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Late Summaries WHEELING DOWNS Thursday June 10 1943 1943FIFTH FIFTH RACE ABOUT 1 116 MILES MILES3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming High Standd 117 Daughty 340 260 220 Irish Abbie112 Pantone 400 240 240Flying Flying Count 112 Panncll 440 440Time Time 149 Off at 547 Eastern War Time Also ran Gimpey Residue Inscolian InscolianSIXTH SIXTH RACE ABOUT 6 12 FURLONGS 3yearolds and upward Claiming Happy Slave 116 Daughtyf 1000 480 240 Ecoway 110 Churchill 460 260 260Golden Golden Rapier 113 Gaithcr 260 260Time Time 121 Off at 61 6J Eastern War Time Also ran Randlcs Queen Phantom Lady Grand Lady SEVENTH RACE ABOUT 58 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Valdina Lass 106 Churchill1800 820 440 Questrc 115 Stroud 480 460 460Jolly Jolly Greenk 108 Pantone 640 640Time Time 102 Off at 644 Eastern War Time Also ran Green Key Enagala Verona Pine fHiblaze fWon but was disqualified and placed last EIGHTH RACE ABOUT 1 116 MILES 3yearolds and upward Claiming Port Melody 112J Bletzker1100 680 340 Joe D 116 Thomas 1020 400 400Hand Hand Glove 113 Briggs 300 300Time Time 150 Off at 713 Eastern War Time Also ran Demonstrator Enid 0 Retinue Bet Wick Star Canter