Await Definite Announcement On Plans for Beulah Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-04


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Await Definite Announcement On Plans for Beulah Racing RacingCOLUMBUS COLUMBUS Ohio May 3 Beulah Park the mile racing plant at nearby Grove City has no meeting scheduled at this writing but nevertheless a mainte ¬ nance crew is employed at the course so that racing may be resumed on a mo merits notice so to speak speakRacing Racing fans in this sector are hDpeful some are practically certain that the sport will be resumed at the popular course no later than September 25 the contem ¬ plated date for the start of the fall season Others believe that a midsummer meeting will be held At this time Robert J Dienst president and general manager is noncommittal on his plans Dienst declared plans for the spring meeting set for May 8 to 31 off when the racing commission refused to act on his application Franklin County Com ¬ mon Pleas Court upheld the action of the commission commissionThe The controversy between Beulah officials and the commission started when Dienst did not make arrangements satisfactory to the commission for the installation of a totalisator While Dienst did not refuse to Install the machinesr he did question the authority of the commission in making equipment mandatory dourt action on the matter is still pending

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Local Identifier: drf1948050401_32_3
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