7th Bel, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-22

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1 116 MILES Main Course TDot Sept 7 1923 142 3 100 Boatswain Graded Handicap Class C 3500 Added 3 y ear olds and upward upwardBest Best time made at distance of race Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 40425 Omission X116 X116Jan43FGl45 40756 Wait a Bit Jan43FGl45 110X113 40679 Flaught Oct42 Jam 145 116 117 406262 Haile May43 Jam 145 112X110 40757 Bull Rcigh May43 Bel 142 114113 Chart Book BookIndex Today s sDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtMay42 40681 Copperman May42 Bel 143 1030109 1030109Apr43 40756 Birch Rod Apr43 Jam 145 114X114 114X114SeP42 40681 Paperboy SeP42 Bel 143 102 105 105Sep42 407563 Our Boots Sep42 Bel 142 1220122 Mrs E D Jacobs entry Flaught Haile Dk br 5 b JockNeglect by General Thatcher rtmicemn ThatcherUmiSSlOn V 11 A UmiSSlOn A I ID Breeder Estate of Mrs Susan H Gainei1943 4 200 2650 2650Owner Owner Victor Emanuel Trainer John P Smith wl2 Z wnJffii M 1043 Bcl34ucl10 ft 19 112 4 3 6 llJ BrooksS Stks 90 DelDivr 116WRegdsll8Th bsUp 12 12AnE21435Jam AnE21435Jam 341l fesy lU9 1 3 2 I1 GilbertJi HcpC 87 Sicyonll3Enthrall 110B byDumpl g 7 Apd543Jam 34 l12ft 3910 115 4 2 lh In BrooksS AhvC 88 Kingfisher 118Taunt 110BirchRod 6 6ApnlO43Jam ApnlO43Jam 34 112 ft 20 113 6 6 68i 68J YoungS Hep 82 Apache 12oRiverrndl28MettIesoma 7 7Oct24423Emp Oct24423Emp 170 142 ft 30 110 6 6 6 58 LoyridgeLSlks 89 Boysy 118 Spiral Pass lOSParasang 8 8OcQO42Bcl OcQO42Bcl 34 l10ft 8 124 3 6 53i 731 MeadcD3 AhvC 88 Bhwhkr lllPrdOne 113S m like 8 8Seri29423Lrl Seri29423Lrl 34 lllft 8 117 10 9 88i 72 GilbertJ2 Stks 83 JoRay 104ChaIlamrcll4ValAlpha 11 11May May 16Bcll2ft 48h May 14Bcl58 sy l01h May 8Bel34 ft l17b l17bA CloudWait A bit RIf A V 1 1 3 Ch c 4 by Espino HiNelli by High Cloud Wait a 1 I O Breeder William Ziegler Jr 1943 8 8301 3 0 1 6355 Owner William Ziegler Jr Trainer Matthew Brady 1942 26 4 4 5 7565 Feb 643GF G 34 l13hy 14 109 6 4 42i I NodarseV2 Stks 85 Pompion 114Riverrdl25ValOrphn 11 Jan23435FG 1ft l46ft 2710 117 3 42i 42i NodarseV1 Hep 80 Lsvillell 114MoscwlI115Staretor 4 Jaal243GFG 1ft l47sl 75 U4 3 3 2 14 NodarseV Hep 78 Coppermn 110CorsDayll2ShotPut 8 Jaa 943sFG 34 l13m 2 112 4 4 2 I2i NodarseV4 Hep 83 Highbgh 124Madigma 113Richm d 4 4May May 15Bcl38 ft 35h May 9Bel34 ft l16b May 7Bellm ft l45b l45bFlntinhf Flntinhf GaletianNaught 117 Ch c 4 by Firethorn Flying Hour by Galetian Naught I I Breeder Walter M Jeffords 1943 7 1 0 3 2200 2200Owner Owner Mrs Ethel D Jacobs Trainer Hirsch Jacobs 194229 663 16355 16355Mayl5435Bcl Mayl5435Bcl 34mc lllft 165 106 4 4 432 64 LindbergH Hep 82 WithRegafds 122Ditll4TheRhymer 8 Mayl2435Bel 34mc l12sy 165 4120 1 3 3 34 McCrryC4HcpC 79 