Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-22

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A One 3d Suf Abbe Pierre 6th Suf Ad Lib 3d Bel Agricole 4th Det Air Patrol 5th Det Aircraft 8th Det Airy Goer 1st Bel Akrontown 1st Det Alagnes 1st Det Albino 2d Det American Lake 8th Det Ample Reward 4th Suf Anthemion 5th Bel Aridisical 1st Det Arms of War 3d JBel Arrow Rock 4th Suf At Play 1st Bel Autocrat 2d Bel Autocrat 4th Bel Axelson 2d Det Baby Darling 4th Suf Ballury 5th Det Bankrupt 6th Bel Bastinado 1st Suf Bayborough 7th Det Bebeja 4th Det Ben Gray 1st Bel Bettys Bobby 7th Suf Birch Rod 7th Bel Biscayne Blue 8th Det Bit o jSrown 4th Det Black Badge 5th Det Black Brummel 3d Det Black Fire 4th LJF Black Raider 3d Det Black Suzifr 1st Det Blue Flight 1st Bel Bobrich 2d Bel Bobrich 4th Bel Boot and Spur 7th Det Bostor Victory 2d Suf Bright Camp 1st Bel Bull Reigh 7th Bel Burnt Cork 6th LJ1 Cals Pet 7th Det Captain Fury 3d LF Catcall 1st Suf Gee Raf 5th Det Chic Shuley 4th Bel Chief Bud 1st Det Cideam 4th LJ1 Circus Wings 1st Suf Cocopet 2d Bel Codoll2d LF Col Teddy 6th Det Columbus Day 7th Det Convivial 2d Det Cooee 8th Suf Copperman 7th Bel Cortege 1st Bel Count dArgent 1st Bel Count Fleet 6th Bel Crucibenna 8th LJP Dance Team 2d Bel Darby Delilah 5th Det Dear Judy 5th Bel Dedlock 4th Det Depth Charge 4th Bel Devalue 6th Suf Devie 8th Bel Dhuaway 2d Suf Director J E 2d Suf Dizzy B 1st Suf Docdonough 2d Bel Dodge City 3d Suf Double Back 4th Det Drumont 3d LJ1 LJ1E LJ1Earliana E Earliana 1st Bel Edasel 2d Det El Osuna 1st Det Elkton 3d Suf Epiget 3d LiF Even Tan 8th Det Exploded 4th Det Extremus 1st Det DetF DetFair F Fair Call 6th Suf Fair Weather 5th Bel Fairy Manhurst 6th Bel Fairy Manhurst 8th Bel Fire Dust 5th LJP Fire Power 5th Det Firebroom 6th Suf Flat Lance 3d Bel Flaught 7th Bel Florizan Beau 7th Det Flying Easy 6th LJP Fortress 4th LJP Frederic H 3d Bel BelG BelGalactic G Galactic 4th Bel Get Good 4th Det Gloryland 8th Suf Gold Teddy 7th Det Good Company 1st Bel Grand Fortune 2d Suf Grant Rice 4th Bel Grebe 7th Suf SufH SufHaile H Haile 7th Bel Happy Pilot 6th LJP Hard Telling 1st Bel Hazel Lee 2d LJ1 Helen Agnes 2d LJP Herald 4th Bel Hi Gold 3d Det Hicomb 5th Suf High One 3d Det Hillfilly 2d LJ1 Home Wolf 1st Bel Hooks 1st LJP HyCop 3d LJP Hydrant 4th Bel Illinois Star 7th LJP In Review 2d Suf Incoming 6th Suf Irish Flight 3d Det Itabo 6th Suf SufJ SufJack J Jack Rubens 1st Suf Jack Sting 1st LJP Jay Jay 6th Det Jo Bonner 5th Dei Just for Fun 4th LJP LJPK LJPK K K Dorko 6th Suf Kanopolis 5th LJP Kansas 5th Suf Kiev Lee 4th Suf King LeRoy 5th LJP Kingfisher 6th Suf Kings Error 7th LJP LJPL LJPLeos L Leos Brandy 4th