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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc IncAqueduct Aqueduct AQUEDUCT L I N Y FRIDAY JUNE 11 1943 AQUEDUCT 1 MILE Fifth day of eighteenday meeting June 7 to June 26 Queens County Jockey Club Automatic starting gate Camera finish Racing starts at 130 p m Eastern War Time FIRST RACE 34 MILE Doublrab June 27 1942 110 4 125 Purse ft ofII n 1500 3yearolds Claiming Weight 126 Ibs Nonwinners of II 77 m 11 JI 1U 4I O lUo June 1143 Aqu maidens 13 Ibs Claiming price 1600 Special 25 award to tobreeder breeder of winner x xNet Net value to winner 5975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Sir Fin Jockeys Owner 0 Odds 1 Str t 41692 BUZALONG WB 118 12 5 5i 31 5i 1 YoungS John C Clark ClarkE 400 40932 FREE AIR wl7 6 2 31 24 1 21 LindbergH E Golos GolosMrs 235 42063 tCUMSHAW w 117 11 11 II3 11 7h 3l ChallisG Mrs L H Nimkoff NimkoffExcel 535 40621BUSHEL BASKET WB 117 4 9 10 10 84 41 RienziJ Excel Stable StableMrs 455 42068 ttLOVLY DELORESwB 113 8 14 9i 6i 3i 5h Deering1 Mrs J Freedman FreedmanNydrie 665 40621 SENATE WB118 1 1 1wl3 1 1 2i 6 Gilbert1 Gilbert17h Nydrie Stable StableHarry J4540 39765 BUNNY D wl3 5 7 7w 7h 42 4j 711 GrecoA GrecoA13l Harry Brown BrownMrs J4540 J4540rr 41324NOVIEW w 113 9 13 13wl7 13l 13 9i 8 MannW Mrs L E Stoddani Jr JrA rr 4455 38311 JANES PATSY wl7 210 64 8i 6 9 BeasyH A Dunne DunneS 5205 41603GAYKIS WB KM 10 6 12l 12i 121 IQ RicnziD S Horowitz HorowitzBrandywine 7260 41762PURITAN MAID WB 108 13 8 8i 5l 10 II5 GivensC Brandywine Stable StableMessbach 4605 460538938DOG 38938DOG SHOW wB112 14 4 2 74111 121 HannaC Messbach Stable StableMrs 455 45540091GOLD 40091GOLD TINT w08 3 3 4 9i 13 13 EricksonC Mrs D Winkleman 4345 39907 FRESH MONEY WB 117 7 12 14 Pulled up ThornbgJ LtCol Gustave Ring 2940 2940iDisqualified iDisqualified IMuluel field Excel Stable and Messbach Stable entry Apprentice allowance waived Time 23 48 114 Track fast fastt t 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 v vf f BUZALONG 1000 500 340 400 150 70 70A A FREE AIR 420 300 110 50 50I I BUSHEL BASKET Entry 340 70 70Winner Winner Ch g by Jamestown Twig by Pennant trained by A G Robertson bred by Mr E D Axton Winner entered to be claimed for 1600 1600WENT WENT TO POST 133 OFF AT 138 EASTERN WAR TIME Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the jam BUZALONG was sent up on the outside rourding the stretch turn and finished with good courage to outlast FREE AIR The latter forced the pace from the start and held on well CUMSHAW closed with a rush through the stretch and bumped his way through He was disqualified for fouling BUSHEL BASKET was slow to begin and finished fast LOVELY DELORES was bothered in the stretch run SENATE had early speed BUNNY D had a flash of early speed FRESH MONEY unseated rider at post and ran away seveneighths She was cased up after the start startScratched Scratched 39907 Bold Salute 118 42070 Radio Morale 106 38731 Colonial Miss 113 35777 Brainstorm 108 42068 Kings Gambit 113 42068 Golden Fleece 113 113Overweight Overweight Gaykis 3 pounds Claimed Free Air by Mrs E Rodriguez for 1600 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Doublrab June 27 1942 110 4 125 Purse Av 9910 1500 3yearolds Claiming Weight 126 Ibs Nonwinners since L I f L U April 7 of three races allowed 4 Ibs two races 8 Ibs one race in June 1143 Aqu 1943 13 ibs Claiming price 2500 Special 25 award to breeder breederof of winner Net value to winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Jl Strt 41919FLAK WB 113 2 2 6 4 3l I GivensC B F Whitaker 460 40424 THE WATCH w 110 10 7 i 2 21 2 YoungS Warbern Stable 185 41548 CARD GAME WB 118 9 5 4 I2 li 31 AtkinsonT J M Roebling 380 38041692JDRIVEN 41692JDRIVEN SNOW wsllS 4 