untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1948-06-22


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AUtRICAS 1VRF AVJHOHin FOUNDED IN 1894 Official Newspaper of the National Association ef StataRacing Commissioner Published daily except Sunday by TltlAXGLE PUBLICATIONS Inc DAILY RACING FORM FORMJ J Samuel Perlraan General Manager ManagerLincoln Lincoln G Plaut Director Field Opera MODI MODIDan Dan Lyons EditorinChief ASSOCIATED PAPERS 131 Plymouth Court Chicago 6 Illinois a Vet 2 Hb Street New York I New Vork 1340 N Vermont Avenue lx Anklet L7 Calif CalifrO rO Richmond St East Toronto 1 Ont Canada 12 Cnlhoun Avenue Houston 3 Teiac 4133 University Way Seattle 6 Washington WashingtonlM lM N V Miami Court Miami 37 Florida FloridaKENTUCKY KENTUCKY BUUEAD rJO Hernahdo Building Lexington Kentnrkj I the pott office it Cbica co 111 under the Ari of March 3 1879 Memhcr of Audit Bureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES RATESFor For On Month Period Consisting ot 1fl Issues Xpecial IMivery Chicago Country Clilcaso Country Area Area AreaSecond Area Area Second Class C50 010 1000 1350 First Class 1100 1300 1340 1800 Air Mail 1SCO 2000 Newstand and back number single ropy price ID Chicago and environs 25 cents Elsewhere 35 cents Address all communications makr sll remit ¬ tances snd send all manuscripts to toDAILY DAILY RACINC FORM 131 Plymouth Court Cbliixo 0 111 111Telephone Telephone WAlinah MKO ilerberl 8 Kamln Bnsinegx Manager Chart number of firxt r n in 1DIR wa 42528

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1948062201/drf1948062201_2_4
Local Identifier: drf1948062201_2_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800