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Bookmakers Beware ! ! THE OR 1 G I NALViAPARLAYK I N G I Hi "FIELD IS STARTED AGAIN ! ! ! JJjgjjjy flffi fl fW P P 1 0 IfliULATOR, For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" CMC in urnii Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell TeU You Jp 10. IU, WUN SW IT ALWAYS PAYS TO GET THE BEST -p GOOD INFO costs plenty but its worth it and any "FIELD FOLLOWER" will testify that NO TIME, TROUBLE OR EXPENSE is spared to give them LIMIT PRICED WINNERS. I never resort to handicapping, systems or guessing. You pay for REAL INSD3E "DOPE" when youre with me and thats EXACTLY WHAT YOU GET ! ! ! Start With Me Today and Make Your Bookie Pay! DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DAILY! City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 0596 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, III. Yesterdays Parlay: ONE SECOND, ONE WON f ifcdYH Not so GOOD yesterday, but we cant have them every day. iSPvUl II kl m mandk "LOOK" 5 Out of Last 7 Parlays $ UflUiKl AND REMEMBER, PARLAYS PAY MONEYS WJlKH Makc a BET every day on my PARLAY and WIN YOUR-H"f""TrT7TZTrKj3 SELF OVER 00 weekly. 1 1 1 L 1 k I y J LtH Zdm TM Here Are Some of the Book "Good Things" We Had This Week: JUDGE LEER, S25.18, Won; PLUMAGE, S15.74, Won; ARROWSWIFT, 1.40, Won; FLYAT, 3.00, Won; BYLONA. S13.50. Won Can You Do as Good? W TODAY "BIG DAY" A 0- WIN PARLAY P Comos from the same source that cave us "ARROWSWIFT," 1.24, WON, Tuesday. These two TODAY ARE CINCHES. "ATTENTION" By special request from thousands of players throughout the country, we are extending our offer of 6 DAYS PARLAYS "FREE." Just send for 20 issues of CLOCKERS WEEKLY BOOK, mailed to you weekly. AND YOU GET 6 DAYS PARLAYS -FREE." "NOTICE," CHICAGO READERS: Call at our office or phone CENTRAL 5695. Parlay sent to you with messenger. NO CHARGE for messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph . Parlay wired to you. C. and H. PUBLISHING CO.. 52 W. Randolph St. Room 304. Woods Theatre Bldq., Chicaqo. III. t MY5TEK1IIU m CHICAGO BOOKIES $ I MTm lF w m acclaimed by every newspaper in the ST -. . m. COUNTRY FOR MY SUCCESS l .waci I M m fAR. SULLIVAN now ready again s bookies dont like it t W1TC AfV SMOK WW BACK AGAIN "BIGGER AND BETTER" THAN EVER I have been away for some time completine connections with the "Risht People." I am now again in a position to be the "Talk of the Country" as I have been for the past three years, when every newspaper throughout the country had accounts of my success. Watch my smoke from now on and "Bookies" beware IM ON THE WARPATH. AND RIGHT OFF THE BAT YESTERDAY I GAVE: Yesterdays Horsemans Special: DIVERT, 1.48, WON SSUIXIVAN BROADCASTING TODAY STATION W-O-N 0- WIN PARLAY-W Sony I cant make public what "I KNOW" TODAY, but IF you miss these "TWO GOOD THINGS" you never will forgive yourself. T urce all old and new Sullivan followers to me with me today. TERMS,- S3 A DAY. CHICAGO READERS: Call at our office or phone RANDOLPH 9195-9196. Parlay sent to you with messeneer. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph S3 at once. J. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St Room 1327, Chicago, III. Daily TfiFGWPH The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS THE POINTED-OUT HORSES THE HORSES REGREN AND BASSETT LIKE BEST are pointed out in Bold Type in the "Pink Sheet" as Specials, Standouts, Pay-Offs, etc., and they are the SAFEST PLAYS ON ALL THE TRACKS. These winners were pointed out in such manner Tuesday: LANIER, Regrens Latonia Special, Paid, $ 6.92 MINTMAGI, Bassetts Kenilworth Special, Paid, 10.80 GRIMACE, Bassetts Latonia Special, Paid, 3.38 LEAFLET, Lucky Larrys Play, Netted Profit of 4.53 INFLATE, Bassetts Empire City Special, Paid, 3 to 1 NEWGRO, Regrens Empire City Standout, Paid, 7 to 10 W" I PREVAIL, 5.08, was a McCarty Good Odds selection at Latonia and a Weekly Winner Advance Forecast. THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES: ARLINGTON PARK Nice-25-28-31. LATONIA Erie-25-31-39. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. per Month by First Class Mall per Month by Air Mall FREE WINNER TODAY FREE Just to prove the caliber of my "INFO" I am releasing a probable 10-1 WINNER absolutely free. $ $. Call in person or phone DEARBORN 9297. Out-of-town players, wire and receive fast reply. SAM CLARK 36. W. Randolph St., Suite 800 Chicago, III. THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TURF BUL-LETIN AND SPORTS RECORD Price 35c On Sale Everywhere Price 35c TODAYS THURSDAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON May-St. Paul-Troy-Detroit. It IF M f fv rv DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR THURSDAY: ARLINGTON Y-22-25-13-21. LATONIA C-7-10-22-12. - WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401, Cincinnati, Ohio THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES: LATONIA Pass-10-14-7-6. A R LI N GTO N B red-1 1 -4-24-1 0. Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS CARMACS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: ARLINGTON Star-53-23-43-5. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: ARLINGTON Hot-2-50. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 22 SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY: DESSERT Piano-23-50. MASTER CLOCKER OCCASIONAL CODE: ARLINGTON: The-Hit-Sun-Gum-New. THE NEW DEAL! Dont handicap the races with old-fashioned methods. Write for the new system that winsw No obligation. D. SOLOWAY, Box 73, Station P, Brooklyn, N. Y. CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY. 35 Cents SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON Romc-18-18. TODAYS PARLAY: ARLINGTON Tan-16-13-12-4. LATONIA Gray-19-26. GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS-35c Todays Free Code: ARLINGTON Book-88-92-53-63. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON Wheel-31-41. LATONIA Bolt-38-42. MAN O WAR Code Parlay: ARLINGTON George-47-27-55-17 and LATONIA Robert-63-61-19-49. Free Code: ARLINGTON Stretch-11-21-28-11. Jockey Code: COW Pool-23-30-21-41. COMPASS-For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents Code Parlay ARLINGTON July-46-82-42-56 and LA-TONIA Aug.-72-82-44-82. Free Code: GREEN George-58-34-60-32. Clockers Code: LATONIA Ford-23-37-27-31. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON January-23-14-4-15. N CLOCKERS REVIEW Sold on All Newsstands 35c a Copy " Todays Free Code: LATONIA White-20-22. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: ARLINGTON-Spurs-10-26. ARLINGTON Belt-13-18.