untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-17


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CHICAG = NOW ONLY 10 CENTS THE PINK SHEET IS THE LONG SHOT PLAYERS BEST BET BETRegren Regren Bassett and McCarty get em when others are stumbling around in the dark Every day when a long shot comes rambling home check one of the Pink Sheet handicappers selections Ten chances to one youll find the long shot named as a winner by one of this brilliant triumvirate triumvirateTUESDAYS TUESDAYS LIST OF WINNERS FOLLOWS FOLLOWSTAR TAR WATER a Regren Tip 2440 2440MERRY MERRY CAROLINE Regren and Bassett 2240 WHITE BIRD Regren and Bassett 71 71GATE GATE BOY Bassett 1120 1120CURB CURB BIT McCarty 804 804SUPERCHARGE SUPERCHARGE McCarty 612 612RIDGEVIEW RIDGEVIEW McCarty 548 548CAYUGA CAYUGA Regren and Bassett 560 560RIZLA RIZLA Regren 570 570DUG DUG IN Regren 780 780CAPTAIN CAPTAIN RED Regrens Special 562 562NICK NICK D Unanimous Selection 660 660OVER OVER SHADY McCarty 540 540WHYMASK WHYMASK Regren and McCarty 540 540and and others pointed out by one two or three of the Telegraph selectors selectorsWhen When you see a long shot tipped by a Pink Sheet expert dont let letthe the odds scare you off Look it over closely for these experts know knowtheir their stuff THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES AURORA Orange535168 AURORA YelIow525955 PLUS To Decipher Above Codes Buy a Pink Sheet SheetCHICAGO CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COUET CHICAGO ILL 350 per Month by First Class Mall 700 per Month by Air Mall

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934051701/drf1934051701_26_7
Local Identifier: drf1934051701_26_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800