" 10-17 Surpass ... . :41 b 10-22 Frigate Bird :40 b 10-26 St. Nick.... :40 b 10-19 Flag View... :39 b 10-26 Transcendnt :4l7sh 10-26 Low Girl... :38h 10-25 Wars End. . :41 b 10-25OneilI :41b One-Half Mile. 10-26 Dorsays .... :53 b 10-23 Peack Alley :56 b 10-25 Magyar .... :52b 10-25 Tiny Wrack. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 10-18 A la Carte..l:07 b 10-15 Phi Delta. . .1:04h 10-24 Golden, Fate.iaO b 1 Three-Quarters Mile. 10-23 Blk Minnie.155 b 10-26 Moine .....l:22h 10-25 Colonist ....1:25 b 10-23 Mrry Chatrl:26 b 10-25 Flighty Anna1:22 b N Seven-Eighths Mile. " 10-21 Wise Advle.l:39 b - - - - No good moves were noted on Ihe muddy course this morning. BELMONT PARK. ? Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. -10-24 Chicane .... :39 b 10-24 Wild Papse :385h 10-21 Nereus :39 b 10-17 Walnut .... :39b One-Half Mile. 10-21 Beret :5l b 10-22 Gy King II. :52 b 10-24 Cock Robin. :52 b 10-22 Orphean. .. . :51 b 10-17 Fredrick ... :50 h 10-22 Terrykin VT :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. " 10-24 Bushkill ...1:04 b 10-24 Mabla ....l.-05 b 10-17 Chilean ..... 1:05 b 10-19 Nimule. ... .1:04 b 10-20 Cbat Tails.. 1:04 b 10-24 SWah Drve.. 1:04 b 10-24 Eter Medal.l:06 b 10-24 Tourist n..lK5 b 10-24 Gn Meadowl:06 b .- . Three-Quarters Mile. -10-22 Excursion . .1:20 b Prince Leo. .1:22 b TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fastP- Three-Eighths Mile. 10-25Brrd Walker :36h 10-23 On o :39b 10-26 Bagiel :37 h 10-11 Ruth Aspin. :37b 10-26 Boottop .....8h 10-26 Sun K...... :38b 10-25 Gd Thougts :37 h 10-25 Southard ... :37b 10-23 Lovely Hills. :38 b 3-16 Susu .... .. :38 e 10-15 Medaow Boy :38b 10-14 Srp Thghts :35h 10-25 Mount Elgon :36 h 10-18 Witeon .-36h 10-23 Orinda :37h One-Half Mile. 10-26 Bahamas ... :50b 10;24 Mopeco :51 b 10-17 Chica Guinea :50e . Night Run. . :52b 10-2 Desjardines . :51 b 10-23 Provo :52 b 10-22 Hilb ....... :50b 10-21 Ping Coates. Mkb 10-19 Leano :52b 10-16 Play Bird... :50h 10-11 Luke Connell -52 b 10-19 Performance. :51 b 10-19 Lord Vale... :51 b Pookanaka . :51b 10-13 Miss Morocco :52 b 10-21 The Whip... :50e Five-Eighths Mile. 10-20 Best: Man. . .1,03 h 10-24 Junior Selh.lK4ih 10-25 Durango ...1:03 h 10-9 Kalakaua . .1.-06 b 10-13 Emery 1:03 h 9-29 Sandwrack .l:04b 5-4 Jri Desaible.l:04b 5-2 Wo Be. . . . .l:04b Three-Quarters Mile. 10-18 Kibitzer . ...1:20 b 10-7 Proud Hills.1:17h 10-25 Patricia C... 1:19 b 10-18 San Clementel:20 b One Mile. 10-19 Ctie Flangnl:44h