Mexico City Summary, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-22


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Mexico City Summary Thursday May 20 1943 1943Note Note All mutuel prices are for 5 pesos current currentvalue value of the peso is 2070 cents Unplaced horses not listed in order of finish finishFIRST FIRST RACE 78 MILE MILELilly Lilly Vec 106 Norton 1100 850 700 Border Blitz 111 Diihon 3250 2100 San Guiseppe 111 Martini 1550 1550Time Time 129 129Also Also ran Balboa Park Suncrest Syingy Wingy Klondike KlondikeSECOND SECOND RACE 34 MILE Speedy Pan 115 Martini 2500 1100 650 T Bar 115 Peterson 7CQ 6CO 6COGold Gold Tryst 115 Wcidaman 650 Time 114 Also ran Flivcrty Donald C Bahama Knight Roll Midway File Dust Hot Fashion Storm Tossed Tundra Dusky Charm THIRD RACE 1 116 MILES Miss Feu 103 Vilches 7700 5450 1650 1650Sky Sky Lad 113 Dominguer 4250 2250 2250Dorothy Dorothy Jean 108 Weidaman 850 850Time Time 147 147Also Also ran Invincible Verde Wisp Essweep Ylee Bar Jennie May Cannibal Come to Taw White Front Chakra Daily Double on the Second andThird Races Paid 273250 273250FOURTH FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Verde Council 116 Rodguez 1250 850 750 Pico Pal 111 Lopez 3400 1350 1350Bernhardt Bernhardt K 118 Martini 900 Time 114 114Also Also ran Johnnie Reb San Leandro Yokel FIFTH RACE 1 MILE MILEPrince Prince Zclo 114 McCown 850 800 600 Big Bim 114 Martini 1650 750 750Harcigh Harcigh Helen 109 Peterson 650 650Time Time 141 Also ran Qtioque Perjurer Liitle Car SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Rock Irish 112 Norton 2000 1050 850 Blue Sun 116 Rodriguez 2000 1150 1150Jubilo Jubilo 112 Cornay 1450 1450Time Time 113 Also ran Norway Nell Wallingford Anabels Girl Miss Lcc OD SEVENTH RACET 34 MILE MILEOscusuc Oscusuc 109 Fisk 9950 45JDO 3050 Pegng Pete 116 Domgucz 2650 135Q 135QFort Fort Kitan 111 Morrisey 1650 1650Time Time 113 Also ran Bert T Patrington Smiling Duel Grill Willowave Foam Mathora True Lad Shasta Buddy EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE MILESilver Silver Play 111 McCown 2450 1450 700 Godspeed 109 Morrisey 2050 950 950Draco Draco 114 Fisk 1200 1200Time Time 141 141Also Also ran Time Counts Tlnsiildue Shasta Klick Step Apace Ritz Brothers Arcadian Grand Jester Quinella Paid 16900

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Local Identifier: drf1943052201_21_5
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