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Alphabetical Index to Entries A One 8th Suf SufAbashed Abashed 4th Aqu Abrupt 8th Det Ackwell 3d Det Active 9th LF Ad Lib 3d Aqu Afghanistan 1st LF Agnes S 7th FP Air Beauty 1st Det Air Raider 2d LJP Al au Feu 1st LJP Albino 9th Det Aletern 6th LF Aljack 1st FP All Talk 4tli Aqu All True 1st FP Amazed 2d Suf American Eagle 4th LF Aonbarr 5th LJ1 Appleknocker 4th Aqu Argella 1st Suf Arizona Ladyr8th FP Arjac 9th Det Attention 6th Aqu Autocrat 4th Aqu AquB AquBalloter B Balloter 8th Det Ballyarnett 5th FP Balmy Spring 2d Suf Bamboo Broom 2d FP Bank Note 3d Aqu Bankrupt 5th Aqu Bashful Duck 6th FP Basileus 7th LF Bastinado 7th Suf Bavarian 3d Aqu Be Calm 3d FP Beamy 2d LF Bell Buzzer 4th FP Bell Tower 8th Suf Belle dAmour 8th Aqu Best Reward 6th Det Best Seller 6th LF Beth B 2d LF Betty Main 9th LJ1 Bettys Bobby 7th Suf Big Bubble 2d FP Birch Rod 8th Aqu Bit o Brown 3d Det Bit OGreen 2d Suf Black Flame 2d LJP Black Grip 6th Suf Black One 2d LJ Black Raider 6th Det Blue Leona 1st Suf Bohemia 4th LF Boiled Shirt 2d Aqu Bolingbroke 7th Aqu Bon Jour 7th Det Bonnie Andrew 7th Det Boojum II 3d Aqu Book Plate 9th LJ1 Bosky Dell 9th Det Boston Lassie 7th FP Boston Victory 3d Suf Brave Marine 4th Aqu Braxton Bell 9th FP Broadcloth 4th LJ Bud Grey 4th Suf Bull Dandy 4th Aqu Bull Reigh SthAqu Burgaway 6th Suf Burnt Cork 5th LJP Bushwhacker 5th LF By Conscript 6th Det Bygones 2d Det Caduceus 7th Aqu Call to Colors 2d Det Camptown 6th Det Carbonate 3d FP Casemer 3d LJP Catalonia 7th FP Cavatorta 4th Suf Centuple 1st Suf Cherrydale 2d Suf Chicony 9th FP Chicwin 9th FP Chief Bud 2d Det Chocolate Maid 8th LF Choppy Sea 6th LJ1 Circus Wings 1st Suf Clamor Girl 2d Suf Clarksville 6th FP Cling 4th Suf Clip Clop 8th Det Col Teddy 6th Det Commencement 7th FJ Company Rest 2d Aqu Connachta 7th Suf Conrad Mann 7th Suf Constant Aim 1st LF Corrigan 3d Aqu Count Chat 3d Det Country Prince 9th FP Cowlan 4th Det Cruiser 1st Suf Cupid 3d Aqu Daily Trouble 6th LJ1 Dallas King 1st FP Dancing Duke 5th Det Darby Dean 3d Det Dark Mischief 2d Aqu David B Jr 3d LJ Dawn Attack 2d Aqu Defense 6th Det Dennis F 1st Det Des Grieux 8th FP Detroit Bull 1st Det Devil Diver 6th Aqu Devils Peak 8th FJ Dinner Horn 9th FJ Discussion 9th LJ1 Dispose 7th Det Dizzy B 7th Suf Dodge CityvSth Suf Dog Day 4th Suf Dogpatch 6th Det Doublrab 6th Aqu Doubter 1st FP Doubtful 6th FP Doug Brashear 9th LJP Dream Fox 2d LF Duty First 7th FP Easy Blend 2d Suf Elimar 2d Aqu Enlistee 4th LJP Epaminondus 1st LJ Epiget 8th LJP Eric Knight 6th Suf Essjaytee 8th FP Extra Base 4th Aqu AquF AquFabens F Fabens 9th FP False Card 9th FJ Feathery 1st LJ Finally 4th Det First Son th Suf Fishers Pet 9th LJ Flag Orland 1st Suf Flaming High 1st Suf Float Away 1st FP Fly the Coop 3d LJ Flying Dot 2d FP Flying Torpedo 2d Aqu Franks Boy 6th FJ Frederic n 3d Aqu Fort Ben 5th Det Four Eyes 7th Suf Gal Ann 2d FP Galactic 4th Aqu Galladon 3d FP Gallant Hour 2d Det Gallant Play 7th LF Gallee 6th Det Gay Youth 2d LJ Gingall 1st Suf Gold Mike 6th FP GoldPrincess 6th Det Good Daughter 4th Det Gossip Miss 2d Suf Gourmet 1st LJ Grace K 9th FP Grand Fortune 3d Suf Grand Party 2d Aqu Great Ripple 4th Aqu Great Rush 7th Aqu Grebe 7th Suf Gremlin 4th LJ Grey Wing 8th Aqu Gun Site 2d Suf Guy Fawkes 1st Suf SufH SufHaile H Haile 7th Aqu Half Time 1st FP Harv Aethel 4th FP Harvard Square 5th LF Hasteville 5th Aqu Hayai Tinty 1st Aqu He Man 7th LF Here Now 8th FP Hicomb 6th Suf Hickory Head 5th Aqu Hiddenite 8th FP High Harp 4th LJ Hippomenes 3d Suf Ho Hung 1st Suf Holdall 4th LF Home Wolf 2d Aqu Hopeville 2d Aqu Hover 2d Det Hugabit 4th Det Hughie L 4th Det Hydate 2d LF Hysterical 7th Det DetI DetIce I Ice Water 3d LF Ida Streng 9th LJ Isolde 2d Det DetJ DetJean J Jean Buttons 1st Aqu Jim Pat 5th FP Jimjofor 1st FP Jo Agnes 5th Det Jo Betty 2d Det Joans Tip 2d Aqu Joker Wild 2d FP Joss Stick 3d Det DetK DetK K K Dorko 6th Suf K Rounder 1st LJ KaiHi 8th LJ Kennebunk 3d Aqu Kenneth K 1st Det Kentown 9th LF Khaygram 5th FP King Epithet 3d FP Kingfisher 6th Suf Kings Mount 5th Det Knightfors 7th LJ LJL LJLactose L Lactose 8th LJ Lady Constance 9th FP Lady Eli 1st Aqu Lady Stardust 4th Det Lairds Cat 9th FP Lay away 5th LJ Lechlade 3d Aqu Letter V 6th FP Limitation 3d LF Linn Creek 4th FP Little Abner 8th Det Little Jack 9th FP Little Monarch 2d Suf Little Player 2d LF Little Slam 7th LJ Loretta Rice 7th LJ Lou ONeill 2d Suf Loustel 1st Aqu Lucky B 3d LJ Lydia K 9th Det DetM DetMad M Mad Anthony 1st Aqu Magnetism 1st Det Manhunt 8th FP Manila Bay 8th LJ Marcella K 3d LJ Mark 8th Aqu Market Wise 6th Aqu Marogay 2d Aqu Marriage 6th Aqu Mary Cardinal 8th FP Matchless 9th FP Maxiekin 6th FP Merry Bid 1st FJ Metropolitan 1st Aqu Millo 1st LF Miney 8th FP Miss Advice 3d FP Miss Ethel 6th FP Miss Militant 5th FJ Miss Valor 5th Det Mixer 6th Suf Mokablue 8th Suf Monks Memo 2d LJ More Wine 1st Aqu Morstep 1st Suf Moselem Moselemr7th = r7th LJ Mothers Girl 2d Det Mr Secretary 7th Suf My Porter 1st Det JVfy Reward 2d Det DetN DetNaniLeonai N NaniLeonai 9th LJ Nanny 2d LJ Nap 4th Aqu Neddie Lass 1st Suf Nightland 2d Aqu Nipsickle 8th Aqu No Dough 7th Suf Noodles 7th Suf 0 0O O K Mullen 6th FP Ocean Bound 3d Det Old Book 9th FP Orphan Toy 3d LJ Ossabaw 3d Aqu Our Blen 1st Suf Ovando 7th Suf Overdrawn 6th Det DetP DetPaircais P Paircais 8th Det Pairlet 9th FJ Panbroom 7th Det Pandisco 9th FP Panjab 8th LJ Par Avion 5th Suf Paragram 4th FP Pari King 8th Det Parlor Trick 8th FP Pat Morvich 9th LJ Pathfinder 7th Suf Paul Pry 8th Suf Peacharino 8th FP Peak Load 3d Suf Pennsburg 8th LJ Perisphere 8th FP Perplex 8th LJ Pete Jr 8th Det Phalamo 9th FP Pharatheen 8th Suf Pictor 6th Aqu Pig Tails 5th LJ Pinch Hitter 7th LJ Plantagenet 8th Aqu Pops Pick 5th Aqu Portage Trail 3d Suf Powerhouse 2d Aqu Praetorian 8th LJ Precb 2d PP Primarily 1st Suf Princequillo 7th Aqu AquQ AquQuakertown Q Quakertown 5th Suf Queen Kizzie 4th LF Queen Toke 9th FJ Quercus 1st LJ Quick Tool 2d LJ LJR LJRail R Rail Hawk 4th FP Ravenala 4th Aqu Red Horizon 1st Det Red Rebel 5th Det Redthorn 8th Aqu River Shannon 1st Suf Riverland 6th Aqu Riverlass 1st FJ Robins Crown 4th LF Rockwell 4th Suf Royal Nap 5th Aqu Royal Risk 8th LF Royal View 2d FP Russia 7th Suf Sales Talk 5th LJ Salto 6th Aqu Sam Houston 2d LJ Samborombon 6th Det Sammy Angott 4th LJ Satellite 3d Det Scotch Trap 2d Aqu Scots Bill 5th Det Scrooge 9th Det Season Call 9th Det Selmalad 5th Suf Shadoon 8th FJ Shadows Pass 5th Suf Shasta Man 2d LJ Shopper 4th FJ Shortening 8th Suf Shot Put 6th LJ Sight 2d Aqu Silver Sallie 8th FP Silver Wind 9th LJ Singing Torch 8th Aqu Sir Date 4th LF Sir War 8th Aqu Sixteen Cents 1st Aqu Skagway 2d FP Sky Pirate 9th FP Smoky Snyder 1st Suf Smolensko 1st Aqu Snickelfritz 2d LJ Snow Flower 1st FP Sollure 6th Suf Some Chance 6th Suf Song Master 8th LJ Song Spinner 1st LJ South Bound 8th LF Spare Parts 2d LJ Spiteful 8th Det Spring Drift 9th LJ Squaw Jane 7th FP Star Back 2d Det Star Chance 7th Suf Stellita 3d Suf StemWinder 1st Det Strolling Easy 5th Suf Stymie 1st Aqu Sun Pharos 5th FJ Sunsho 6th Suf Super 2d FP Supreme Ideal 7th Suf Sweep Swinger 7th Det Sweeping Time 1st Aqu Symmetry 9th Det DetT DetTake T Take Wing 6th LF Taking Ways 5th Suf Tenuous 1st LF Test Flight 4th Aqu Tetra Rock 2d Suf The Duck 4th Det Three Percent 6th Det Ticky Otis 9th LF Time Was 4th Det Tinys Choice 4th TJ Tippity 7th FP Tomluta 6th Det Tomochichi 2d Aqu Top Reward 5th Aqu Top Sergeant 8th Det Tower Maid 3d Det Tracer Bullet 3d Suf Tragic Ending 8th Aqu Traumelus 8th Det Trelawny 7th Det Trim Stepper 9th LF Ttennob 1st FP Twinkippy 5th Suf Two Kick 2d Suf Uncle Mose 7th LJ Urge Me 5th LF LFV LFVain V Vain Prince 6th Aqu Valdina Alpha 6th Suf Valdina Clown 4th LF Valdina Groom 6th LJ Valdina Orphan 6th LF Valdina Perion 4th LJ Valdina Senora 5th Det Valordor 9th LJ Van Hatter 8th FP Very True 2d LJ Victory Blue 4th Suf Votum 7th FP Voucher 2d Suf Wait a Bit 6th Aqu War Point 7th Suf Water Tower 3d FJ White Time 2d Aqu Wicked 1st LJ Wildebeest 2d Aqu Wilton 2d Det Winning Chance 2d FP Winnpearl 8th FJ Wise Colonel 2d Det Wise Moss 6th Det Wishihadagal 8th FP With Regards 6th Aqu AquY AquYank Y Yank Bomber 1st LJ Yesteryear 7th LF Youroff 2d LJ Zacapet 4th LJ