6th Aqu, Daily Racing Form, 1944-06-12

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6th Aqu 78 MILE Out of Chute Wait a Bit Aug 30 1943 122 4 109 Gotham Handicap 5000 Added 3yearolds Chart Book Todays TodaysDal Index No Horse Dal Track Rec Wt Wt 58166 Lucky Draw 126 565092 Seeing Eye 112 112FeM4 57464 Stymie FeM4 Hia 126 116 116 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 58341 Doegonc X105 58679 By Jimminy 116 uuirvy 1iuw I AVP Breeder George D Widener 1944 2 200 28911 Owner G D Widener Trainer W F Mulholland 1943 10 4 2 1 29700 May2444GBeI 1 18 152 m 35 4119 7 I2 1 1J LgdcnJ HcpS 77 BoundingHome 110Coowl06Hoodoo 9 Apr22446Jam lAl46ft 65 f26 5 I1 1 I3 LgdenJio HcpS 80 BroadGrin 126Hoodoo 126FreeLance 10 Novl2436Pim liV l48ft Il5efll6 4 33 2i 4 ArcaroE Stks 70 Platter RolPnceligDirecrJE 9 Km 6435Pim l70145ft 654122 5 2J 33 5 i McCrryC2 Stks 71 RoyalPrince 120TIieMan 113Stymie 10 Octl6434Jam 34 lllsy 65 4126 4 22 24 22i McCrryC Stks 91 BlkBge 118SwgTimell2Skytracer 10 Oct 2432Bel 6 f we l17sy 2 4122 4 1153 44 34 McCrryC Hep 83 DceTcam 115StirUp 113Bcllwcthcr 20 June 8 Bel Imft l46h June 6 Bel 1m ft l50b June 1 Bel 1m ft l41h l41hCaainn Caainn Porterjceiiiy FiP 1 1 O B c 3 by Bull Dog Owena by The Porter jceiiiy iyc z Breeder Coldstream Stud 1944 7 420 19680 19680Ownre Ownre G Z Carranza Trainer J Z Sharp 1943 15 423 6480 Apn23447Mex 6480Apn23447Mex 1 14 2056ft 3Je 105 6 4 410 215 McCownDS Hep GDaltonlSO RidingL 110 Denverll 11 11Apd644 Apd644 Mex 5 f l05ft 2 4112 64 33 1 McCownD5 Alw EvenBrcakllO Tangazo 115 Kiosk 7 7Manl9447Mex Manl9447Mex 1 18 l52ft 3i 117 5 4 22 li McCownD6 Stks Espionacll7 NsAiile 111 D JcseH 9 9Mac Mac 544 Mex Tl39 ft 1 4123 3 2 2 515 McCownDS Stks NursesA 112Espionage lllWarG 9 9Febl3447Mex Febl3447Mex 34 112 ft 45 4112 3 43 21 I1 McConD Hep EnBreakll2JohyHolt 117SaFish 7 Jan29447Mcx 5i fl Sft 32 118 4 2 24 1U McCownD3 Hep DRaider 118MRapidol05AMMar 5 5June June 7Jam 38 ft 39b June 4 Jam 12 ft 52b June 1 Jam 12 ft 52b 52bSfvmip Jlllllc Sfvmip 11 f Ch c 3 by Equestrian Stop Watch by On Watch IO Breeder King Ranch 1944 13 233 16110 Owner Mrs E D Jacobs Trainer H Jacobs 1943 28 4 8 4 15 935 Mayl344GPim lftl59ft 23 126 7 6 65i 612 RobcrtsP ScwS 72 Pensive 126 Platter 126 Stir Up 7 Api29447Pim 1 l46gd75 114 8 42 42 4 JemasN AhvS 76 Grampslmage 114Pensive 116GayBit 8 Apr2244Mam 1A l44ft 8 126 8 52i 22 23 StoutJ2 HcpS 87 Stir Up 126 Autocrat 126 Pukka Gin 8 Apd8445Jam 170 l43ft 185 113 8 2h 13 1 StoutJ Alw 86 OlycZcnh 120FiStickyl03SwgTime 9 Apdl445Jam 1A 146 ft 65 4110 4 33 2i 25 LgdcnJ2 HcpO 76 Grey Wing 116SugRatnl02Trierrch 4 Mac4447Hia ll8152ft 5 116 9 65J 22 lh AdamsJ2 Alhv 74 FircSticky 103SideBoyllOBullWeed 9 June 9 Jam 78 ft l28h June 6 Jam 34 ft l15h June 3 Jam 58 ft l02h l02hI DoddOne X 1 05 Br f3 by Bu D ° 9 At Top by American Flag I lJ Breeder Coldstream Stud 1944 6 2 1 1 55100 Owner R A Coward Trainer R A Coward 1943 22 3 2 5 7 000 May2644cBcl 34mc l13 l13m m 6i 111J 6 66 54i 610 PermaneR2 Alw 69 GoodThing 112BoilingOn 113Lcaving 8 Fcbl644FG 170 147 sy 4 107 3 li li 1 BaileyW Hep 73 Evergct ibaLyWterloollSTficCrt 9 Febl244FG 118154 ft 9Je 112 8 9 64 473 BaileyWS Stks 65 OlyicZnith 117GyBitl20Wcyhke 11 Feb 544 FG 1A 148 ft 95 106 6 34 2h 2 BaileyWS AlwD 74 GeorgcCase 117CoriReadll3Sunnip 8 Jaa2944 = FG 34 l13ft 85 4111 3 45 31 14 DodsonDO AlwD 85 HhHarp 108DyDltonl20GOrPhn 10 Jan20446FG 34 l13ft Bs 116 3 22 lh 3i StrangeB3 Alhv 84 Evcrget HgVaZnithlWCapnEdie 7 June 7 Bel 12 ft 51b May 24 Bel38 ft 39h May 19 Bel34 ft l13h l13hBv uy Bv jmmmy Jimmlnv Sk t 1 MD 1 Br c 3l by Pharamond II Buginarug by Blue Larkspur Breeder Idle Hour Stock Farm 1944 4 1 1 0 5910 Owner A P Parker Trainer J W Smith 1943 10 232 18485 May30445Bel 34mc lllft 754121 5 43 44 42 YoungS5 HcpO 86 RodyStonel21Freczout 115Skytraccr 5 May20446Bcl 1 138 ft 195 126 6 32 22 23 YoungS3 ScwS 81 WGsThcre 126BoyKnitl26BgHoe 13 Mayl644cBel 34mc lllft 235 118 6 64 43 I2 AtksonT6 HcpO 89 Ravenala 111 Jimmie 115 Stronghold 7 Apd544cCD 341llgd 5 111 3 68 55i 511 AdamsJ0 HcpS EO RomnSox 108AmLightll4CorCora 7 Nov 343GPim 1A l47m 5 ll9 3 2J li 2 GivensCS Stks 76 Platter 119Smolenskol22BlackGang 8 Oct22435Pim 34 l13ft 85 4120 5 3 I 3i I3 GivensCS Alhv 83 Dustman 117 Vim 117 Edemee 11 June 8Bcl Imft l42h June 6 Bel 78 ft l20h May 29 Bel 38 ft 36h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1944061201/drf1944061201_15_2
Local Identifier: drf1944061201_15_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800