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Here and There on the Turf i i i West Coast Hails Ligaroti May Try for Widener Cup Esposa Out to Vindicate Self Steeplechasing Inquiry Needed Californias reactions to the triumph of Seabiscuit over War Admiral include the notion that Ligaroti is the second best horse in the country because in his match race with the Charles S Howard star he was beaten but a matter of inches whereas the son of Han o War was given a fourlength trim ¬ ming Ligaroti was getting fifteen pounds from Seabiscuit which had up 130 pounds in that mile and a furlong affair at Del Mar but he went right off with the latter and continued on even terms with him until the last stride even though the pace was so blistering that the half mile was done in 46U and the threequarters in 110 The final time was 149 which is very good for the distance regardless of what track it is Californians may be claiming too much for the importation from the Argentine but his effort against Seabiscuit proves him quite a horse just the same sameAs As Ligaroti partly belongs to the son of Scabiscuits owner and the latter is in his way for the Santa Anita Handicap he prob ¬ ably will be sent to Hialeah Park to point for the 50000 Widener Challenge Cup He also would compete in the other stakes to which he would be eligible Definite an ¬ nouncement as to the intentions of Bing Crosby and Lin Howard may not be forth ¬ coming until conclusion of Tanforan racing this fall but Ligartis owners are toying with the idea His presence in Florida would add much color to the racing there and if War Admiral should return Ligaroti would be pivcn the opportunity of proving the claim of Californias rany ardent rooters that he Is the second best race horse in America Right now he is more interested in the Burlingame and Worlds Fair Handicaps features at Bay Meadows Saturday and t week later With Seabiscuit declining to run in the Riggs Handicap because his connections are not willing to accept an impost of 132 pounds at this time the field for the mile and three sixteenths feature at Pimlico tomorrow will be headed by Jacola whose form has so im ¬ pressed Charles J McLennan that he has as ¬ signed her 121 pounds or four over scale Seabiscuit was allotted six pounds over scale In the Washington Handicap the threeyear old daughter of Jacopo and La France had the scale of 117 on her back whereas Esposa which finished in fifth place shouldered 123 pounds McLennan is dropping the veteran mare from William Zieglers stable to level weights with Jacola in the Riggs and she may produce a vastly improved effort espe ¬ cially as the statement in this column earlier in the week that she wasnt at a disadvan ¬ tage in the heavy going prevailing for the Washington has been disputed disputedA A fast track for the Riggs may bring about an entirely different race than was staged in the Washington considering that Jacola showed herself to be partial to all sorts of going at Laurel She doesnt lose anything by running on a fast course although others may not be placed at a disadvantage In ad ¬ dition to Jacola and Esposa a goodsized smart field is expected in tomorrows 10000 event including Aneroid Cravat and others Cravat is just rounding to form again after having bruised his hip in a fall at Belmont Park just before the Lawrence Realization Continued on thirtyfirst page HERE AND THERE ON THE TURF Continued from second page a race the distanceloving son of Sickle and Frilette appeared to have at his mercy After the Riggs Cravat is intended for the Bowie Handicap whose mile and five furlongs may prove more to his liking although he will have Seabiscuit Jacola and Esposa to beat beatThe The detailed study of steeplechase racing to be made by the New York State Racing Commission ought to bring to light some of the reasons why that sport has degenerated so greatly during the past few years When only three horses could be mustered for the 10000 Grand National Steeplechase at Bel mont Park the fact that this branch of rac ¬ ing has slipped so badly must have struck home with the commissioners This body composed of Herbert Bayard Swope John Sloan and John Hay Whitney did so well in rejuvenating flat racing on the metropolitan circuit that perhaps they can assert the same intelligence and aggressiveness in bringing back steeplechasing A preliminary investiga ¬ tion already has been made but the commis ¬ sion probably will be compelled to step on somebodys toes to find the source of stee plechasings downfall