Explanation Of Daily Racing Form Past Performances, Daily Racing Form, 1948-06-17

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EXPLANATION OF DAILY RACING FORM PAST PERFORMANCES Position in ORDER OF FINISH WITH 0 8 Race and WEIGHT WEIGHTg g a 5 ngltlsBe If Hnish shorn horse won second 8 = E nlndwin E third and fourth horses are given g 5 ° I 2S IngHorsi c 8 second first third and fourth S SE S Ss o 5 ° B norses are snown = ° rS o ° 315 S5 rag s scnrSH cnrSH third first secono ana fourtn = ° 5 g SS S S0 1 1 o horses are shown 2 6ra E = S S i OT gts QQ unplaced first secono and thlro o IH 5 = 3 oil i S ° a i o w horses are shown fi fiJunIO JunIO 45 CD 114 207ft 856126 3J 2J 11 ArcaroEJ c250085 Pot o Luck126 DbyDppe126 AirSlot U UNote Note Except in races of the shorter distances where the first call is prestretch or stretch and for which the start call is used the first point of call after the start at the quarter mile mark in most races is given in races run on or after January 1 1948 Past performances tor races run prior to that date give each horses position at start instead of first point of call callPositions Positions of first point of call and prestretch call vary according to distance of race Speed ratings are not given in steeplechase hurdle or races run on the turf course nor at racks of less than one mile

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948061701/drf1948061701_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1948061701_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800