Latest Workouts From Major Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1943-05-22

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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks TracksKiy Kiy H Handily B Breezing 0 Driving E Easily 0 All out U Eased up Figures preceding horses namt show data ol last previous workout Track record b given after distinct distinctNames Names of horses making fastest time at each distance in black face type THURSDAY MAY 201943 DETROIT DETROITTrack Track Heavy Dogs Up 38 MILE 34 12 MILE 46 58 MILE MILEAnnies 59 59Bebeja Annies Reply 39h 515 Alfadildo 54h 512 Bebeja l10h l10hCals 815 Ballury 39h 517 Alagnes 55h 56 Cals Pet PetCaptain 110 1 1Chief Captain Ruth 43b 516 Boom On 55 h 516 Chief Bud 108 h 58 Darby Ducat 42 h 55 Darby Diavolo 54 h 47 Dedlock l07h 516 Front Burner 42 h 52 Darby Danju 54 h 426 Double Back l10b 515 Foulard 43 b Darby Doria 57 b 46 Florizn Beau 109 h 517 Gallant Hour 40 h 511 Flying Reigh 55 h 517 Gusher l09h 517Itchin 42 h 58 Gold Teddy 58 b 517 Imps Way 109 h hGreat 512 Ideal Gift 42 b 56 Great Scot 56h 51 Lookout Miss 109 h hHi 58 Jo Betty 39h 516 Hi Caryl 56 h 322 Little Ebony 108 h hHigh 53 Lydia K 38h 57 High One 58 b 52 Okabena 109 b bIrish 516 Mtery Marvel 40b 517 Irish Flight 53h 54 Top Sergnt l10b l10bMugwump 57 Miss Transit 43 b 54 Mugwump 52h 56 Wise Father l07h l07hMisslam 54 Markquen 40 h 515 Misslam 55ysh 55 Yarn Spinner l10b l10bPiplad 517 Meritorious 40 h 517Piplad Piplad 57li 57liPakfort 520 Our Merrick 39h 514 Pakfort 55 h 34 MILE 109 109Plucky 515 Purple Wrack 39h Plucky Teddy 58 b 514 By Conscript l26h l26hPatricia 516 Quick Bubble 43 b Patricia A 57 h 514 Bill G l25b 53 Ste Frances 39h 510 Three Percent 52h 5 17 Bon Andrew l26h 49 Sir Sprite 40h 517Thalel 55h 517 Columbs Day l22h wift Legion 41h 51 The Duck 57 b 517 Indian Watch 122 h 517 Tower Lass 39 h 517 Valdina Loria 55b 515 Masked Duke l24h 515 Vice Admiral 41 h 53 Wilton 55 h 517 Magnesium 128 b bWorkouts Workouts were all very slow this morning due to the heavy footing and working around the dogs FRI DAY MAY 21 1943 1943LINCOLN LINCOLN FIELDS AT HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNETrack Track Muddy Dogs Up 38 MILE 517 Queen Kizzie 42 b 510 Might Step 56 b 517 Brilliant Jr 42 b 410 Roman Sox 42 b 515 Sales Talk 53b 53b40h 515 Black Swan 40h 518 Secnd Glance 40 b 519 Signator 53 b b39b 518 Castleman 39b 429 Sylvan Dell 41b 57 Tip Your Hat 54 b b41b 44 Carmel Boy 41b 323 Valdina Gypsy 40 b 58 MILE 59 5941b 513 Final Glory 41b 519 Wishbone 38h 518 Brown Mate 112 b b40ysb 513 Feathery 40ysb 422 Wild Oats 41b 520 Keekee l08b 428 Gay Orphan 40 b 12 MILE 48 51 Valnor lllb lllb55b 57 Lovely Sister 42 b 518Aonbarr 55b 34 MILE 110 515 Monks Memo 42 b 510 Appy Way 56 b 515 Fly the Coop 122 h 516 Mr Rabbit 38h 517 Czech Lass 55 b 1 MILE 137 13756b 42 Night Raider 40 b 57 Compatriot 56b 518 Take Wing 159 b Nothing worthy of comment AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 57 Best Irish 53 b 511 Arthur J 121 b 518 Bunny B 37b 515Down Six 50 b 519 Deseronto l14h 52 Espuela 37 h 429 Fiery Ruler 54 b 518 Foxbrush 119 b 58 Grand Party 37y5h 518 Great Albert 47h 518 Jaquita l18b l18b518Ravenala 518Ravenala 35h 518 Home Wolf 50 b 516Legenda 119 b bSwing Swing Shift 40 b 516 Miss Islam 51 b 518 Marmeduke 122 b 515 Sister Rolls 37 h 514 Ray ONeil 53 b 518 Migty Master l18b 518 TipToe 34h 510 Waters Edge 54 b 325 Powerhouse l18b 518 War Pride 36h 58 MILE 59 516 Psychiatrist l18b l18bWalron Walron 40 b 51G Blenwced l00h 512Son Islam 119 b 12 MILE 59 Flemingsburg 107 b 518 Vagrancy l16b 518 Airy Goer i51b 517 Helen Spot l04b 1 MILE MILE426Blenhour 426Blenhour 50 h 517 Hopeville l02h 519 Belle dAmour 144 b 514 Birch Rod 56 b 34 MILE 110 518Thorino 146 h hCBELLE CBELLE DAMOUR is at top form RAVENELA is at his best BLENWEED has hasall all his speed TIPTOE was full of run GREAT ALBERT is rounding to form formBELMONT BELMONT PARK PARKTrack Track Slow 38 MILE 12 MILE 430 Come Eleven l15ysh l15yshAwaited Awaited 38 b 427Alemein 54 b 5 a 8 Color Week 117 h 427 Amendment 39 b Aera 51b 518 Supermont 119 b 518 Bndg Home 38b 420 Barrancosa 53 b 518 Seamanlike 114 Vsh VshBlack Black Flower 39b 519 Brht Remark 51b 52 Son of Peace 114 h 519 Biloxi Bay 39b 515 Colchis 50 b 518Zacatine 117 b 515 Bottom Rail 37 h 518 Dusty Man 49 h 78 MILE 122 519 Copperman 36 h 518 Extra Base 49 h 518 Canto Gallo l31b 518 Count Fleet 35 h 516 Fairy Mhurst 51 b 518 Don Juan n l31b l31b519Cocopet 519Cocopet 37b 511 Golden Thorn 51 b 518Pompagle l31b l31b520Dit 520Dit 35ysh 58 Good Show 54 b 1 MILE 134 519 Devon Cream 37b 517 Goldn Fleece 50 h 519Allessandro l50b l50bFleet Fleet Own 37 b 517 Goln Rainbow 54 b 518 Bonnet Ann 1 43 h 519 Flying Tiger 37 h 423 Resolution 54 b 520Cincus 144 h 54 Galelectra 37 h 515 Spare Man AdVsh 516Derivative l47b 519 Lucky Draw 34h 518Spangld Game 51h 517 Fams Victory 141 y5h 422 Nances Ace 39 b 518 Stir Up 48h 515 Hohfleur l47b 518 Petrify 36h 515 Salto 47h 520 Moscow H I4iy5h 518 Piccadilly 39 b 515 Star Beacon 51 h 515 Romanov 147 b 515 Rascal 36h 518Tambo 51h 520 Trgic Ending 141 h 519 Scotland Light 39y5b 516 War Gleam 50 h 1 18 MILES 148 54 Sir Alfred 36h 58 MILE 58 513 Blazing Glory l57h l57hTidy Tidy Reward 39b 513 Devil Diver 104 b 518 Equator l56h 513 Vain Prince 38 b 515 Grge Lamaze 107 b 516 Half Crown If55 h 518 Who Gs Thre 37 h 515 Irish Nora 103 h 516 Miracle Kin l57h 518Whimbrel 39b 34 MILE 110 518 Shut Out 154 h 518 Whippet 39b 518 Attention l17b 518 The Rhymer l54h l54hLUCKY LUCKY DRAW showed high speed through the front stretch COUNT FLEET was full of run SALTO showed his usual speed FAMOUS VICTORY appears to be a good work horse MOSCOW II and TRAGIC ENDING worked in company the latter appearing slightly the better EQUATOR is showing improvement SHUT OUT finished very strong in his long drill THE RHYMER tired slightly after show ¬ ing good speed Training Track Track Slow SlowTrue 38 MILE True North 39h 518 U S Salute 5025h 52 Anthemion 40 b 58 MILE MILE518Buzalong 517 Ariel Play 39 h hBless 12 MILE 518Buzalong l05h Bless Me 41 b 513 Bull Weed 50 h 518 Happy Lark l02h 516 Boiled Shirt 36h 36h514Fair 518 Chance Mate 55 b 59 Hwrd Bound 106 ysh 514Fair Weather 39y5h 517 FiveoEight 54 b 514 Hnry Knight l0625h 515 Hermar 39h 513 Fd Thoughts 54 b 510 Paperboy 106 h 429 Letmenow 40 b 519 Happy Note 50h 518 Senate 104 Vh 512 My Mallie 39h 56 Lady Flame 52 h 516 The Watch l05h 518 Penoscot Bay 39h 517 MarKell 51h 519 Polly Briar 36h 518 Plane Shadow 52 h 1 MILE 51 Perft Rhyme 39 h 519 Sunday Supr 52h 518 Dollar Bay l48h 518 Ragoon 37h 37hSavannah 515 True Blue 51 h hTimbrel 516 Nipsickle l45h Savannah 37h Timbrel 52h 57 Stargoo 149 h 518 Sun and Moon 38h 518 Town Gallant 52h 514 Waygal 148 h No comment BEULAH PARK PARKTrack Track Heavy Dogs Up 38 MILE 425 Town Clock 43h 58 MILE 59 59Bill Bill Monahan 41h 12 MILE 46 52 BalloFire lllh 430 Big Bluff 40d 519 Darby Dlton 56 h Grnocks Son 111 h 515 Morocco Light 42h 519 Little Abner 55h Passport l13h l13h429Sly 429Sly Kitty 41h 515 Onette 56h 52 Tinys Choice 40h 52 Red Bon 56h 34 MILE 111 514 Tropical Sun 41h 512 Travel Agent 56h 512 Best Seller l19h BEST SELLER worked between races Thursday and is ready for his best effort TINYS CHOICE went handily throughout LITTLE ABNER showed a good effort CHARLES TOWN TOWNTrack Track Sloppy 38 MILE MILEBrilliant 513 Saint Pyrewk 39 b 512 Royal Echo l09b Brilliant Carl CarlDr 425 War Smoke 39 b 34 MILE Dr Tate TateFreeque 516 Erins Girl l27b Freeque Freeque519Glitter 12 MILE 48 48Daisy 515 Girlie Star l29b 519Glitter Girl Daisy Knight 54b 54bFarmlands 58 Phtom Playerl28b Playerl28bSweetie 51 Janegri Farmlands 55b Sweetie Pie l27b 48 Kate Smith ¬ 514 Grey Flash 55b 78 MILE 124 s 14 Lady Mascara MascaraMagic 421 Tacaro Lilly 56 b 515 Curl On l40b Magic Key KeyShilka 58 MILE Shilka 57 Ben Griffith l10b 1 MILE 420 Sevteen Guns 519 Grohers Boy l10b 518 Royl Businss 155 b DETROIT DETROITTrack Track Heavy Dogs 38 MILE 57 Runaway Boy 57 Lithograph 53h 53 Air Beauty 40 h 59 Scrooge Scrooge517Amern 54 One Only 52 h 517Amern Lake 41 h 510 Three Roses Roses510Agricole 513 Porters Tea 53h 510Agricole 39 h 5llTodcan 513 Saboteur 52h 515 Aridisical 42 b 52 Thisisit 55 Take Courage 54 h 53 Blk Skimmer 40h 513 Trelawny 513 Valdina Paul 57 b 517 Boot and Spur 40 h 513 True Amern 515 Valdina Punch 57 b 513 Cee Raf 39h 517 Valda Senora 513 War Bam 53h 519 Convivial 41 b 517 War Shy 55 Col Teddy 40 h 58 MILE 58 517 Dots Key 41 h 12 MILE 515Brve Comdo l10h 59 Fred Haceker 41 h 515 Alan F 520 Florizn Beau l08h 58 Fiddlers Bit 42 h 422Axelson 318 Hysterical 108 h 314 Good Dauter 42 h 514 Aunt Lucy 59 Harebell 108 h h519Kempy 59 Gramps Image 41h 515 Black Raider Raider515Hadmore 519Kempy 110 b 515Hadmore 40 h 31 Coffeeman 5 15 Over Ice 110 b b516Stell 517 Jo Bonner 39h 514 Castraw 516Stell l09h l09h328Trave 515 Libyan Star 39h 414 Claremt Miss 328Trave l0835h 514 Lady Rebecca 39 h 520 Cals Pet 513 Viburnum 110 b 514 May J 38h 514 Dissension Sk SkMarmac 519 Wise Moss 108 b Marmac 39h 519 Get Good 34 MILE 109 517 No Embargo 40 h 515 Gold State 513 Detroit Bull 127 h 510 Ok Sugar 40 4i 517 Golden Man 517 Flying King l26b 519 Poesy 41 h Hasty Kay Kay39h 513 Little Wizard 125 b 515 Peemar 39h 517 Lady Stardust 517 Star Blen 122 1 Nothing worthy of comment FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE 12 IVJILE 58 MILE 100 53 Be Wise 55h Big Bozo l08h l08hGay 57 Another Guss 41 h 58 Easy Quero 56h 56hFlying Gay Nash l10b 511 Clarksville 44 b Flying Banshee 58 b Old Timer Ill45h 413 Clansmaid 42h 42hEver 55 Grand Rush 56 h hJack Street Arab l09h Ever Message 42 h hGarden Jack OHana 56 h Van Hatter 109 h Garden Pot 42h 424 Straw Basket 56h 56hSnug 514 Mighty Miss 40b 40bPerfect Snug 54h 34 MILE 110 Perfect Maid 43 h hSky 52 Treemontier 55h 55hTropical 319 Arizona Lady l26h Sky Pkate 43b Tropical Gal 57h Deciding l27h JAMAICA JAMAICATrack Track Good 38 MILE 518 Gen L 106 b 519 Little Flyer 122 h h516Buckra 516Buckra 38b 53 Jimson Belle 103 d 55 Rackatack l18b 518 Cnt dArgent 38 b 516 Liberty Franc 105 b 513 Ryme Maker 120 bt 12 MILE 518 Miss Sugar 112 b 514Redthorn l16b 516 Bright Camp 50 h 51 Miss Defense 103 d 510 Sun Triad l16h l16hCapt Capt Aide 50b 34 MILE 110 515 Tacoma l18b l18b430Flaught 430Flaught 49b 513Bqysy l18b 425 Tracelette 117 h h515Faiseur 515Faiseur 54b 510 Donegal 126 b 513 In the Rough 51b 518 Fkst Fiddle 121 b 78 MILE 43 Trimly 52b 515 He Rolls l16d 52 Loftsman l35b 58 MILE 58 Her Boy l19ysh 1 MILE 138 518 Cortege l03b 516HautMond l18b 57 Lucky Omen 149 b 519 Chop Chop 103 b 520 Isle de Pine l16h 52 Mon Flag 147 1 1FLAUGHT FLAUGHT went easily CHOP CHOP is training well REDTHORN was well in hand BOYSY had an easy trial ISLE DE PINE and SUN TRIAD were in com ¬ pany SUFFOLK DOWNS Track Heavy 38 MILE 516 Us 41 b 55 Take a Letter 52 h 516 Adviser 36d 518 Valdina Craft 38h 513 Willow Run 55 I IBrandon Brandon Mint 42 h 410 Victory Blue 3735h 58 MILE 58 55 Big Ripple 40h 519 Boris N l07h 516 Clingendaal 37h 12 MILE 430 Bulldinger l10b 517 Candouble 42 h Alpine Boy 52h 516 Balmy Spring 108 b 518 Catcall 3835h 517 Bud Grey 51 h 519 Chance Sord 108 h 519 Dads 37 h 513 Efght Rolls 53h Donna Leona l06h 323 Dodge City 38h 57 F B Eye 52h 517 Hardship 111 1 517 Elcan 41 h 519 Fighting Mac 55 b 51 Maemante 108 h 57 Grebe 40 h 518 Fold Under 55 b 517 Marjorie S 106 d 514 Hicomb 42 b 517 In Dutch Dutch40h 55 b 518 Rodin 107 h 59 In Vogue 40h 513 Kiev Lee 55 b 519 Tilting 106 h 515 Kansas 40 h 519 Own Ship 51 h 34 MILE 109 10952h 517 Late Ship 41 h 518 Pilot Star 52h 56 Barba Childs 118 h 513 Might Be BeMildred 40 h 519 Romney Rex 52 h 511 Green Belle 122 h Mildred R Sir Carl 53h 518 Primarily 122 h 59 North Fire 521 Scotch Abbot 5 b 511 Styx 42 b 518 Tyrone 53 h 1 MILE 136 430 Save 40 h 517 Tierce 52 y5h 517 Royl Ruby n 1 50 b The racing strip was heavy and holding this morning and few trials of merit were recorded WASHINGTON PARK Track Muddy Dogs Up UpGeorgia 38 MILE Georgia Tod 42 b 514 Zacapet Georgia1Miss Miss Sho Show Me 41 b 48 Count Mio 41 b 216 Sweet Ol Olga 43 b 12 MILE 515 Flying Easy 37b 513 Tartarus 41b f Deep Rock 56 b WOODBINE PARK Track Heavy 38 MILE 515 Black Ned Ned514Blasco 54 h 515 Torch Singer 53h 53h518Blllie 514Blasco 39b 518Billie Day 55b 58 MILE 59S 518 Careless Knit 40 h 518 Blue Yank 54 h 5i6 Friskiness 107 h 519 Grandpal 37 h 516Fightg Finn 54h 518 Goggles 109 h 514 Lascar 43 b 518 Great Mark 55d 517 Goan l06h Mary Malone 4Q h 517 Jacless Sad Story l09h 510 Orpheum 39 h 52 Lone Gallant 55 b 517 Watercure 110 h 517 Paolita 38h 517 Punta Rassa 54d 34 MILE 111 511 Runng Cedar 39 h 517 Pistol Pete 54 h 518 Coneybare l26b 519 Sweepgold 37 h 59 Pacific Maid 51d 516 Lady Lil l21h Thrust Swep 43 b 516 Porters Girl 55h 519 Pan King l21h 516 White Hope 39 h 516Septime 54 d 517 War Problem 126 h 12 MILE 47 516 Similar 55 b 1 MILE 138 518 Arbor Vita 50h 518 Star Whiz 51d 517 Frobisher 155 155ARBOR ARBOR VTTA showed a high turn of speed PACIFIC MAID showed early speed from the gate PAOLITA showed speed from the gate ORPHEUM and WHITE HOPE went handily on even terms GOAN showed a nice move in the going STAR WHIZ liked the heavy footing PARI KING is ready for a good effort LADY LIL went handily GRANDPAL and SWEEPGOLD showed a higli turn of speed on even terms

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1943052201_22_1
Library of Congress Record: