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Official Racing Charts __ Copyright, 1944, by Triangle Publications, Int. — _ Pimlico dALTIMORE. MD.. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26. 1944— PIMLICO 1 MILE. Thirteenth day of twenty-eight-c!av rreetmg April 12 to May 13. Joint meeting of Laurel. Havre de Grace. Bowie and Pimlico Associations, conducted by the Maryland Jockey Club. Automatic starling gate. Camera finish. Weather clear. . Racing starts at 12:00 m. Eastern War Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1943, :35: current meeting. .34. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries run as one; field horses individually. _ * Five pounds apprentice allowance claimed. + Five pounds apprentice allowance waived. | Disqualified. Efl Dead heat, a Coupled as entry. f Mutuel field. W Whip. S Spurs. B Blinker?. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Joe Ray, Oct. 30, 1942— 1:1035— 3— _____*«_ 110. Purse SI, 500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Non-winners of two 3 O O I / races. Weight, 120 lbs. Maidens allowed 8 lbs. Claiming price, April 26-44— Pirn ,500. Net value to winner ,100; second. 50 : third. 00; fourth, 50. Handle. 5,937. "IndeT 1 larae* Fqt A Wt PP St U ] 2 St r Fin Jockexs Owners Odd* Strt "56308 FAN FAN WJWII 1 l1 1*1 I1! la2 S Wall Mis E Trueman 3 90 mil AK1 BELLE wb115 12 1 26 2« 24 22 J Breen Mrs H S Horkheimer 350 43355 spi YTEN DlYVIL m 109 10 8 74 4* 3i ?2 N Bnajdo* W E Johnson 55.60 56398 QUARTET w 109 7 7 8* 8 62 ¥ H Mora H P Metralf 2.25 56308 RETANJAN b107 4 6 6l I2 bi, 52 F A Smith William Tarver 42.60 50174 ROY JAY wb109 612 10£ 92 ft] 6* E fro" her* Mrs L M Hansen 57.85 55837 CO-STAR wb112 110 1U 10h 15 U D Scocca M Put/ieer 69.65 66308 PHANATAM wb109 2 5 j 5" 8h U J Thomas Frank OKeefe 130.00 EMM NOW-ME wb 1099 4 * 32 U 9 W Kirk W W Walters 13.40 EM4I HOBBYS FIRST tmll5 3 3 54 || 103 MM L Bowers* H G Bedvvell 3- 5 63500 MTA ISAM w 104 8 9 12 12 llj II" A Snellgs* Mrs G Campbell 131.40 5298? JOYFUL ONE w 112 5 11 1*11*12 12 Clap Mrs V T Carter 1/5.20 Time, :22-*5. :473s . 1:165. Track good. , — Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to , . FAN FAN 9.80 4 80 3.80 3.90 140 .90 ki , « Mutuel Prices? army belle 4.50 3.70 125 .85 l SPUYTEN DUYVIL 14.40 6.20 "Winner B. f. by Ariel -Atterthought. by Mad Hatter, trained by E. Trueman : bred by Mereworth Fa ui Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 12:06. OFF AT 12:08; EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood troin stall eate. Won driving; second and third the same. FAN FAN. showing her usual early speed, took a dear advantage earlv and v.„s not seriously menaced while being kept to a mild drive to the end. ARMY BELLE raced close up throughout and had no mishaps. SPCYTF.N DlYVIL, very green in the eailv stage*, closed some ground and should benefit by this ontine. QUARTET lacked early speed and closed with a rash. BET AN J AN showed an een ettort. ROY JAY caught tired horses. PHANATAM had biicf speed. NOW ME was done alter half a mile. Scratched— 56103 Masked Ranger. 112: 66440 Got There. 110: 48051 Verily. 102; 50191 Lord Loudoun. 120. Overweight Spuvlen Duvvil, 2 pounds; Quartet. 2: Roy Jay. 2: Phanatam. 2; Now Me, 2$: Nita Jean. 2; Joyful One. 5. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. iJoe Ray, Oct. 30, 1942— 1:10*5— 3— -J HO. Purse S2.000. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Fixed weights. Weight, 5 _-____% O O I J 120 lbs. April 26-44 — Pirn Net va|ue to winner ,400; second. 00; third. 00; fourth, 00. Handle, 7.033. J„dt Horses Eqt A Wt PP St J4, *2 St r Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Strt "M01 ART BROWN W_HJ 1 V l« P I2 l1 F Zehrt J A Manfuso 5.50 55929 ANNF AGAIN wnll5 10 11 MR 8l 3 2* J Westrpe+ Mrs J W Stanley 10.05 56174 RAGGED RASCAL wb 120 3 3 P_r 2 « 2 3l L Knapp O S Howard 6 35 55173 YALD1NA INFANTw-lM 9 12 12 10 fcj 41! O Kirk F W Hooper 18.50 56271 TELL TALE « 120 8 9 b_ V _ 5* R Root Grotcm Stable 213.45 EMM* MORNING CHOKE w 115 5 8 8* 9 91 bi, L Bowers* Howard Bruce 190 56.398 STILL THERE w«115 2 6 6 41 •* _, R Arduini* A O Paul 170.55 50118 SUTTON PLACE v.b120 11 4 4 7 8h 81 J Tammaro J S PhiPPs 48.45 56398 MINSTREL i-ONG at 120 7 7 11" U1 101 92 M Basil* Miss Paxton Hickman 26.50 HP FIRST L-OOIE ub120 6 10 7 3Js 5»* 10:i J R Lavton Mrs D Shea 3.00 48532 MFND w 110 4 4 5J 5| ll1 11" A Miellgs* Mis A Boemmel 216.00 EBONY ACE wb120 12 2 3h 12 12 12 A Pram T A Sears 56.35 Time. :235. :482$. 1:15%. Track good. , — Mututls Paid — N , Odds to s _k , . . /ART BROWN 13.00 7.40 5.60 5.50 2.70 1.80 Mutuel Prices? anne again 9.90 6.30 3.95 2.15 I RAGGED RASCAL * 5.20 1.60 Wmi Mr B. c bv Aneroid-True b Dis Done, trained bv D. K. Kerr; bred by Mr. J. A. Manfuso. WENT TO POST— 12:40. OFF AT 12:41 EASTERN WAR TIME. str.rt good from siall gate. Won driving; sv MM and third the same. ART BROWN assumed command »t one under MStKag tacti.s, held sway under a well judged lide and won under punishment. ANNE AGAIN. in. able to keep up early, came between rWrtfl to reach contention on the turn and finished fastest. RAGGED RASCAL fcned the pace of the winner for lie luilongs and then tired badly. YALDINA INFANT dosed With a rush after being badly outrun. TELL TALE clotei some kiound. MORNING CHOICE failed to menace. SUTTON PLACE was done early. FIRST LOOIE. off slowly, offered contention midway of the turn and tiicd thereafter. MEND quit. Scotched— Positive Miss. 115: 56308 Bomb Doily. 115: Promenader. 120: 56398 Adelphia. 120. Doily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 5.20— Double Pooi, 4,362 THIRD FACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Hasteville. April 27. 1942— :52:5— 2— 110. - _C 1 A Purse SI. 800. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Fixed weights. 5_. O O I ** Weight, 116 lbs. April 26-44 — Pim Net vaiuc t0 wmner S1.250: second. 00: third. 50: fourth, 00. Handle. 94.942 Ji,ri*x Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Ji St i Fin Jorkejs Owners Odd« _ Strt "fc643b IP IN TIME vlH 2 1 1J V3 1 r FAS m ith G H Bwtwidi 1330 EH42 LlBRA wr116 10 6 7i 5s 2i R Adair Cedar Farm 5.45 WOt* GlNOKlM wnll6 4 2 2A V 3 D Scocca S H Regcri 4.05 bfASt PIQUANT w 116 ft 8 5* 4 41 C KiA Greentree Stable 2.30 KM2* ROBINS CHARM mill 5 3 3 3| c:: L Bowers* F W Hooper 3.85 hKM. PRAUDI ROSE vh116 8 10 t1 6 61 f Bieen Mrs D P Barrett 131.75 VAMPIRE w 116 7 11 % 8» 71 H t laeeett J S Phipps 47.20 RHtt LINDA M. w 116 3 9 11 92 F F /ehr M Marnior tein 7.25 55649 MARGINS wr116 6 4 4 1* 91 M Basile DL Williams 219.35 E63K PONAMAU wB116 1 5 B* Mr» W_ 4 R LaytM 0 L Bonifav 91.45 BHGAV » 116 11 7 10 11 11 J WeMrope Bobanet StaUl 51.50 Time. :24. :4925. :565. Track good. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to n __ _ ir»- UP !N TIME 28.60 17.40 5.00 13.30 7.70 1.50 Mutuel rricesj lubra 6.60 4.10 2.30 1.05 I GINOKUM 3.80 .90 R tier B. t. b Milkman TimeK. by Hili Time, tnjaed l v F. Slate; bred b Mrs. W. Plunket Stewart. WENT TO POST— 1:05. OFF AT 1:051, EASTERN WAR TIME. Start tood from stall cate. Wo;i drivins; wwj and third the same. IP IN TIME, lu-hed into the lead, lii ■urid to the stretch, diilted out sNfhtl .:nd was kept under piessure to hold LlBRA ~ate. The lattt . ;iifrfi on.tlv best, i.iced wide while improv in l! her position .till w..s overtaking the wmner. GINOKUM fi n d tl pace of tlie winner to tlie eighth post and then tned. PIQlANT was close to the leaders, but failed to lally when placed to pressure. ROBINS HARM tired ba«ll. MARGUS showed brief speed. The others 1 i r .„.h prominence. Scratched— Tie Me. 116; Guernsey Isle. 116: Connies Girl. 116: Brides Biscuit, 116: Pikers Bid, 116. FOlRTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of hutei. Joe Ray. Oct. 30. 1942— 1 :10:5— 3— r • f -I r 110. Paul Jones Purse. Purse S2.500. 4-year-olds and upward. «/ U U J Allowances. Xon -winners of two races other than maiden or April 26-44— Pim claiming at any time. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of S3,500 allowed 3 lbs.: one race since October 8. 6 lbs.; maidens, 9 lbs. Net value to winner SI. 650: second. 00: third. S250: fourth. 00. Handle. 12,308. fades H. rses Erii A Wt PP S h % Mr Fm Ie«keys Owners Odds Strt !■] QL1LLON w4114 4 3 1*1* 1 1* C KM Chrtiana Stable TfjO GMSI GALLANT MKHw4112 2 1 » 2 2* 2* J R Lavton FAPia.ulli 5.00 62 -?* EA FROLIC wb4 109 5 5 5» 4* and_ 3« L Knapp C S Howard 5.40 ASTRAL w«4111 1 4 P Sj 4- 41 .1 Thomas 1 A Manfuso 67.60 SS4rJ0 NYLEVE mSltf 3 6 e1 S| 5» 5:" W Rudert* Mrs Every* Searth 1990 Uand2 CHALLEDONNA m A 105 7 2 4» fc V_V L Bowers* W L Brann 12.65 EUSO* ALPINE KING w 4 114J 6 7 7 7 7 7 .1 Tammaro J H Watters 24 85 Time. :232B. :485. 1:14. Track fast. r- Mutuels Paid- , Odds to » Dr:«c 0UILL0N 3.20 2.60 230 .60 .30 .15 M„l.,,a UlUel rriCeSi GALLANT WITCH 3.70 2.90 .85 45 I SEA FROLIC 2 80 .40 Winner B. e. b. Sir Gallahad HI l. mi Mullei, farj Pti.i,„i,t. tia:..e.i 1 J. A. Heale ; bred bv Mr. R. 1* Fairfajra. WENT TO POST— 1:35. OFF AT 1:36 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start t«od ticm Mall tale. Won driMiir/; liwd and third the sd,o«. tjllLLON raced on the outside of GALLANT WITCH while nakinc the pace. wa« I. aid ndden 111 the datJMj test aad held on [Sill J to outlast GALLANT W IT H. The latter aed Kiound wide IK if with the pace and had no mishaps. SEA FROLIC l"l"i" « BWitin eiadually and a 1 et el the other. ASTRAL slowed icod *peed all the way, was lianf rfclaVi ic 1eia.11 an inside position on the badestretcfe »r.o was tak*n up when QUILLON aad GALLANT Wren rnndii him. Ovuweiel.t Cfcaledaaaa, 1 aeaaad; Afaiwi hit, and! . FIFTH RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS. Hasteville, April 27, 1942— : 52%— 2—11*. c / / 1 / Thirty-First Running ABERDEEN STAKES. ,000 Added. 2- __? . year-olds. Allowances. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races April. 26-44 — Pim other than claiming since April 1 allowed 3 lbs.; two such races at any time, 5 lbs. Net value to winner S5.350; second. SlfOOO: third, 00: fourth, 60. Handle. 23.839. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odd Strt 564001 FLYING BRIDGE w 115 4 2 3l 3* 1£ G Smith Mrs W W Adams 4To 56954* HOOP JR. wll5 6 4 23 li 2» C Kirk F W Hooper 7 25 56354 TIMELESS wb117 5 1 1* 21 3s J West rope Mrs Colin MacLeod 45 56354 DON CHANCE wb117 2 3 4i 41 4"k H Claeeett W A Coleman 13 75 56354- SHAKO w 115 15 5h 6 5** J Tammaro S W Labrot 35 ft5 56436 IN THE PI RPLE m 112 3 6 6 51 6 J Breen Brookfield Farm 26 25 Time, :23%, :48, :55. Track fast. /— Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to , I l» • PLYING BRIDGE 11.40 5.50 2.60 4.70 175 30 Ms. utuei rricesi hoop jr 6.00 2.50 2.00 25 * TIMELESS 2.20 .18 Winner — Ch. c. by Infinite — Adiiante. by Swift and Sure, trained by G. Alexandra; bred by Mr. I. K. Haemn. Jr. WENT TO POST— 2:06. OFF AT 2:07 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall r»ate. Won driving; second and third the same. FLYING BRIDGE, unable i« keep up early, moved around the leaders to reach contention, lesponded to pressure in the stretch and. sseaeiaf down HOOP JR , won goine away. HOOP JR. disposed of TIMELESS to take command entering the *ti«t h, held on gannh. but could not hold the winner. TIMFLFSS showed good speed to take command early, appealed to be tiring when he stumbled inside the three-sixteenths post and could not get up thereafter. DON CHANCE was going along with the leaders when he was pinched back leaving the backstretib. SHAKO was nexer a factor. IN THE PURPLE showed nothing. SIXTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Joe Kay, Oct. 30, 1942— 1:10s 5—3— C /: Z l 7 110. Enver Bey Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. J u O Non-winners of two races other than maiden or claiming at any April 26-44— Pim time. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of ,500 at any time or ,000 twice in 1944 allowed 4 lbs.; of ,200 twice at any time or ,500 at any time. 8 lbs.; one race of any value since October 8, 12 lbs.: of 00 since September 21, 15 lbs.; maidens, 18 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,650; second, 00; third. 50; fourth, 00. Handle, 23,835. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt 54. ]2 Str Fin Jecheyi Owners Odd Strt 56312 JOEY B. wnll4~ 8~4 3£ ?; 2a F J West rope Charles R Fleischman 535 56486 DECLARED wb114 6 9 7h 7* 62 2»» .1 Breen W L Brann 3 65 56312 HEYORTA wb 1055 3 4" 4£ 4J 3h W Rudert Mrs R Feinberg 5 25 56312* TINCHEL w 107 3 1 2 H 1* 42 F A Smith Mrs L Van 415 555033 RENE B. wb104 7 5 5£ 51 51 54 R Arduini* Mrs R H Heighe 3 80 55982 CHANGE HERE wb114 9 8 fcj 6l I2 b_, P Roberts R A Patrick 37 35 56312 HIPPOMENES wa 109 2 2 1* 2 A 3* 7 J L Bowers* H G Bedwell 14 95 51261 QUESTION MISS wb 103 J, 4 7 8»J V 8« 83 H laggett B F Christmas 39 00 56145 BLCE AND GREY wb 109 16 9 9 9 9 F Zehrt Bomar Stable 14 30 Time, :23, :4745, 1:144£. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to H * I D * J0EY B 127° 7.50 3.90 5.35 2.75 .95 Mm. UTUel rriCeS? DECLARED 5. SO 4.10 1.80 105 t HEYORTA 3.70 85 Winner — Dk. br. g. by Flying Scot — Love TrW. by Trvster. tiained by T. Bonham : bred t Mr. J. C. Carrick. WENT TO POST— 2:36. OFF AT 2:36 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start eood from stall gate. Won driving: second and thiid the »ame. JOEY B., in the first Right from the start, took over the lead when TINCHEL laltered entering the stretch and, diawing clear, won under hand riding. DECLARED, outrun early, improved his position on the outside and finished fastest. HEYORTA saved ground, was in close quarters briefly and then held on well. TINCHEL wis outnin by HIPPOMENES. took the lead when the latter faltered and then tired in the closing eighth. RENE B. showed nothing. HIPPOMENES quit to a walk after showing early speei]. Scratched— 55139 Zuna, 114. Overweight — Heyorta. 34; pounds: Question Miss. lj. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Shuffle Along. Nov. 3, 1923— 1:42H t / / i o — 3 — 110. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight. 118 lbs. . . Winners since April 10, 2 lbs. extra. Non-winners twice in 1944 April 26-44 — Pim allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner .100; second, 50; third. 00; fourth, 0. Handle. 24,115. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 34 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds Mrt 56440 ELCAM w 108 5 2 5l 44] 2 V ll P Roberts S A Cooper Jr 3~90 564042 BARK wbIIO 7 5 3A. 5l 5£ 31 23 H Claggett W P Wetherall 3 00 Haw EXPOSE w 113 3 7 8 8 7" 61 3" F A Smith L A Winslow 7 35 56139 FELT HAT wb113 2 1 li l2 lh 21 4* F Zehr Yincent Cicero 2 65 56140 STROLLING LEE wb108 4 6 7+7* 6s 53 5* A Snellgs* J E Crider 24.00 6139 D1SRO wb115 8 4 43 3i 41 41 62 R Root E B Carpenter li 05 56308 PILGRIM wb105 6 3 21 23 1and 7« L Bowers Phillip Godfrey 45 80 56404 PERANDRA «b105 l 8 61 61 8 8 8 D Scocca II W Fielding 5 75 Time. :23%, :483s, 1:163$, 1:452*. 1:50. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . a - in* ELCAN 9.80 4.60 3.60 390 1.30 80 /Viuiuel rricesi bark 3.80 3.00 9c 50 EXPOSE 4.10 105 Winner Ro. f. bj St. Elmo II. — Miss Canron. by Catalan, trained by P. Lindsey; bred by Mis W. W. Yaughan. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:05. OFF AT 3:06 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from si all gate. Won driving: setond and third the aine. ELCAN, unhurried while lose to the leaders, moved around FELT HAT to take command with ease and then responded well when shaken up to hold BARK safe. The latter, much the best, was eased back repeatedly when in close SjBarteri on the inside, took to the outside entering the stretch and was overtaking the winner. EXPOSE, hack . utiun early, closed with a rush. FELT HAT. away fast, quit badly in the final quarter. DISRO moved wg earn ami then faltered. PILGRIM was done after half a mile. Claimed— Felt Hat by M. Gilbert for ,500. I EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS. Shuffle Along, Nov. 3, 1923— 1:42 C 4,1 1 Q — 3 — 110. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. J U U I 7 Weight, 116 lbs. Winners in 1944. 2 lbs. extra for each rate won. April 26-44— Pim Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000. allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner SI. 100; second. S250: third, 00; fourth. 0. Handle, 36,150. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St J4 52 ?i StrFiai Jockevs Owners Od.i« Strt 56483 OCR~bTeN u7"5l20_ 1 1 81 82 I* 2_ 1% C Kirk C E Nelson MB ■ 52729 M1I.KVMOON wb5111 3 8 7j 6 3i l1 2l aVaareV W E Johnson 53J0 156439 SCARCANTER ub6118 2 12 12 11s 104 71 3:5 I WestrasM W P Wetherall 2.4| 56490 CONQUEROR III ub 6 116 54 5» 5» 6 61 4 L Knapp J H Stotler 11 10 55843 NORDMEER w 5 116 9 6 4 1* 1| 3 5| J R Lavton I G Leaser Jt a-5.T5 53561 STRANA w 4 103 4 2 3M 4£ 4J 61 R Areassai* P Bertini W5J5 56483 ROSY MAN ml 113 6 10 6l P 21 5 72 L Bearers* J P Harris 95 S840 LER-UM wb 6 108 11 9 103 104 9£ % V A Snellgs* Mrs L M Hansen 155.50 56351 SOMEWHERE wb 4 111 12 7 9;J a* 11* 11* 9« F Zehr V H 10 35 48c17 MANGO wb4113 8 5 21 21 8 B!_ 102 P Roberts H H Senger 268 90 56437 MICHAEL ORIS w 4 109 7 3 l1 ii, 7 I0J ll2 E C.owther fn RialiBi a-5.15 56350 BROOK1E BOY w 711410 11 11* 11 12 12 12 J Tammaro Mrs E R Routt UM Coupled: a Noidmeer and Michael Orin. Time, :24. :4925. 1:1635. 1:45. 1:4945. Track fast. / — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to 1 ■ _ . OUR BLEN 8.70 6.30 3.80 3.35 2 15 90 M. utuei rricesi milkymoon 28.80 12.20 13.40 t 10 I SCARCANTER 3.00 5C Winner B. g. by Blenheim— Our Patty, by Brown Bud. trained by P. Brady; bred by Mr. Join E. Hughes. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 3:36. OFF AT 3:37 EASTERN WAR TIME. Start good from tall gate. Won driving; secaeMJ and third the sjivc OCR BLEN was allowed to Settlt into stride, took to the outside when moving up and, wearing down MILKVMOON, won in the fin* eighth. The latter, taken up when STRANA came over, moved into contention giadually, took command in tlie stretch, but tired near the tiriish. SCARCANTER, badly outnin early, circled the entire field and was going best at the end. CONQUEROR III., well placed throughout, tailed to respond. NORDMEER look the lead when MICHAEL ORIN faltered, but tired. STRANA quit. Bl Y MAN propped at the start, wa s, , t into contention entering the stretch and tired thereafter. MANGO quit badlv. MICHAEL ORIN tiied early. Scratched— 56439 Grand Venture, 108: 56224 Elkton. 118: 563142 Ticky Otis, 111; 56490 Big Jack. 116. Overweight Michael Orin. 1 pound: Biookie Bo. If. Claimed— Our Blen by W. M. Tarver for ,250. Attendance, 12,582 Paid; Total Mutuel Handle, 92,521