Official Racing Charts: Lincoln Fields at Hawthorne, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-22


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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc Lincoln Fields at Hawthorne HawthorneSTICKNEY STICKNEY ILL FRIDAY MAY 21 1943 HAWTHORNE 1 MILE Fifth day of thirtjrday meeting May 17 to June 19 Conducted under auspices of Lincoln Fields Jockey Club Inc Bahr gate used Harvey EyeintheSky camera used Steward representing Illinois Racing Board William A Hamilton Stewards of Meeting C Bruce Head nd Samuel H McMeekin Placing Judges Larry C Bogenschutz W R Dahlstrom and H P Lindenberger Paddock Judge James T Clark Patrol Judges Ray Hpertz G W Moleswortn W J Shelley and Clifford Hufnagel Clerk of Scales Clifford Sanford Starter Reuben W White Timer William Cunningham Veter ¬ inarian representing Illinois Racing Board Dr H N Holmes Track Veterinarian Dr R P Wilson Racing Secretary William H Shelley Racing starts at 245 p m Central War Time W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites in 1942 36 current meeting 53 Daily Double first and second races Entries run as one horse No fields FIRST RACE 34 MILE Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse Purse4n 4n sinceU Q c A 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since U 7 J U April 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 1000 May 1000May 2143 Haw Net vaue to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Vt PP St JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odd Odds 1 Strt 408152MISTLETOE wn6108 52 1 1 2 2s BashamC Silver Star Stock Farm 170 40654 OLD UNION WB 3 111 8 8 8 8 63 33 WhitingL Mrs H A Deep 1510 40456 LIBERTY B vn3110 26 6h 43 3J 4 GillespieW Charles Whightman 660 66028751RUN 28751RUN BY w 6113 7 7 7 7 J 5 5i HauerD E Green 2070 40821 RANDOM BREEZEwn 3 113J 3 4 52 53 4 6i LoTurcoA T A Greely 77170 40455 LAUGHING PAIR v3110 6 5 4i 62 73 7 BeverlyA A Janick 17430 1743040705MIM 40705MIM LIPSCOMB wn6113 4 3 3 3 8 8 MarlinCL Mrs H Friedberg 2090 Time 24 50 118 Track heavy i 2 MutueJs Paid v Odds to 1 in f YANKEE NOTIONS 440 240 240 120 20 20 Mutuel Prices 10I MISTLETOE 240 220 20 10 I OLD UNION 340 70 70Winner Winner B g by Zacaweista Spring Fashion by Light Brigade trained by E E Major bred by Me 3 A Goodwin Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 252 OFF AT 252f CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving socond and third the same YANKEE NOTIONS steadied along tarly subdued MISTLETOE when ready drew clear under hard urging and won with something left MISTLE ¬ TOE had good speed rave way to the winner and held on well OLD UNION came from well back LIBERTY B lost his rider and hurdled the outside lencs before the start and showed little RUN BY was outrun RANDOM BREEZE tired afler improving his position positionOverweight Overweight Old Union 1 pound Random Breeze 3j SECOND RACE 58 MILE Sara Elizabeth July 10 1923 59 2 113 Purse Purse4ft 4ft IbsU Q 1 1000 2yearolds Maidens Claiming Weight 115 Ibs U D 7 I claiming price 1000 1000May May 2143 Haw Net vaue to wmner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 406463MARGARET T wnlOS 5 1 1PURPLE U 5 56 1 BashamC BashamC5i Mrs C R Valentine PURPLE HEART wl5 7 5 5ORISKY 5i 43 32 2 JemasN Woolford Farm ORISKY w 1151 2 240607VALDINA 23 3 2h 32 WhilingL Jerry McCarthy 40607VALDINA KOVIA wnl07 3 3 3408183L1TTLE 1 1 1i 45 JohnsonP A Graffagnini 408183L1TTLE STEVE we 115 6 7 76 53 56 52 GillespieW P J Valenti 40162 SUNNY CERES wnll2 8 6 640701BOLO 42 22 4i 66 KirkpatkP KirkpatkP3h W N Grissim 40701BOLO FANCY wB108 2 4 3h 76 78 710 MartinCL W Fricdberg 40607 CAPTAIN JOE WE 115 4 8 8888 BarneyL E N Bisso Time 2 3 51 106J Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 11 in MARGARET T 1000 520 380 400 160 90 Mutuel Prices PURPLE HEART 640 4eo 220 130 130I I ORISKY 420 110 110Winner Winner B f by Aneroid or Chance Sun Donna Jo by Pompey trained by C R Valentine bred by Mr C Ntickols Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 319 OFF AT 320 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same MARGARET T stumbled soon after the start responded well after reaching licr best stride and wore down PURPLE HEART at the end The latter slow to get going worked Iiis way up through the field stumbled entering the final eighth and gave way after again faltering the last twenty yards ORISKY a factor from the start and on the inside offered a bold bid in the stretch and tired VALDINA KOVIA used up in making the pace quit under pressure LITTLE STEVE was outrun SUNNY CERES was rushcdjnto contention on the outside and quit Overweight quitOverweight Margaret T 1 pound Boo Fancy 1 1Claimed Claimed 0 Risky by P J Valenti for 1000 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 3420 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse PurseA A ft Q 9 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Non winners since U 7 J Z April 1 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming tirice 1000 May 1000May 2143 Haw Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Slrt 407063MAW w 3 108 6 5 S 14 l k MartinCL M A Waldheim 1530 40500 CONNIE ANN B 7 113 2 2 3 5 3 23 WhitingL B Endovina 470 40605 BLUE GARTER n4113 1 3 li I2 31 JomasN Woolford Farm 910 910407053COLORS 407053COLORS UP B 3 105 3 7 4 53 4 BarneyL Mrs A Sabath 150 15040655CLOEFLIGHT 40655CLOEFLIGHT B 4 108 8 8 8 88 5 ZehrF A Jackson Jackson40862HARD 40862HARD BISCUIT B 6 108 4 1 7 V63 62 6 J BashamC W Wilkcrson ocu ocu40700NINETY 40700NINETY DAYS n4108 76 6l 2 7 7 HauerD C N Finch 1150 115040605CLEAN 40605CLEAN SWEPT v6108 5 4 2 3 2 8 VillarditoN Mrs M Rcnnillo 1700 Time 24 51 119 Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 k MAW 3260 1200 640 1530 500 220 CONNIE ANN 700 460 250 130 130t t BLUE GARTER 540 770 770Winner Winner Br c by Transmute Day Signal by Sun Flag trained by D Shaw bred by Mr Thomas riatt Winner entered to e claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 346J OFF AT 347 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same MAW dropped back after a quarter was sent to the inside for the drive wore down BLUE GARTER in the last stages and withstood CONNIE ANN The latter dropped back on the turn came again when clear and put to strong urging when straightened away for the drive finished well BLUE GARTER took command under energetic handling held a commanding lead to the final eighth and tired COLORS UP ran in spots CLOEFLIGHT was outrun HARD BISCUIT was taken hack repeatedly in the first threeeighths and showed little when clear NINETY DAYS was used up in reaching contention with a loss of ground CLEAN SWEPT had speed Overweight Maw 3 pounds FOURTH RACE 58 MILE Sara Elizabeth July 10 1923 59 2 113 Purse ing price 2500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 2000 May 2143 Haw Net vaue to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 51 Strt 10447MORE DELIGHT vl5 1 1 l lil3 F WhitingL Mrs John Marsch 90 90H05Q12SAY H05Q12SAY MISS vl5 6 6 3 32 33 2 JemasN Mrs A Sabath 440 440W6073BAGNELL W6073BAGNELL w 106 42 22 23 2 32 WegrzynL C T Young 860 860W701 W701 TRANSFRAN B 114 5 5 6 5 42 4 GlidcwellP R Goose 1250 125008182SIR 08182SIR DATE 8ll8 24 5 6 52 5 GillespieW J Emery 450 450506462THATS 506462THATS EASY t ull4 3 3 42 4 6 6 HaucrD Mrs J Pearson 1350 Time 24 51 105 Track heavy 52 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1MORE MORE DELIGHT 380 280 240 90 40 20 20SAY SAY MISS 380 260 90 30 30BAGNELL BAGNELL 280 40 40i i Winner B f by Tharamond II Chiclcight by Chicle traired by B Parkc bred by Mr J Marsch Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 WENT TO POST413 OFF AT 414 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gats Won easily second and third driving MORE DELIGHT established s clear lead under steadying restraint increased her advantage while swerving repeatedly in the drive and won with something left SAY MSS a factor from the start and onthe outside early closed with a rush BAGNELL under strong handling from the start tired TRANSFRAN made up ground SIR DATE was outrun THATS EASY was taken back when in close quarters and performed in green fashion thereafter FIFTH HACE 34 MILE Gibbons Aug 18 1925 110 4 120 Purse 4 0 9 5 A 51000 3yearolds Claiming Nonwinners of two races since u 7 J j y it Weight 115 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since April 23 May 2143 Haw or a race since May 15 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 2000 2000if if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 250 to 1500 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St JA Str Fm Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40866 ROY JONES wsllS 43 2 23 I2 1 LoweW Mrs E Oros 170 39757 BOLO TIE wnlOS 31 1 1 22 25 MartinCL H Friedberg 190 40657 HAVAHEART wsll2 1 2 33 33 3i 3l GillespieW Mrs M G Farnsworth 1910 40865 IRON WORKS w07 57 6J 42 43 4 ZehrF Happy Hour Farm 560 40504 HALF GRAND willl 85 7 6 53 5 WhitingL Bishop Bros 2040 40593 CAMPS FIRST WB 111 76 5l 76 63 65 SmithFA R Scott 16 50 406503FROU FROU w07 2 4 42 5i 72 7 JemasN JtCol C V Whitney 1240 1240405463KENNEBIS 405463KENNEBIS wallS 3150Time 6 8 8 8 8 8 GralczMN A Jung 3150 Time 24 49 117 Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 ij in f ROY JONES 540 280 260 170 40 30 Mutuel rrices BOLO TIE 280 280 40 40 40I I HAVAHEART 440 120 120Winner Winner Ch c by Percentage Stockingless by Rolled Stocking trained by J Oros bred by Mr TM Roach Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 440J OFF AT 441 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same ROY JONES hustled along quickly from the start wore down BOLO TIE entering the stretch drew clear rapidly tired rapidly in the late stages and just lasted BOLO TIE had good speed gave way to the winner and heH on gamely HAVAHEART saved ground early and finished well under pressure IRON WORKS improved his position after a quarter and was much the best of the ollicrs CAMPS FIRST was unable to keep up FROU FROU was unable to keep up upOverweight Overweight Bolo Tic 1 pound Kennebis 3 SIXTH RACE 6 12 FURLONGS Out of Chute Talked About Sept 17 1940 olds and upward Allowances Nonwinners of 705 four times May 2143 Haw since October 30 or 1500 three times in 194243 3yearolds 114 Ibs older 122 Ibs Non winners of 675 three times in 1943 allowed 2 Ibs of 850 since January 13 or 605 twice in 1943 4 Ibs 4yearolds and upward which have not won two races of 600 since July 3 7 Ibs Claiming races not considered consideredNet Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 406482ilYAR v 4110 3 4 32 2l 1 l t BashamC CN Finch 200 200407203CHERRY 407203CHERRY TRIFLE vn 6 113 5 1 4i 44 22 23 HauerD Mrs L B Muschal 360 40720 t JOHNNY JR VB 4 120 4 5 55 3J 32 SmithFA Mrs Monte Weil 600 40647111 DIDDLE vB4115 22 2 3 4 4 JemasN LtCol C V Whitney 150 40505 GALLANT PLAY vaSHS 13 1 5 5 WhitingL A E Ovcrton 2230 2230f f Apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 25J 503 117 124 Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 YAR 600 320 200 60 HERRY TRIFLE 420 110 NO SHOW MUTUELS SOLD SOLDWinner Winner B g by Stimulus Spring II by Ksar trained by C N Finch bred by Mr A B Hancock WENT TO POST 506 OFF AT 506J CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same YAR under strong restraint while saving ground moved into the lead approaching the final eighth responded to strong urging thereafter and withstood CHERRY TRIFLE The latter saved early improved his position through the field was under a good drive after reaching contention and hung near the end JOHNNY JR saved ground in the drive HI DIDDLE was unable to keep up GALLANT PLAY had good speed for half a mile Scratched 40496Ubiquilous 108 SEVENTH RACE 6 12 FURLONGS Out of Chute Talked About Sept 17 1940 1 ing Nonwinners of two races in 1943 4yearolds 117 Ibs May 2143 Haw older 118 Ibs Nonwinners in 1943 allowed 4 Ibs Claiming Claimingprice price 1250 if for 1000 allowed 3 Ibs Net value to vinner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40589 HASTY KISS w4107 1 3 3 34 21 1i BarneyL E P Melz 640 6400817MILLO 0817MILLO WB4113 34 1 I1 1 22i LoTurcoA Shandon Stable 730 40816 HIGHTHORNE w6113 52 22 2 2 33 33 ZehrF Mrs K Mayer 100 10776 TRIM STEPPER w 6 109 6 1 4 43 4 4 LoweW II Ncllor 450 450W6583MISTY W6583MISTY QUEST WB 5 106 2 6 52 52 52 53 BeverlyA M Obstfeld 3970 3970W4932LADY W4932LADY ROMERY WB 4 108 4 5 6 6 6 6 BashamC W Wilkcrson 500 Time 25J 51 118 126 Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 N Nij ij in f HASTY KISS 1480 620 280 640 210 40 Mutuel Prices MiLLo 660 260 230 30 30I I HIGHTHORNE 220 10 10Winner Winner B f by Haste Kiss by Teddy trained by R Cameron bred by Mr J E Widencr Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 533 OFF AT 534 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same HASTY KISS fast to begin and steadied early responded when called upon saved ground while improving her position took command when inside the final eighth and drew clear to win under pressure MILLO rushed to the front established a clear lead after disposing of HIGHTHORNE and was unable to hold the winner HIGHTHORNE was used up in the pace and tired TRIM STEPPER went evenly MISTY QUEST and LADY ROMERY were outrun outrunScratched Scratched 40608 Big Bubble 113 113Overweight Overweight Lady Romery 1 pound EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Hopeless Aug 25 1925 141 5 A n Q c j 112 Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Non u J winners of two races at one mile or over in 1943 Weight 116 Ibs May 2143 Haw Nonwinners at a mile or over in 1943 or any two races in 1943 1943allowed allowed 3 Ibs any race in 1943 6 Ibs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 75 fourth 25 Index Horses Eat A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40706 ZOROASTRA w4105 3 4 5 32 33 2 1 SmithFA R Goose 420 408622 fVOTUM wn6111 4 2 22 1 lh 1 2 WhitingL P L Kelley 70 40781 SWIFT SUE w 4 110 5 6 6 6 6 6 3s DotterL M Haslet 5410 54104J721IDA 4J721IDA STRENG WB 4 103 6 5 1 2 i 2l 33 42 JohnsonP S A Kobrin 480 48040781ELEVENTH 40781ELEVENTH HOUR WB 510741 1 4 5 5 5J 5 HauerD Mrs L B Muschal 820 820406533MOROCCO 406533MOROCCO BETTYWB4105 2 3 3h 4 4 4 6 WarrcnW R Brown 1510 1510fApprcntice fApprcntice allowance waived Time 25Ji 51fc 120 150 1555 Track heavy heavyr2 r2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 N ZOROASTRA 1040 380 320 420 90 60 VOTUM 260 240 30 20 20i i SWIFT SUE 580 190 190Winner Winner B f by Chance Play Sunny Phalara by Sun Briar trained by R Goose j bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 600 OFF AT 600 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same ZOROASTRA in hand early improved her position steadily stood a hard drive gamely and was up in the final strides VOTUM under good reserve for threequarters took command entering the stretch and appeared to sulk when put to strong punishment in the final eighth SWIFT SUE outrun early passed tiring horses through the stretch run IDA STRENG tired in the closing stages The others never threatened threatenedOverweight Overweight Votum 1 pound Swift Sue 5 Eleventh Hour 2 M9rocco Betty 5

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Local Identifier: drf1943052201_4_1
Library of Congress Record: