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78 MILE out of chute Distinction May 21 1921123 4110 Whirlaway Purse Purse 52500 4yearolds and upward Allowances Nonwinners of 7000 in 194748 4yearolds 119 Ibs older 121 Ibs Nonwinners of 5500 in 194748 or four races in 1948 allowed 3 Ibs 5000 in 194743 or three races in 1948 6 Ibs 2500 in 194748 or two races in 1948 9 Ibs Claiming races not considered Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt WL WLJly47APl23 475132 Shaws Pride Jly47APl23 115 115 115Jan48GP1245 447983 Clean Slafe Jan48GP1245 115 113 464922Tre Vit 103 Chart Book Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wl Wt WtApr48CD127 47513 Tennessee Kid Apr48CD127 111 115 115IM 423483Ekard IM IMFeb48Hia124 467853Roi Rouga Feb48Hia124 f 12 416 phaWS rnde V i Breeder C W Johnson 1948 3 0 2 1 1275 Owner 1275Owner R W Shaw Trainer R W Shaw 1947 23 67 3 21233 Apr28485CD 21233Apr28485CD 34112ft 2 117 3 i 3V 2i 2h CookWMS Alw840verNighil2Sistayr110 Hot and High 5 5Apr20485Kee Apr20485Kee 34110ft 4 117 25 35 4 4t BairdRU HcpO 87 PhafMon 107 GeorgeGains 122 Bullish 4 4tPlaced tPlaced third through disqualification Apr15484Kee disqualificationApr15484Kee 34 112 gd 7 119 22 2 J 2 2 J BairdRU Alw84 GeorgeGains J19 RoiRougelU Cohat 6 6Nqv15475CD Nqv15475CD 34 1i13m 4 117 2 5 6 ScurUcDZ HcpO 73 HotaHigh112 Tourelay 105 SugarBt 6 6Nov8474CD Nov8474CD 6Jf118ft 6 116 1 5 i 21 2J PannellR HcpO 86 HotaHh109 SpdyLeel13 BfgaBter 7 7Nov Nov 1475CD 34 112ft 61 117 4 42 32 62J Scurm 4 HcpO 81 DicksGallll BullPy1Q8 HotandHigh 9 9Oct2747 Oct2747 CD 34114 sy 10 114 6 5 1 2h UJ ScurlkDZ HcpO 77JoiRougeil4 Umpydan105 NayyCross 6 6Oct21475Kee Oct21475Kee 34111 ft 5 113 5 6 3 35J HeadJeyC HcpO 8 Bogle 112 RoiRouge 110 MemphisBud 7 7Oct15475Kee Oct15475Kee 34111ft 7i 1082 23 2 j 11 HeadleyC AIw 89 Colosal 107 Bogle 111 Easy trade 6 Sep20475Haw 34111 ft 7J 113 1 1b 43 68J GarnerWS HcpO 84 Delegated LoveSonnet109 P dRuler 7 April 19 Kee 38 ft 3Bh April 14 Kee 38 sy 38b April 6 Kee 58 sy 105b Glean Slate SlateOwner mCh c 4 by Bold Venture Igual by Equipoise Breeder King Ranch 1948 5011 51550 51550C Owner Dearborn Stable Trainer C Hyde Smith 1947 15 421 513350 Feb26r483Hia 34111 1 2i 114 43J44 34 343 AlkinTS c15000 84 Mesll09 EvenBreak 119 TimeStitchIO Jan2148 Hia 1tc149 si 8J 109 42J 7 91 ° 929 stoutJB Alw Cencerro 112 Eb 11Z FreeAsAir 9 Jan17483Hia 34 111gd 95 M16 63J 63 52J 54J McCryC2 20000 83 FreeAsAir 101 Bordeaux 121 Colosal 8 Jan 8485QP 3r4 111ft 4J 122 2h 2i 33J 443 StouUi Alw 82 HotandHigh114 Precsion113 MtrMd 7 Jan 1485GP 78124 ft 11 115 34 1i 1J 2J Stoutja Alw 88Gestapo 108 Eb 114 Time Stitch 8 Dec2747 GP 1 143ft J8 106 3 95J 915 gis HansW HcpS SO BugJuice111 Rampart115 Respingo 9 Dec24474GP 34 111fb 9 122 4 53J 33 33J StoutJ2 Alw83EIMono119 Hot and High 114 Bullow 8 Dec1347 GP 1 1435ft 5 108 1 1h 3 44 StoutJ3 HcpS 92 Rampart 13 BugJuicel 13 HighTrend 4 Dec 9476GP 78 124Hft 4J 122 5 5 2 62J 75i ScurlckD Alw 80 RoiRouge119 StageFire116 Respingo 8 bec647 GP 78124ft 30 109 1 13 1iJ 2t StoutJS HcpS 83 SayBlue 113 Rampart 113 HighTrend 12 12April April 29 CD 58 ft 104h April 24 CD 34 ft 118h April 18 CD 58 ft 106b Tre ire Whiskalcngire Vif Vit YII n rfC 1 no Br f 4 by Tiger Wiskover by Whiskalcng 52850Owner iy5 Breeder c H Cfeaiy 1948 3 2 1 0 52850 Owner R EjCtidahy Trainer R McGarvey 1947 10 5 3 1 513750 Apr9485Kee 513750Apr9485Kee 34 111gd 4 5 106 421 45J33J 22 MeyerC Alw 37 Letmenow 1J6 Pelure 103 Happiness 5 Mar204850P 34 111 ft 65 A1 12 i 24 1 EadsWS HcpO 92 ArielAcellS i Suzerain113 JuniprWolf 6 Mar 848 OP 34113gd 1 2 102j 102j1i 1i W 11 11 MeyerCJ Alw 78 JuniorWolfilS CidPay107 GogdBaby 8 Sep24476Haw 6j t ll9Vbft6r5 111 6 55J 44J 2 SkoskiAt HcpO 83 Speedy Lee1 16 BlueGrasslOQ Bogle 7 Sep 6475Haw 34 111ft 75 110 7 45J 42J 2 BodiouAs HcpO 89 MrymarcMOS PdRuler103 ShwsPde 7 Aug23476Was 34 110ft 32 4100 4 4 1 14 SmithFA3 AlwD 93 GreenShed104 BallaritalOO Merrymh 7 Aug1247 Was 34 11145ft 35 M10 6 3J 11 13 FeastpnH4 Aw 88 Pelure 115 GaySecret 117 PpysPride 9 jjg 647 Was 3 4 1ldHft 4J 115 t 11J 1 FeastOnHS Alw 94 In the Pink f20 B Gold 117 Jttdy Rae 8 Jly23474AP 34 l10ft 4i 103 T 7SJr64J FeathnH Alw 92 Ht andHigh105 Swspde11 Jdy Rae 10 Jly14472AP 34113sl 9 103 7 65144 12 SanterJ2 Afw77 Wcferllbof 118 ShsPrfde 121 Raydel April29Cp12 ft 5lh prl l CDi2ft 49h Aprf 22 CD 58 f tVtOph Tennessee lennessee Kid rvia A X 1 T Tvch I vch b PiqwnWing ILLBy Excellent by Nocturnal Breeder Willard Wnson 1948 200 0 Owner R A Brown Trainer R A Brown 1947 20 11 32 S21175 Apr28485CD S21175Apr28485CD 34 1125fft 30 122 57 58j 5 J 5f DeWitys Alw tfOverNight 122 ShawsPride117 Sistaytf 5 Apr2448 CD 7812SVSft 57 111 SSJ 881 93 93 DeWittJ kp76 GgeGns116 JoesCcelll EVnalRewdk10 Oct 447Nar 1A 146 ft 95 121 9 6 J 6 5J DeWittJS Alw 77 Butlertl60n UjeRive 112 SptefulSue 14 SepiO476Nar r 145ft 75iAHS 8 4J 2J1 J DeWittJ3 Alw 83 Roberto 116 Butler 116 Erion12 Sepl3477Nar 1ft 146 sy 2J 116 2 2 1 j 12J DeWitUS HcpO 86 DnasAce110 OtheRiverllO LVdJim 12 Sep 647Nar 1ft 146 L75 117 t 3 2J2h DeWittJ2 Alw KG Butler 115 Airy Acres 114 Adonis 7 Sep 147 Nar 341fmft 3 110i6542 23 23J GrverKt HcpS 