untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1948-05-29


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AUttUCAS TilKf AUTHOKITY FOUNDED m 1894 I Official newspaper of tie Hatipnil Association of I State Hating Commissioners Fnbllslied daily except Sunday by TK1AXGLB IOBMCATIONS Inc DAILY RACING FORM 3 Samuel Porlman General Manager Lincoln G Plaut Director Field Operations OperationsDan Dan Lyons EditorinChief ASSOCIATED PAPERS 731 Plymouth Court Chicago 6 Illinois 343 West itfth Street New York 1 New York 1540 N Vermont Avenue Lo Angeles U7 Calif 50 Iliclitnond St Kast Toronto 1 OnL Canada 812 Calhoun Avenue Houston 3 Tesa 4113 University Way Seattle 5 Washington 2134 N W Miami Court Miami 37 Florida FloridaKENTUCKI KENTUCKI BUREAU 420 Hernando Hiiilding Lexington Kentnekj Entered as second flasi matter May 26 1045 I at the poet office t Chicago 1U under Ihe Act of March 3 18T9 I Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES For One Month Period Consisting of 26 Issues Special Delivery Chicago Country Chicago Country Area Area Area Area AreaSe Se nd Class 650 910 1090 First Class 1100 13CO 1540 lo u uAir Air Mail 1SCO 2000 and back number single copy price in INewgtana Chicago and environs 25 cents Elsewhere 35 cents Addresa all communications mate all remit ¬ tances and send nil manuscripts to toDAILY DAILY UACINO FORM 731 Plymoflth Court Chicago 3 lit Telephone WABash 5050 Herbert S Kamln Business Manager I Chart number of firat race in 1918 was 42523

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948052901/drf1948052901_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1948052901_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800