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Ben Lesslers Meritorious Plan To Aid Returning Service Men PAWTUCKET, R. I., June 1. — Ben i LessJer. trainer for Walker Gullatt. has! come forward with a meritorious plan de- i signed to help returning service men. It: was when the current shortage of grooms was being discussed at an H.B.P.A. meeting the other night, that Lessler asked the assembled horsemen to figure how many additional men were needed at Narra-gansett. The count came to 50. Then j Lessler suggested that very likely there i must be among returned service men a J certain percentage who like horses, and who by reason of ailments or injuries, would be seeking an outdoor occupation. "We can take these men", said Lessler. "give them a fair living wage to start with. teach them everything we can about the| handling of stock and give them a chance to learn a new and interesting business. Some fellows may turn out to be goodj grooms and some may be foremen while others may go on to be trainers in their own right. Let us get clean-cut young fellows, treat them right and give them every chance to learn and to make good. In helping them we would also be helping ourselves, by introducing new blood and a new and better type of help." Lessler is tremendously keen on the subject and is following right through. He would like to hear the views of fellow horsemen at other tracks.