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1 IwiS MILES Lady Madcap May 24 1922i lM3 Purse 2000 4yearolds and upward Claiming 4yearolds 119 fbs older 120 Ibs Nonrwinners of three racesin 1948 allowed 3 Ibs two races 6 Ibs one race 9 bis Claiming price 4500 ChartBook Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtApr47GP146 47453 Altuce Apr47GP146 105 106 106Sep47Haw1475 47453 Roy Jay 1 Sep47Haw1475 110 111 111Mar47 47190 Cadet Dick Mar47 OP 14675 118 106 106Apr48 472873 Rre Dust Dust473994Game Apr48 Kee 148 114 114 114Apr47GP146 473994Game o Chance Apr47GP146 103 112 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date TrackrRec Wt Wt WtApr48 476592 Happy Indian Apr48 CD 149 114 114 114Feb48FG146 47453 Galaprox Feb48FG146 116 115 115Mar480P145 46859 First Degree Mar480P145 105 119 119Mar48 471904Crack Time Mar48 TrP 1444A 113 117 117Sep47HawU47 47453 Benaddi Sep47HawU47 110 110 Altuce I WW Breeder Mereworth Farm 1948 9 0 2 1 5870 5870I Owner C Williamson Trainer J I W Johnston S4500 1947 26 6 4 3 510220 Apr27487CD 1150ft 3 111 6 52 64 643 ScurlkDio 5000 58 MrMel 114 Quilt 10ff LuckyGreenock 10 Apr2M81Kee 1 147 ft 21 10865 5442 21 DuffJ2 550082ChpySea117 LkyGrnocklie ChleRed 6 Apr10483Kee ifr 146 1 81 109 612 6V 34 23 DuffJ4 4000 81 SnwKiss109 PaulasStar117 DrmFire 6 Apr8488Kee 1ft 149go 6 110 33 68 67 6M DuffJ7 500057 CrkTime WisePsano114 CadtDick 8 Mar274840P 34 l12ft 50 112 1183108 723 5U MoIbertJS AIw 84 Lbngtide104 GoodBabylOS BlkWler 12 Mar1848 OP 1 145ft 10 112 62 69J 67 69 EadsWS AIw 81 SirDate118 Lost and Fd118 RicksRft 6 Mar114870P 1A WeVsft 8i 10721 23 33 33 HolsteinDS 5000 84 VefaSandslOO RicksRftlQI ForTens 7 fer 6487QP 170147 m 13 110 33 34 32 45 HolsteinD2 AIw 71 FirstDegree116VBusyPony111 Jacalitos 6 6April May 3 CD 38 ft 40b April 17 Kee 58 ft 105b April 6 Kee 34 sy 120b 120bmB Roy Jay X mB g 7 by Sun Beau Dark Victory by Traumer Breeder James McHenry 1948 1 0 0 0 Owner B Endovina Trainer D Womeldorff 54500 1947 20 3 3 2 56795 Apr27487CD 1150ft 44 112 44 85 88 810 CapbellR 5000 53 MrMel 114 Quilt 106 LuckyGreenockJO Kov 7477CD 118l54ft 95 115 8 54 25 311 BrooksSS 5000 59 IndnRulerllS Altuce116 VnnaWaltz 9 NpvvM73CD 1A149m 5 116 6 32 31 233 CraigA7 5000 64 Elcan110 Plaidoch108 MountairiRoar 7 111 4 533 34 2U PeabodyC4 AIw 71 Gratify116 Obelisk122 Instanter 6 Oct17477Kee 1 l essy 5 5Oct 1096 3 34 4 FeathnHS 5000 76 NassauSon 118 Instanter 114 Altuce 41 Oct 1478Haw j jv146ft v146ft 16 16Sep15478Haw 115 8 751193107J FeathnH 6500 76 EasyDJgh114 RockwdLou106 WireQt12 WireQt12f16 Sep15478Haw 1 f48 ft 4i 4iSep6478Haw f16 5 64 53J 42 BodiouAS 6500 74 AirCurnt119 ChoppySea113 FJightGal 10 