LJP Liberty Hall 1st LJP Liberty Ite 8th Bel Light Banset 7th Suf Lithograph 1st Det Little Wizard 7th Det Lucky Draw 4th Bel BelM BelMadigama M Madigama 5th Suf Maleo Bird 2d LJP Marmac 1st Det Marmeduke 8th Bel Mention 1st LJP Might Step 7th LJ Mighty Lucky 1st LJP Minotira 1st LJP Muskrat 8th Det DetN DetNational N National Anthem 3d Bel Nayr 3d Bel Night Raider 7th LJP Nopalosa Rojo 1st Suf Norge n 1st Bel North Fire 2d Suf 0 0Old Old Main Road 8th LJP Omission 7th Bel One o One 7th Suf One Only 7th Det Open Fire 2d Suf Ossabaw 3d Bel Our Boots 7th Bel Our Willie 8th LJP Own Ship 8th Suf SufP SufPaddywhack P Paddywhack 8th Bel Peep Show 3d Suf Faille 8th Suf Paperboy 7th Bel Par Avion 3d Suf Parma 3d Bel Paul Lee 3d LJP Phantom Raider 7th Suf Pharatheen 3d Suf Pig Tails 6th LJP Playfields 1st Bel Polly Briar 5th Bel Pomkee 2d Det Pompa Negri 1st Bel Pure Briar 2d LJP Rangle 2d LJP Ravenala 4th Bel Real Man 2d LJP Real Sad 5th LJP Red Horizon 1st Det Rejectable 3d LJP Restriction 2d Bel Risanda 8th Suf Roadmaster 2d LJP Rpdia 2d Det Rollo 3d Bel Rose Bane 4th LJP Royal Flush 5th Suf Rush Act 4th Suf Sal Old Pal 4th LJP Sales Talk 6th LJ Scrooge 8th Det Second Glance 1st LJP Selmalad 3d Suf Shirley G 2d Det Sickle Sun 2d Suf Signator 6th LJP Simoon 3d Bel Single 1st Bel Slide Rule 6th Bel Some Count 8th LJP Southern Jane 1st LJP Spheric 4th Bel Spiral Pass 6th Suf Star Blen 7th Det Stell 2d Det Stephie 1st LJP Stepsome 1st Bel Straight Lead 1st Bel Suhsho 3d Suf Suntegra 5th Bel Super Justice 5th LJP Surprise Party 7th LJP Surrogate 4th Bel Swain 3d Det Sweet Story 3d LJP Syrian Boy Sth LJP Tack Room 8th Bel Take a Letter 8th Suf Tamlin 8th Bel Three Clovers 6th Det Three Percent 6th Det Tip Your Hat 1st LJP TipToe 6th Bel Tomluta 6th Det Tomochichi 1st Bel Too Timely 6th Bel Top Suit 8th Bel Tower Maid 1st Det Town Lace 1st LJP Trelawny 7th Det True American 5th Det Twinkippy 5th Suf u uUnchallenged Unchallenged 5th Suf Uncle Walter 2d LJP Us 3d Suf SufValdina SufV V Valdina Alpha 5th Suf Valdina Craft 2d Suf Valdina Paul 7th Det Valdina Rex 5th LJP Valdivia 8th Bel Valnor 4th LJP Vegas Mary 5th Det Venci 1st Det Very True 7th LJP Victory Bell 8th Suf Victory Blue 2d Suf Vinum 6th LJP LJPWait LJPw w Wait a Bit 7th Bel War Bam 6th Det Weatherburn 8th LJP Wedding Morn 7th Suf White Bait 8th Det White Mask 1st Bel White Time 1st Bel Wild Rice 4th Bel Wilda H 2d LJP Wilton 3d Det Winning Smile 8th Suf Wise Father 6th Det Wise Moss 6th Det Wishbone 6th LJP Woodford Lad 4th Suf SufY SufYannie Y Yannie Sid 1st Suf z zZip Zip Zip 2d Det Zooming 8th Bel

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1943052201_23_3
Library of Congress Record: