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I Beulah Park Summary Friday May 21 1943 1943UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED N ORDER OF FINISH TRACK HEAVY HEAVYFIRST FIRST RACE 5 12 FURLONGS FURLONGS3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Ed Grecnock 113 Bzackcr 440 260 240 MiDue 117 Murphy 660 340 340Blending Blending 112 Barber 300 300Time Time 111 Off at 438 Eastern War Time Also ran Bonsweep Masked Plane Jack Stutz Darby Depths SECOND RACE 5 12 FURLONGS FURLONGS3yearold 3yearold and upward Claiming Levana 112 McCadden 320 340 220 Timid Grcenock 108 Gzalez 400 280 280Morocco Morocco Sir 117 Bzacker 240 240Time Time 112 Off at 505J Eastern War Time Also ran Beauty Time Filipino Valet Lady All Rose R Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 860 860THIRD THIRD RACE 5 12 FURLONGS FURLONGS2yearolds 2yearolds Special weights weightsSatin Satin Straw 113 Chinn 540 360 out outShoot Shoot to Boot 113 Ctanova 620 out outWeapons Weapons Pride 115 McCen out outTime Time 59 Off at 530 Eastern War Time TimeAlso Also ran Little Alice Court Flash FlashFOURTH FOURTH RACE 34 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Deneb 114 Dobson 920 420 380 380Noajean Noajean 114 Bletzacker 260 280 280Prima Prima Whisk 114 Farrell 540 540Time Time 118 Off at 555 Eastern War Time Also ran Old Rose Princess Dot Wellesley Entangling Double Strike StrikeFor For late summaries see tomorrows issue