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THE DAILY DOUBLE PAYOFF CONSISTING OF HOUR LADY AND SUN DORA PAID 8960 FOR 2 HOUR LADY AND CAIN PAID 28260 FOR 2 AURORA ILL FRIDAY MAY 14 1937 Aurora 1 mile Twelfth day Fox Valley Jockey Club Inc Spring meeting of 19 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Steward representing Illinois Racing Commission C J FitzGerald Stewards of Meeting J T Ireland and T C Bradley Placing Judges C C Campau C V Abbo and R A Leigh Starter J Morrissey Racing Secretary R A Leigh Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight saving time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and iveight carried indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE S4 MILE Zekiel May 5 1934 111 5 114 Purse 600 3yearolds A ftOO and upward Claiming Non winners since November 25 3yearolds 1LU 105 Ibs older 112 Ibs Claiming price 1400 if for less 1 Ib allowed May1437Aur for each 100 to 1000 Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 396663JULIA GRANT w 5 107 1 3 22 22 124 Ink GuymonL J M Hubbard 408393FREE SPIRIT vn4107 37 62 44 23 23 MoraH D Hardy 240100 37082 CH1FALLY WB 5 108 4 1 54 3h 32 3 DyerJ Mrs M Rennillo 1100100 39481 AUTHORITY w7104 72 44 52 44 44 MelocheT H R Smith 1660100 32749 MY LOUELLEN w4112 2 5 34 6 54 McCrayK P C James 4380100 4380100396032JOHN 396032JOHN M KOVER w 3 100 5 6 7 7 7 6l CrowhurstC Miles Kover 470100 40878 DARK RASCAL w 5 1124 6 4 I2 14 5 5i i 7 BarnesEJ F Seroy 3960100 3960100Time Time 2V3 473 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JULIA ODDSJULIA GRANT 480 260 240 140 100 30 100 20 100 FREE 100FREE SPIRIT 280 300 40 100 50 100 CHIFALLY 100CHIFALLY 400 100 100 100Winner Winner Br m by General Grant Dame Thunder by Mcelick trained by J M Hubbard bred by Mr A L Ferguson Winner entered to be claimed for 1400 WENT TO POST 217 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameJULIA JULIA GRANT away fast and taken back off the pace raced around the leader in the last quarter and wore down DARK RASCAL in the stretch FREE SPIRIT worked his way up on the outside arid finished with a rush CHIFALLY closed strongly under hard urging r AUTHORITY tired in rthedrjve DARK RASCAL showed speed for a half mile then tired in the stretch = Scratched 40844 AVilliam V 106 106Overweight Overweight Authority 1 pound My Louellen 5 Dark Rascal 44 Corrected weight Julia Grant 107 ORIGINAL EIGHTH RACE RUN AS THE SECOND SECONDSECOND SECOND RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Ridgeview May 15 1934 141 6 112 A i AQ PUTSO 600 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two ClaimingMay1437Aur ± JLl i races in 1937 Weight 113 Ibs Nonwinners in 1937 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming May1437Aur price 1000 1000Net Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 403444HOUR LADY w5103 3 1 43 43 34 14 14 GuymonL Mrs K ONeal ONeal40839EDDIE 1300100 40839EDDIE J WB 5 110 2 3 3 34 52 32 2 AlbrechtH Oddesa Farms Farms40876SISKO 120100 40876SISKO vn7106 6 6 5i 51 44 52 34 CookW J R Bridwell 1030100 4084443CAPTAIN RED wsu7113 4 5 14 1 Ink 24 44 HauerH C E Davison 500100 393253DISPELLER WB7113 1 2 6 6 75 73 Greenfield Stable 420100 40882SUN CAPRICE WB 5 1064 7 7 72 73 63 66 DobsonG A A Young 9980100 40875 SNOBEEDO WB 6 113 5 4 2 24 21 6h I8 BarnettD L Dilger 1340100 40881 FAIR BOY WB 8 110 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 VailS Mrs R A Dowling 4250100 4250100Time Time 234 474 113 140 144 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID v OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HOUR LADY 2800 900 480 1300 100 350 100 140 100 100EDDIE EDDIE J 260 320 30 100 60 100 SISKO 100SISKO 380 90 100 100Winner Winner B m by Hourless Lady Algy by Ormondale trained by E Johnson bred by Audley Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 243 AT POST minute drivingHOUR Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving HOUR LADY away to a good start and taken back off the pace responded readily to hard urging in the final quarter and held EDDIE