3 l k 3l 4 44 GilbcrtJ Nydrie Stable 685 41919 VACUUM CLEANER WB 118 79 5i 6 54 53 Thompsons Sainte Claire Farm 1840 41922 THIN AIR wnl8 8 4 8473 i 6i BrooksS Havahome Stable 1545 41919 ESTERITA w 117 5 1 2 5i 62 71 ThornburgJ Dock Stable 2180 218041919RED 41919RED LEVEL w 103 6 10 10 10 82 8 EricksonC C T Chenery 7735 7735KNUTE KNUTE w 113 3 8 9l 9i 92 9 LindbergH A H Schoen 1180 41692 SABATIS WB 113 1 6 3 8 10 10 KoykG Mrs J T Kermath 21520 21520Time Time 23J 47 112 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 in FLAK 1120 490 340 460 145 70 Mutuel Prices THE WATCH 370 270 B5 35 35I I CARDGAME 320 eo eoWinner Winner Gr e by Foray II Calycanthtis by Brown Bud trained by E Haughton bred by Mr Marshall Field Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 211 OFF AT 212 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same FLAK pn the inside from the start and well up responded to urging in the final eighth and wore down THE WATCH at the end The latter was sent up fast on the outside and hung after assuming command in the final sixteenth CARD GAME showed speed from the start but pulled up sore DRIVEN SNOW rtced forwardly and had no mis ¬ haps VACUUM CLEANER showed a good effort ESTERITA quit KNUTE was in close quarters going to the far turn turnScratched Scratched 40092 Dr R Young 113 113Overweight Overweight The Watch 2 pounds poundsClaimed Claimed The Watch by Mrs L H Nimkoff for 2500 Flak by M Slifkin for 2500 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 8770 THIRD HACE ABOUT 2 MILES Bath June 11 1942 341 4 155 Sandy A 9 1 1 Creeker Steeplechase Purse Purse 1500 4yearolds and up ward Claiming 4yearolds 144 Ibs 5yearolds 150 Ibs older June 1143 Aqu 153 Ibs Winners of 700 twice since May 10 not to be entered for less than 1500 3 Ibs extra Nonwinners since May 10 allowed 3 Ibs since April 15 5 Ibs of three races in 194243 7 Ibs of two races in 194243 if 5yearolds or upward 10 Ibs of one race in 194243 if 5yearolds or upward 12 Ibs Claiming price 1500 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1000 Special 25 award to breeder of winner winnerNet Net value to winner 1000 second 275 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 3 6 9 13 Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 417532EPINDEL WB 10 140 2 1 42 2i 2i 1J 12 RobertsE I Bieber 395 280416092NATNL 40272 MAD POLICY w 9 144 5 4 I3 I3 H 2 24 OwenW Miss Peggy Squire 280 416092NATNL ANTHEM w 12 149 3 5 5i 3l 3l 3s 3 CruzII Brookmeade Stable 295 41609 BROADSIDE KINGw 10 135 6 6 84 4 4 5i 4 LeonardVV S Bryce Wing 8510 40928 PHARABANG w 6 135 9 10 I1 I1 7l 4 51 MarzaniD Mrs R G Woolfe 5295 36642 HIMMEL WSB 8 135 8 7 62 8i 82 72 6 MageeJ Mrs E duPont Weir 7290 39780 EMMAS PET w 12 142 7 8 9i 6i 62 6 72 WalkerG Miss Muriel Cleland 4940 41758 PICO BLANCO IIw 33i 1 2 34 5l 5 8 810 RndtreeE William Post 1655 41609 SIMOON w 8 144 10 J 10 9 9 9 9 SmileyJ G H Bostwick 520 41269 ROUGEMONT w 8 147 4 3 2s Lost rider BrownN John Bosley Jr 750 Apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 351J Track fast fastt t 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1EPINDEL EPINDEL 990 490 340 395 145 70 MAD POLICY 470 330 135 65 65NATIONAL NATIONAL ANTHEM 310 55 Winner Ch g by Almadel Blanche Epino by Badajoz trained by H Jacobs bred by Mr Ralph L Jurden Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 235 OFF AT 237 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from flag Won driving second and third the same EPINDEL was kept prominent from the start and responded when roused in the final half wore down MAD POLICY and was drawing away MAD POLICY was sent into command showed speed when jumping well and had no mishaps NATIONAL ANTHEM saved ground all the way and came with a rush in the final