Sep6478Haw 1 f4645ft 13 110 6 65 6 42J PruittDS AIw 80 Fate107 LuckyColonel 113 AirCurrent 8 8April May 2 CD 12 m 53b 53bCadet April 26 CD 38 ft 38h April 23 CD 34 ft 119b Cadet Dick DickOwner 1 f fi i Dl b 9 6 b C01 Gallahad Darkvale by Black Toney I UO Breeder Wm E Clark 1948 400 2 5320 5320R Owner R E Emminger Trainer R S Byrum S4500 1947 7001 5200 Apr22487Kee 1 1454sft 11 113 11 47 57 593 JonesRJ6 450079WisePano115 SnowKissHO PlasStr 6 Apr8488Kee 1e 149gd 6J 113 12 24 22 34j JonesRJ 450067 CrkTimel12WisePaisno1 14 DrmFire 8 Mar154850P 34112Kft 18 115 843 96 98 353 JonesRJS 5000 80 LcwTsnllS GehlsAide110 SeMomt 12 Mar 54850P 34112 ft 25 112 45 44 43J 34 JonesRJ2 4800 83 Gomel f14 LowTension 114 VinitaBoy 10 Jy 22478Det 1 tc 139Mt 5 108 6 59 53 J2 PannellF4 5000 Galaprox 108 Sun Fly 108 Sealane 6 Jy11 476Det 34 111ft 14 111 3 74 710 7t2 HartH7 6000 75 Monfalon103 HpyJoan111 MissMilitt 7 Jun16478Det 1 146 ft 6J 107 3 32J 4U 54 CombestJ 6500 78 HickoryKnot115 MyEmpirel02 OurAII 7 Wiay15 47C D 1 18 153ft 12 1097 2 32 55 CombesUa AIw 72 CtelBeau 111 AliceSherH06WhAndy 8 8April April 29 CD 1m ft 144h April 28 CD 38 ft 37h April 21 Kee 38 ft 38i5b Fire Dust U31 ChicleU31 C 1 1 A B 9 W Firethorn Dustemall by Chicle 51350Owner Breeder Cornelfus V Whitney 1948 4 1 0 1 51350 Owner Mrs E Denemark Trainer RMcGarvey S4500 1947 12 2 i 3 54550 Apr24488CD 54550Apr24488CD 1A149ft 4 114 45J 34 24 3 GrubbL3 AIw 67 Reason 111 Happy IndianlM Hike 7 Apr15487Kee 1V 148gd 2i 107 1h 12J 14 14 MeyerTJ7 2500 76 BayAcre 118 Reason 112 DiveBomber 8 Apr10483Kee 1 14Bft 4 114 5 58 67i 5 GrubbLt 4000 76 SnowKiss109 Altuce109 PaulasStar 6 TfarT548 HP 1 145ft 19 112 61679378 714 FeathonHi AIw 76 FrkMunns115 LateThrd113 Jacalitos 7 Sep24478Haw 1 147ft 3 11710 83J 64J 8 Skp skiA 5500 67 EasyDghm FlornAce109 KofAudley 11 Sep15473Haw 1 148 ft 7 119 9 10 87J 79 GlidwIPib 6500 67 AirCurnt119 ChoppySea113 FlightGal 10 Aug28 478Was 1 18 152 ft 8J 116 4 44J 5 59 JessopD2 8000 75 Bolus 112 TeddyReigh 116 BigHead 7 Aug21 47Was 1136 ft 9 120 5 4 38 37 DodsonD AlwE 91 Colosal 106 ChapelBe s103 AzeWings 8 May 3 CD 38 ft 39b May 1 CD 34 sy 120b April 28 CD 58 ft 105b 1 1 9 B 5 Omaha Crackaloo by Chance Shot Breeder Grant A Dorand 1948 9 2 1 S33625 Owner L Rodriguez Trainer L Rodriguez S4500 1947 19 2 2 1 55975 Apr26488CD 1 150y5ft 7 112 812 75J 45 443 Pebodyps 350058 Jamerica111 SmallStf108 TotalVicty 8 Apr 8487TrP 1 18153ft 28 116 914 915920 921 RebodyCi 500050 NewCaledonia116 Instanter113 VitWe 9 Apr 3487TrP l l48gd l48gdtDead 11 11422 ih h 15f PeabodyCi 350070 Arrako104 WHKely110 Chow 8 tDead heat heatMar30488TrP Mar30488TrP a1i2064M 10 108 623 M4J 43J 44PebodyC 