Wheeling Downs Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1941-06-03


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WHEELING DOWNS ENTRIES ENTRIESWeather Weather clear track fast DAILY DOUBLE FIRST AND SECOND RACES RACESEntries Entries Run as One Horse No Field Horses Racing starts at 400 j m Chicago time 300 p m mFirst First Race About 6 12 Furlongs Purse 300 3YearOlds and Upward Maidens MaidensClaiming ClaimingHorse Claiming Horse Wt Horse Wt WtBlue Blue Melody 103 Baby Mowlee 108 108Lorellen Lorellen 110 Prince Jewell 115 115What What Time 105 Democracy 115 115Questita Questita 103 Miss Hall Bar 110 110Dominica Dominica 115 Satin Marie 103 103Nopalosa Nopalosa Jr 115 Mags Choice 110 110Waza Waza Waka 105 Lop Vlong 115 115Second Second Race About 58 Mile Out of Chute Purse 300 3YcarOlds and Upward Claiming Just Look 106 Fairy Footfall 106 106King King Toa 111 Blind Star 111 111Star Star Magic 101 Baybane 111 111Trouble Trouble Bent 106 Tempting Witch 111 111B B Baron Ill Nopalosa Peace 111 111Third Third Race About 58 Mile Out of Chute Purse 300 3YcarOlds and Upward Claiming Jeepers 114 Royal Echo 106 106Upholder Upholder 114 Winsome Lassie 109 109Flashing Flashing Thru 114 Pretty Carol 106 106Scdace Scdace 106 Fair Haired 112 112Fourth Fourth Race About 58 Mile Out of Chute Purse 300 3YcarOlds and Upward Claiming Miss Trycom 106 Grey Chieftain 111 111Lovely Lovely Sister 106 Lolly Bane 111 111Baldy Baldy 116 Rocky Mount 111 111Blue Blue Boo 111 Tadcaster 111 111No No Fair 106 Honeymaid 101 101Free Free Forester 106 106Fifth Fifth Race About 6 12 Furlongs FurlongsFort Fort Henry Purse PursePurse Purse 400 3YearOIds and Upward Allowances Eltonhead 110 Statement 108 108Jeane Jeane Jock 105 Thirty Four 110 110Queen Queen Blaze 103 Amazer 110 110Booter Booter Me 103 Irish Abbio 103 103Sixth Sixth Race About 1 116 Miles Purse 300 3YearOIds and Upward Claimine Fair Scout 110 Blind Brook 110 110Crimson Crimson Lancer 107 Arachne 107 107Mantados Mantados 107 Queen Blenheim 110 110Good Good Battle 111 Kcswick Hill 112 112Cristate Cristate 115 115Seventh Seventh Race About 1 116 Mifes Purse 300 3YearOIds and Upward Claimins Bay Memor 116 Tint of Gold 106 106Lfitoff Lfitoff 116 Retribution 116 116Pin Pin Hooker J16 Foxton 116 116Winnadeo Winnadeo Ill Vinny Boy 116 116Bynums Bynums Run lib Bar Exam 116 116Pootic Pootic 116 Arrow Girl 111 111Branca Branca 116 Lowry 116

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1941060301/drf1941060301_42_4
Local Identifier: drf1941060301_42_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800