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Detroit DETROIT MICH SATURDAY JUNE 10 1944 FAIR GROUNDS 1 MILE Nineteenth day of jevcnty threeday meeting May 20 to August 12 Detroit Racing Association Automatic starting gate Camera finish Weather cloudy Racing starts at 430 p m Eastern War Time Saturdays and Holidays 215 p m Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1943 37 current meeting 31 Daily Double first and second races Entries and field horses run as one Five pounds apprentice allowance claimed JTen pounds apprentice allowance claimed tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived E Disqualified FDHl Dead heat aCoupled as entry fMutuel field W Whip S Spurs B Blinkers FIRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of AH July 25 1942 109 olds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners since May 19 allowed June 1044 Det 3 its Claiming price 1000 1000Net Net value to winner 1000 second 250 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St JA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 59032 ANOPHELES WB9118 31 2 2 24 l3 J Adams White Spot Farm 610 58821 ERIN TORCH wB11118 42 1 I2 1 2 J R Layton Grissom Sherman 385 58707 DOLL BABY WB 6 113 2 3 31 4 3 Z D Scurlock G Joseph 605 58707 SPREAD EAGLE WB 5 108 6 5 52 5 53 41 M Little A Trout 475 58105 HADATIME wB5108 74 4 3 4 53 S Brumfd A Wellman 0 58587 JUANITA M w 5 112 5 7 6J 7 7 6 B Thopson W II Bishop 3220 592843 BAYTREE BBERw3105 16 7 62 6b 7 M Caffarla T C Mclrose 760 Time 24 48 115J Track mtfddy mtfddyi i 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 UtAl D o ANOPHELES 1420 560 320 610 180 GO GOiVlUtuel iVlUtuel rnceSj 25I ERIN TORCH 340 250 70 25 I DOLL BABY 330 65 Winner 65Winner Ch g by Sting Studious by Vulcain trained by M Barton bred by Mr Willis Sharpc Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 WENT TO POST 221 OFF AT 221J EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won ridden out second and third driving ANOPHELES not unduly urged while ERIN TORCH set the pace reached the latter in the drive and was drawing away under steady handling at the end ERIN TORCH put to urging to extend advantage shortened stride in the stretch possibly laboring somewhat in the footing DOLL BABY raced on the inside and had no mishaps SPREAD EAGLE lacked speed HADATIME was taken all over the track and finished on the outside Scratched outsideScratched 59036 Call to Colors 115 59036 Moonlite Bobby 115 115Overweight Overweight poundsClaimed Juanita M 2 pounds Claimed Spread Eagle by Frank Forestiere for 1000 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of AH July 25 1942 109 olds 108 Ibs older I18 lbs Nonwinners since May 19 allowed T June 1044 Det 3 ibs in 1944 6 lbs Claiming price 1600 if for 1500 allowed 2 lbs if for 1400 5 lbs Net value to winner 1000 second 250 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds fl Strt 59515 DOCTOR REDERws 5 113 62 31 1 I3 12J M Caffarla San Mateo Stable 3 05 58923 SOBRIQUET wB6108 13 3 2 22 2 M Little J C F Martin 75 590362 ARIDISICAL w 5 113 4 4 4h 4 3 33 C Biancof D Lewis 385 58714 PARABOLOID WB 5 111 2 1 2 3 42 46 G McLeod C W Williamson 4i30 58711 SHASTA MAN wB5105 35 6 6 51 5 J BerzJ G Joseph 530 58821 CAHORS w 4 113 575Time 5 6 52 52 6 6 J R Layton F Forestiere 575 Time 233 47 114 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 DOCTOR REDER 810 400 270 305 100 35 55I SOBRIQUET 470 310 135 55 I ARIDISICAL 290 45 Winner 45Winner Blk h by Zacaweista Dark Rose by Light Brigade trained by J Inzelone bred by Mr Phil T Chinn Winner entered to be claimed for 1600 1600WENT WENT TIMEStart TO POST 2541 OFF AT 254J EASTERN WAR TIME Start good from stall gate Won ridden out second and third driving DOCTOR REDER outsprintrd his opposition was never endangered and finished with speed in reserve SOBRIQUET closest after three eighths tired in the drive ARIDISICAL without sufficient racing room early was eased to the outside and finished strongly PARABOLOID fell back after threeeighths SHASTA MAN and CAHORS showed nothing nothingScratched Scratched 57903 Traumelus 112 58278 Very Fair 112 58711 Gallant Laddie 112 Overweight 112Overweight poundClaimed Paraboloid 1 pound Claimed Sobriquet by E M Doumani for 1600 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 4970 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 C Q O Q 3 111 Purse 2000 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3year J 7 O 7 O oldSj 108 lbs older 118 lbs Nonwinners since May 19 allowed June 1044 Det 3 ibs Claiming price 2600 if for less 2 lbs allowed for each 150 to 2150 Net value to winner 1400 second 350 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 59145 COFFEEMAN wn6115 93 3 2 22 1 P Roberts J Abplanalp 330 58451 CONNAUGHT WB 7 118 8 2 63 4J 11 23 J R Layton Mrs L Goldstine 230 57906 SPEEDWAY wB5113 5 9 8 72 43 3 J Adams H W Stable 3220 59517 OLD SILK wB3102 65 4h 31 3 4 C Bianco D Lewis 2850 58822 SPARE ROOM vB4104 3 8 54 6 7 5 J MalphsJ D B Carpenter 860 58822 LADY REBECCA WB 4 105 2 4 2i 53 5 63 J Berz Grissom Sherman 3 0 58708 BOLD LUCY WB 5 103 7 1 1 lh 6 73 M Little L Dilger 765 58365 STELL w5111 17 7 83 8 ° 8s G McLeod Clarion Farm 3sO 59145 KING VICTORY WB 4 115 46 9999 D Scurlock F J Wiles 30 Time 30Time 24 47 114 Track muddy muddyr r 12 Mutuels Paid x Odds to 1 1Mutuel Mutuel Pricesf I 3I iSSTr If 118 5 ° 3 SPEEDWAY 460 l30 Winner l30Winner B g by Ladysman Coffee Cup by Whichone trained by C Sanborn bred by Mr Henry H Knight Winner entered to be claimed for 2600 2600WENT WENT TO POST 324J OFF AT 326 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same COFFEEMAN within striking distance from the start moved up on the outside rounding the far turn and drew clear from CONNAUGHT in the last few strides The latter hard put to overhaul BOLD LUCY was not good enough to withstand the winner SPEEDWAY passed tiring horses OLD SILK had no excuses SPARE ROOM raced in spot LADY REBECCA flattened out BOLD LUCY quit under pressure Scratched pressureScratched 59518 Hughie L 115 42765 St Djsmas 109 58926 Frisky Spirit 115 Overweight 115Overweight Old Silk 2 pounds Spare Room 4 Lady Rebecca 2 Stell 1 FOURTH RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Shiny Penny June 6 1942 52 2 109 59897 Saline Handicap Purse 3000 2yearolds 2yearoldsJune June 1044 Det Net vaue to wnner 2150 second 500 third 250 fourth 100 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys 58582 FIGHTING STEP wl2 6 4 2 12 J Adams Murlogg Farm 59147 QUINTERO wsll6 3 8 3 2h G Burns J C Ellis 59147 AGRARIANU wl6 7 5 I1 3 C Mojena J L McKnight 58452 REGAL MAID wsllO 8 7 43 45 D Scurlock F Forestiere 54822 GOOD QUEEN w 108 4 3 7 5i P Roberts C C Boshamer 59147 SOME BID walOS 2 2 54 62 M Calvert W S Payne 58710 ARTILLERIST wnl09 1 1 6h 7i J Fox Hogan Jones 58452 FAFF wl2 5 6 8 8 B Thopson W H Bishop Time 23 48 545 Track muddy Continued on Page Twelve Detroit Continued from Paoe Two r2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 in FIGHTING STEP 410 280 240 105 40 20 Mutual Prices 55I QUINTERO 550 310 175 55 I AGRARIANU 290 45 45Winner Winner Ch c by Fighting Fox Stepinanna by Misstep trained by C C Norman bred by Mrs R J Murphy Miss Kellogg KelloggWENT WENT TO POST 355 OFF AT 356J EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same FIGHTING STEP held in light restraint to the far turn moved with a rush when called upon and got up in the final stages QUINTERO away slowly slipped through alcng the rail when the leaders swung wide entering the stretch appeared to be moving to command but could not meet the winners charge AGRARIANU contributed to SOME BIDS downfall took over under pressure swerved entering the stretch and lost the advantage REGAL MAID and GOOD QUEEN could never threaten seriously SOME BID gave way under pressure ARTILLERIST was briefly prominent prominentScratched Scratched 591471 Misweet 105 591473 Dimit 111 111Overweight Overweight Fighting Step 2 pounds Faff 2 FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 C Q o g o 3 111 BELLE ISLE HANDICAP Purse 7500 3yearolds 3 O 7 O anj UpWardJune UpWard June 1044 Det Net value Wjnner 5000 to second 1500 third 750 fourth 250 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St J4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 58453 BLACK BADGE wB3117 2 4 2 23 22 12 J Adams A Hirschberg 58453 AMBER LIGHT WB 4 118 1 6 4h 32 33 2 P Roberts Dixiana 58824 NAVY CROSS WB4115 53 1 I1 1 33 M Caffarla J McShane 595182 MISS ADVICE WB 4 100 6 2 51 4 41 j 4 M divert J L McKnight 59287 DARBY DLTON WB 3 99 4 1 66 5 53 H Hart Mrs B Hernandez 1130 58926 GOLDEN MAN w 4 109 3 5 3 5 6 6 G Burns George Krehbiel 1835 1835Time Time 23 46 113 Track muddy muddyr2 r2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i j in f BLACK BADGE 480 250 240 140 25 20 Muruel r rices AMBER LIGHT 250 220 25 10 NAVY CROSS 240 20 Winner 20Winner Blk c by Cohort Pennant Girl by Rire aux Larmes trained by F E Childs bred by Mr Horace N Davis DavisWENT WENT TO POST 425J OFF AT 426 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won ridden out second and third driving BLACK BADGE away alertly and under a good hold while closest to NAVY CROSS was steered around the latter rounding the far furn and under driving tactics drew clear AMBER LIGHT off slowly came forward on the outside and although unable to catch the winner showed a good effort NAVY CROSS set the pace under pressure and simply was not good enough MISS ADVICE and DARBY DOULTON were outdistanced GOLDEN MAN raced forwardly for fivesixteenths then dropped back backScratched Scratched 597722 Hard Pone 100 591483 Likeasnot 107 107Overweight Overweight Darby Doulton 4 pounds Golden Man 1 SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Myrtlewood Aug 22 1936 143 4 122 r g o n n Mackinac Handicap Purse 4000 3yearolds and upward upwardJune June 1044 Det Net vaue to winner 2750 second 750 third 350 fourth 150 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 59149 WISE MOSS wD6114 1 2 4 4 4 4 1 M CaffarJa Mrs E Median 60 59149 SAMBOROMBON w 8 115 2 1 33 3 32 3 2 J Adams Dearborn Stable 365 59148 LOANGO WB 5 108 4 4 2 2 2 1 3 ° P Roberts W E Ball 480 58927 PLA1DLOCH WB 4 108 3 3 1 I2i 1 24 4 J R Layton A Hirschberg 770 Time 25 49 115 141 148 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 s sI 15MUtuel I A ID WISE MOSS 320 230 60 15 MUtuel rnceSf SAMBOROMBON 250 25 1 NO SHOW MUTUELS SOLD SOLDWinner Winner Blk m by Wise Counsellor Locust Moss by Hephaistos trained by E McCuan bred by Mr R L Stivers StiversWENT WENT TO POST 453 OFF AT 453 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same WISE MOSS not inclined to extend herself early was put to hard punishment for the drive and got up in the closing stages SAM ¬ BOROMBON also slow to get started supercedcd the faltering LOANGO momentarily in the drive but could not withstand the winner LOANGO moved to PLAIDLOCH after threequarters assumed a brief command but was all out when collared PLAIDLOCH set the pace under steady handling and quit after threequarters threequartersScratched Scratched 57909 Spy Snare 109 59520 Restless 108 59149 Sweep Swinger 110 59149 Red Dock 110 56424 OK Sugar 103 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 MILES Myrtlewood Augr 22 1936 143 4 122 1225Q 5Q Q fl 0 Purse 2500 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 7 U U 7 joe Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners of a race at one mile or June 10 44 Det over since