350063 Maudex 15 RnoUpttHO NewCaIda 8 Mar22488TrP 1 147 ft 23 11156 43J 44J 35 PbodyC 350072FmesBid113 GoodBrk115 LouAldrich 12 Mar17488TrP 1 148fl 23 108 45J 35 1h 14 PebodyCS c2500 68 CambeFair102 PrssNell106 Fagrace 11 Mar4484Trp 1 18 156ft 23 114 45 38 35 643 BalztiWto 275052 lmOSvan112 Madracen117 WarWise 12 Feb28484Hia 114205 ft 17 118 33J 2i 24 2 J BalzttiW8 250070WHKelly119 HigtTPeak113 ValueMk 10 Mar 13 Hia 58 ft 105b HODDV Indian iiiuiuu X 1 1 XB g 7 by Happy Argo Indian Queen II by Apron uppy 1 IH Breeder Mr Mrs C Herrold Sterrett 1948 10 1 52 52755 Owner Detroit Stable Inc Trainee Al 52755Al Wellman S4500 1947 27 4 1 4 55310 Apr30r488CD 78127ft 2 M15 2 21 32 23 KirkldA4 3500 72 CatpHill 115 HstenJason113 FIshFIdlO Apr24488CD 1149ft 3J 114 21 13 1i23 BrooksSi AIw 67 Reason 111 Fire Dust 114 Hike 7 774J Apr2048iKee 34113ft 10 120 74J 63J 32 321LoTrcoA5 400078 SomeBid 120 Hilltopper 107 AndysSis 12 Apr1448 Kee 34114 m 5 116 52J 1252J 42 42 34 BrooksS 5 400076MattyMH3 SkipLevel112 SomeBid 8 Apr9484Kee 34113gd 3118 32 32 31 78 BrooksS4 350071 ViennaWaltzl 07 SomeBid115 Roy tig 11 111h Mar4483FG 34115hy 2J 118 1h 12 13 13 BrooksSS 3000 70 ChollaBoyllS LittleNoble115 InYkGirl 10 Feb20483FG 34113 ft 7 118 63 65 61 73 OliveraG2 350078GoldenCrJss112 Thankful 110 Latimer 12 Jan31484FG 34120hv 45 118 1 1432 21 BrooksS4 AIw 45 MyJulie113 JeanneBelle108 GypsyAcs 7 April 8 Kee 12 m 50y5h April 3 Kee 38 ft 36h Galacrox 1 1 B 8 bv sir Gallahad III Proximity by Stimulus iu 8rceder Marsha Field 19487 2 1 0 52090 52090Owner Owner G H D Rowley Trainer J Winans S4500 1947 17 5 1 0 56655 Apr27487CD 56655Apr27487CD 10Mar6489FG 1T1e150y5ft 7J 115 88 10 7 54J DAugoJ 500058 MrMel 114 Quilt 106 LuckyGreenock 10 Mar6489FG 1V151 h 3i 116 8 i 9H 68 45J DAugnoJ7 AIw 57 RusnValor118 MrMel118 GrndSignal 12 Jeb28488FG 1A146gd 3 11639 24 H 12J DAugnoJ3 AIw 86 McelleB110 PaulasStr118 MdleMn 7 ftb14487FG 1A155 hy 3J 11671541 32 213 DAugnoJ AIw 41 TitTatToe118 FourTens118 FrisnLass 8 Feb11487FG T 150sy 11 11323 13 H f DAugoJs 500065SevtnGuns107 MBusybeellO Valnft 7 Jan10487FG 1 J47gd 21 114J1173 343 55J 44 HolstinDS w 77 KilgobbihlOT RedTag116 PaulasStar 12 Jan6486FG 118152ft 4 114J 710 64 42J 43 HolstnD4 450079MissBbee110 LostaFdIO BhTaker 7 DedB 477F G U 152sl 2J 113 4 3 1 1nk HolsteinDS 4000 56 Hike110 MacPlin118 Sunder 6 April 24 Dou 58 ft 109b April 22 Dou 38 ft 42 b April 20 Dou 12 ft 55 b First Decree wcyicc 1 1Q Br 4 b Thlrd DegreesAfrican Grey by Fetratema Breeder Greentree Stable 19486310 53015 Owner 53015Owner H Forrest Trainer H Forrest 4 500 1947 5100 5845 MS 5845MS 1 1 = 47ft 45e120 44 34J 34J 48I DuhonM AIw 72 Goblin 116 