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Charles Town Summary Tuesday May 25 1943 1943UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH TRACK FAST FASTFIRST FIRST RACE ABOUT 4 12 FURLONGS FURLONGS2yearolds 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingMilkwhite Milkwhite 116 Austin 300 280 240 Precise 105 Fitzgerald 440 340 340Louis Louis L 108 Kirk 640 640Time Time 5 Off at 118J Eastern War Time Also ran Plain Bill Leaping Moose Old World Beacon Fire Lady Action SECOND RACE ABOUT 4 12 FURLONGS FURLONGS3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Julctte 114 Austin 1780 880 32Q 32QDividend Dividend 117 Root 320 280 280Miss Miss Addic 111 Prain 460 460Time Time 50 Off at 145 Eastern War Time Also ran Mowmct Euchre Ginocchio My Guide Wild Irish IrishDaily Daily Double on the first and second races paid 4060 4060THIRD THIRD RACE CHARLES TOWN COURSE v 3yearolds and upward Claiming Mass Formation 116 Grant2500 1080 440 Belfonds Boy 116 Kirk 380 280 280Stadium Stadium 111 Root 380 380Time Time 117 Off at 214 Eastern War Time Also ran Fox Meadow Happy Sis Southland Gem Clove Hasty Action FOURTH RACE ABOUT 78 MILE 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingMitza Mitza 108 Austin 540 300 280 280Light Light Tide 116 Grant 300 320 320Freds Freds First 108 Kirk 440 440Time Time 127 Off at 241 Eastern War Time Also ran Sir Jerome Real Boy Rolls Rough Brokers Bud Alsace FIFTH RACE ABOUT 78 MILE MILE4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Doctors Nurse 110 Grant 1500 620 460 Electric 113 Prain 760 520 520Zac Zac Pain 110 Bracciale 360 360Time Time 126 Off at 306 Eastern War Time Also ran Remolee Clock Time Macie Margaret Stormcock Exarch SIXTH RACE 6 12 FURLONGS 3 and 4yearolds Allowances Mae Case 105 Austin 280 240 J 220 Seven Seas 113 Kirk 340 240 240Phantom Phantom Player 116 Mayer 280 280Time Time 119 Off at 332 Eastern War Time Also ran Chiff Chaff Brocade Grand Archer SEVENTH RACE CHARLES TOWN COURSE COURSE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Terry May 111 Root 900 360 300 300Sunset Sunset Boy 120 Palumbo 300 240 240Thespian Thespian 115 Austin 360 360Time Time 116 Off at 357 Eastern War Time Also ran Marandan Copperette Pittsburgh Ginger Man Chance Oak EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES MILES4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Lady Longwrth 114 Richd 760 640 600 Allen Caid 109 Fitzgerald 700 480 480Trdtar Trdtar 114 Prain 2680 2680Time Time 149 Off at 423 Eastern War Time Also ran Purport Danzig Dark Ace Chronos Placement PlacementNINTH NINTH RACE DECLARED OFF