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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks Kty H Handily B Breezing D Driving E Easily 0 All out U Eased up Figures preceding horns nanu ihow data ol last previous workout Track record Is given afttr distance distanceNames Names of horses making fastest time at each distance in black face type TUESDAY MAY 25 1943 1943HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNETrack Track Heavy Dogs Up 58 Sky Hook 40 b 513 G General War 57 45 Alnorad 43 b 12 MILE 48 513 Gourmet 55 L 58 Barney H 40 b 426 Active 57 b 410 General Sickle 54b 518 Count Fast 43 b 513 Amerin Eagle 57 b 511 Harvd Square 55 b 521 Compatriot 42b 410 Cot Traumer 54b 55 Jean LaBelle 57 b 54 NaniLeonai 41 b 521 Fly the Coop 52h 513 Zaca Man 57 b bOther Other than FLY THE COOPS creditable move from the gate there was nothing worthy of note SPORTSMANS PARK Track Muddy Dogs Up 38 MILE 423 Cldy Wether 53b 520Epola l08b 421 Chocole Maid 522 Grand Chicken 56h 56 Ever Flying l08h 426 Coupon 518 Meandyou 55b 425 Long Ago l09h 53 Espino Gold 510 Meadow Dew 52h 58 Silk Yarn l07b 422 Latent 513 Red Tet 53h 520 Wheatstraw 1 09b LatentMilitary Military Sand 510 Rich Uncle 53h 34 MILE 511 Marchon 514Valda Mintea 55li 523 Valdina Sol l20h 520 Winamac 1 MILE 12 MILE 58 MILE 100 57 Shot Put 151 b 518 Big Boy 41 Day a Night l09h 521 Take Wingr l50h WASHINGTON PARK PARKTrack Track Muddy Dogs Up 38 MILE 55 Jack Sting 42 b 12 MILE 35 Liberty Flash 41b 43 Burgoo Dinner 56 b 522 Beau Ary 42b Liberty Pan 41b 48 Royal Risk 56b 523 Dora May 43 b 522 Never Alone 42 b 34 MILE 110 222 Dno Rancho 42b 58 RexAvis 43 b 522 Snicklefritz 128 b 521 Georgia Tod 522 Tony W l28b AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 518 Anibras 49h 523 Dr Whinny 105 b b50h 521 Best Irish 37 b 521 Bunny D 50h 521 Hope ville 103 b 510 Cream 37 b 519 Earliana 51 b 511 In Balance 105 h h49d 518 Carbon Black 38 b 521 Espuela 49d 524 In Question 108 b 51 Devils Luck 37 b 518 Homer 53 b 520 High Luck 37 b 523 Jaquita 51 b 34 MILE 110 519 Hard Baked 37 b 510 Pida 50 b 522Edahaste 118 b 5 18 Mark Omen 38 b 517 Peppy Miss 51 b 521 Helen Spot 119 b 324 Michn Susan 37 h 519 Rarified 55 b 522 Ladys Count 117 b 518 Openingr Bid 36 h 517 Singing Torch 49h 522 Liste Red Show 38 b 520 True Barbara 51 b 523 Pariferda l16h 514 Slow Motion 38 b 518 This Freedom 49h 522 Question Man 121 b 521 Sister Rolls 37 h Trystate 55 b 522 Topless Towera21 b 516 Scarcanter 38 b 12 MILE 58 MILE 59 1 MILE 523 Air Actress 51 b 518 Brave Marine l02d 521 Powerhouse 150 b BRAVE MARINE was driving all the way ESPUELA and SINGING TORCH worked in company HOPEVELLE is rounding to form SISTER ROLLS IN BALANCE and HIGH LUCK worked from the gate BELMONT PARK PARKTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 522 Curious Coin 54 b 516 Epee l02h 521 Awaited 36h 522 Cherry Crush 50b 523 Gun Bearer l02h 520 Abashed 37b 518 Dry Gooc Goods 50b 522 Halberd l01h l01h4925b 516 At Play 37b 523 Flyg Trp Trpedo 4925b 515 Vietta 104 b 523 All Bright 36h 523 Horn 54 b 521 Who Gi GsTherel04 b 55 Agin 