Bellbrook120 GreatPlains 6 Mar2048 OP 1 144ft 8106 8H 8 i 83J 5 ZehrFS HcpS 90 DinnrHourlOS CidPlay105 BodensPal 9 SP 70147 m 35 116 55 54342 m EadsWS AIw 75 BusyPony 111 Jacalitos 118 Altuce fc SSS2J 170143 ft85 113 8635 22 2h JessopDS AIw 95 Lost aPnd112 RkdLouMS Jacalitos 8 MSrS A 47ft 65 119 57J 45 2h 16 DuhonM Alw80McLish119 StlaSnyderlll CaptPatk 6 Jl S 1A1 = 46ft 3 119 34 24 12J 12J DuhonM2 AIw 85 LittleStick 114 Granizo119 NotTrue 6 S SS 1 149 9 ° 2M18 6 V 12 15 DuhonM4 Mdn 73 TheFox 118 Temporary 118 Upton Dec26475FG 34 113ft 10 11311 68J 52 43J DubonMiz AIw 77 McLish118 iempojry113 GlorlaGuerin 12 April 29 CD 58 ft 105 Vb April 27 CD 34 ft 120b April 21 Kee 58 ft 107b 107bCrack Crack Time X 1 1 7 B h G b Grand Time Frisky Sal by Sebago V 8reeder Mrs DavidA Buckle 1948 10 4 1 1 7 175 Owner Mrs A M Creech Trainer BCreech S4500 1947 21 1 2 2 54475 Apr22487Kee 54475Apr22487Kee 1 145ft 2J 115 68 58 4 4 3 FeathnH3 4500 82WisePano115 SnowKissHO PlasStr 6 Apr14484Kee 1 149m 111667 ih 14 13 MeyerCJ3 c3500 70 TinysChellO TotalVry118 MryMary 6 Apr 8488Kee 1A 149gd 33 112 8 3 57J 32 H3 MeyerCJi 450071 WisePsano114 CadtDick113 DrmFire 8 Mar20487TrP 1Te 146 ft 2i M15 94J 33 45 48J GiffordPi2 5000 74 RetnCall 110 Instanter110 PetrseGirl 12 Mar9485Trp 1A 144ft 83 113 8 3 44 34 33 JasponT9 550088 AmnFlyer114 Loganspt119 MrDohn 11 Har3488Trp 1 146ft 2 113 733 1 2h in GiffordP 4000 78 WiseTiger 109 Abim 112 ManadroitH Feb23484Hia 1ft 158sft 10 116 75J 523 54 46J GiffordP 5000 78 GrndDestinyllS Ineditoil3 Pharaday 11 Feb13485Hia 114208 ft 4116 78J 22 11 13 GozMN c300062SaxonPaul122 Spanaqua111 Staters 12 April 28 CD 58 ft 106b Mar 31 TrP 38 ft 39b Mar 18 TrP 34 ft 117b 117bBenaddi Benaddi X 11 ff 9 4 by Benagi Sporting Maudie by Raffles U Breeder Paul E Adkins 19485 0 1 0 5260 Mrs 5260Mrs F P n tetellier Trainer C D Fassbender 4500 1947 31 433 56090 Apr27487CD 56090Apr27487CD 1 150ft 22 10599 97 99 91 3 Duff J 500050 MrMel 114 Quilt 106 LuckyGreenock 10 Feb28482FG 34 113 gd 26 1091 98 99 89 87 CribariF Alw74Cromangnon106 Kazbe1 115 BeABee 10 Feb21488FG 34116 m 7 116 54 67 54 543 GeorgeJ2 Alw62MleMan115 SmansPal U2 EspoGld 8 Jan24483FG 34117m 6 116 55 6 3 23 GeorgeJ2 Alw55 MrMel 113 VnaLoria112 MiddleMan 8 Jan17483FG 341151sm 8f 116 W1093 67 57 GeorgeJii AIw 64 FranksPal119 MrMel118 MiddleMan 11 Dec27475FG 34113V 34113Vsft sft 25 116 6 65365 5 3 GeorgeJt AIw 74 MissNeal 113 Perforate119 Staging 7 Dec13477FG 1 200 hy 5 105 2 55 33 V Jenkins 3 AIw 11 RodnKnon113 RVdLou112 MsBbee 8 Dec 6477FG 1 152 51 3 114 1 42 t 13 GeorgeJ3 AIw 57 PasStr110 RkinsBoV109 HastnJsn 7 April 25 CD 58 ft 103h April 22 CD 1m ft 147h April 18CD 34 ft 118h