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HAWTHORNE GOLD CUP TO BE RUN AUGUST 24 9 GREAT FIELD ASSURED Champion Equipoise Expected to Return Here for This Race. Gallant Sir, Plucky Play, Indian Runner and Other Stars May Be Among the Contestants. . Joseph A. Murphy, general manager and acting president of Hawthorne, Wednesday announced that the 5,000 added Hawthorne Gold Cup, which heads the list of outstanding features for the thirty-day Hawthorne meeting opening Monday, would be run Thursday, August 24. The handicap champion, Equipoise, probably will make his last western appearance in the Cup, which will be decidetl over one mile and a quarter and also may attract Gallant Sir, Plucky Play, Indian Runner, Gusto, Gold Basis, Kerry Patch, Mr. Khayyam, Larranaga, Advising Anna, Inlander, Okapi and others. Herman P. Conkling, Hawthorne steward, arrived Wednesday from his home in Baltimore anc1. will assist in making preparations for the racing at the Stickney track. Racing secretary and handicapper Joseph McLennan and associate handicapper Judge Clint C. Riley are; working on the weights for the thirty-four three-year-olds and older hoises eligible for the mile and one-eighth" Hawthorne Handicap of ,000 added, and to be renewed August 5, the first Saturday of the Hawthorne season. The weights are due six days before the race. With the Illinois Central transportation arranged for Hawthorne, the West side track wil be able to present to its patrons the most complete system of transportation ever afforded a Chicago track. GOOD RAILROAD SERVICE. The Illinois Central trains will start from Van Buren Street instead of Twelfth Street, running direct to the grounds, with stops at Twelfth and Halsted and returning immediately after the last race. This will enable Worlds Fair visitors to step from the grounds and reach Hawthorne within half an hour. After the races, also, they can be landed directly at the Worlds Fair grounds in time for dinner, as the management intends to have the races over in sufficient time so that everybody can reach the loop by 6 oclock. The Illinois Central trains on every day except Saturday and Gold Cup Day, which has been definitely decided on for Thursday, August 24, will leave Van Buren Street at 1:10 and 1:30. On Saturdays and Gold Cup Day, an extra train leaving at 12:30, will be added to the regular schedule. Arrangements are also under way to pick up Worlds Fair visitors at all Illinois Central stations contiguous to the Fair and transfer them at Van Buren Street to the race trains carrying them direct to Hawthorne. The elevated railroad will run, in addition to its regular trains, five specials, leaving La Salle and Van Buren at 12:43, 12:55, 1:07, 1:09 and 1:31, reaching other stations in the loop a few minutes later atid arriving at 52nd Avenue respectively at 1:21, 1:24, 1:36, 1:48 and 2:00 oclock. Buses and taxis will meet all trains at 52nd Avenue carrying people direct to the grandstand. The round trip fare on the Illinois Central will be fifty cents, and on the elevated, including bus fare, forty cents. There will be active competition among the various taxicab companies of the cities Continued on twentieth page. HAWTHORNE GOLD CUP TO BE RON AUGUST 24 Continued from first page. J for the Hawthorne trade and all of them 5 are making extra efforts to take care of the people. The new taxicab rate will take a capacity load to Hawthorne for less than . The association is also planning its parking space so as to give the taxicab companies I every opportunity to handle the trade.