Latest Workouts From Major Tracks, Daily Racing Form, 1948-06-22

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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks TracksFigures Figures r = h Handily o All out u Eased up Names of horses making fastest time at each distance appear in black f SUNDAY JUNE 20 1948 1948ARLINGTON ARLINGTON PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 616 Tige 35 hg 616 Gala Revue 101 b b38b 410 Ariel Lad 38 b 65 WarToro 38b 619 Happiness 5925h 617 Admired 34h 529 Yoncalla 36 b 59Jellico 103 b 530 Brunette 37 b 12 MILE 69 Petrose 103 b 612 Bims Ally 36ysb 610 Autofly 54 b 62 Saint Nichols l00h 616 Carrara Marble 36 b 616 Big Road 55 b 428 Valdina Foe 102 b 613 Castmeow 34h 618 Beau Dandy 47 h 617 Whirl Some 59 h h49b 517 Dearlea 37 b 618 Choice Cut 49b 34 MILE 109 10947h 616 Delegate 34h 616 Daily Trouble 47h 515 Anns Lee lllh lllh4945b 610 Inspiring 37b 616 Eagle Look 4945b Big Inch 119 b 616 Legislation 37b 616 Mr Smug 52 b 61 9 Daily Dip 122 b 616 Little Xs 34h 618 Pep Well 47 h 614 Evening Story 115 b b49b 616 Margaret Blen 36M b Reapitine 49b 615 La Carmelita 115 b b49b 616 Obstinate 38b 617 Show Down 49b 614NoLeddie 115 b b48b 616 Olympia 36b 614 Whose 48b 616Oakmuir l14h 615 Prom Trotter 36b 617 Porterf ield l14h 55 Pleasemenow 35h 58 MILE 58 8 617 Roscoe Goose l15b l15b00h 54 Reflection 36 b 616 Brownstown 1 00h 619 Supper Date 122 b 610 Red Jr 36 b 611 Bewitch 58 h 619Trixie 115 b b58h 616 Snifter 36b 617 Coaltown 58h 58h616FanaG 531 Tidy Sum l15b l15bL04 614 Silvery Moon 38b 616FanaG 104 b 616 Volcanic 115 b bL0iy3h 610 Sir Bim 35 b 611 Easy Twist 101 L0iy3h ysh 1 MILE 134 134L00h 614 Trust Fund 37 b 528 Grand Barter 100U 100UTRAINING 617 Bolo Fancy l4225h TRAINING TRACK 38 MILE 610 Spring Gal 35 h 616 Outskirts 103 h 67 AtokaLad 38b 12 MILE 615 Stepinfox 1 03 ysb 611 Better Times 40 b 616 Af ton Prince 50b 616 Tapestry 103 b 610 Be Brief BriefBee 38y5b 616 Ever Lucky 48h 615 Walkie Talkie 1 00h Bee Rose RoseCandle 38b 69 HootMon 48h 34 MILE Candle 39 b 615 Merrymarch 52b 615 In Abeyance 118 b 617 Illustrate 40 b 616 Papa Redbird 49b 78 MILE 616 Jacks Creek 37 b 530 Radio Joe 51 ysb 616 Aluminio II 1 28 h 614 Jacks Jill 35h 615 Sgt Abe 50 b 1 MILE MILE6lfi 615 Pad Lock 36 b 58 MILE 6lfi Dizzy Gal 1 45h 618PharMon 35 h 616 Gab Session 1 00b 618 Sky Wolf l47b DETROIT Track Sloppy 38 MILE 523Pappys Pride Pride38ysb 615 Late Advice 54 b 613 All or Nothing 38ysb 615 Side Boy Boy40b 612 Upset Ariel 53 b 523 Dabster 40b 615 Tennesseean 58 MILE 58 614 Eleanor Van 39 b 614 Total War War41b 613 Big Burley 109 b 611 Foxfloss 41b 614 Town Talk Talk38b 617 Deliver 105 b 617 Grey Scout 38b 614 Uncle Dave 615 Expectation 106 b 615 Hilda 36h 12 MILE MILE38b 614 Mon Speed 105 b 522 Lady Jo 38b 61 Angelus Bell Bell38ysh 616Trala Boy 107 b 618 Lady Saladin 38ysh 65 Applejack Jake Jake38h 34 MILE 109 611 Lambent 38h 616 Knights Gift 617 June Ayr l18b AQUEDUCT Track Sloppy 38 MILE 518 Flying Tartar 53 b 615 Ron Albert 103 h 617 Alex Earth 39 b 617 Honey Cloud 52 b 34 MILE 110 11036h 616 Ethel Honey 36h 69 LennieBoy 50h 615 Dangerus Age 115 h h36h h36h Grey Chief 36h 528Ringoes 52 b 617Portward 120 b High N Mighty 38 b 617 Sure Glide 120 b 617 Lucky Jpsey 38 b 58 MILE 59f 615 Swing Maid 118 b b36h 619 Mountain Mars 36h 617Alstimu 103 h 615 Set Point 115 b b38b 52 Natch 38b 617 Holiday Girl 105 h 78 MILE 122 41 Princess Eire 38 b 616Husker 105 h 