87 FzenCusfdllO DonMiller109 HugBug b Aug2347 LD 1ft 144 ft 5J 120 4 22J 1ij 12 GreeverKS HcpOF AiryAcresHS DevilsLocW20 Samnad 6 Jly19476LD 6J f 119ft iJi 117 3 3J 1f 1J tireeverks Alw BostortManW9 LwoedJim122 0sLucb 7 Jly12477RD 34 112gd95 117 6 43J2IJ 12 BassB7 HcpO 83 GldnCroSs115 MsTtan109 NickeyW 11 Jly 9476RD 34 111 y5gd 3 113 5 34 2 HJ BassB Alw 88 GoldenCross116 Jimpin116 MsTartan 6 April 22 Dou 38 ft 37hg 37hgEknrH CKQFU EknrH X 1 1 14 A Br c 4 by Lovely Night Nitten Nancy by Axenstein 518625Owner Breeder Gay0rake 1947 23 4 5 6 518625 51905Dec2747 Owner M E Reizen Trainer V Horton 1946 11 1 4 1 51905 Dec2747 FG 1ft145ft 10 104 6 42J 52 32J PorchG HcpS 88 DockstadeYMS Ftridge107 DthyBJr 7 7Dec13476FG Dec13476FG 1ft158hy 3i 108 2 6 4J 313 ZimanHi HcpO 13 Bodens Pal 109 Thor 111 Jacalitos 6 6Dec Dec 647 FG 1ft 150sl 5i 108 4 4 i 54 22J ZimmnHS HcpO 61 TakeWing111 BodensPal109 Thor 5 Nov2947 5FG 1ft150sl 1 1101 3 14 12 1 ZimmanH Alw 65 BodensPal112 TakeWing116 DBrown 4 No 447 5CD 34 114 m 19 112 2 9 3 8J 75J DuffJ Alw 71 MissTtan109 BlueSeal 114 ChnceBea 9 Aug3047Det 1ft 148m 3 107 5 412 34 34 BadgtWS HcpO 64 Moldy 112 Jacopades 110 Chicadu 5 Aug 9 477Det 1 l8l51ft 7 110 10 7 3 7 J 55J 0SulnE2 HcpO 76 War Special 111 Chicadu 105 May ram 11 Aug 247 Det 1ft 145ft 3J 110 6 21J 2J 441 CombsiJ3 HcpO 81 War Special 106 Big Affair 115 Moldy 8 Jly2247Det 1ft 146 ft 65 41 12 3 45J 3 J 2 KnappE2 Alw 82 BigAffair114 Japades107 JoesLaddie 8 Jly1447Det 1ft i47m 85 M07A2 4j 1 1 KnappE Alw 75 Jacopades112 BigAffair117 SwoCmet 6 April 30 Dou 38 ft 40b Hayarlenbach r Owhi E Hayar 1948 5013 1 51 IinBJiHraiHinyt lenbach Trainer D R McDaniel 1947 16 6 5 0 22111 H 1t 1tla la 5i W52 35J 34 38J 2211138J Duff J3 Afw n GeorgeGains119 ShawsPride1l9 Cohat 6 7fl123M Alw834111V 31 112 31 3J 31 42J AtksdriTB Alw8 Alw89KayGibson110 LoveSonUM yiceeHill 8 Feb5485Hia 34111V ft 4i 113 7UJW 61 DodsonD Alw 8 83 HandHighl09 dDAfnril2 PfdRuier Jan19485Hia 34 110 3 113 4lm 3 32 GiffordPS Alw 90 Mutfc 104 RoyalLover 112 BillHardey5 5 Jan14485GP 34 116 h 34 M12 4U 3 32 3 Alw 59 Rompeian 110 jHusfelM YankeeHilLS Det2347 GP 34 111 fi 2J 112 3 1J 1j 13 GiffordP Alw 86 Hail Victory 113 Gestapo 110 Arilbu1 9 Dec947 GP 78124ft 4 1197 3i 1h 1T GiffordP4 Alw 86 StageFire116 Respingo116 Bellwther 8 Nov12475CD 78127 m b5 M15 1 1b H U GiffordP Alw 76 Jimpin 111 SugarBeet 115 MaliJohnnyll MaliJohnnyllNov Nov 147BCD 78126 ft 95 M16 4 21 11 Hi GiffordP Alw 81 UmpydanllO Jinipin112 PapaloilO April PapaloilOApril 30 CD 38 ft 37y5h April 23 CD 12 ft 52b April 20 Kee 1m ft 149b