May 19 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 2600 if for forless less Z Ibs allowed for each 150 to 2150 Net value to winner 1800 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 59638 STARWAY w4115 6 6 4ii 3433 in 13J B Thopson Mrs E H Beezley 270 587142 HAREBELL WB105 3 8 6 2h 1 23 24 J BcrzJ Haggard Snedigar 370 59146 STUDY PERIOD WB 6 110 7 7 54 62 54 44 32 D Scurlock J A Kinard Jr 385 59145 MIGHTY LCKYwB4110 8 5 14 I1 2h 3 44 C Bianco L H Thompson 2840 58825 VDINA GADGETwB 5 112 5 4 8 8 74 62 5 M Quintero San Mateo Stable 1920 58927 GLASTAUDER WB5115 1 1 3i WW 5h 6i J Adams Mrs R Grundy 590 58818 BISCNE BLUE WB 10 112 2 2 72 72 62 7 7 P Roberts Bomar Stable 600 57177 URAGAL w6110 4 3 2 5 8 8 8 M Caffarla J G Lang 1380 Time 25 50 115 142 149 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 U D f STARWAY 740 370 270 270 85 35 MUtuel r rices HAREBELL 420 270 110 35 STUDY PERIOD 300 50 Winner 50Winner Ch g by Challenger II Star Chase by Purchase trained by E H Beezley bred by Mr William L Brann Winner entered to be claimed for 2600 2600WENT WENT TO POST 525 OFF AT 525 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won handily second and third driving STARWAY from the outside began moving forward at the four and onehalf furlongs post overhauled HAREBELL in the drive and drew away HAREBELL not waited with long enough wore herself out getting to the pace and had nothing left when the winner challenged STUDY PERIOD allowed to drop back when unable to keep up early passed tiring horses in the drive MIGHTY LUCKY was through early VALDINA GADGET had no mishaps GLAS ¬ TAUDER timidly ridden was cased early when unable to be taken to the outside and dropped back thereafter Scratched thereafterScratched 58714 Day Dodger 116 116Overweight Overweight Harebell 2 pounds EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES Myrtlewood Aug 22 1936 143 4 122 106 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners of a race at one mile or June 1044 Det over since May 19 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 1600 if for 1500 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1400 5 Ibs Net value to winner 1000 second 250 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 58818 ALUMONT WB5115 3 2 44 2h 13 1 14 T Mansor R Brooks 595204 RODIMIC w 5 113 7 7 7 6 44 3 2 G McLeod A Graffagnini 340 591432 ALAGNES WB4110 6 3 I1 3a 224 2 3 M Caffarla Kenilworth Farm 235 59143 PEARL HARBORwu4115 4 6 53 54 4 43 D Scurlock J A Kinard Jr 1010 58923 SWEET MARGY WB 4 112 2 5 64 7 7 6 51 J Adams Dearborn Stable 765 591502 JUNIOR EASTONwB 4 115 5 4 22 lh 3V 54 62 J R Layton W G May 530 589212 TEDDYS FLAMEwsSlOS 1 1 3J4 41 G2 7 7 P Roberts F Rando 850 Time 25 51 116 143 150 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 li M in ALUMONT 1460 640 360 630 220 80 Mutuel Prices RODIMIC 440 280 120 ALAGNES 260 30 Winner 30Winner B g by Rosemont Golden Cub by Gallant Fox trained by C T Mullen bred by Mr William duPont Jr Winner entered to be claimed for 1600 1600WENT WENT TO POST 555 OFF AT 555 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same ALUMONT held in restraint early moved when ready lengthened his advantage to the stretch but was roused through the final sixteenth RODIMIC slow to get started came forward on the outside and was gaining on the winner at the end ALAGNES flattened out after briefly showing the way PEARL HARBOR had no mishaps SWEET MARGY pinched off at the start when ALUMONT rushed across dropped back and was never a factor factorScratched Scratched 59287 Buds First 101 59143 Belfry Chimes 100 100Overweight Overweight Sweet Margy 2 pounds Teddys Flame 2 2Claimed Claimed Alumont by A R Craig for 1600 Sweet Margy by J L Taussig for 1600 NINTH RACE SUBSTITUTE DECLARED OFF Attendance 13283 Total Mutuel Handle 523057