untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-17


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t y RACING WEEKLY WEEKLYsf sf 4 LATEST REPORTS FROM THETTRACKS THETTRACKSALWAYS ALWAYS BLOWING A WINNING TUNE TUNEOH OH SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICED 35 CENTS CENTSYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS CLOCKERS TARLAY TARLAYT T MAGNA MATER 2252 WON SISTER ZOE 420 W N NTUESDAYS TUESDAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY EMPRESSWU 242 V WON WONCURB CURB BIT 804 WON WONMONDAYS MONDAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY MYRTLE BROOKS 1990 WON WONELLEN ELLEN FISHER 1200 WON WONSATURDAYS SATURDAYS CLOCKERS PARLAY CHIMNEY SWEEP 700 WON WONVISHNU VISHNU 400 WON WONFRIDAYS FRIDAYS CLOCKERS CODES FERVID 1380 WON WONBEEN BEEN FAIT 480 WON WONTHURSDAYS THURSDAYS CLOCKERS CODES JUST BUCK 1240 WON WONMR MR HYDE 620 WON WONSubscribe Subscribe to dockers Parlay Service PAYS FOR SIX DAYS DAYSSolid Solid and consistent money horses are being released daily Dont be fooled by the small fee we ask for this service Were you to pay ten times this amount you couldnt get better information Get these two horses every iday and learn what it is to be a winner Send 5 at nonces 1 TODAYS CLOCKERS CODES CODESCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS G76498329 G76498329AURORA AURORA L45327448 L45327448TODAYS TODAYS FREE CODE CODED D ETROIT GAndFatArgApt GAndFatArgAptSPECIAL SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER OFFERTEN TEN CONSECUTIVE ISSUES FOR 300 This is the snappiest breeziest racing weekly ever published and we advise you not to miss a single issue Send your subscription of 3 for ten issues of this weekly weeklyTHE THE BUGLE 20 W Jackson Blvd Room 914 Chicago III

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934051701/drf1934051701_27_2
Local Identifier: drf1934051701_27_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800