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Delaware Park Entries STANTON DEL Thursday June 17 1948 1948WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK MUDDY MUDDYFIFTEENTH FIFTEENTH DAY OF 30DAY MEETING MEETINGMAY MAY 29 TO JULY 5 5NO NO DAILY DOUBLE DOUBLEFIRST FIRST RACEABOUT pRichardson 2 MILES ljn p Richardson Park Steeplechase Purse 4000 4yearoldj snd upward Allowances Chart Book Todays Date Track Rec WL Wt 509662Amencan A I Way 1 50255 Genancoke i 27641 Deanslaw 51287 War Battle 50255 Lieut Well j GenancokeSECOND Coupled American Way and Genancoke SECOND RACE34 MILE Chute 200 P M XJ2 I nd Pward Claiming 4875HPondshen Jan47TrP110 118 112 48853 JPIymouth Jly47 112Jly47 Mth 115 112 112 48750 Sunlette May48 112May48 Pirn 114 119 119 45562 Bully Mar48 119Mar48 TrP 114 111 117 96404 Scrap 114 50363 JGay Peggy Nov47 114Nov47 Bow 115 105 107 41383 SWesleyA Apr47HdG115sy117 107Apr47HdG115sy117 112 50742 JMythman Apr48GS114 112Apr48GS114 115 112 50658 Shes Back Oct47 112Oct47 Lrl 114 113 105 SOSWSilk Jun48 105Jun48 Del 114 105 109 49538 Christabel Jun47Nar 109Jun47Nar 11354 105 114 508142JChance Bras 114Sep47GS112 Sep47GS112 106 112 506633 Roziante 112Dec47GP113 Dec47GP113 112 119 46831 Swing Shift Apr47 119Apr47 HdG 115sy118 119 50906 Ella Burgoo Jun48 119Jun48 Del 114 117 114 50742 JDraw One Apr47 114Apr47 HdG 114 114 112 112Aug47DP114 48450 Fly Menow Aug47 Aug47DP114 DP 114 110 109 109Jun48 50814 RexAvis Jun48 Del 114 112 114 Coupled 114Coupled Scrap and Ella Burgoo THIRD MPurse RACE34 MILE Chute 230 P M Purse 3000 3yearoldj Maidens Fixed weights 41081 Idle Mr Nov47 Pirn 116V5 114 124 506KHJTop Score Apr48 HdG 115sy 122 117 50650 Trier May48 Pirn 117sy116 124 506602 King Chatter Sep47GS113 120 124 50931 Dutel Jun48 Del 113 117 124 49833 JRoyal Rogue RogueWee 117 Wee Hal 124 124May48 498333 Dr Reed May48 Del 112 120 124 49833 All in Fun May48 Del 114 120 124 508152 Top Raider May48 GS 114sy 120 124 49373 JStar Maker May48GS114 108 112 50815 Easy Homer Jun48 Del 115 117 124 47891 Donna Boorse Apr48 HdG 114 115 119 48489 Ramadan Sep47GS114 120 124 49236 Normrich May48GS115 115 124 30698 JBattle Cry Jly47Suf116s 118 117 501792 Covert Side May48 Del 112 120 124 46195 War Story 124 Coupled Trier and Ramadan RamadanFOURTH FOURTH RACE58 MILE 300 P M Purse 53500 2yearoldi Fillie Allowances 50092 Bunchie no 49451 Fighting Fan May48 GS 59 115 107 50737 Floria May48 May48GS102 GS 102 117 112 50092 Klimie May May48GS100 8GS 100 115 112 49749 Eternal Danger May48GS100 112 114 49850 Vagrant Cloud May48GS 59 117 114 50904 Burgette Jun48Det100 115 112 112FIFTH FIFTH RACE34 MILE Chute 330 P M MLcngwocd Lcngwocd Purse PursePurse Purse 4500 4yearolds and upward Allowances 503662 Big Pop Oct47GS111 113 116 39297 The Shaker Oct47 Mth 110 119 127 389632 Alexis Aur47 HdG 111 116 118 50454 Send Off Jun47 Mth 111 113 114 50983 Cock Feather Oct47GS111 118 115 49638 Gay Gallant Sep47GS111 113 111 111SIXTH SIXTH RACE58 MILE 400 P M MPurse Purse 3000 2y ear olds Claiming 507372 Reigh Foray Jun48 Del 101 114 115 489933 Mirthmaker May48 GS 101 115 115 506572 Ding DingMiss Jun 8Del1011s 116 112 Miss Fleetline 108 50656 Abbes Image 111 111Jun48 50819 Wingy Jun48 Del 101 115 113 46048 Tink TinkFair 112 Fair Miss 103 507373 Fibster May48Del 59 115 115 Coupled Reigh Foray and Abbes Image SEVENTH RACE1 116 MILES 430 P M MHolly Holly Oak Purse Purse 4000 3yearclds Allowances 507413JBelle Heloise Jun48 Del 147 110 109 50450 Certified 116 116Jun48 50741 Penny Dare Jun48 Del 149 113 114 114FcM8SA147 44820 Conflict FcM8SA147 113 119 51234 Blue Holly 112 50270 SBIarney Stone 102 102May48GS146 489953JBetty OHerron May48GS146 108 105 49839 First Nighter May48 Del 145 116 119 50741 In Cohoots Jun48 Del 148 113 114 Coupled Blue Holly and Betty OHerron EIGHTH RACE1 MILE AND 70 YARDS 500 P M Purse 3000 4yearclds snd upward Claiming 50098 IFree Son May47 HdG 147 116 108 50817 M Longeine 109 50098 Insider 113 504552JBronze Medal 105 50817 Irenic 116 509063 Reno Ultimate 116 509084 Mirad Jun48 Del 145 122 118 118May47 5082H JDiva May47 HdG 144 110 105 49071 Infirst 113 113May47GS144 50821 Lady Pam May47GS144 110 109 511543JGIacial Run 110