drive BROADSIDE KING lost ground going to the final fence PHARABANG came with a belated rush ROUGEMONT lost rider at the fourth fence fenceScratched Scratched 41753 Eran Da Perse 130 41389 Bank Note 144 41269JTioga 140 41609Alcadale 153 Overweight Pico Blanco II 3 pounds FOURTH RACE 58 MILE King Cole June 21 1940 59VS 2 117 Purse 42212 1500 weightsSpecial 2yearolds Maidens Colts and geldings Special weights Special 25 award to breeder of winner June 1143 Aqu Net value to winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 40881 WAR DRESSING WB 116 6 3 3i li U I2 RobertsonA Glen Riddle Farm 41387 SEEING EYE w 116 13 6 6PARAVANE 64 3i 2 2 k DeeringJ Coldstream Stable PARAVANE wll6 2 7 7MERODACH 83 i 5i 3i GilbertJ Rock Hill Farm MERODACH w 116 5 5 41 6l 44 4 MehrtensW MehrtensW12t A J Sackett 41067 JIMMY JOHN wu 116 11 13 13PORPOISE 12t 9 i 5i WrightWD WrightWD2i John J Watts PORPOISE w16 4 4 4FIRST 2i 44 6 64 PetersM PetersMI1 Coldstream Stable FIRST ADMIRAL w 116 1 1 1HEIGHT I1 2 3i 7 NodarseV William Ziegler Jr HEIGHT OLAND w 116 911 911SIGNALS 9 8i 91 8t YoungS R Sterling Clark SIGNALS BLOKE wu 116 3 8 8419213MIGHTIEST 72 8 9 AtkinsonT AtkinsonT10l LtCol C V Whitney 419213MIGHTIEST wu 116 12 12 10l 11 10 102 SchmidlA Harry Isaacs 41756 TOWN GALLANT WB 118 10 9 13 13 lll 11 SteffenE SteffenE5i Havahome Stable 41546 INDIAN QUEST WB116 7 2 2SHAKY 5i Ifli 122 123 RienziJ RienziJII3 Etnanuel Giuffra SHAKY WARE wl6 8 810 10 II3 12 1 13 13 BrooksS BrooksSfMutuel Grant Thorn fMutuel field JCoupled as Coldstrcam Stable entry entryTime Time 23 48 101 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 1ki 105MUtuel ki M ID WAR DRESSING 760 470 410 280 135 105 MUtuel rriCCSi 285I SEEING EYE Entry 1140 770 470 285 I PARAVANE 1030 415 415Winner Winner RiddleWENT B c by Man o War Gauze by Teddy trained by W A Carter bred by Mr S D Riddle WENT TO POST 305 OFF AT 307 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won ridden out second and third driving WAR DRESSING raced for ¬ wardly from the start and shook off opposition in the late stages to draw away SEEING EYE was a for ¬ ward factor all the way and finished well PARAVANE raced greenly came to the outside for the stretch run and closed fast MERODACH on the inside from the start showed a good effort JIMMY JOHN finished fast from a slow beginning PORPOISE showed a good effort FIRST ADMIRAL tired MIGHTIEST began slowly slowlyScratched Scratched Ringaway 116 40969 Spheric 116 Smolensko 116 Bounding Home 116 41695 Magellan 116 41695 Red Blossoms 116 116Overweight Overweight Town Gallant 2 pounds FIFTH RACE 78 MILE Out of Chute Parasang June 14 1941 123 4 olds and upward Fillies and mares Special 25 award to June 1143 Aqu breeder of winner winnerNet Net value to winner 1710 seconds 375 each fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Hn Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 416972YARROW MAID w 5 122 9 8 9 9 8 8 1 RobertsonA Brookmeade Stable 275 41697 tNIGHT GLOW w 5 112 5 3 4J 4i 4 4 23 ThornburgJ LtCol Gustave Ring 3030 41697 tWAR HAZARD w5116 3 7 i i 72 6k 23 WoolfG WoolfG413932BEST Glen Riddle Farm 413932BEST RISK wsSllli 8 5 2l li I1 24 44 BrooksS Cain Hoy Stable 41477 ZACA ROSA wB4120 7 6 6s 3 24 lh 5 StoutJ StoutJ413933MOON W W Crenshaw 413933MOON MAIDEN WB 5 116 1 9 8 8l 9 i 63 RienziJ Messbach Stable 41124 PETRIFY WB 4 118 2 4 3 51 6l 5 I2 WriehtW WrightWD Lt A G Vanderbilt 710 40250 HARD BAKED wa4108 4 1 5l 65 5f 9 8 MehrtensW Wheatley Stable 2845 284541922TWIN 41922TWIN LAKES wsSUO 6 2 Ink 24 32 3i 9 AtkinsonT J M Roebling 745 745fDead fDead heat for second secondTime Time 23 46 112 125 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 v vH H in C YARROW MAID 750 430 320 275 115 60 NIGHT GLOW 1130 980 455 390 C 