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FAIRMOUNT PARK NOTES COLLINSVILLE 111 June 18 The threeyearold Miss Belleau a daugh ¬ ter of Color Sergeant was returned to A A Busch Jrs farm in Missouri by trainer M Covault Busch has Brigade Colors a full brother to Miss Belleau in training here under the direction of Covault CovaultPippa Pippa Passes a winner at the local track last week has been turned over to A C Whalen to condition The horse is the prop ¬ erty of R R Roberts RobertsE E E Watson and Hugh Goff returned from Detroit DetroitWaterman Waterman a veteran plater was unloaded by W C Gillem owner of the horse who vanned his charge here from his farm at Lampasas Texas The horse was turned over to Dan Howell who has three others here for the Texan TexanThursday Thursday will be Illinois Firemens Asso ¬ ciation Day at Fairmount Park and repre ¬ sentatives from all over the state are ex ¬ pected to be on hand for the program Simon Keirerman of Edwardsville county seat in which Fairmount Park is located is making arrangements to entertain delegates delegatesApprentice Apprentice Donald Trombly swung into action on the Tuesday program Trombly arrived here yesterday from Detroit DetroitGene Gene Robinson in his day one of the lead ¬ ing riders in the United States and fqr many years attached to numerous jockey quarters throughout the country as a valet suffered a heart attack in his room at Collinsville early this morning The illness is expected to keep Robinson away from his duties at Fairmount Park for the balance of the meeting j jMrs Mrs Jesse Brin wife of the owner of the Blue Ribbon Stock Farm at Dallas Texas her sisterinlaw Mrs Sam Brin Mrs Lois Leftwich and Alfred Milligan left for Chi ¬ cago The party spent all of last week hero and are expected to return here in the next few days from the Windy City en route home