J safe in the drive The latter close up frpm the start showed a good game effort SISKO made up ground steadily and finished with a rush CAPTAIN RED had speed from the break set a good pace and tired in the last threesixteenths SUN CAPRICE moved up with a rush quitScratched nearing the stretch turn then tired SNOBEEDO quit Scratched 409313The Darb 105 105Overweight Overweight Sisko 3 pounds Suri Caprice 14 THIRD RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Transmutable May 20 1935 104 3 104 Purse A i A 600 Syearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since March 17 ± Ji ± 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 115 Ibs Nonwinners since February 1 allowed May1437Aur 3 ibs in 1937 5 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 408382 tSUN DORA WB 6 110 5 2 14 I2 lh li HauerH HauerHWB A J Hbtard 40875 fCAIN WB 6 110 2 3 44 22 23 li DowellT R Morgan 407383LAURETTA JAY w 3 103 6 5 72 4 64 34 HanauerC Mrs E Ruebusch 1310100 40875 GLADESS WB 5 110 4 4 3 3k 44 44 HaberR Mrs E E Russell 380100 35804 SPICKEEN w 4 110 7 6 8 85 5 FisherHW L M Severson 4010100 410100389083HIGH 23882 ELEANOR M w 7 1064 3 7 62 4 34 64 VailS R Fisher 410100 389083HIGH DEVINE WB 8 111 1 1 2 5 74 7 TurnerL Forest City Stable 290100 37727 LARRY M WB 4 111 8 8 5 6 8 8 BarnettD Mrs R Lamote 1830100 fDeadheat 1830100fDeadheat Time 23J4 46 100 107 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SUN DORA 500 440 320 150 100 120 100 60 100 CAIN 100CAIN 2140 2000 eeo 970 160 900 100 230 100 100LAURETTA LAURETTA JAY 660 230 100 100Winner Winner Sun Dora ch m by Sun God II Sindora by Sinn Feiner trained by A Gaal bred by Mr I J Collins Cain ch g by Enoch Wikiup Princess by Disguise trained by T E Crist bred by Mr M L Allen Winners entered to be claimed for 51000 each eachWENT WENT TO POST 310i AT POST 61 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving third the same sameSUN SUN DORA away to a good start and showing a big burst of speed from the break opened up a good lead and continuing gamely throughout showed a sparkling effort CAIN was never far out of it Responded well to hard urging in the final quarter and closed with a rush LAURETTA JAY worked her yay up gradually on the outside and finished with a rush GLADESS had no mishaps SPICKEEN was away to a slow start and made up some ground ELEANOR M quit after reaching a contending position In the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 398042Evening Gown 100 40569 Our Spot 112 408762Chantesuta 105 40738 Royal Pur cjiase 110 40877 Koley Bey 110 40937 Miles Standish 105 39936 Rolled Notes 98 40785 Onside 110 40937 Lady Chiniquy 100 100Overweight Overweight Eleanor M 14 pounds High Devine 1 Larry M 1 FOURTH RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Little Upset May 20 1936 53 2 119 Purse 600 A A K 2yearolds Claiming Weight 118 Ibs Maidens allowed 5 Ibs Claiming rVV price 2000 if for less 3 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 1500 No appren May1437Aur apprenMay1437Aur tice allowance allowanceNet Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 407372ODDESA MAID wllO 2 1 1w06 24 2 l ° k AlbrechtH Oddesa Farms 40692 FREDRICKA R w06 5 4 4WB104 I1 14 24 DyerJ W H Goelitz 397212BIT 0 BLACK WB104 6 6 34 41 3b OBryanG V E Berry Continued on eighteenth page AURORA AURORAContinued Continued from third page 37 WAR JEST wsl09 3 3 7 6 4 ChinnH D Hardy 1410100 7 MISS PITTYPAT wl5 7 7 5 5J 5 FisherHW W C Reichert 150100 10692 AVIRAB x 110 4 5 4 346 VailS Chappel Bros 1160100 1160100RED RED COLONEL 108J 1 2 64 7 7 BogskiW R B George 1490100 1490100Time Time 23 47 S4 Track fast S2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDB ODDESA MAID 1320 480 400 560 100 140100 100 100 100FREDRICKA FREDRICKA R 520 400 160 100 100 100 100BIT BIT 0 BLACK 320 60 100 100Winner Winner B f by Busy American Yen by Last Coin trained by R Freeman bred by Mr J B Respess Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 346 J AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameODDESA ODDESA MAID away to a good start and responding to hard urging in good fashion raced around the leader in the last eighth and wore down the pacemaker FREDRICKA R was hustled into a good lead soon after the break and losing ground throughout tired in the drive BIT O BLACK dropped back after a slow beginning came again in the stretch and finished strongly WAR JEST closed with a rush MISS PITTYPAT tired AVIRAB quit RED COLONEL was never a contender contenderScratched Scratched 40930 Bottom Row 112 40692 Green Country 113 113Overweight Overweight Frcdricka R 2 pounds War Jest 5 Red Colonel 1 FIFTH 3yearoldsAt RACE 34 MILE Zekiel May B 1934 111 5 114 Purse 600 3yearolds At AQ and upward Claiming 3yearolds 106 Ibs older 113lbs Winners since 1250May1437Aur VAO April 30 4 Ibs extra Claiming price 1250 May1437Aur Net vaue to winner 5459 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 408412LO w 5 103 7 3 I2 11 I2 1 MoraH B Berry 180100 18010040437FLIT 40437FLIT OF GOLD WB5108 18 72 43 34 24 SislerL J T Withers HI 670100 67010040738BALDY 40738BALDY ws6U2 4 1 34 24 2 CookW H D King 1450100 1 40602 WEELUKIE w 5 112 2 6 5i 3i 4i 4h OBryanG R Jewett 1810100 40380 KENDAL GREEN WB 4 113 5 5 64 52 5J 5 HaberR Mrs E E Russell 360100 1 140477TREVALLION 40477TREVALLION WB 10 108 6 7 44 62 6 64 VedderRL L R Knifong 380100 39406 LONGUEIL w 3 UOi 84 2 4 7 4 BarnettD Mrs R LaMote 4460100 446010040569LEVI 40569LEVI COOKE WB5112 32 8888 RifeF W Sack 3290100 3290100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID LO 560 340 320 180 100 70 100 60 100 100FLIGHT FLIGHT OF GOLD 480 380 140 100 90 100 100BALDY BALDY 460 130 100 100Winner Winner B m by St James Wonderful One by Eternal trained by B Berry bred by Mr R Carruthers Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 413 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameLO LO breaking rapidly moved into the lead soon after the start and setting a fast pace throughout continued gamely under vigorous urging to outstay FLIGHT OF GOLD The latter improved his position steadily got through on the insidejin the final quarter and closed strongly BALDY raced prominently all the way mishapsScratched WEELUKIE tired after reaching a contending position KENDAL GREEN had no mishaps Scratched 40841 Troubadora 101 40741Mr Joe 117 40601 North Blaze 96 40601 Kentucky Eagle 106 106Overweight Overweight Longueil 4 pounds SIXTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Bidgeview May 15 1934 141 6 112 Aft W Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 109 Ibs older JLJM 4 119 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since March 31 allowed 3 Ibs one race May1437Aur 6 Ibs one race since February 29 9 Ibs Claiming price 1400 if for 1200 allowed 3 Ibs Nit value to winner 535 second 100 third 45 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 40880RUSH PLAY w 4 105 1 6 4 4441 54 14 VedderRL Harrell Scallon 350100 350100395253GOLDEN 395253GOLDEN QUEST w 5 109 5 2 32 32 34 4h 24 RifeF Mrs L Thompson 950100 40844 BAHADUR wB6116 35 2s 23 23 1 31 GuymonL Mrs C E Irvin 510100 40882HYMARQUE 51010040882HYMARQUE w5111 4 1 5 52 62 31 4 HaberR Mrs E E Russell 380100 40652 HAZEL EYE wn4106 6 4 7 6 53 62 5 MoraH Mrs H Decker 610100 140839 RUNW Y TARGETw 5 111 7 3 1 I5 1 24 6 Chestnut J H K Barren 810100 W6973BLACK 810100W6973BLACK PETER w 6 113 2 7 63 7 7 7 7 MarinelliJ Mrs J Bainton 610100 610100Time Time 24 47 113 139 144 Track fast 2 MUTUEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RUSH PLAY 900 500 320 350 100 150 100 60 100 GOLDEN 100GOLDEN QUEST 940 360 370 100 80 100 BAHADUR 100BAHADUR 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Blind Play Babbling by Sea King trained by N J Scallon bred by Mr E B jBurgess Winner entered to be claimed for 1400 WENT TO POST 443 OFF AT ONCE i Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingRUSH RUSH PLAY began slowly worked his way up on the outside and coming over sharply in the stretch laced to the front in the last sixteenth and drew away GOLDEN QUEST a factor from the beginning suffered slightly from interference in the stretch and showed a good effort BAHADUR forced the pace from the break assumed the lead after entering the stretch and tired when put to pressure HYMARQUE could not keep up RUNAWAY TARGET quit quitScratched Scratched 40438 Yes Polly 106 SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILES Mata Hari May 23 1934 149 3 117 Purse 600 rf ll AOQ 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since November 25 4tJLU fio Weight 112 Ibs Claiming price 1000 May1437Aur Net vaue to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fm Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 40783 CROWNED HEAD WB 9 112 4 3 34 34 34 14 1 EnvinS Jay Dee Stable 270100 408763PLAYAWAY 5112 3 2 5 4i 2i 2 2 VailS R Fisher 390100 409363JIM NED w6107 7 4 11 li 11 33 3k OBryanG J C Elfer 540100 40983 HI WELL wsn4112 2677 44444 = HauerH Mrs D L Horton 650100 360262PORT 0 PLAY WB 11 112 6 7 62 6 6 68 5 GuymonL Mrs S Corbet 720100 40882 KING PIN wB10112 5 5 2i 2h 52 5 68 HebertS Mrs AC Klein 1110100 29493 GAY BIRD WB9112 1 1 41 54 7 7 7 HaberR Corbet Irvin 850100 850100Time Time 25 49 115 142 156 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD tROWNED ODDtROWNED HEAD 740 340 380 270 100 70 100 90 100 PLAYAWAY 100PLAYAWAY 480 360 140 100 80 100 100JIM JIM NED 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Br g by King James Wrack Past by Wrack trained by D J McAuliffe bred by Mr JL Riley Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 510 AT POST J minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingCROWNED CROWNED HEAD well up in the early stages was lucky to get through on the inside approaching the final quarter took the lead quickly and held PLAYAWAY safe in the stretch The latter made up ground rapidly on the outside JIM NED was rushed into the lead soon after the start set a good pace under light restraint and held on with good courage but was not good enough HIWELL began slowly and closed a good gap PORT 0 PLAY had no mishaps KING PIN tired ORIGINAL SECOND RACE RUN AS THE EIGHTH EIGHTHEIGHTH EIGHTH RACE 5 12 FURLONGS Transmutable May 20 1935 104 3 104 Purse rf f fiOQ 600 3yearolds Maidens and winners of one race Claiming Weight JL V lJf 116 Ibs Nonwinners in 1937 allowed 3 Ibs maidens 6 Ibs Claiming price May1437Aur 1500 if for 1200 allowed 3 Ibs Net value to winner 450 second 90 third 40 fourth 20 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 39047PAY CHECK WB 108 5 2 14 I2 I3 I3 CookW B Hernandez 330100 40739 JERRY FLIRT w08 3 3 22 2 24 22 DyerJ Hoffman Hockcnbury 420100 408772BOOTS 420100408772BOOTS GREENOCK w 113 4 9 9 74 52 3nk GuymonL Berman Stable 360100 36010039577SCOTCH 39577SCOTCH THISTLE w03 96 3i 6 = 31 4i VedderRL F Kurinec 2330100 40693 SAFE PORTE wsllS 24 6 4i 4 54 LoweW F J Grand 2100100 406933HILDUR 2100100406933HILDUR QUEEN WB 98 11 4 34 6i 63 MoraH Oddesa Farms 630100 40739 VISIBILITY WB 113 75 53 73 74 McCrayK A G Tarn 860100 29482 GLEANING RUTH w 106 87 8 8i 82 83 DobsonG A A Young 8750100 8750100SUNNY SUNNY SETHINA w 105 6 8 4 9 9 9 MelocheT C F Taylor 2120100 2120100Time Time 23 M 100 107 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PAY CHECK 86 500 320 330 100 150 100 60 100 100UERRY UERRY FLIRT 520 260 ieo 100 30 100 100BOOTS BOOTS GREENOCK 280 40 100 100Winner Winner B c by Chance Play Pencraft by Ambassador IV trained by B Hernandez bred by Mr R L Gerry Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 540 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingPAY PAY CHECK was rushed to the front soon after the start set the pace while lightly restrained responded well to urging in the last quarter and drew clear JERRY FLIRT was well up throughout saved ground and showed a good effort though no match for the winner BOOTS GREENOCK began slowly was forced wide while working his way up and finished fast SCOTCH THISTLE closed with a rush SAFE PORTEtired quitScratched HILDUR QUEEN had brief early speed VISIBILITY quit Scratched 407393Goldspun 108 Orbcdlu 107 107Overweight Overweight Hildur Queen 1 pounds Gleaning Rutfy 1 QUINELLA AT AURORA FRIDAY PAID 2540