617 Flaminn Way 132 h 68 Sospiro 38 b 617 Heads or Tails 1 0325h 12 MILE 616 Maize 105 h 1 MILE 617 Buck Weaver 50 h 616 Merry Kin 102U 614 Okeetee l4825b BELMONT PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE 616 Loyal Worker 51 h 616 Shortest 105 h 610 April Moon 616 Lark Lyric 51 h hMiss 618 Up Beat l03h 618 Brisket Miss Peacock 51h 615 Woodstock 1 0325h 415 Cold War 617 Micky Lad 53 h 34 MILE 110 62 Hyphone 68 Teds Special 50h 617 Air Attack l15h l15hBright 417 Hash Queen 58 MILE 58 Bright Gallnt 124 b 616 Point Judith 616 Blue Counselr 1 02 h 615 Gray Charmer 1 24 b 65 Short Walk 618 Better Luck l01h 68 Haberdasher 119 h hSweepstake 527 Shiny Fox 618 Cunning Miss 1 01h Sweepstake l17h 12 MILE 616 Eternal Buzz 1 04h 78 MILE 122 616 Avon Wood 618 Flaring Home 1 01h 616 Cash 130 h 619 Clarence 6llLegendra 103 h h619Piexoto 617 Page Boots 1 27h 612 First Citizen 619Piexoto l02h l02h616Sorisky 616 The Heir 130 h 51 Hard Work 616Sorisky 103 h 1 MILE 13416 617 Kibosh 616 Short Reward 103 h 617 Auspicious 1 50h Ice Queen 615Sinsin 104 h hTRAINING 616 Conniver 140 h TRAINING TRACK 38 MILE 615 Rosy Scene 37h 613 Comets Flash 106 b 6 17 Blue Thanks 615 Stagey Miss 37h 617 Harbor 105 b 519 Bless Us 615 Thermic 36h 617 Indique 104 b 617 Casa Camara 614 Under Current 38 b 615 Shine On l04b 613 Cavendish 69 Vulcans Forge 38 b 615 Sashay 107 b 417 Colorset 12 MILE 68 Westgte Blvd l05b 616 Data 514 Arose 51 b 34 MILE 6l2Eveng Blend 614 Blow Me 54b 616 Gay Mood 117 b 617 Fort Riley 618 HiyaSailor 5045h 616Mirabeau 117 b 612 Going Away 615 Swap Out 49 h 616 Miss Request l17b 615 Hippodrome 616 Tzaritza 51b 616Novata 122 b 614 Lunch Quest 617 Teddys Lady 49h 616 Prince Quest l17b 63 Milton Beere 615 Vertigo H 503sh 617 Wide Wing 117 b 617 Paddleduck 58 MILE MILEAlanaire 62 Outlander Alanaire l05b 1 MILE 612 Poster 612 Barrage 105 ysb 611 BUI Coffman 149 b 617 Roy 617 Column 106 b 617Obash 150 ta JAMAICA Track Sloppy 38 MILE 617 Bright Willie 50b 616 Transatlantic l04b 615 Alice Simms 39b 612 Dear Boots 52b 34 MILE 110 616 Ballinese 38b 65 Dizzy Whirl 49b 618 Hyperhelio 116 h 616 Hal Seth 383sb 615 Freds Game 53 b 617Kliayery l21b Lyric l21bLyric Tenor 38b 610 Gunners Mate 52 b 615 Maid of Kent 118 b 529 Nursry Rhyme 38 b 612 Hard Facts 4925b 615 Stan Tracy 118 b 616 Orphans Court 39 b 617 Illuminable 54 b 616 Station l17b 63 Ted M 38 b 612 Maruca 50b 12 MILE 58 MILE 58 1 MILE 138 610 Black Prince 49 b 616 Judy R 106 b 612 Aethel Tee l47b DELAWARE PARK Track Sloppy 38 MILE 614 Ballinakill 36l5h 64 Reigh Foray 50b Ariel Beauty 36h 428 Sing 38b 618 Raise You 49h 623 Balmoral 39b 69 Swan Song 3843b 518 Syphon 52 b 616 Bayern 39M b 618 Tuppence 37 b 523 Wee Gray 52ysb 62 Brief Whirl 37h 614 Viva Teddy 39ysb 616Willamar 5123b 618 Brother Willie 37b 12 MILE 58 MILE 58 428 Browntint 38b 69 Beamg Light 49h 514 Aero Jack l05ysb 618 By Me 36h 429 Balcurate 49h 613 Dustraiser l04h 58 Cedar Brand 37b 525Bosmond 52b 612 Orestone l04b 38b 524 Doctor Andy 50b 615Taran 105 b 521 Gambler 37ysb 615 Euterpe 52b Tailspin l06b 69 Hadhamut 38y5b 510Pharam 50 b 34 MILE 110 11051b 528 Halberdine 37ysb 64 Figarose 51b 528 Golden Reigh 116 h 521 Junior Nurse 37y5b 618 Fly Menow 51 b 523 Half Hour 122 b b51b 612 Kentmere Miss 37 b 426 Gay Ten 51b 617 Scarlet Thorn 118 ysb ysb49h 325 Pay in Advce 36h 618Galaman 49h 518 Sis Boom Baa l1723h l1723h53b 63 Quiet Shot 36b 615 Jordan 53b 64 Zodiac n l2235b 524 Rough Cloud 36b 611 Just Lovely 51b 529 Rival Lady 37 b 612 Monogamy 50ysb 51b50ysb 1 MILE 616 Roh Feathers 39 b 69 Fortes Wink 52b 617 Loyal Legion l43h 618 Sis Lea 36 h 613 Parkie 51 b 610 Pictura l5225b 618 Merry Risk 36 h 530 Ragtime Band 49fc 618 Westminster 149 b MONMOUTH PARK Track Muddy Dogs Up 38 MILE 618 Mangohick 615 Sugar Canem 52h 616 Atomic Secret 40 b bBucephalus 618 Puritan 610 Stage Set 50 h Bucephalus 36 h hBedlam 618 Roman Road 66 Shining Eyes 51h Bedlam 39ysb 65 Razzmatazz 615 Sweet Taters 48h 619 Bull Lead 37 h hCasno 617 Stalemate 618 Top Ceiling 55 b Casno 37h 427 Sebdover 616 Wee Clootie 52 h 616 Cold Ray 38 b 49 Sanchu 616 Yavapai 48 h 617 Caifero 36 h 616 Track Talk 58 MILE 59 615 Color Cerrado 36 h 610 Wise Bob 613 Emilie Straus 107 h h616Eddieow 64 Ellens Gift 41b 12 MILE 616Eddieow 108 b b6llFIatbush 618 Expendable 38 b 528 Biolac 6llFIatbush 102 h 616 Flasher 37 h 528 ChancegainDire Chancegain 68 Motie Brand 109 b bMissBayside 618 Full OHope 37h Dire Warden MissBayside 105 h 617 Flash Burn 37h 323 Fanar Grier 6 13 Pollys Delay 107 h 617 Grand Isle 35h 69 Frisky Fire FireHelPlin 34 MILE 110 618 Grand Entry 36 h HelPlin 616 Balu Mike 124 b 612 Graymr Royal 38h 513 HayJay 66 Felt Hat l21b 614 Huachinango 38b 616 Light Ned 614 Hibernian l15lt 610 Holly Ridge 39 b bJay 327 Mountain Lion 513 Six of One 124 b Jay Tee 39b 616 Lucky Ned 1 MILE 523 Light O Frnce 39b 616 Miss Reckless 67 Dawn Can l48h 527 Long Branch 37h 528 No Meg 616 Called l48h 615 Milder 36 h hMesler 528 OGive 616 Linwood Blue 147 h h616Maneen Mesler 39 b 616 Red Ned 616Maneen 147 h NARRAGANSETT PARK Track Muddy 38 MILE 59 River Breeze 40 h Ariel Nymph 1 06 h 529 Bar Dal 39h 39hBearing 69 Seaton Pippin 39 h 53 Beau Sweep 108 b Bearing Clear 3835h 617 Veiled Son 38h 62 Buckie 107 b b614Briggsy 615 Blue Cross 39h 12 MILE 47 614Briggsy 108 b 616 Cram 39h 616 Able Marine 543sh 616 Challge Like 105 li 66 Camp Play 37 h 615 Amlick 53 h 612 Challeport 107 b 617 Celtics 38 h 419 Builder 53Vsh 53VshBraw 615 Darby Devon 1 1022sb 022sb 612 Dont Worry 39h Braw Wynn 54 h 6 15 Gilded Trump 107 b 613 Gee Raf 38h 615 Brookline 54h 616 Gorget 106 h 62 Dolomite 38h 612 Be Proud 55 b bCant 38 Headline 108 b b613HyGay 611 Fashion Plate 38 y5h Cant Toch Me 53 h 613HyGay 107 h 616 Friendly Frank 39h 616 Calydon 55 b 616 Kankeekee 1 08ysb 524 Gladys H 39h 618 Desert Ration 534sh 62 Jinkytown l07b 614 Gay Gino 39h 524 Flos Herbert 53h 421 Licorice 108 b b616Lusmores 518 Golden Scotch 38h 616 Fleet Nurse 54 h 616Lusmores 108 b 616 Illustrious 39h 618 Gallant GI 514 h 617 My Future l06h 64 HerbieG 38 h 613 Hired Man 53 h 6 11 Owlet l08b 47 Honour Studt 39h 615 Hi Gallant 513bh 66 Red Skipper l05h 616 Jaylcee 3945h 611 Halbarail 52 h h228Jimpin 54 Svengali 107 b bStuck 616 Jury Rig 40 h 228Jimpin 51h Stuck Up 107 b 617 Lover 37h 61 JarvisBay 52h 52h330Khabula 34 MILE 110 612 Linwood Harry 38 h 330Khabula 53h 613 Betty Queen 121 h 612 Lumpkin 40h 65 Kentucky Son 53ysh 63 GlenwoodBoy l21h l21h615Minueto 63 Miss Gunner 38h 616 Kandy Cal 53h 615Minueto 117 h 616 Mr Tuck 39h 530 Liquidator 55 b 615 Roman Jobe l17h 616 Miss Sun Beau 39 h 613 Mr McGregor 55 b 63 Sanchilla 120 h 53 MissTess 38ysh 62 Ogham 51 h 619 Sir Kid l20h 612 Miss Julep 38 ysh 59 Signal Point 523sh 1 MILE 137 617 Ninigret 38h 613 Scotch Trap 54 h 615 Chnce Player 146 h 618 Pickpocket 38h 612 Wamego 55 b 613 Dashboard l47h 617 Running Wave 40 h 58 MILE 59 616 Hot Time 150 h OMAHA AkSarBen Track Fast 38 MILE 610 Ernie C 58 MILE 58 526 Checkers 38h 69 Evelyn K KFanny 618 Attorney Joe 1 03 h 610 Midnight Sue 36n Fanny Due 615 Bold Copper 104 b 55 Red Girl 39b 615 Frances Pearl 63 Cinder King l03h 615 Wee Bart 38h 617 Hattie Star StarJoe 615 Dever Miss l02h 12 MILE 47 Joe Marks 617 Diannes Pride 105 b 610 Anna Tino 50h 616 Katerina 617 Gay Muffin 1 04b 614 Bardia 52b 69 Kennys Girl 612 O KDoak l07b 65 Bee Hills 55b 69 Little Lillian LillianLady 615Walkin l04b 616 Baby Topsy 5245b 5245bCountmein Lady Wash 34 MILE 109 Countmein 54b 69 Smart Play 615 Amateur Boy 120 b 617 Dusty Days 50 y5h 321 Thrifty Wash 615 Biloxi Bay 117 h 616 Election Boy 49 h 68 Toi Sweeper 616 Risky Hash 116 li MONDAY JUNE 21 1948 1948ARLINGTON ARLINGTON PARK Track Good 38 MILE 59 Whirl Thru 37b 616 Flower Bed l00h l00h36b 619 Back Home 36b Wright Angle 34h Hasty Sun 103 b 613 Curtain Bow 37 b 12 MILE 614 Jacks Jill l00h l00h35h 617 Compelling 35h 618Alpho 47 h 61 IK High Proof 102 g g36b 614 Casey Jones 36b 612Chicalmo 49b 617 Loving Ties 104 b b37Vshg 612 Easy Out 37Vshg 617 Four Seasons 48h 614 Navy Cross l00hg l00hg354sh 612 Ellie S 354sh 616 Fightg Frank 51b Star Baby l02b l02b38b 615 Flower Box 38b 618 Fine Fettle 5k b 616 The Fat Lady 101 b b35b 619 Fawna 35b 619 Flying Disc 49 hg 68 Twirl Girl l03h 518 Good Ending 36 b 618 High Shine 50 b 530 Whirl Right l01b l01b37b 617 Gay Secret 37b 610 Lovely Nymph 49b 619 Yes You 103 b 522 Hook Up 38 b 616 Miss Servant 50 hg 34 MILE 109 618 Itsabet 36 b 618 Precession 48b Calambour l15b 6181 Suppose 38 b 610 Spy Song 47b Dame Damion 116 b b36b 616 Jacks Creek 36b 69 Shaws Pride 492 b 618 Four Winds l19b 618Marse Robert 35 h 616 Whirling Girl 4G fb 616 Gal Nettie l15b 618 Our Snick 36 b 619 Whirl Blast 48 h 616Hinkston 114 h 610 Please Do DoPelt 36 b 618Yesme 50 b 617 Isa 114 h h38Jsb Pelt 38Jsb 58 MILE 58 617 Icky 114 h 611 Quixie 35 h 619 Atom Busier 58h 616Mogador 115 b 520 Risk a Whirl 35 b 619 Airy 103 b 611 Pussy Willow 115 b b35b 618 September 35b 56 Bogle 102 b 616Rockabye 115 b 619 Torchator 34 li 619 Blue Dell 102 b Silvery Moon l14h l14h36b 68 Vinita Rev 36b 619 Billy Bumps l00h 620 Snifter 114 h h35h 618 Whl Columbia 35h 613 Battle Clamp l04J5b 616 Tia Juanita 114 hg hg34ysh 610Woodford Sir 34ysh 616 Bea Right 101 b 66 Tiger Tom l13li l13li34h 65 Wildecstacy 34h Demure l01b 1 MILE 134 13436Vshg 618 Whirler 36Vshg 619 Faultless l05b 621 Oaf 143 h ARLINGTON PARK Track Fast FastTRAINING TRAINING TRACK 38 MILE 611 Thnk You Sir 34h 614 Red Ginger 105 b 616 Asterbill 12 MILE 612 Robins Pet l04b l04b530Scapagal 521 Bobs Pal 529 Brown Dame 494sb 530Scapagal l03J5h 617 Badly Broke 617 Hypothesis 50y5h 50y5h616Jstg 613 Sly Tigress l06b 614 Chicle Red 616Jstg Match 53 b b616Kendor 34 MILE 613 High Mayer 616Kendor 51b 6 12 Bill Twig 117 b 619 Idle Prattle 616 Little Noble 49 h 615 Billcella l15h 521 Iron City 610 Miss Sal K 49b 610 Miss Sonia l16h 618 Kibbitz 611 Petes Kid 52 b 616 Miss Show Mel16b 615 Kings Weapn WeapnLerners 618 Play Sure 51b 6 16 Moon Bim 113 h Lerners Girl 616 Sir Date 52 b 620 Spring Gal l15b 615 Leamour 531 Sweepgold 52ysb 617 Wee Mistress 114 h 614 Lucky Run 78 MILE 617Nipigon 58 MILE 617 Jay Forst 127 h 616 Nola 69 Arkansas l02b 428 Single Ace 134 h 618 Over Night 618 Bold Lady l06b 615 On the Eye 611 Jacks Town l04b 1 MILE 520 Paprika 616 Mint Quest 104 b 616 Magic Reward l50b 618 Scholar Time 615 Marriage l092sb 616 Royal Chap 1 46 y5b 614 Sky Manager 618 One Hook l04h 68 Sir Blasker 145 h 612 Trymenow 615 Proud Jack 1 06 ysb 615 Stefan lA6 DETROIT Track Slow 38 MILE 611 Potsey 58 MILE 58 619 Boots Lady 612 Porthos 611 Born to Win 104 h 531 Connies Boy 62 Romany Ann 614 BurningChlps 106 b 618 Crack Reward 6 16 River Blond 616 Coo Case 109 b 310 Calm Port 68 Skipper Hay 617 Chnce OPlay l03h l03h519Ekard 612 Doc Stearn 68 Star Bright 519Ekard 105 b 615 Donero 618 Speedy Baby 69 Golden Airs 105 b 611 Ephemeral 618 Sweep Swinger 613 Jet Propelled 1 04h 619 Earl V Z 618 Try Ike 617 Jessica B 105 b 611 Four Pets 65 Tree Tot 611 Mr Biddoo l03h 614 Fredonyer Pass 618 Union Joe 619 My Empire 104 h 64 GillBlitzen 67 Watch Susan 616 Royal Sir l05b 610 Happy Doe DoeJust 12 MILE 616 Sky Fancy 104 h Just Made It 618 Air Sailor 611 Small Stuff 107 b 616 Jerry M 319 Astify 511 Vigilante 103 h 616 Making Merry 617 Agents Girl 34 MILE 109 617 Montes Pride 616 Bonnie Foi 68 King Gail l1835b 614 Marbacka 617 Dame dHonnr 615 Mens Boy 118 b 615 Mirosie 615 Fast Tempo 65 MissBusybee 124 b 613 Nuneral 612 Gregalach 615 Tidy Bid 118 b 529 New Face 616 Happy Pat 618 O K Ruby 428 Keener 1 MILE 137 616 Pennant o War 617 Safety Lock 641 Grenouille 152 b 618 Pegasus 611 Spirits High 521 Samies Image 146 h 619 Petaluna 615 Willegivit 618 Sky Train 155 b AQUEDUCT Track Fast Fast618Belford 38 MILE 618Belford 53 b 610MyMalcha 105 b b38b 617 Alert Sun 38b 618Banovina 49h 616 Our Candidate 105 bg 618 Evelyn B 40 b Fighting Gipsy 51 b 618 Rmbling Jane 106 b b37h 617 Little Minn 37h 617Ginjo 51 b 618 Sirlette l03h l03h36h 615 Laurel Road 36h 612 Myrmidon 49 h 618 Sea Wolf 103 h 524 Miskke 40 b 617 Nomonvar 50 b 34 MILE 110 618 Pencell 37h 67 Pounditout 49h 617 Fighting Bull 120 b 530 Raking 38 b 618 Pail of Water 49 h 615 Flight Nurse 118 b 617 Sinaid 40 b 618 Pompous 50 b 6181IybIaze 115 h 617 Sidell SidellWillow 40 b 616 Tell Me How 51 b 78 MILE 122 Willow Run 36h 617Wexford 49 h 613 Caliper 133 b 616 Wdow Shoppr 58 MILE 59 12 MILE 615 Darby Dingbat 1 08 b 67 Alonary 52 b 620 Flying Tartar 105 b 61 Warrenton 146 h BELMONT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 617 Big Days Days38h 51h 617 Gay Song l02hg 61 2 Abstract AbstractAvana 38h 611 Cougar Cougar35h 50 h 618 Havahome 108 b b485h Avana 35h 617 Curandero 485h 618 Keep Watch 102 h h50h 619 Boom Deay 40 b 619 Calcimine 50h 618 Lord Grillo l02h l02h49Vjh 611 Borachita 38 h 618 Dint Dint37y5h 49Vjh 618 Quibble 102 h h52h 616 Big Dial 37y5h 617 Entrust 52h 615 Pedro l02h l02h50h 617 Court Jester 36 hg 618 Energetic 50h 617 Stone Age l03h l03h484fch 615 Caltha 40 b 618 Friar Teddy 484fch 615 Show Time l07b 617 Cossack 38 h 66 Fire Point Point36h 50 h 618 Tex Martin l02h l02h50h 618 Dark Glasses 36h 616 Gasparilla 50h 610 Vaudeville l07b 62 Escondrijo 615 High Bracket 50 h 612 Witches Chce l07b 64 Gunnery Gal 38h 619 Hals Pal 4835h 618 Witch Hunt l02h 612 Hedgewood 37 h 618 Loot 49 h 34 MILE 110 69 Indian Call 36 hg 69 Merry Old Soul 49ysh 615 Adlibit 122 h 65 I Challenge 37 hg 613 Mossy Face 52h 616 Big Stage Stage49h l16h 410 Joe Val 35hg Moose River 49h 618 Best Hand l1645h 612 Lucky Player PlayerKullua 37 hg 618 Neutral 50 ah 618 Better Self l18h Kullua KulluaKing 37 hg 617 Matinee Matinee39h 49 hg 618 Bill Rose Rose49h l16h King Size 39h 618 Park Pigeon 49h 619 Dr Roach Roach49h l16h 617 Mess Cook 38 h 620 Piexoto 49h 618 Eagle Eye 115 h 62 Minnora 40 h 618 Reynard 50h Espingo 115 h 612 Mail Frm Hoe 36h 69 Reconnaisnce 49 hg Fire Quest 125 I 618 New Hope Summertime 484sh 619 Gunboat 118 h 420 Quack Quack 40 b 69 Social Hour 49h 618 Illseeyou l16h l16h5QV5l 618 Royal Blood 36 hg 615 Safe Arrival 5QV5l 618 Master Mind 114 h hASVsli 612 Reigh Orphan 37h 620 Swap Out ASVsli 616 Newspaper 114 h h49h 617 Readiness 36h 618 Solid Trick 49h 610 Oratorio v l174 h h50h 615 Requiet 36h 618 Tit Willow 50h 620 Taddleduck l13h l13h49h 618 Succession 36h 615 The Street 49h 618Ringador l16h l16h5135h 615 Scorching 39 b 611 Toe To Toe 5135h 618 Stemers Run l17h l17h49y5h 611 Tampero 39h 618 Tocada 49y5h 613 Undercut l15h l15h51h 68 Tall Weeds 36J5hg 618Telepaga 51h 618 Vamp l16h 618 Top Pilot 36 hg 620 Tides Rip 4925h 4925h38h 616 Three Rivers 38h 58 MILE 585 1 MILE 134 617 Whattamiss WhattamissWarners 37 hg 620 Brisket l00h 618 Lucky Draw 141 h Warners 38b 618 Doubtless 104 h 619 Newsweekly 140 h 12 MILE 618 Dubious 101 h 618PerftBahrm l42hg 619 Aura Lee 50h 6 10 Eternal Ego 104 h 616 Silver Skipper l42hg l42hgTRAINING TRAINING TRACK 38 MILE 618 Big Stage 52b 58 MILE 614 Arise 38 b 621 Brother Ed 52b 62 Algasir l04b 614 Bonnie Sandra 38 b 619 Cheesestraw 48 h Memory Echo l03h 617 Dinner Gong 39 b 618 Cannoneer 504sh 616 The Muffin l05b l05b37h 617 Donnerdor 37h 614 Challedonia 49h 34 MILE 610 Dauntless Bo BoFogarty 38 b 620 Clarence 50 hg 615AIabIue l15h Fogarty Fegan 38 b 616 Dark Favorita 50 h 616 Bellesouer 119 b 618 Error 38b 613 Escarp 50 h 618 Cork Tip l18b 611 Foolish Devil 37 h 618 Ghost Run 48h 618 Crystal Boot l17b 618 Foray Vina 36 h 618 Holly Crest 52 b 616 Carolyn A l1635b 68 Gallorette 375h 614 Highld Buzzer 5035h 617 Cable 117 b 612 Hi Bunty 38 b 620 Jordan 50 h 618 Dusty Legs l17b 619 Inheritance 37 h 614 Mahlima Mahlima3725h 51 b 617 Marine Chger 117 b b49h 618 Jungle Feast 3725h 618 Peridot 49h 618 Pick Me Up 116 b 612 Mr Pickwick 39 b 618 Plunder 49 h 615 Tallyman 121 b 615 Our Arms 39 b 51 Quite Quite37h 54 b 78 MILE MILE52b 528 Prompter 37h 616 Rat Tat Tat37h 52b 617MountMarcy 131 b b52b 68 Quite Alone 37h 617 Repeater 52b 1 MILE 618 Tintalegation 37 J5h 615 Some Ending Ending37h 51 b 620 Casa Camara l46J b b52b 612 Veiling 37h 616 Shifting 52b 525 Eastonian 147 b 12 MILE 6 12 Scare Play Play49h 55 b 618Khardar 147 I 617 Bill Cogswell 49h 610 Top Knot 54 b 54 Sir Harry 153 b brack DELAWARE PARK Track rack Muddy Muddy38b 38 MILE 610 White Hawk 38b 58 MILE 59 612 Counter Plot 39 b 12 MILE MILE37bg 612 Betty OHern 107 b b52b 611 Cinch 37bg 612 Anna Christie 52b 612 Crackerjack l043sh l043sh48f 529 Cochise 38 b 615 Black Gang 48f h 614 Hearth Mouse l07b l07b52ysb 614 Dueler 38 b 618 Hold Tight 52ysb 615 Old School l06b l06b52b 613 Easy Homer 38b 528 Little Tony 52b 613 Our Louise 106 b b50b 610 Good Pick 37hg 612Marcoin 50b 528 Peace of Mind l03h 611 Gallant Spar SparGay 37h 618 No Bull 49 b 618 Sagittarius 104 b b49h Gay Patty 3725n 64 Noble Impulse 49h 520 Sweet Marion l03h l03h50b 611 Helenchen 38b 62 Princess Irene 50b 620 Sis Lea 103 b b5025b 58 Hypertension 39 b 612 Parliament 5025b 615 Twenty Nine l07b 616 King Chatter 37b 618 Quick Cure 52 b 618 Young Turk 104 b b5QV5b 615 No Warning 38J5b 615 Right Answer 5QV5b 34 MILE 110 620 Stemmers Run 37 h 65 Skydue 53 b 69 Art Rice 123 b b5025b 529 Shelley B 395b 617 Sailing On 5025b 68 Bellclapper 122 b 614 Send Off 37b 65 Sunbud 50 b 617 Chanteuse 121 J5b J5b5325b 617 Sandglass 3825b 612 The Orphan 5325b 616 Junior Four l17h 68 Smajor 37b 617 You Must 51 b 531 Lieut Well l22b 68 White Face 37 b 615 Scotch Daisy 50 b 618 Natchez 121 J5b JAMAICA Trcck Good 38 MILE 615 Greek Hero 50b 618 Contrasail l04b 618 Blen Shot 613 Haile 51 b 616 Gary Leslie 1 0325bg 68 Bunty Jewell 612 Indefensa 50 b 615 Joans Robin 1 03b 618 Croupier 616 My Discovery 51b 617Jhansi l04b l04b618Pheecia 610 Luk OSullivan 610 Mr D 51 b 618Pheecia l04b 614 Persian Flight 615 Nifty 51b 615 Rusian Ation l0435b 612 Sambet 618 Our Tommy 54 b 614 Stymie l01b 618 Sweet Pegotty 618 Sweet Words 53b 617 Saggy l00h 613 Turf Bar 618 Sir Stevens 54b 34 MILE 110 617 Uncle Edgar 613 Stark Mad 5125b 616 Bay Magic 1 20b 12 MILE 521 Twin Rocks 54b 54b6llVentolino 65 Little Gaucho l17b 613 Army March 6llVentolino 5035b Mike Dave l20b 616 Boston Babette BabetteBold 617 Zacaripper 50b 61 PotLikker 120 b Bold Salute 58 MILE 58 615 Red Flare 120 b 69 BampasGirl 617 Around Town l03b 615 Shifty Mae 119 b 614 Charmante 612 Broadalbin 1 03b 1 MILE 138 1614 ChalJay 619 Bittys Fleet 104 b 611 Little Rip 147 b NARRAGANSETT PARK Track Good 38 MILE 614 Forum 50 h Invitation 105 1 614 Bras Teddy 37J5h Invitation37J5h 617Ginoca 54 b 66 Insolate l04h 68 Blob Del 37 h 613 Grand Prospct 55 b 618 Kewey Dee l02h 618 Bossy Betty 37Jshg Dee37Jshg 614 Garden Pot 52 h 615Kingrosa 103 h 615Kingrosa36h 616 Creole Babe 36h 327 Hyno 51 h 612 Little Renr Renny 107 b 610 Castle Over OverChance 38 h 327Hyhustle 51 h 69 Little Bobb Bobby 105 b Chance Brace 37 h 614Heyorta 51 h 69 Lenwell l04h l04h5135h 615 Diego Red 38 h 617 Hard Cracker 51h Libeb l0425hg 616 Due Sport 40 b 612 Joshua 49h 615 Mister Chat 103 h 528 Don Miller 37 h JosiesPal 5225h 614 My Butterfly 106 b b38h 524 EllenValjean 38h 611 Lady Cavite 53 b 610 One Only 103 h 615 Elk Hills 39h h39h 521Marquest 51 h 612 One Blend 105 b 64 Golden Thorn 37h 618Nariah 50 h 614 Private Howie l05b 615 Glorys Chance gsh 525 Ned Canron 50h 618 Petey Cotter l03h 610 Garden Cloud 3725h l03h3725h 616 Perogative 52h 617Pompagle 103 h 612 Hasty Scout 38 h Player Lee 53 5b 617 Run Lady 107 b 612 Kandy Comf t 37 h 616 Plenty Action 53b 616 Rosemere Dee 103 h 617 Kentucky Red 38hg h38hg 612Paragram 54b 614Risabule 103 h 613 Lostahat 39 h 69 Peg Ann 50 h 615 Royal Scot 106 b 618 Leo One 38h 616 Rough News 53 b 616Sunawana 104 h 615 Magic Heels HeelsMug 40 b 429 Rampage 51h 510 Sea Victory l05h Mug 37 h 616 Rough Shower 51 h 65 SpoutgRock l04h 616 No Foray 37 h 619 Staging 50 h 615 Two Day Air l03h 613 Range Rate 31 h 610 San Justo 53b 615 Unequaled 105 b 612 Ships Captain 38 h 511 Sanscripto 53b 615 Yankee Dollar l05b 616 Streak of Dwn 37 hg 520 Small Patch 52 h 34 MILE 110 V 617 Spode 37h V37h 616 Stepastit 49h 618 Apropiado 119 h 616 Skyeagle 37h h37h 612 Service Bound 52h 620 Ariel Nymph l18h 617 Soverton 40 b 617Streath 52h 619 Contradictory 119 h 67 Sweet Guy 37hg h37hg 616 Tintawhile 53b 612Freeland 124 b 614 Speedee Bozo 37 h 616 Valda Greedy 50h 617 Fearless Ken l17h 612 Super Girl 37hg l17h37hg 612 Westfield 53b 530Hogan 122 b 618 Texas Score 38V5h b38V5h 58 MILE 59 62 Irish Count 120 h 614 Titian Beauty 37h h37h 62 Artena 104 h 617 Jack Madigan l18h 68 Tascosa 38h l18h38h 529 August 106 b 617 Mixer 116 hg 611 Time Roll 37h hg37h 616 Aircraft 105 b 617Noahvale 119 h 530 Vegas Wheel 37h h37h 612 Billy Perry 105 b 618 Oidenasai 116 h hs 12 MILE 47 s 618 Block Buster l04h 616 Peacemaker 122 b 619 Abim 53 b 615 Beautiful Ann l03hg 618 Plucky Teddy 117 h 618 Brave Bid 52 h 616 Copa Crest 106 b 616Redgie 118 h 612 Big Party 51 h 69 Czech Lass l05b 617 Speedy Girl l18h 68 Broad Gift 49 hg Cafreria 104 hg 616 Syrian Boy 121 h 618 Bourbon Flier 51h h51h 63 David T 103 hg 611 Still Life 121 h 613 Gee Style 53 b 617 Leap Yr Lass 106 b 616 Valdina Math 118 h 65 Cravache 52h h52h 31 ElPolvoso 105 bg 617Valerate 123 b 615 Cynthias Girl 50 hg 331 Foxy Poise 106 b 613 Winter Rules 118 h 618 Countershock 502shg 615 Fittobetied 104 hg 1 MILE 137 612 Diana T 51 h 618 Gunning Isld 104 h 611 Barnacle 149 h 524 Eternal May 53b h53b 615 HyCharlie 103 h 68 Cellophanll l48h 521 First Mate 51 h 616 HoneyBlesd 106 b 616 Park Heights l46h MONMOUTH PARK Track Good 38 MILE MILEAgura 612Erigeron 49 h 616 Mother 105 b Agura 38 b 610Edable 50 h 620 Miss Bayside l03hg 68 Bow Street 37 h Fifty Five 54 b 619 Protector 102 hg 619Bobolina 38 b 616 Glorious Witch 52hg 57 Pelops 109 I 610 Blunderbuss 38 b 618 Hedgethorn 52 b 64 Symbol 105 612 Best Go 38 b Hypomene 50 b 620 Stage Set l08b 620 Brown Mogul MogulChina 36 h 618 Islams Island 49 h 616 Sir Imp 105 b China Colleen 38Vsb Imp38Vsb 614Ima Pearl 53 h 610 Sun Theen Theen36h 103 hg 619 Chief Adviser 36h 617 Little Hatchet 51 b 611 Sure Fire 62 Court Ace 40 b 61 Larry D 51h 618 Vogts First 104 gh 618 Gal Ann 37h gh37h 618 Miss Evidence 5035h 34 MILE 110 615 Great Fun 39 b 618 Opening Day 49h 611 Artist Life 117 b 610 Hard Blast 36h 65 Plain Pomp 5035h 531 Better Value l14h 615 Islam Prince 39 b 610 Ringmaster 53 b 616 Best Giant 115 hg 619 Mad Past 39b hg39b 612 Roseborough 54 b 61 Cherry Soda 121 b 611 Nobody 38 b 63 Roman Holidy 54b 618 Capt Dorsett l18h 611 Phantom Fleet FleetPennace 36 h 615 Reade Castle 52 h 616 Flying Missile 119 b Pennace 38J hg 618Reighway 49 hg 66 Green Bowler l17h 64 Roaming Fleet 38 hg 618 Skeleton 48h 619 Gray Warrior l20b l20b36h 612 Speed Bird BirdSea 36h 69 Suffazon 50hg 617 Khyber Pass l15h Sea Lore 37 hg 619 Valley K 52h 616Mesmer l18h 68 Superba 36 h 64 Valdmara 52h 615 Poi 119 b 613 Wee Singer 36 h 69 Wrightstown 49h 620 Wee Clootie l20b 530 Yazdegerd 39 b 610 Wianno Lad 52 b 1 MILE 12 MILE 69 Weepg Willow 50 h 615 Basis l57b l57b50h 610 Aboko 50h 58 MILE 59 Cross Country 154 b 616 Accipter 49 hg 618 Bari 106 Vsh 615 Free Lance 147 h h493shg 618 Beggars Last 493shg 610 Eiarney l05h 616Galacry 154 b b50hg 618 Cao Jr 50hg 614Chongita 106 b Jackamine l47h 69 Copper Hill 50 h 611 Cheesestraw 108 b 611 Lucky Year 145 J5h 611 Dynamic Jack 51h 616Fagrace 1 06h 611 Riar Black 145 h 616 David F 49h 65 Hullabaloo l03h 6llTutelo 147 b 611 End of Strife 51 b 611 Lucullus l05h 615 Voltaire 149 b OMAHA AkSarBen Track Muddy 38 MILE 615 Sphalerite 40 b 58 MILE 58 63 Als Bourbon 39b 617 Vain Seven 42b 616 Ali Mond 111 b 616 Border Vintage 37h 616 Valdina Sun 41 b 617 Gold Meeting l07b 610 Brown Gown 38h 12 MILE 474 615 Miss Letitia l07b 618 Denzlow Boy 38h 611 All Crystal 52b 34 MILE 109 1095225b 616 Hollybon 41 b 618 BecktonReiver 5225b 616 Palmerdale 124 b b52h 616 Kitty Blue 41 b 611 Dark Peace 52h 615 Phtom Town 125 b b5225h 67 Miss Duncan 39b 617 Ferma 5225h 618 Victory Fleet 124 b 612 Miss Rogers 42b 42bModern 67 Jugos Check 54 b b545b Modern Design 40 b 526 Lucky Wise 545b 1 MILE 137 13752h 619 Silver Quest 40b 62 Wet Wash 52h 616 Fog 152

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1948062201_50_1
Library of Congress Record: