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DENEMARKS NOMINATE FIVE Enter Finance Two Bob War Em ¬ blem Army and Navy and Corinto in Great Western HOMEWOOD 111 May 26 The Great Western Handicap extended this year to a mile and a quarter has attracted the names of twentyeight handicap performers racing secretary Charles J McLennan of the Wash ¬ ington Park Jockey Club announced today The Great Western ranking second in age only to the American Derby among Wash ¬ ington Parks seven added money events will be run Saturday June 5 for a prize of 5000 in added money Mrs Emil Dene mark was the heaviest nominator for the Great Western Handicap putting in five of her older performers Finance Two Bob War Emblem Army and Navy and Corinto The Great Westerns history goes back to 1884 when it was first run at old Washing ¬ ton Park the year the American Derby was inaugurated inauguratedThe The nominations follow Bootless Cardar rone Count Morse Navanod Salaam Two Bob Finance War Emblem Army and Navy Corinto Sir Jim James Seventh Heaven Spanish Babe Woodlander Biography Flag Cadet Count Arthur Our Reigh Silent Shot Must Be Lady Montrose Tear Out Infantry Giant Killer Official Eagle Pass Thread needle and Grand Manitou