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4 12 FURLONGS Widener Course Orissa June 4 1928 51 2 119 119rd rd ru Bel JJCt SlH3 1111 Bunnin FASmON STAKES 2000 Added 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Weight U6 Ibs Winners of two races of 2000 extraMaidens each 3 Ibs extra two races of 3500 or one of 5000 6 Ibs extra Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 40361 2 Catalysis 116 40289 3 Rare Bloom 116 407632 1 Invoke 116X 40816 7 Handcuff M Bel 112 54 111 Index Post Best at Distance Wt Claim No Pos Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 40763 4 Miyako H6X 40816 5 Lace Reigh M Bel 112 54 111 40816 6 Sun Flo M Bel 112 54 111 Catalysis 1 TraceryJJU 1 fi ch f 2 by Stimulus Catalpa by Tracery JJU Trainer H McDaniel StableDate Owner Starmount Stable Date Trk DIs Time Con Odds Wt St 3i Str FinJocIcey PPClPRating Best Company Sts APE2737HdG StsAPE2737HdG 4 f 54hy 854116 3 3 43 5 RichsHi Stks 92 Benjam li9GrimReaPer 117Tedema 8 Alan 637 Hia I 34 ft 65 4119 1 1 2 SteffenEi Stks 11 Bigey 122 Maetall 117 Benjam 119 Feb22374Hia I 33 ft 1910 4U6 1 14 14 SteffenEi Stks 10 SingSlavell6GertB116ChicMaud 116 aa2537iHia 34 ft 2110 4H7 10 14 1 SteffenEi Mdn 13 TallPrincessll7GertB U7Lenpola 117 Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1937 record 4 2 1 0 4290 Mav 12Bel58ftl01h 12Bel58ftl01hBare Bare Bloom 1 BroomstickJJVJ 1 fi B f 2 faV Sir Gallahad III Rowes Bud by Broomstick JJVJ Trainer J W Healy Owner J H Whitney Apr24373Jam WhitneyApr24373Jam fjl00ft 9104110 4 1 1s 14 GilbertJ Allw 7 FamilyFrd 117Miyakol08CeRace 111 Apd6375Jam g 100 ft 7 115 1 1 I4 I3 GilbertJ2 Mdn 11 Magicnell5Thlightll5ElyEvng 115 1937 record 2 200 S 1550 Mav 12Bel l2ft 48h Invoke X 1 1 Grierav fi B 2 b br r Teddy Appeal by John P Grier av Trainer A Schuttinger Owner J M Roebling May RoeblingMay 8374Jam 58 ft 10 116 3 2 23 2 ShultzC6 Stks 86 Inhale 119 Fooled 114 Miyako 6 Apt27371Jam f 101 sy 8 115 1 1 I3 1s RayW1 Mdn 85 BbaraS115Depend 115RmService 9 1937 record 2110 1200 Mav 1200Mav 12 Bel 58ftl03h Mav 4 Bel 58 ft lQ4b Handcuff 111 Br f 2 M by Whichone Tenez by Friar Rock LLJ Trainer J A Healey Owner C V Whitney M 10371Bel 4 f 53 gd 185e4112 17 2 5S3 52 HanPdlis Mdn 89 CrtDance 112BckWavell2Polyatal9 1937 record 1 Mav 13 Bel 38 ft 36h May 8 Bel 12 ed 48h 48hMiyako Miyako X SweepJLV 1 1 fi Gr f 2 fay John p La Chica by Sweep JLV Trainer S J Lawler Owner A H Waterman WatermanMay May 837 Jam 58 ft 6 116 2 3 39 4 RayW1 Stks 80 Inhale 119 Invoke 116 Fooled 6 6Apt28373Jam Apt28373Jam 8 100 m 6 111 3 2 1 2h KoPelF Allw 90 Endymion 114 SingLow 112iGayset 9 Apr24373Jara 1 100 ft 12 108 5 6 3 36 KopelF3 Alhv 7 RareBlmllOFlyFrndinCapeRa 111 111Man637Hia Man637Hia 1 34ft 20 114 8 613 52 KopelFS Stks 11 Bigey 122 Catalysis 119 Maetall 117 117Feh2537iHia Feh2537iHia g 33 si 6J 116 4 45 23 KopelFS Allw 7 ChicMaud 116SingSlave 116GertB116 116GertB116Feh22374Hia Feh22374Hia 33 ft 9 116 8 7s 63 KopelF Stks 10 Catalysis 116SinggSlavell6GertBU6 Feb 43iHia 34 ft 18f U7 5 3i I1 KopelF13 Mdn 14 TeaLves 117LenpoIall7Watchcasell7 1937 record 7 121 1125 Mav 7 Bel 12 id 48h 48hlace lace Heigh 1 111 GreatJLJ B f 2 M by Reigh Count Valenciennes by Stefan th Great JLJ Trainer Lon Johnson Owner Mrs J Hertz JfcylO37iBel 4 f 53 gd 50 112 18 12 1515 BalskiH2 Mdn 85 CrtDance 112BckWavell2Polyata 19 Apr2737iJam 101 ly 50 115 5 8 81 8i8 BalaskiL Mdn 69 Invoke 115 Barbara S 115 Depend 9 Aprl6373Jam 1 100 ft 30 115 8 9 92ilfli9 BalaskiL Mdn 11 RareBlmll5Magicnell5Tchlight U5 1937 record 3 May 14 Bel 12 si 50h May 8 Bel 12 ed 50h n Flo s 11 TB f 2 M ky Sun iriar FloIL by Alcantara II 4 Trainer E Trueman Owner W S Kilmer lO37iBeI 4if 53gd 12 112 16 4 I5 V LgdenJi Mdn 88 TrtDance 112BckWaveU2Polyata 19 1937 1937record record I May 12Bel 58 ft l02h