390C WAR HAZARD 570 720 185 260 260Winner Winner Ch m by Cavalcade Milfoil by Vulcain trained by H L Fontaine bred by Brookmeade Stable StableWENT WENT TO POST 329 OFF AT 330 EASTERN WAR TIME Start good froril stall gate Won driving seconds the same YARROW MAID was outrun in the early stages and when sent to the outside for the stretch run finished with a rush to get up in the last strides NIGHT GLOW was a prominent factor from the start and held on well to the finish in a dead heat with WAR HAZARD The latter from a slow beginning improved her position and closed stoutly BEST RISK forced a fast early pace raced TWIN LAKES into defeat and then faltered ZACA ROSA made a determined bid in the stretch run and then tired PETRIFY was shuffled back rounding the far turn turnScratched Scratched 41123 Fresh Start 116 41123 Q 112 41393 Waygal 110 41393 Bonnet Ann 114 Overweight Best Risk 1 pounds SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Jacomar June 15 1940 142 3 111 Kildare 49914 Iurse Purse 2000 3yearolds Allowances Nonwinners of two races Weight 120 Ibs Nonwinners at one mile or over June 1143 Aqu allowed 3 Ibs maidens Y Ibs Special 25 award to breeder of ofwinner winner Net value to winner 1300 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners C Odds 51 Strt 420723MODEST LAD wall 8 7 14 14 I2 I2 1 ThompsonB Mrs Henry L Finch Finch418473DESERONTO 190 418473DESERONTO wsl20 5 9 71 3 33 41 22 StoutJ Beverly Bogert 290 41922 LEGEND BEARER vsll2 4 4 3i 2 2 2i 34 AtkinsonT LtCol C V Whitney y 1360 415483GOTHIC w 115 7 6 8 85 810 71 4i GivensC J E Widener 820 820413283THE 413283THE SULTAN wl7 6 2 ffi 61 6l 5h 53 RobertsonA Cain Hoy Stable 500 42070 BLENHEIM LAD wl7 3 3 5l 7 TO 8to 6 GilbertJ WL Ranch 640 41548 CINCUS w 120 9 5 4 K 5 52 6 72 ThornburgJ Walter M Jeffords 8115 41613 SWELL KID WB 117 2 1 22 4 4i 3i 820 BrooksS Dock Stable 5220 522041699SUPER 41699SUPER SERVICE wB106 1899999 PittarelliJ J W Scuderi 23820 Time 25 49 114 140 147 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid v Odds to 1 11 i n f MODEST LAD 580 310 270 190 55 35 Mutuel Prices DESERONTO 3eo 310 so 55 55I I LEGEND BEARER 593 195 195Winner Winner Br r by Ladkin Modest by St James trained by E Coates bred by Mr E G Hackney HackneyWENT WENT TO POST 356 OFF AT 357 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving MODEST LAD was rushed up on onthe the outside rounding the first turn assumed command drew away and had speed in reserve at the end endDESERONTO DESERONTO lost ground entering the stretch but finished well under urging LEGEND BEARER was a aprominent prominent factor from the start GOTHIC from a slow beginning made up ground at the finish THE THESULTAN SULTAN ran in spots SWELL KID tired SEVENTH RACE 1 116 MILES Jacomar June 15 1940 14246 3 111 Purse A 9 9 1 i 1700 3yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 4 Ibs below scale Nonwinners since April 7 of two races allowed 2 Ibs one June 1143 Aqu race 5 Ibs Claiming price 3500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for foreach each 250 to 3000 Special 2 award to breeder of winner Net value to winner 1105 second 340 third 170 fourth 85 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40757THE FIEND WB 5 116 4 1 1 14 I3 I1 li RienziJ Millbrook Stable 595 59541549SWEEPSTAKERwB4111 41549SWEEPSTAKERwB4111 8 6 22 25 22 24 22 MannW Mrs F J McNulty 3605 41273 COOSA wB4117 9 5 3 3 3 3J 34 GilbertJ C T Chenery 840 41757 LLANERO wB5l4 1 2 8 84 4 52 4 NodarseV Narise Farm 970 41329 DESIGNATOR wuSll 3 8 10l 10V 10l I1 54 BeasyH Mrs J A Coburn 2235 41613 BLUE WHISTLER v3103 7 7 4 5 5h 6 6 LindbergH Paul B Codd 970 970413232ETERNAL 413232ETERNAL PEACE WB 4 113 11 12 12 12 8 9h 7 ThompsonB B F Whitaker 305 305415443HOMEWD 415443HOMEWD BND