Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-07

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Alphabetical Index to Entries Abashed 3d Jam Able 3d Jam Ace Fleet 2d CD Acquaintance 1st CD Adolf 1st Nar Air Raider 2d Spt Airy Goer 2d Jam Akrontown 7th C JD Alagnes 7th CD Alan F 2d QJD Aldridge 6th CD All Talk 1st Jam Alt Trumps 1st CD Allergic 7th Nar Andrew Palmer 7th Pirn Apropos 8th Nar Ariel Patrol 4th Pirn Ariel Play 6th Jam Arjac 8th GD Auletia 4th Nar NarB NarBaby B Baby Boy 7th Pirn Balmy Spring 5th Nar Bank Note 3d Pirn Barbara Childs 6tii Pirn Baron Lynn 1st Nar Belay 8th Pirn Belmar Arra 1st Nar Belmike 5th Nar Ben Gray 2d Jam Bescar 2d CD Bibliophile 1st CD Big Raid 3d Jam Big Ripple 4th Nar Billy Bee 3d Nar Bit o Brown 1st CD Blensign 2d Pirn Blockader 8th Pirn Blossom Queen 8th Spt Blue Booties 5th Nar BJue Button 7th CD Blue Flight 2d Jam Blue Whistler 6th Jam Bob Hi 8th CD Bobtown 1st Spt Bola Mowlee 2d Pirn Boot and Spur 5th CD Boredom 2d Nar Bow Wave 5th Pirn Brass King 4th Pirn Brave Up 8th CJD Bring Me Home 6th Spt Broiler 7th Pirn Bronze Bugle 1st CD Brown Dancer 1st Nar Bull Dandy 3d Jam Bullion 1st Nar Bulwark 2d Nar Burning Sands 5th CD Burning Stick 6th CJD CJDC CJDCabin C Cabin Creek 2d CD Call to Colors 8th CD Cals Pet 6th Pirn Camille 4th Pirn Camp Liberty 3d Spt Camptown 4th Jam Canterup 3d Nar Captain Eddie 5th Spt Catcall 3d Nar Catomar 8th Nar Cee Raf 1st Pirn Chance Cross 4th Nar Chance Run 1st Nar Charlie Bane 2d Spt Charnock 2d Spt Cherry T 7th Jam Chi 4th Spt Chipamink 6th Spt Chuck 1st Pirn Chuck 5th Pirn Cideam 2d CD Clarksville 5th CD Claro 3d Nar Cleo Louise 2d Jam Colesboy 7th Nar Conejo 3d Spt Connachta 8th Pirn Cowlan 6th Jam Crazy Horse 3d Jam Cross Country 7th Nar Crystal Torch 1st Spt Gushing 2d Spt SptD SptDabiton D Dabiton 2d Spt Darby Delilah 4th CJD Darby Doc 2d CD Dark Danger 4th Jam Dark Discovery 5th Jam Dashing Along 2d Nar Date Ace 2d Nar Demolition 4th Nar Dense Path 5th Nar Detroit Bull 8th Pirn Devie 4th Jam Discussion 7th Spt Docdonough 1st Jam Dog Daze 5th Spt Don Pecos 3d Nar Double Value 8th CJD Down Six 2d Jam Dr Johnson 6th Jam Dr Whinny 2d Jam Dream Parade 6th Nar Dundagel 1st Pirn PirnE PirnEarly E Early Delivery 2d Jam Easy Mary 4th CJD Ebs First 1st Spt Edahaste 4th Jam Elcinap 2d Spt Eleventh Hour 8th Spt Elkton 6th Nar Elray 5th Pirn Esterita 6th Jam Ever Time 1st Nar Extended 8th Spt SptF SptFieldfare F Fieldfare 3d Pirn Fight On 8th Spt Flag Post 8th Spt Float Me 1st Jam Flying Bonny 1st Nar Flying Easy 5th CD Fred Havecker 1st Pirn Free Miss 4th Spt Free Speech 7th Jam Frou Frou 7th CJD Gadabout 8th Nar Galactic 5th Pirn Gambit 6th CJO Gay Bridget 7th CJD Gay Hour 8th Spt Ginoca 8th Pirn Girlette 2d Nar Gold Bill 7th Nar Gold Flare 2d CD Gold State 4th CD Golden Fleece 4th Jam Golden Mowlee 7th Pirn Gondalina 6th Pirn Good Neighbor 8th Pirn Gramps Image 5th Pirn Green Bottle 3d Nar Greenock linage 7th CJD Gremlin 5th Spt Guaymas 8th CJD Guile 2d Nar Gummed Up 3d Spt SptH SptHadaboy H Hadaboy 8th CJD Halcyon Boy 7th Nar Hard Blast 2d Jam Hard Lu 8th CJD Hardship 2d Nar Hardy Bud 7th Pirn Headoverheels 6th Jam Helen Mowlee 7th Pirn Helen Spotr 2d Jam Her Guardian 6th Spt Hianne 6th Jam High Brow 2d Jam Holly 8th Spt Honey Chile 8th CD HyCop 1st CJD CJDI I Illinois Star 8th Spt Indian Watch 2d CJD Ironworks 6th Spt Isaroma 6th CJD Isle De Pine 8th Pirn PirnJ PirnJaquita J Jaquita 6th Jam Jean Ferrante 5th CD Jelwell lst Nar Jim Lipscomb 8th CD Jo Agnes 4th CJD Joan T 3d CJD Johns Star 7th Pirn Jolly Tar 3d Pirn Jons 1st Pirn Jug Head 8th CJD Justinian n 4th Jam JamK JamKathy K Kathy 1st CD Kaydeekay 2d Nar Key Man 8th CJD King Epithet 6th Spt King LeRoy 6th Spt Kissmenow 5th Pirn Kitchener Kid 4th Nar Knightfors 6th CJD Knitetta 8th Pirn PirnL PirnLa L La Primera 1st Nar Ladies First 2d Jam Lady Cabo 2d CJD Lady Destiny 2d CD Lady Waterloo 3d CD Last Gold 3d CJO Lazy Tongs 2d CD Liberty Bon 5th Spt Liberty Hall 1st CJD Little Mom 7th Spt Little Monarch 2d Pirn Llano Blanco 2d Jam Lookout Miss 2d CJD Lord Vatout 2d Pirn Loveday 5th Jam Lovely One 4th Jam Lunch Date 4th CJD CJDM M Mackerel 5th Jam Mad Bunny 1st CJD Madly 3d Spt Maeline 3d Nar Magic Heels 1st Jam Manola 6th Jam Markquen 1st CJD Marmeduke 4th Jam Mask and Wig 3d Nar Maupeace 2d Nar McCormick 4th Jam Medid 6th Nar Merry Rhyme 4th Nar Metropolitan 3d Jam Midluck 5th Nar Milk Chocolate 2d Pirn Milkwhite 1st Pirn Minefinder 4th Jam Minotira 7th Spt Mischief Afoot 6th CD Miss B B 2d Jam Miss Sugar 6th Jam Miss Vogue 4th Nar Mister Big 8th CJD Mistletoe 4th Spt Morning Lark 2d CD Morocco Betty 2d Spt Mothers Girl 1st CJD Mr Infinity 1st Spt Mr Mais 2d Spt Mr Smith 4th Spt Muskrat 1st CJD My Mallie 7th Jam N Nancy Lee 5th Spt Nfincys Baby 8th CD NaniLeonai 3d Spt Navy Bomber 1st Pirn Nayr 3d Pirn Nell Mowlee 4th Pirn New Glory 8th Spt Night Crawler 2d GD Ninety Days 1st CJD No Keys 4th Nar Norie 8th CJD Nostradamus 2d CD 0 0Octobre Octobre Onze 2d Nar Off Key 1st CJD Off Shore 3d Nar Old Doctor 2d Pirn Old River 8th Nar Old Union 1st Spt Old Westbury 2d Pirn One Only 6th Pirn Onemore 8th CJD Oriole Pennant 4th Pirn Our Boy 2d CJD Overlin 2d Pirn Oxie 6th Nar NarP NarPanjab P Panjab 8th CJD Pari Call 8th Nar Partido 4th Pirn Pat OSee 6th Nar Paul Lee 7th Spt Pauline W 2d CJD Pennsburg 8th CJD Peppy Miss 1st Jam Persepolis 1st Pirn Persistent 6th Nar Phantom Raider 8th Pirn Phillips Pete 7th Pirn Pimlico Polly 1st CD Plane Shadow 1st Pim Plane Shadow 5th Pirn Pomayya 5th Jam Pompa Negri 2d Pirn Powdered Milk 1st Pirn Prince Chance 8th Spt Procla 7th Jam Puritan 3d Jam JamQ JamQuestvive Q Questvive 3d CJD Quintilian 3d Nar NarR NarRadio R Radio Morale 7th Jam Ranchos Boy 7th Nar Reckless Saxon 2d Nar Recoatna 8th Nar Red Chip 8th Pirn Red Fox 1st Jam Red Meadow 1st Nar Red Wonder 4th CD Reigh Star 4th Pirn Renraw 1st Jam Rewarded 6th Jam Rhyme Maker 4th Jam Rissa 3d Nar Rqdimic 2d Jam Roseate Dreams 4th Nar Rough Time 2d Pim Royal Shawl 8th CD Ruby Isles 1st Nar Safe Bid 1st Spt Saintly 1st Spt Samhar 6th Nar Santa Elisa 6th Spt Saxons Pride 2d Nar Sea Lord 4th Jam Secret Service 3d Nar Sergeant Bill 2d Jam Servant Kan 7th Spt Shenuit 3d Spt Shuckins 7th CJD Silver Rocket 8th Pirn Single 2d Jain Sir Date 5th Spt Sir Drake 5th Pim Sirlette 1st Jam Sis Baker 5th CJD Sleepy Ruth 2d Spt Snow Train 2d Nar Sobriquet 2d Pim Sonny O B 7th CJD South Drive 7th Jam Southern Jane 7th Spt Spanish Belle 7th Spt Speedy Josie 8th Nar Spook Ship 3d Jam Stage Door 1st Spt Stevada 2d Jam StillaGoin 1st Pim Stolen Tryst 2d Pim Stormy Night 7th Pim Streamer 7th Pim Stymie 1st Jam Sun Flame 4th Jam Sunamit 1st Pim Sunstorm 4th Jam Suntegra 6th Jam Super Service 4th Jam Sweeping Ahead 5th Spt Sylvan Dell 4th Spt SptT SptTamil T Tamil 6th Pim Tar Miss 7th Pim Tartarus 4th Spt Technician 3d CJD Ten Blow 8th Spt Ternachal 1st CJD Test Flight 3d Jam The Finest 3d CD The Loom 8th Nar Thespian 8th Pim Theta Girl 1st CJD Thin Air 4th Jam Time Scout 8th Pim TimoShank 4th Jam Tinchel 5th Pim Tiz Liz 1st Pim To Town James 4th Jam Todcan 7th Pim Tomluta 5th CJD Tommy Whelan 3d Nar Top Suit 7th Jam Trace Boy 2d Nar Trade Last 5th CJD Treemontier 1st CJD Tricks 4th Jam Triple Scotch 1st Pim True American 1st Pim Twinkatys 1st Nar NarUbiquitous Naru u Ubiquitous 5th CJD Unhampered 2d CD Unknown Reward 6th Spt Uvalde 8th Nar NarV NarV V V for Victory 4th Jam Vagrancy 5th Jam Valdina Flare 1st Nar Valdina Joe 2d Jam Valdina Rebel 1st CJD Valdina Rex 6th Spt Valordor 1st Spt Very True 8th Spt Vesuvius 1st CD Victory Blue 5th Pim Viscounty 7th Nar Voucher 2d Pim W H Kelly 2d Jam Wanna Hygro 3d Nar War Bonnet 8th Pim War Melody 5th Nar Water Pearl 6th Jam Weatherburn 4th Spt Wesley A 7th Pim Wessex 4th Nar What Not 5th Jam Whirl an Twirl 2d CJD Whirlabout 4th CD Whirligig 7th CD White Time 2d Jam Who Kan 1st Spt Wickie 2d CD Wine Punch 4th Pim Winnpearl 7th CJD WoodfordLad 6th Nar Wishing 6th Pim PimY PimYankee Y Yankee Notions 3d Spt SptZoroastra Sptz z Zoroastra 8th CD

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Local Identifier: drf1943050701_28_1
Library of Congress Record: