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Indexed Entries Appear Elsewhere in This Issue 1 4 58 MILE Bin Bin July 3 1946 58y 7 123 Purse 51000 3yearolds and 1 ST wfflQ upward Bred in Nebraska Claiming Nonwinners of a race in 1948 3yearolds 112 Ibs older 120 Ibs Claiming price 51000 51000KUcc Lt ch m 7 by Airforce Vee Vee San by MISS SangradoMISS KUcc ftrncnn VaraSOn 1 1 1 fl U Sangrado Breeder C R Watson 1948 1 000 Owner E Doty Trainer E Doty SlOOO 1947 B 0 1 0 5145 5145May26480ma May26480ma 58101ft 7 112 3J 32 52 9H DewDS 1250 66 LostEye 107 DannyBoy 122 BattleGirl 12 12jly24472Cls jly24472Cls 6Jf125ft 6 1087 44 34 42 LilburnR 800 OldFlame118 MrSkid118 BillyVito 8 8Jly15474Mad Jly15474Mad a 58 59ysft 6 113 3 42 44 42 DewD2 1000 BeeHills118 LenaMay113 RolyMay 8 8Jly Jly 14730ma 58VOOR 3 113 2 45 42 531 DewD3 1000 81 AirMcClainl 15 EverLoyal109 TrenaC 12 12Jun254730ma Jun254730ma 34115 gd 16 105 4 111121 127 LilbnRi 1250 64 CadysPen1111 RivBoy112 DaLoretta12 DaLoretta12Jun17470ma Jun17470ma 581OOysft 3 116 9 821 44 22 BaileyW 1000 82 ClaraAir108 HthenAre118 SnysSister 12 Modem SangradoModem AnAom HacIsm 1 Ofi U B 3 5 by Bubbler Helado by Sangrado Design Breeder R C Gilmor 19481 0 0 0 Owner R C Gilmore Trainer W Stubbs SlOOO 1947 12 1 2 1 5440 5440Jun1148iOma Jun1148iOma 58100ft 63 120 5311H 98 915 MillsB 1000 70 UnderDn120 GrdosLl120 KgsPrter 12 12Aug23474LnN Aug23474LnN 1701483sft 13 115 3 4 45 48 ShindleC3 500 Mtchls105 SpksCase118 KtyKntar 8 8Aug18472LnN Aug18472LnN a 58 57ft 7 118 1 32 34 23 MagsonBS 600 GayGriLa108 WiseDtielOB McsGirl 7 7Aug13473LnN Aug13473LnN 6f123ysft 15 118 7 851 74 731 Mailend 600 Phaltup113 DonChico118 FirstMeetg 8 8Aug Aug 5471 CIs 58103ft 2 115 3 1 2i 1 MagnsonBS 600 Toowoomba108 HapJack116 BabyHill 6 6Aug Aug 2472Cls 6f125ysft 3117 3 32 44 64 BazerWS 600 ToiSweeper118 JosephA118 GladGlen 8 8Thurifnn Thurifnn inursroil Cherokeeinursroil LnH LOO 1 90 B 9 10 by Keen BoyKitty Ball by Cherokee U Breeder J E Armstrong 1948 2 000 Owner Mr Mrs J Hoffman Jr Trainer F Kelley SlOOO 194710 230 51060 51060Jun Jun 948iOma 58101ft 30 1154 64 64 65 SandersCS 125074 AirMCIn115 EverLyal 111 SnysSter 12 12May2848iOma May2848iOma 58100 ft 24 120 5 4 55 54 77 BazerWS 1000 80 Boob 120 BattleGirl 115 SanVibrate 12 12Aug20478LnN Aug20478LnN 1V149ft 6 113 1 25 2 28 BazerW2 600 MissHettie107 SnyFly117 BaronMgic 5 5Aug18472LnN Aug18472LnN a 58 57y5ft 4 118 2 42 541 7 SlapeLS 600 GayGriLa108 MnDgn118 WiseDtie 7 7Aug15474LnN Aug15474LnN 6f123sft 5 118 1 33 3 21 BazerWI 800 LdyWynona110 Bolhard118 FairRadio 6 6Aug12475LnN Aug12475LnN 6f122ft 7 118 3 53 54 551 HughesC 800 MissHettie108 LadyWyna107 Bolhard 8 8Mi MISS UpsetMISS Mi Rnner M V 1 fl Ch m 5 by Bob Rogers Ever Faithful by Upset KOgerS I I U Breeder Fred H Bruning 19483 0 1 0 5150 5150Owner Owner F H Bruning L Snyder Trainer F L Means 51000 1947 6010 5125 5125Jun Jun 5481 Oma 34113 ft 31 106 119111512H1218 OsmentTU 1250 64 SmkyBill 118 GradosLst116SnVible 12 12Jun FancyLadllMay2748iOma Jun 248iOma 58100ft 8f 108 32 34 23 24 OsmentT 1250 79 Beg 113 MayHeathen 113 FancyLadll May2748iOma 58100ft 5f 1081181118H111118 KushLU SplW 67 PharaModel 113 SilverHthen108 Beg 12 12Jly Jly 347iOma 58101 ft 3 1064 88 8 84 OroscoJ4 Mdn 77 RungFitz116 DnyBoy117 LviewTitus 12 12Jly Jly 147iOma 17014435ft 11 109 3 88 913 312 OroscoJS Mdn 74 HighMmies116 FtgTt111 TbleMtn12 TbleMtn12Jun194730ma Jun194730ma 341181shy 4 112 4 23 58 715 ManifldD4 1000 41 Paddy D 110 Play War 110 Ronnie 12 PanicJOnnys nnnvc Oisrer Jcfpr 1 1 B m 6 by Bubbler Honey Sue by Panic JOnnys I J Breeder Philip A Raasch 1948 2 0 0 1 5100 5100Owner Owner P Raasch Trainer P Raasch 51000 1947 16 2 1 3 5785 5785Jun Jun 948iOma 58101ft 17f 117 731342433 McCbrjn 125077 AirMcCIn115 EverLoyal 111 LtherB 12 12May2848iOma May2848iOma 58100 ft 7f 115 119111811H1113 McCbrJ 100074 Boob 120 BattleGirl 115 SanVibraie 12 12Oct18472Whe Oct18472Whe 1A150ft 63 115 2 44 62 6H Jordanja 800 CoEd 112 EchoBell 113 MissAmy 8 8Oct Oct 3474Whe 6f123y5ft 8 1102 5 54 55 GordonT2 800 EZRun110 LibtyFlight113 Toalbres 8 8Sep1847iWhe Sep1847iWhe 58103y5ft 10 115 3 74 65 68 YoungW 1000 EZRUN113 RoadMakr108 RstyLink 8 Ssp 9472Whe 6f1233sft 4 117 4 25 69 612 McCberJ 1000 MothersGirl 110 Battletnl 18 RedDals 8 8Gnv B f A by Gay BladeChagrin by Vito Gnv OOy VitoOOy Maair magic 11 H fl U Breeder Otto Preuss 19482 0 0 0 Owner V 0 A Preuss Trainer 0 Preuss SlOOO 1947 11 3 0 1 51140 51140Jun1148iOma Jun1148iOma 58100ft 29 11075155 78 8 5 HarrisD3 100070 UnderDn120 GrdosLt120 KgsPrter 12 12Hay2848 Hay2848 0ma 58100 ft 7f 110129129 121212H CarstsW 100073 Boob 120 BattleGirl 115 SanVibrate 12 12Oct22473Whe Oct22473Whe a58102y5ft 9 112 4 77 7 77 BushV3 1250 LrelRun118 GlobeTrotter118 FIVBtle 8 8Oct13475Whe Oct13475Whe 58103sft 11 1058 65 53 73 KushL 1250 Rainis117 Hiroma120 Visoon 8 8Oct Oct 147iWhe 581Oiy5ft 14 1067 68 44 45 CarstW 1250 FixedFee 114 LadyGloria 113 Tarnalo 8 8Sep2247Whe Sep2247Whe 58106 sy 19 1063 22 22 1i CarstnsW2 1000 VirtuosollS TakeLittle118 GalaHeart 8 8Sep Sep 5473Whe 581034sm 9 114 4 34 35 47 EversoleL2 1000 Sweetcorn108 SysSisterllO HiDepend 8 8Mflrv wary Mflrv Henfhpn nearnen tv Ml 11 13 B m 5 by The HeathenWell Dressed by Dress Parade ssoOwner Breeder Walter Larsen 1948 t 3 0 o o sso Owner W Larsen Trainer W N Rishel 51000 1947 3010 5150 5150Jun1148iOma Jun1148iOma 58100ft 17 115 43 43 45 49 MifoldH4 100076 UnderDn120 GrdosLt120 KgsPrter 12 12Jun Jun 148iOma 58101sft 13f 113 2 3 24 97 MifoldHn 100073 WiseDote108 SanVibte118 AirMcCIn 12 May2748iOma Beg12jJun264770ma 58 1OQft 13 113 10710710U1017 MifoIdH SplW 68 PharaModel 113 SiverHthen108 Beg12j Jun264770ma 170 144ft 18 110 8 1013101 913 DomizTS SplW 74 SirDndy115 HghieL110 Misinformed 10 10Jun1047iOma Jun1047iOma 5f 114hy 4 A106 4 42 43 45 MorenoHS Mdn 39 PhrElaine113 DdleDaddle116 SirTony 12 12May294730ma May294730ma 58 107 m 33 113 2 44 32 2 StoneA9 Mdn 51 Boob118 DiddleDaddle118 PharElaine 12 12Shnrlv Shnrlv Pnwn rawn 1 1 Br m 5 by Kings Pawn Lucky Lillie by Saladin onuuy Breeder Con Jordan 19481 0 0 0 Owner Petsch Duncan Trainer C E Wilson 51000 1947 9 2 3 1 5760 5760Jun1148iOma Jun1148iOma 58100ft 18f 110 63 6 88 713 WagnerDio 100072 UnderDn120 GrdosLt120 KgsPrter 12 Sep 6475 Mch 6f127sft 3 115 1 42 54 64 LeelingWS 700 Gone By 118 San Vibrate 118 Michael 7 Sep 4474 Mch 78129ft 2 A116 3 33 1 H LeelingW 800 JosephA 116 MillOn 114 MayHeathen 6 Sep 3472 Mch 6f126Wt 2112 5 45 3 2 LeelingWS 700 Gone By 119 Cirego119 Toi Sweeper 6 Sep 1475Mch 581Oiy5ft 3 111 2 43 45 34 LeelingWS 800 EverLoyal 116 Michael 120 OddsBoy 5 Aug15475LnN 6f122ysft 9 110 1 11 11 12 LeelingWS 900 Big Top 118 Plutocrat 118 Frisky Al 6 6Aug Aug 9474 LnN a 58 53 ft 5 113 6 44 52 44 LeelingW 800 Topsys Pride 118 Shower 113 VitoV 3 3Mnrnnrln Mnrnnrln JYiuruiiUQ HandJYiuruiiUQ 1 1 fl Br f 4 by Kin9J Pawn Rosalie Moran by High Hand I 5100Owner I U Breeder Con Jordan 1948 4 0 0 0 5100 51016Jun Owner 0 D Meeker Trainer 0 D Meeker 51000 1947 14 3 1 2 51016 Jun 9481 Oma 58101ft 21 A115 1h 2h 3212i BaileyPJi 125064 AirMCIn115 EverLyal 111 SnysSter 12 May2848iOma 58100 ft 21 A110 24 2 21 44 KushLio 1000 83 Boob 120 BattleGirl 115 SanVibrate 12 12May2548iOma May2548iOma 58 101 ft 10 108 2 21 21142 OsemtTio 1000 79 GdonsCub118 AirMcCIn118 KnRose 12 Jan 948 Pho 5f105ft 28 114 54 53 32 55 LeelingWS 1250 83 ShipSnal116 Mitebet116 CrystalTrch 8 8Dec Dec 7472Tuc 5f109ft 13 1091 42 33 33 CulbsonHi c600 RoyalHi 118 Notoi119 StopScout 8 8Nov15473Pho Nov15473Pho 5f1065ft 16 113 8 64 43 6 DewD2 80080 Liverpl 118 MgMmy114 CdysPent 10 10Tin Tin i my V Bubbles ouuuieb 1 j 1 j Ch g 5 by Bubbler Leola May by Sonny Boy Breeder R A Owen Son 1948 4 0 o o Owner N Thompson Trainer N Thompson 51000 1947 21 1 1 5 5745 5745Jun1148iOma Jun1148iOma 581OOysft 21 115 85 ll 5 5 Oroscojs 100074 UnderDn120 GrdosLt120 KgsPrter 12 12Jun Jun 9481 Oma 58101ft 23 120 12 1 1711071 8 MifoldHio 125074 AirMCIn115 EverLyal 111 SnysSter 12 12Jun Jun 148iOma 58 1011sft 13f 113 61 72 63 551 Oroscojs 100076WiseDote108 SanVibte118 AirMcCIn 12 12May2648iOma May2648iOma 581Oiysft 15 122 74 621Q71 6 BazerWI 1250 74 LostEye 107 DannyBoy 122 BattleGirl 12 12Oct21473Whe Oct21473Whe 58 102y5ft 15 115 4 7 7 78 JordanJ 800 EerieWay114 ShsRight113 RolWater 8 8Oct14472Whe Oct14472Whe 6f1243sft 9 115 5 43 43 44 JordanJ4 1000 BeGone115 BalaDeil 112 MyVersion 7 7Ocl Ocl 4473Whe 6M234 ft 11 117 3 3 3 521 Dew Di 1000 BeGone114 Advisory 117 RollsCup 8 OWeer JupiterOWeer uppf IHn ma fM WI 1 M 1 fl U Bll f 4j by Airforce Mary Moran by Jupiter Breeder John Marking 1947 7 8 1 0 5105 5105Owner Owner D L Beavers Trainer B Hunrich 1 000 Sep 000Sep 2475Mch 6 f 126 ft 19 114 4 58 50 515 DumasJ4 Alw ParDon 116 Jerry Chico 118 Rob Roy 6 6Aug18475LnN Aug18475LnN 6f123ft 21 107 4 421 47 49 CartensWS Alw KgofSpd118 ActsLdy113 PIcidPly 8 8Aug Aug 1474Cls 58 103ft 9 1033 41047 451 CrstensW4 Mdn Moranda 109 GoldRay 118 GeeVeeLee 7 7Jly29473Cls Jly29473Cls 581035ft 8 1035 715 617 591 CarstensW3 Alw GayMagic108 Msville108 MissBtonsn 8 8Jly24473Cls Jly24473Cls 6 f 126 ft 23 1084 21 24 25 CarstensW Alw BenBay118 PowderRiver118 LukyStep 7 7Jly16473Mad Jly16473Mad a 58 59 ft 12 112 5 68 641 631 GonzalesW4 800 Amazer119 BurningStep112 CurtisFld 7 7fMnccir fMnccir VIUSSIC I unaer Inrlpr 1 1 I fl Br 4 by Down Under Transwise by Transmute I U Breeder Omer Hall 1948 2 0 0 0 Owner 0 Hall Trainer 0 Hall SlOOO 1947 9100 5660 5660Jun Jun 9481 Oma 58101ft 21 115 941 8 74 55 PenaM4 125075 AirMCIn115 EverLyal 111 SnysSter 12 12May2548iOma May2548iOma 58 101 1011sft 1sft 10f 108 641 63 531 74 KushL 100076GdonsCub118 AirMcCIn118 KnRose 12 12Aug14473LnN Aug14473LnN a 58 57ysft 23 1022 551 5 54 KushL2 800 ClaraAir108 HthenAre118 GayGriLa 6 6Aug Aug 4478Cls 6f12613ft 4 1035 2 32 55 KushLS 600 BessieGirl 113 Cirego113 DonChico 8 8Jly29474Cls Jly29474Cls 6 f 126 ft 9 1047 21 32 42 KushLS 700 Bessie Girl 104 Cirego119 Grade Fly 8 8Jly19473Cls Jly19473Cls 6f1254sft 6 110 3 21 1h 64 BazarW7 1000 ThnLad118 BrngStep106 LdyWyna 8 8Jly11475Mad Jly11475Mad a58101ft 5 1056 67 5 67 LilburnR 800 Sun Aglow 113 Cirego118 Otosca 6 6RnfHp Lt b m G by Titus War Echoes Son Battle RnfHp Darne fiirl vain 1 i 1 10 5 by o Breeder Max G Towle 1943 40 1 2 5350 5350Owner Owner Mr Mrs J Stumpf Trainer J Stumpf SlOOO 1947 4101 270 270Jun Jun 4481 Oma 58100ft 5 114 10811QI01071017 BIckRWs Alw 68 SirNitro106 PhraModel 114 PharEIne 10 10May3148iOma May3148iOma 5 f 112 hy 3 115 22 22 22 35 BIckRWS 150052TomBrman117 BearCws117 BIkTilly 8 8May2848lOma May2848lOma 58100 ft 7 115 33 32 3 1 21 BIckRW 1000 85 Boob 120 SanVibrate 115 Moranda 12 12May2648lOma May2648lOma 58101ft 37 117 2 42 42 32 BlackRW2 125077 LostEye107 DannyBoy122 UnderDown 12 12Jly1947iCls Jly1947iCls 58102ft 12 113 8 89 8 7io BazarW7 1000 EvrLoyal 113 MrSkid117 HathenAre 8 8Jly Jly 12474 Mad a 581 00ysft 1 A113 3 11 H 1 MagnnBi 1000 LviewTitus118 MacsGl 113 MHthn 6 6WAP WAP YVCe V fnfio UTie 1 II 1 J Dk br m 5i by Dovn Under Cute Thing by WitchmounL Breeder Max G Towle 1948 2 000 Owner C W Milks Trainer C W Milks 51000 1947 3100 200 Jun 200Jun 9481 Oma 58101ft 17f 115 52153 54 9 o SabriaR 125070 AirMCIh 15 EverLyal 111 SnysSter 12 12May2648iOma May2648iOma 581Oiy5ft 37 117 85 6 1 62 54 SanbriaRS 125075 LostEye 107 DannyBoy 122 BattleGirl 12 12Jly Jly 15475Mad a 58 100 ft 8 113 1 6 7 6 614 DewD 1000 SunAglow118 PrtolaStar118 ClaraAIr 6 6Jly Jly 11 472 Mad a58101 ft 18 113 5 11 1h H BazerWa 600 BeefBuyer118 BabyHill 103 GoldCase 7 7Jly Jly 547iOma 5if105ft 48 10712 Eased up OroscoJ7 1000 TrenaC111 LakwTitus116 BtleGirl 12 Keen Rose M i iv Breedert Archle L Han 194g 2 0 10fl Owner 10flOwner 0 K Hall Trainer K E Hall SlOOO 1947 2000 Jun1148lOma 58100ft 5 111142 3510 RovaneFi 100069 UnderDn120 GrdosLt120 KgsPrter 12 May2548iOma 12May2548iOma 581Omft 10f 113 H H 1h 32 MillsBS 100079GdonsCub118 AirMcClain118 Moi da 12 12Jun Jun 447iOma 58107 hy 11 108 2 22 512 724 ChmanK4 1000 28 No Snow 108 Black Tilly 114 Scim12 LJay3047iOma Scim12LJay3047iOma 58 1 05 m 27 108 2 22 717 728 ChmanKi 1000 34 MoreBns118 SanVibrate118 LutherB 7 7Shfldv onaay Shfldv Miss miSS IV M 1 1 5 Br f 4 by Perchance Easter Shadow by Torchbearer J Breeder U S Remount Ft Robinson 1948 3 0 0 0 Owner J E Beltzer Trainer B Dolan SlOOO 1947 1 000 Jun1648iOma 58100 ft 39 113 81 85 8H 812 HishoeRLS 150075 MarchBImlOS GdosLst118 BrClaws 8 Jun1048iOma 5f106ft 12 113 3 33 4 719 HshoeHL3 Mdn 67 GayLee106 YesMilord118 MayHeathen 11 May2748iOma 58100 ft 5f 113 741 75 78 67 BazerWS SplW 78 PharaModel 113 SilverHthen108 Beg 12 Jly10475Mad 12Jly10475Mad a5810045ft 22 116 6 826 824 328 McCmbrJS Alw Richardo118 PIidPolly113 GeeVeeLee 8 8No No MO Jiiuw Snow 1 1 Br f 4 by Pharacase or Down Under Cible Snow by Snow King Breeder Omer Hall 19483 00 0 5700Jun1848iOma Owner W M Fudge Trainer L R Owen SlOOO 1947 6110 5700 Jun1848iOma SirNitrollJun 58 102gd 25 114 54 711 191132 RanumR3 Alw43 PhraMdel 115BetNbska107 SirNitroll Jun 448iOma 58 100ft 61 109 63 54 5H 891 SdersCi Alw 76 SirNitro106 PhraModel 114 PharEIne 10 May2648iOma 12Aug20475LnN 58101ft 6f 112 9510 9 110H CstnsWio 1250 66 LostEye 107 DannyBoy 122 BattleGirl 12 Aug20475LnN a 58 57ft 9 109 1 55 59 59 BazerWS Alw RungFitz116 KittyCroll 116 Rogette 7 Aug1647iLnN a58103yshy 4 109 5 12 1h 24 BazerW7 Alw LtleFst113 MsBtonson102 JryChico 8 JIy29473Cls 581035ft 14 114 4 4 o 51 517 6 615 5 DanfordH Alw AlwKings GayMagidOS Msville108 MissBtonsn 8 8Kinas Luck M B A by Kngs PawnLucky Lillie by Saladin Kings s Saladins Vviy 1 20 70 J bcyonKrdSanPawn bcyonKrdSanPawnOwner v Breeder Con Jordan 1947 4 020 120 Owner H C Jordan Trainer H Jordan SJ 000 000Sfp547iMch Sfp547iMch MdnSep 58102ft 2J 118 3 31023 25 LeelingW3 Mdn HappyJack115 SirNitro115 SantaYap S Sep 3473Mch 58 103ft 2i 118 3 22 24 2 LeelingWS Mdn MdnAug20472LnN Too Reno 118 Broom K 118 Santa Yap 5 Aug20472LnN a 58 57ft 10 111 7 5 612 6H LeelingW4 Mdn DnyBoy117 MayHeathen106 FairMint 8 Aug12473LnN a 58 57y5ft 13 116 7 51151058 LeelingWS Mdn Morphil 117 RlngChce118 PlayfulPly 7