WB 5 109 23 53 4 6 4 8 GivensC Otto Blank 510 51041987SUGAR 41987SUGAR RATION w 3 104 12 10 9 9t 12 10 9l RienziD Dock Stable 1395 1395417622DISCOU 417622DISCOU RAGED w5109 5 4 6i II1 91 8 104 AtkinsonT Donelson Christmas 1015 417632 fRECOGNIZE WB 4 118 10 11 1H ft 11 12 Hi RenickJ E Kalish 2850 40676 EQUATOR WB 5 118 6 9 72 Tz 7 II1 12 MehrtensW Arnold Hanger 18010 18010fApprentice fApprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 25 48 114 140 147 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 THE FIEND 1390 740 600 595 270 200 SWEEPSTAKER 2390 1190 1095 495 495C C COOSA 820 310 310Winner Winner B g by Diavolo Pennant Girl by Rire aux Larmes trained by J Foti bred by Messrs Horace N Davis Bro Winner entered to be claimed for 3500 t WENT TO POST 422 OFF AT 421 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same THE FIEND was sent into com ¬ mand after the start was steadied along and then in the final sixteenth responded to pressure and cama again at the end pulling up sore SWEEPSTAKER was in near pursuit of the pace from the start and had nj mishaps COOSA finished well under urgine LLANERO showed a good effort DESIGNATOR finished steadily BLUE WHISTLER had no mishaps ETERNAL PEACE was eased back after the start and then came with a belated rush HOMEWARD BOUND faltered at the end endScratched Scratched 11329 Hubbub 113 41390Sticky Kitty 98 98Overweight Overweight Sugar Ration 3 pounds EIGHTH RACE 1 58 MILES Bright Gallant Sept 7 1942 244if 4 116 A 9 9 1 urse 2000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 6 Ibs T1 O May 8 2 Ibs extra for each such race won Claiming price 1500 June 1143 Aqu if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 1200 Special 25 award to breeder of winner winnerNet Net value to winner 1300 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1 l4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 419252EXEMPLIFY wB6112 3 JO 7 22 2 32 1 RienziD I Bieber 135 41610 BOBS BOYS wslOHS 8 9 S5 53 3 2i 2 LindbergH Paul B Codd 445 42074 NEBRASKA WB 4 114 2 1 I1 1 li lh 3 ThompsonB Joseph Eitinger 830 83041550RAHANEE 41550RAHANEE w 6 107 6 11 10s 101 9 4 4 GivensC G H Crooker 685 38905 NOTES WSB 4 114 11 2 2 42 43 5i 5l KoykG Mrs W Rosen 5565 41925 TACOMA WB 4 120 7 7 6 72 7l 83 64 PascupiaA J S Summers 1360 WSB 6 115 5 3 31 3 5h 7l RobertsonA Brookmeade Stable 2285 40277SCARCANTER WB 5 103 10 5 42 6 6 63 82 GoggiC J W Y Martin 4460 41127 MEMORY BOOK WB 10 115 1 4 9 9 lO lO30 9s BrooksS Louisiana Farm 1135 113541611ltMY 41611ltMY ECHO w 5 110 9 6 5 8 8i 92 1023 MannW A Jeanfreau 14740 34491 BRIGHT GRAY WSB 7 115 4 8 11 11 11 11 11 EricksonC Mrs L H Veitch 2465 fSeven pounds apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 24 49 116 142 250 Track fast 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i j in EXEMPLIFY 470 330 250 135 85 30 Mutuel Prices BOBS BOYS 390 320 95 60 I 60I NEBRASKA 430 115 115Winner Winner Br g by Gallant Sir La Lingerie by Light Brigade trained by Hirsch Jacobs bred by Mrs Sara Lee Sudduth Winner entered to be claimed for 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 448 OFF AT 449 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same EXEMPLIFY was shuffled back after the start but improved hisnosition after the first seveneighths raced close to the pace and entering the stretch drifted out but under pressure came again and then bumped BOBS BOYS in the last stride The latter forced the winner wide rounding the clubhouse turn saved ground enteiing the stretch and held on with good courage NEBRAKSA set the carly pace and had no mishaps in the running RAHANEE from a slow start finished fast NOTES showed a good effort TACOMA was never a factor The others wero outruir v Scratched 41611 Prima Donna 109