39b Innundat Innundation 52b 34 MILE 110 11037b 523 Briarhone 37b 514 Jury Box 48h 517 Besieged 117 b b37y5b 523 Bloodhound 37Mb 523 Jopier 51 b 510 KayDiane l16h 516 Dawn Watch 38 b 427 Link LinkFiddle 49h 521 Paperboy 114 h h36h Fiddle Sticks 36h 523 La Reigh 54 b 523 Pompagle l14h 522 Gallant Rose 36 h 518 Milk Chpcote 51 b 522 Photogenic l17b 514 Irish Echo 36h 523 Mouse Hole 51 b 522 Sun Again l14h 12 Jnstown Boy 38 b 524 Puritan 52b 78 MILE 122 122522Jimjoe 522Jimjoe 36h 521 Perft Rhyme 49h 522 Penobsct Bay 128 J5h 522 Lady Flares 36h 522 Piccadilly 49h 522 Staretor 130 h 56 Merodaclr 36h 516Pharblaze 48h 522 Whirlaway l27h 522 Nap 36h 522 Roman Glory 48h 1 MILE 134 134Peter Peter Bonere 38 b 522 Roseville 52b 524 Allessandro l46b l46b519Papamoo 519Papamoo 38b 523 Sir Alfred 48 h 523 Mioland l39h l39h523QueHora 523QueHora 37y5b 5r23 Swimmin Hole 54 b 518 Princequillo l39h 523 Rosa Bonheur 36h 523 Sickles Choice 54 b 523 Royal Nap l41h 513 Research 36h 520 Tola Rose 48b 523 Requested l39h l39h524Sunnip 524Sunnip 36h 518 Zacalina 52b 516 Stefanita 145 b b522Sebenoa 522Sebenoa 38b 58 MILE 58 524 Stragetic l41h 56 Sweet Prince 39b 522 Aera l02i5h 519 Vincentive l39h 522Yodeler 37Mb 523 Brenner Pass 103 b 1 18 MILES 148 YS 12 MILE 521 Blazg Glory 109 b 5 24 Tragic Ending 156 b 518 Alfred Stuart 51b 524 Brittany l0225b 1 14 MILES 200 200Bullpen Bullpen 54 b 523 Barrancosa 104 b 523 Over 213 h 516 Blenheim Lad 4825h 523 Brit Remark 102 h 1 12 MILES 227 523 Creamy 50 b 523 Discmont 103 b 516 Mugs Game 244 h hPHARBLAZE PHARBLAZE and BLENHEIM LAD came from the barrier BESIEGED tired badly in her work SUN AGAIN is ready for a good effort POMPAGLE accomplished his good move from the barrier PENOBSCOT BAY accompanied OVER for the first ieven furlongs WHIRLAWAY was under restraint in his good work his fractions being 49 101 114 l2725 galloping out an additional furlong in 142 VIIOLAND appears ready for a good effort VINCENTIVE tired badly in his trial fter showing high speed his fractions being 34 46 5845 112 139 Training Track Track Fast 38 MILE MILEChalledon 522 Benefactress 50h 58 MILE Challedon 522 Coosa 53 h 522 Bellewether 105 45h 522 Camille 520 Corydon 49 h 511 High Straight 106 h h518Sunstorm 519 Docdonough 518 Diamd Back 50h 518Sunstorm 109 b 518 Dundagel 521 Flying Tiger 50h 59 Sicyon l02 fh 55 Donavatra 521 Galactic 51h 51h522Keene 5 22 Wood Spirit 107 b 518 Dover Cliffs 522Keene Advice 52 h 34 MILE Estate 520 Lady Gremlin 50h 50h427Mateson 523 Dawn Attack 117 h h523Genl 521 FiveoEight 427Mateson 51h 523Genl Mowlee 123 h FiveoEightGadful Gadful 59 Rencourt 51h 524 Mercy l21h GadfulHigh High Bid 522 Ring Away 50h 516 Shanty Row l20b 54 Sorisky 523 Sir War 54 b 12 MILE 54 Spiritual 51h 1 MILE 514Bar Keep 52 1U S Salute 49h 521 Dollar Bay l46h 422 Bold Wando 514 Viva Teddy 53 h 513 Hard Cracker l456h Widener Course Track Fast 38 MILE 522 Rover 35h 522 Spook Ship 36h 6 2 J Porpoise 35h 323 Seeing Eye 35h BEULAH PARK PARKTrack Track Sloppy Dogs Up 38 MILE 12 MILE 46 58 MILE 59 519 Bob Hi 53 h 517 Jolly Grnock l12h 511 Galahads Gal 41h 521 Darby Daulton 53y5ri 517 Review 41h 521 Onette 53h 34 MILE 111 514 Rush Out 43h 510 Sadie M i53ysh 59 Bboo Broom l20h 57 Red Patch 44h Scullery Maid 53h 523 Welsli Lad l22h CHARLES TOWN Track Fast 38 MILE 516 Clay Hill 51h 522 Lackawanna 108 b 520 Attune x 38h 510 Ida Time 51 h 515 My Guide l06b 55 Big Jack 38 h Kindle Light 53 h 516 Mad Venture 105 h h37h 522Bajula 37h 517LerLin 51h 522 Royal Fleet 104 h h39b 52 Big Sneeze 39b 56 Lord Vatout 49d 226 Sweetie Face l03h l03h40b 523 Burner 40b Little Ripple 50h 522 Spiking l03h 520 Big Soldier 39 b 519 Revelry 49h 34 MILE MILECarl Carl On 38 b 510 Rough Egg 53y5b 523 Fantastical l19h l19h38h 510 Miss Pilgrim 38h 519 519Saran Saran 50h 524 First Draft 120 b b37h 56 Tommy Atkins 37h 515 Sir Reg 54 b 523 Girlie Star l22b l22b36h 518 Try Flying 36h 516Twotimer 49 h 518 Shailleen l19h 513 Victory pill 39h 58 MILE 520 Tee Midge 122 1 518 Weatherite 36h 519Ballacon 105 h 59 Wesley A l17 h 12 MILE 48 517 Ballarosa 106 b 1 MILE MILE519Braxton 519Braxton 52 h Charmful l07b 518 Bess B l50b l50bTRY TRY FLYING still shows his good speed WESLEY A seems ready for his best effort SWEETIE FACE continues to train well LORD VATOUT was under a mild drive TWOTIMER showed plenty of early speed WEATHERITE went handily all the way FIRST DRAFT seems to be rounding to his best form REVELRY and BAJULA broke good from the gate DETROIT DETROITTrack Track Heavy Dogs Up 38 MILE MILEAbogada 522 Straw Fla 522 Straw Stack 57 h Abogada 515 Silk id n 521 Todcan 54h 522 Air Power 514 S S Grier 41b 522 Venci 57 h 54 BalanceDue 515 Squeeze Thru 42 h h524Valetta 521 Vala Senora 55 h 430Biscayne Blue 524Valetta H 41 h 58 MILE 58 Bank Book 517 Valdina Idol 43 1 515 Benzedrine 110 h Chief Kncker 12 MILE 523 Golden Lea l10h 51 Dockie 513 Ava Delight 57 h 515 Innate l09h 512 Hettie 48 Bragabout 56 h 522 Just Rainey 1 10h 522 Imps Way 520 Bill G 53h 523 Miss Transit 110 h 522 Jo Kapi 522 Bolute 54h 522 Playful Pal l09h 523 Love Pact 430 Bally Boy 57 h 522 Pink Gal l09h 5 3 Miss Mary Jo 515 Countmein 57h 57hEmolument 521 Valdina Paul l09b 519 Makeshift Emolument 57 b 34 MILE 109 5 21 Night Haider 523 Libyan Star 54h 522 Bold Chance 124 h 516 One Link 515 Melody Tone SS1 h 515 Good Play 123 h 520 Our Merrick 5719 Overdrawn 54h 515 Jean Le Diablel28 h 523 Pairco 523 Plucky Teddy 57 b 523Okabena 125 h 523 Quarto 521 Porters Tea 58 b 522 Purple Wrack l24h 57 Reward Me 515 Sun Risk 57 b 19 Rubicon vl27 h 515 Sway 54 Saintly 53h 519 Silver King 128 b Nothing worthy of comment over the heavy racing strip with the dogs up FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE 39 Frances W 56 h 521 Parlay Kin l06d 421 Buyer Beware 39h 52 Iron Plunger 56 h Predictable 1092 l09h 54 Duty First 42b 521 Royal Gump 107 h v 521 Dusky Maid 44 b 58 MILE 100 521 Royal Count 1072 l07h 423 Gold Mike 41b 56 Bibliophile 106 h 58 Tuleyries Lin 110 110Generalis l10b Generalis 42h 519 Empire Isle l09h 521 Two Grand 107 107John b John Francis 42lv 520 Grand Rush l09h 513 Rusty Gold 1093 l0935h 429 Lakeview T 42b 321Grge Wlnianl06 b 419 Meanwhile 41h 519 Hkwd Deper l07h 34 MILE 110 f f423Maxiekin 423Maxiekin 42b 518 Hollyam l07h 521 Emma Rose 120 120Pairrio Pairrio 41h Janepola 107 b 430 Hunch 1223 l22h 12 MILE 321 Jeweltone 107 h 521 Peppy Polly 123 h 413 Be Calm 54 b Jacks Pride l06h 521 Sir Rex 126 b 521 Flying Waters 57 h 321 Money Hill l08b 59 Thos Nothing worthy of comment JAMAICA JAMAICATrack Track Fast 33 MILE 49 Mistrella Mistrella521Faiseur 49h 522 V for Victory l05b l05b52b 521Faiseur 38 b 34 Playfields 52b 511 Water Pearl l0l li li49h v v53b 516 High Light 37 h Pest Pest523Hianne 49h 34 MILE 110 523Hianne 37b 522 Patrol Flight 53b 522 Budded l17b l17b52b 523 Ibex 35d 59 Sugar Ration 52b 519 Ballotant 118 b b49h 523 Note 36 d 522 Sergeant Bill Bill522Omaloo 49h 512 Liberty Sand l19b 522Omaloo 38 b 522 Shamokin 49 d 521 Miss Defense l24b 525 To Tn James 36d 58 MILE 8 522 Merry Marine 118 b 513 Vali 37 b 523 Biickra 103 d 522Panthorn 118 b bl05b 12 MILE Enoch Bbrld l05b 522 Rise AbVe It l19b 515 Chevalet 50 b 519 Flying Son 105 b 522 Spot High 118 h 519 Faust H 53 b 520 Fire Nymph 106 b 1 1 MILE 138 513 Got There 50 b 519 Genial Guy 105 b 521HautMond l46b l46bl04b 518 Joe Burger 49 b 518 Marogay Marogay523Llanero l04b 521 Jimson Belle 150 b 523Llanero 49h 58 Magdala MagdalaIBEX 1 04b 521 Sun Triad 1 52b 52bSHAMOKIN IBEX has her speed JOE BURGER and andPEARL SHAMOKIN were together WATER PEARL worked cleverly PASCOAG PASCOAGTrack Track Slow 38 MILE Flying Glee 54 h 430 Star Quest 52d 423 Gayset 39 h 51 High Level 57h Sun Nimbus 56 b 12 MILE MILEAwakener In Fun 54h Whisper 56 h Awakener 58b 57 Lady Lyonors 56 h 58 MILE 101 56 Alkyon 57b Lanelan 55b 58 Long Pass 110 h h52d Bay Farewell 57 b 425 Maybank 52d 419 Merry Rhyme 110 h h5645h 412 Count Fickle 57h Malta 5645h 57 Decade 58 h Mellow 54h 1 MILE MILE55h 410 Ever Time 53 h 413 Sea1 Power 55h Count Me 158 b b54b bEbro Ebro 57 b 430 Steel King 54b 55 Kaydeekay 157 h hKAYDEEKAY KAYDEEKAY couldhave gpne much better FLYING GLEE continues to train well GAYSET showed a sparkling effort in his short trial MAYBANK STAR QUEST and EVER TIME were all in company COUNT ME breezed a very easy mile well in hand all the way SUFFOLK DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 55 Squadr Squadron 36h 522 Swifty Fox 104 h 522 A One 39 b 54 Time 0522AckAck 0 War 43 b 519Shepson l04h 522AckAck 39 b 517 Tina S Sanjour 41 b 519 Sun Ivy l03h l03hrSSVsh 517 Ataman rSS rSSVsh h 523 Tides In 41b 520 Secnd Thoht l04h 515 Boy Baby 38 h 520 Victory Drive 36h 519 Town Hall 107 b b40b 519 Belmar Arra 40b 12 MILE 515 True Heart 105 h h38h 523 Big Ripple 38h 519 Allegro 52b 430 Tintitter l05h 521 Barbara Childs 36 h 515 Argella 52b 515 Unimond l04h 518 Belmike 39 h 522 Ask Me 4935h 58 WaughPop l06h 518 Cabanisi 3725h 523 Breakable 51 h 34 MILE 109 57 China Lady 37h Bright Finish 52 h 56 Allergic 59 Edmar Jojan c36h 519 Bills Sisler 52 vb 521 Balmy Spring l14h 521 Elcan 38h 517 City Bred 5025h 513 Blue Leona l17h 519 Fire at Will 39 b 57 Cant We 50h 517 Best Suit 116 h 519Firing Pin 38 h 514 Catapult 53b 523 Brown Dancer 117 h 515 Guy Fawkes 36h 524 Cody 49h Boston Miss l2425b l2425b51h 514 Grand Day 38 h 511 Display Style 51h Buckets 122 b b54b 523 Hill Spun 39 b 512 Dense Path 54b Dayzar l23b 521 Hardship 40b 519 Eternity 50 h 519 Eight o Eight l17h 523 Idle Fool 37J5h 512 False Face 50 h 518Girlette l17h l17h52b 49 Ida Rogers 36h 56 Frontier Jane 52b 519Kopla l14h l14h49h l14hIs Is I Aint 37 h 520 Hada Star 49h 520 K Dorko 125 b 516 Jessie Gladys 39 b 517 Indian Trace 51 h 523 Little Bud l15h 522 Ksar of Audley 37 h 519 La Reinette 48h 523 Naper Tandy l19h l19h517Kanlast 517Kanlast 3625h 514 Merry Glow 51 h 516 Silt l2025b 517 Kleig Light 38 h 510 Night Penant 50y5h 521 Scotch Abbot 124 b 521 Kansas 38 h 517 Portage Trail 49h 518 Speedway 120 b 426 Lou ONeill 38h 524 Question523Mokablue Question Miss 50 h 523 Sollure l141fh36h liHfh 523Mokablue 364 36h h 55 Star Bos Bos518Middle Boarder 4935h 521 Willow Run l17h 518Middle River 41 b 58 Sumpin 5025h 519 Whitinsville l17h 515 Lord Win 38 b 517 517Turnabo Turnabout rSOh 78 MILE 522 Miss Nebraska 37 h 424Triplane 52 h 522 Misflying 132 h h4025h h518Maximont 518Maximont 4025h 515 Two Kick 50 h 518 Suprme Ideal l3125hMaster l31h Master Key 38 b 516 Tiberius 53 b 518 Shrp Reward l31h 519 Navy 36h 519 Taking Ways f50 h 1 MILE 136 518 Night Bomber 41 b 518 Trustworthy 50 h 523 Cape Cod l42h 517 Nibble 38h 519 Crss Country 143 h 518 Pat OSee 37h 58 MILE 582 522 Hornblende l4325h 514 Psychic Belle 36h 517 Bonnie Rue 104 h 517Jelwell l50b 58 Push 3625h 517 Comche Peak 104 h 59 No Dot Dough l50d 518 Pneumatique 37 h 57 Claro l06h 522 Praiseworthy l444 h 523 Pathfinder 37h 520 Dinner Party 103 h 519 Purcellville 144 h 514Rebbina 39 b 522 Eight and Six 104 h 511 Sir Gibson 147 h 517 Side Boy 375h 515 Faille 105 h 1 14 MILES 2044 427Susitna 37h 519 Royal Prince 103 h 524 Milk Route 2125h 2125hSOLLURE SOLLURE accomplished his good work from tfie gate HORNBLENDE accom ¬ plished his trial in handy fashion GIRLETTE WHITINSVILLE and EIGHT O EIGHT worked together WHEELING WHEELINGTrack Track Heavy 38 MILE MILEBig 424 Tex Kiss 43b Mahoning 574 h hMonon Big Brand 427 The Loom 4425b 4425bVale Monon Lad 58h 57 Bright Honey Vale Dove 43b 52 Rich Hill 57h 57hSilver 58 Chiefs Boy BoyEgypta Wont Lie 43b Silver Sign 59b EgyptaMowrea Egypta 12 MILE War Hostage 58b Mowrea 55 Camp Gallant 59J Wickliffe Gal 59J5b 523 No Faii Cricket Boy 58b 58bLady 34 MILE SlS Third Legion Lady Tyrant 59 b 523 Highlander l28h WOODBINE PARK Track Sloppy 38 MILE 12 Mil MILE 47 f 522 Light Birch 109 b 522 Bon Jour 37h 522 Air Sure 52 b 521 Sad Story 107 b 519 Ball and Chain37h 519 Bar Fly 52 h 34 MILE 111 522Jacless 41 b 522 Red Rival 54h Budron 120 h 519 Loango 40 b 522 Kerry Lass 51 h 523 Patrisius xl24 1 LoangoLegion Legion Boy 40 h Stand Easy 5225h 59 Stippler 41 b 1 MILE l38if 523 Sweepnack 40 b 58 MILE 59 521 Frobisher 150 h SweepnackSusan Susan SusanS S 41 b 514 Brt and Gay 106 h 514Frilure 153 I IBON BON JOUR showed speed in the sloppy going KERRY LASS showed an impres j sive move FROBISHER was just breezing STAND EASY and BAR FLY went handily AIR SURE was just breezing BUDRON worked from the gate