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CHICAG 1 W NOW ONLY 10 CENTS WJ WJft ft ONCE AGAIN THEY RING THE BELL BELLPink Pink Sheet handicappers seem to be hitting their peak of stride once more coming through with a greater percentage of WINNERS than are given in any other publication A bit of a sample of their wares is notated herewith Wednesday YOUNG KITTY 4970 Was Bassetts Special WESTON 2300 Regrens Churchill Downs PayOff Horse PLUCKY LADY 2190 Dug Up by Regren FAIR JOAN 800 Another Regren Winning Selection UNCLE LESS 1320 Pointed Out by Regren LIQUEUR 750 Just Another Regren Standout StandoutBookmakers Bookmakers the land over have hate in their hearts for this fellow Regren for he deals out stuff to race followers that seems to take away their big black cigars and their inveterate chauffeured motor cars Trek with this man and buy yourself a new 1934 model of any car on the market FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES CODESPIMLICO PIMLICO Yellow705573 Yellow705573PIMLICO PIMLICO Red746358 PLUS To Decipher Above Codes Buy a Pink Sheet SheetCHICAGO CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO ILL 350 per Month by First Class Mail 700 per Month bj Air Mall