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Hold Funeral Services For Woodwards Today TodayEntire Entire Turf World Grieved at Passing of Texas Sportsman SportsmanHOUSTON HOUSTON Texas May 25 The double funeral of Emerson F Woodward and Mrs Bessie Woodward whose lives came to a tragic ending when their automobile was struck by a railroad train Saturday will take place in Houston tomorrow Services will be held at the Heights Church of Christ at 10 a m The bodies of the late owner of Valdina Farms and all the Val ¬ dina horses and his wife will be entombed in Forest Park Mausoleum The remains are now resting at the Heights Funeral Home 1317 Heights Blvd BlvdMr Mr Woodward survived his wife less than two days after the accident She was killed instantly and her husband died early Monday in a hospital at Hondo which is about 20 miles from Valdina Farms to which the Woodwards were driving Both were 64 years of age ageThe The close relatives of Mr Woodward are two brothers William Z of Houston and O N Woodward of Syracuse N Y asis ter Mrs Cora Noe of Totowaboro N J a daughterinlaw Mrs Grace Woodward and her young son Robert Woodward Mrs Grace Woodward is the widow of the late Harley Woodward son of E F who was killed in an airplane crash several years ago The grandson is a student at Texas Military Institute San Antonio Texas TexasMr Mr Woodward was chairman of the Board of the Thoroughbred Horse Associa ¬ tion of Texas and his funeral will be at ¬ tended by several members of the associa ¬ tion Expressions of the deepest regret came from President R B George the former chairman Robert J Kleberg Jr secretary Alfred McKnight and many others Mr Woodward entertained the as ¬ sociation at Valdina late in 1941 1941William William B Barnhill partner and closest associate of the millionaire oil man and sportsman is in charge of the business in ¬ terests of the vast Valdina establishment establishmentJack Jack Meyer pastor of the Heights Church of Christ and who will be one of the offi ¬ ciating ministers commented today on the philanthropies of the Woodwards which he said were widespread but never publi ¬ cized Through his church Mr and Mrs Woodward financed an orphanage at Hope Arkansas Mrs Woodward paid with her contri ¬ bution costs of the Heights Church built the Church of Christ at College Station Texas and was a heav contributor to an orphans home at Quinlan Texas It is said the Woodwards put many deserving youths through college and every year sent twelve or fifteen girls through Abilene Christian College paying all expenses