BritWlie 122HyNotell4SolrSong 11 May 643Jam 34 l12ft 1310 f20 5 2 I3 I2i BrooksS8 AhvC 89 Geners HOVnPrince 117GryWing 8 RIa l433Jam 34 113 ft 12 106 5 3 33J 31 LindbgH5 Hep 85 Ovdrwn 109Doublrbl30WRegds 7 Apc26433Jam 34 l12ft 13 112 4 3 3J 32 BrooksS8 HcpC 86 Kingfhr 115Pompionl22PortsCap 8 Apt21433Jam 34 l12sy 6 116 3 2 3 59 RobtnA3 HcpC 78 Omission 119Sicyon 113 Enthrall 7 Apd7434Jam 34 lllft 11 107 6 6 6 692 McCrearyC3Hcp 85 Doublrab 123DevilDiverl21Rcqted b May 21 Jam 12 gd 49b April 30 Jam 58 ft l02h April 24 Jam 34 ft l16b l16bna nane Blandfordnane na V 1 TO B g 3 by Rameses the Second Banditry by Blandford I Iv Breeder Capt C BoydRochfort Eng1943 14 732 8955 8955Owner Owner Mrs Ethel D Jacobs Trainer Hirsch Jacobs 1942 5 111 1220 1220Jb Jb 1443Bci ll2233m 910 109 2 2 22 23i RienziDi AhvC 70 Targe 116 Is I Is 116 Deseronto 4 MaylMSGBel 1 l49ft 95 111 3 1 l 3 BrooksS2 HcpC 88 WclmcPass 122DBingolllEquinx 8 May 543GJam 1ft 145 ft 1710 f 112 5 4 33i 23 BrooksS2 HcpC 83 TipToollOPIantagenet HOGtRush 6 May l436Jam 1ft l46ft 85 fl05 4 1 V I3 LindbgH3 HcpC 80 DonBingo 115Bally Boy 110Ahamo 6 Apr23435Jam 1ft 146 gd 225 115 3 1 I 2 J RobtnA5 HcpC 80 PopsPickl22Attendant 115RalNap 5 Apd7433Jam 34 111 ft 7 114 5 4 48 4s RicnziJ4 AhvC 89 BillSickle lllBiloxiBay 116T5p Toe 5 bUll CountbUll Hull Romh Q9 SI I 17 B h 5 by Bull Dog Risque Reigh by Reigh Count Keigh I I O Breeder Mrs John D Hertz 194317 8 4 0 9385 9385Owner Owner Louisiana Farm Trainer M Jolley 1942 32 4 3 3 6685 6685Mayl743Bcl Mayl743Bcl 1ft l44ft 6541161 1 I3 14 RienziD 5 c5000 88 Nipsickle 113Plantagenet 108Mark 8 Mayll43Bel 1ft l42ft 2710e 114 3 1 I4 1G RienziD3 4200 98 Plantgt 113AirCurtll8DJunII 10 Maj 143 Jam 1ft l46ft 2 4118 2 1 I2 2J MurpliyS1 4000 76 Ble dAmrll3SunEagerll4Aboyne 7 Apr27436Jam 1ft 145 ft 45 4114 1 3 4 4 MurphySi 6000 75 BirchRod 114Plantagenet 108Mark 5 Apc21436Jam 1ft l45sy 75 4118 1 1 I8 I5 MurphyS1 5000 83 HeRolls H5Bc dAmrlllSunEager 4 Apd943Jam 1ft l46gd 115 4118 1 1 I3 I3 MurphyS4 4000 78 Mark 115Plantagtll4TragicEnding 6 6May May 8 Jam 58 ft l04b Pnnnprmnn 6d 1 HQ Cn 9 5 bV Messenger Golden Septre by The Satrap Opperman 1 17 Breeder William duPont Jr 1943 7 0 2 1 1150 1150Owner Owner Hugh S Nesbitt Trainer Georoe H Strata 1942 27 4 5 2 9625 9625Mayl5437Bcl Mayl5437Bcl 1 18 150 ft 6 115 7 6 43i 610 LongdenJCHcpC 77 DonBingo 114PopsPick 113Equinox 10 Maj 843 Jam 1ft 146 ft 3910 115 6 3 33 2 BiermanC2HcpC 81 BrtGallt 122Cot ofArmslOSEnter 6 Apr29435Jam 1ft l46ft 6J 119 4 3 3T 38 GrohsO3 AhvC 73 MinceMo 114Enter 114DonJuanII 5 Fcbl943GFG 34 l12ft 12 125 6 4 54 54 HaasLG Allw 84 Pompion 120Auguryll7JoeSclienck 6 Fcbl243GFG 1ft l43ft 81 106 5 4 7Gi 7 TliburgJ3 Stks 85 ValOrpn 121Rivrrrdl24BritGalt 8 Jan20436FG 1ft I45gd2710e 110 4 1 52 57i ClingmanD3Stks 80 Requested 124Staretorll6RedMoon 7 7May May 2t Bel 38 si 36h May 19 Bel 1m sy l43h May 14 Bel 12 m 51b 51bBirrh Birrh DirCR BroomstickDirCR Rod KOO X 11 1 4 A Lt b 9 7 b Pompey Slapstick b Broomstick Breeder George D Widener 1943 5 3 0 0 4025 4025Owner Owner J B Partridae Trainer J B Partridge 1942 21 3 3 1 6210 6210Mayl743 Mayl743 Bel 78 l24ft 115 4117 12 7 5 = J 522 Gilbert HcpC 85 BrtWillie 126DdyFoxl060urBoots 12 S10432Bel 34mc lai ft 5i 115 7 9 77t InU MannW2 5200 90 ZcaGray 109HpyNotell9Redthrn 9 Apr2743 ° Jam 1ft 145 ft 2910 114 4 2 2h 12 GilbertJ3 5000 86 Plantagcnet 108Markll5BulIReigh 5 Apd5434Jam 34 l12ft 1310 4118 6 5 4 45 WrtWD2 AUyC 83 Omission 115 Kingfisher 118 Taunt 6 Ape 843 5Jam 34 l12ft 5 117 8 6 52 14 WrtWD 4500 87 Abyncll7Ble dAmrllOSg oWar 10 Dec2342GTrp 34 lllft 3710 113 6 6 64i 6ci EadsVG Alhv 87 BrnStatn llPQkertwrUOFHCry 7 7May May 21 Aqu 12 ft 56b May 14 Aqu 58 sy l08b May 7 Aqu 58 ft l05b l05bPnnprhnv JesterraperDOy Pnnprhnv 1O B 9 5 by Papyrus Bright Folly by Black Jester raperDOy I UD Breeder Norman Field England 1943 8 00 2 410 410Owner Owner WL Ranch Trainer J Coleman 1942 18 2 1 4 5180 5180Mayl5437Bel Mayl5437Bel 1 18 150 ft 65 110 1 5 4 7 HigleyJ4 HcpC 76 DonBingo 114PopsPick 113Equinox 10 Mayll43GBel 1 l49ft 10 113 7 5 6 9i LgdenJ4 HcpC 80 WelcomePass 122DonBingoll4Haile 8 Apr24435Jam 1ft l44ft 124 103 9 7 610 91 J AtkinsonT3 Stks 70 Riverland 124MineeMol08Mrriage 11 Apd7437Jam 1ft 145 ft U 110 4 3 412 414 GormanD4HcpB 72 TolaRose 122BritGalIantll6Ahamo 5 Manll43GFG l70143ft 5i 115 7 8 53i 32 Garzal3 Alhv 88 BullRgh lllYeDandyll5Afghtan 9 Febl843sFG 1ft 148 ft 6 110 3 2 2 3h CampblE3 Alhv 75 MiofaiH 124Briton HSValdiaMelia 4 4May May 21 Bel 58 si l06h May 10 Bel 12 ft 3h May 3 Bel 58 ftlK3h ftlK3hOur Our lyfUT MarcheslyfUT uuuii Rnnfc 6 vy 1 OO B h 5 by Bull Dog Maid of Arches by Warden of the Marches 1t Marches Breeder Coldstream Stud 1943 2 0 0 1 200 200Owner Owner Woodvale Farm Trainer Steven Judge 1942 12 113 6425 6425Mayl743 Mayl743 Bel 78 l24ft 11 119 1 9 7 3 J BrmanC8 HcpC 86 BrtWillie 126DdyFoxl06Wt aBit 12 May 843 5Jam ll8150ft 25 110 7 9 8 3 814 LindbgH2 Stks 72 Boysy 114 Ahamo 106 Tola Rose 11 Sep2342GBeI lftl42ft 954122 2 4 53 2 BrmanC2 HcpC 96 Staretor HOPaperboy 102BIuePair 6 Sepl242SAqu 1 18 l49ft 7 116 1 4 44 32 BiermanC1 Stks 94 TheRhymer 114 Pictorll7BluePair 6 Auj20425Sar 341llft 11 117 21 33 34 ArcaroEi Alhv 85 Mettlese 113Fairarisll4BldIrishn 5 Maj3042GBel ll4201ft 34 114 2 2 6 i 8i = WrtWD Stks 83 MartWise 124Whawayl29Attentn 11 11May May 14 Bel 34 sy l15h May 7 Bel 38 ft 36h May 4 Bel 1m ft l43h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1943052201/drf1943052201_18_2
Local Identifier: drf1943052201_18_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800